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Overwatch |OT2| A New Low in Unlocking and Microtransaction Systems

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Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
That Pharah and Zenyatta skin were my first two actually, which I'm super happy about.

Currently have those, the Roadhog Mako skin, Soldier Stuntdevil, Zarya Arctic, and Bastion Steambot.

How many years did Crowley give you?
So glad I fell into the hype and bought this game on Impulse launch day. Soooo much fucking fun I love it. Finally hit Level 20. Finally feel like I got a really good feel for the game, I'm doing better every match and it's so much damn fun.


So far I've gotten... 3 Legendaries? One for the girl Sniper, one for the Egyptian goddess or whatever, and one for the Scientist Gorilla. Holding out for me getting items for a character I actually play. :(
Having a hard time with the difficulty progression. Boring stomps of the AI on medium, uncoordinated messes getting stomped by AI on hard, and doing brawls a bit this evening getting stomped continuously until I switched to rocket jump spamming as Pharah to almost win a defend on Hollywood. Really hard to figure out what's going wrong when things are so lopsided. MOBAs "read" so much more clearly in terms of understanding how strategies are executed and unfold, at least for me.
So glad I fell into the hype and bought this game on Impulse launch day. Soooo much fucking fun I love it. Finally hit Level 20. Finally feel like I got a really good feel for the game, I'm doing better every match and it's so much damn fun.

So far I've gotten... 3 Legendaries? One for the girl Sniper, one for the Egyptian goddess or whatever, and one for the Gorilla. Holding out for me getting items for a character I actually play. :(
He's a scientist


Pharrah is so fun to play but I always get like 5 eliminations compared to the 20+ I would get with my other favs, so I end up feeling guilty for not contributing :/


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Having a hard time with the difficulty progression. Boring stomps of the AI on medium, uncoordinated messes getting stomped by AI on hard, and doing brawls a bit this evening getting stomped continuously until I switched to rocket jump spamming as Pharah to almost win a defend on Hollywood. Really hard to figure out what's going wrong when things are so lopsided. MOBAs "read" so much more clearly in terms of understanding how strategies are executed and unfold, at least for me.

You are playing every mode except the one you should be playing (quick match)

In case this hasn't been posted already, Hanzo's play of the game:


Actually just lost it. Its a good thing im alone at work.


Pharrah is so fun to play but I always get like 5 eliminations compared to the 20+ I would get with my other favs, so I end up feeling guilty for not contributing :/

Are you distracting enemies at least? Try to also use her concussion blast. I've knocked a few people off edges with it to clear the point


So few people use mics on PS4 that I haven't.

I had one guy that kept cursing "that fucking bitch" (Tracer) but that was as bad as it has gotten.

Lol that HAD to be me. I always curse good Tracer players cause they rule over Zenyatta and Tor, my two most played characters.
I notice that the higher the level people are (lvl 35+), the more stubborn they tend to be in playing favorites. Always pick one character regardless of attack/defend, paying no attention to team makeup or the screen going "hey we have too many of your character type". If someone else picks that same character they go duplicate and never change.

WTF guys, this isn't a fighting game. There are no "mains", you're supposed to change your hero on attack/defend/game type/how the match is playing out. I wouldn't expect that from people with high exp levels.


I was so wrong about Mei. I got her Firefighter skin in a loot crate so I thought I'd give her another shot. She's amazing.

Mei is definitely bae.


I actually got a message from someone on the opposite team giving me props for my last minute desperation play as Reinhardt to save the game. Killed 2 people and had the Mercy extremely low but I couldn't kill her before she rezzed everyone I killed.
I still blame that fucking Hanzo for shooting at the opposition Reinhardt's shield the whole time instead of actually contributing.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Anyone else playing with Dolby Atmos? all you need is a stereo headset and enable it in the sound options.

The sound is so much better, it's amazing.
So glad I fell into the hype and bought this game on Impulse launch day. Soooo much fucking fun I love it. Finally hit Level 20. Finally feel like I got a really good feel for the game, I'm doing better every match and it's so much damn fun.

So far I've gotten... 3 Legendaries? One for the girl Sniper, one for the Egyptian goddess or whatever, and one for the Scientist Gorilla. Holding out for me getting items for a character I actually play. :(

You are missing out on so much.....


Pharrah is so fun to play but I always get like 5 eliminations compared to the 20+ I would get with my other favs, so I end up feeling guilty for not contributing :/
Keep at it man, it takes a little work because of the heroes that are popular and strong, but its worth it. I suggest focusing mercy and widowmaker. Play her like a flanker by going around the enemy team and you might see more success.

Widowmaker can make games hard for you if you ignore her, but you should look at it as an opportunity to focus her. Your vertical maneuverability is better than anyone elses, so take advantage of that and ruin her day.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
So glad I fell into the hype and bought this game on Impulse launch day. Soooo much fucking fun I love it. Finally hit Level 20. Finally feel like I got a really good feel for the game, I'm doing better every match and it's so much damn fun.

So far I've gotten... 3 Legendaries? One for the girl Sniper, one for the Egyptian goddess or whatever, and one for the Scientist Gorilla. Holding out for me getting items for a character I actually play. :(

At least try someone else :(


I notice that the higher the level people are (lvl 35+), the more stubborn they tend to be in playing favorites. Always pick one character regardless of attack/defend, paying no attention to team makeup or the screen going "hey we have too many of your character type". If someone else picks that same character they go duplicate and never change.

WTF guys, this isn't a fighting game. There are no "mains", you're supposed to change your hero on attack/defend/game type/how the match is playing out. I wouldn't expect that from people with high exp levels.

They've had more time in which to develop bad habits.
Who's a hard counter for Pharah?

Pretty much just Widowmaker, or Genji, with enough practice. Nobody else really has the combination of mobility + range to take full advantage of her primary weakness (visibility). Everybody else just can't keep up with her or can't touch her.


Snipers own her if she boosts up to do her Ult, which most people who don't know any better always do. I'm not sure I've heard her finish her audio cue when she starts her Ult more than a couple times.

Yeah, if there is a decent sniper on the enemy team you have to use your boost with extreme prejudice. You're an easy target while you're floating. On ground, it is harder to say. Anyone with decent close range damage is a threat but if you've got good rocket aim you can concussion blast them away and rocket them to death.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
If it makes you feel better I got nothing but complete trash until I was like 20 something then I got a bunch pretty close together.

I'm 31 with one legendary skin I'll never use, my luck is getting almost comical.
Does that cancel her ult or does she just come down and fill you with missles?

It does :/

It's kinda too easy to cancel out her ult atm, honestly. It's not so overwhelmingly powerful that it needs to be THAT easy to interrupt. Roadhog, D. Va, anybody who can reach her with a stun or a bump, and her ult is gone and she's back down to 0. Could stand a buff, tbh.
I really, truly wish I could play more of the King of the hill type game mode more often, whatever it's called. The payload/escort games can be fun too, but I prefer the former to them.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Its super satisfying to kill someone starting up a ult with Hanzo (and I assume Widow).


Me: No *sniped


It cancels it out. its great and she is super vulnerable during it

Good to know. I stopped using her Ult in the air early on anyway, though. I like to wait for a Widow or Hanzo to pop infra and surprise enemies rounding corners with it. Justice from above is just death from below most of the time hehe.
Justice often doesn't rain from above when I'm parked in turret mode as Bastion in a corner, eliminating Pharah out of the sky. Hehehehe
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