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Pachter: Multiplayer Causing Retail Sales Decline, Wii/DS Software Decline Remarkable


I definitely think bundling Wii Sports Resort is hurting additional software sales.
The presence of both Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort eliminates the need for additional sports-themed games (usually of lesser quality).
It's also notable that Wii Sports Resort, just last month, was among the top selling titles.
bearcatjosh said:
Alan Wake (perhaps this would have done better as a smaller disc game priced at $30 with a few extra DLC episodes.)

Blur (new IP in a crowded racing game release schedule) The same could be said for Split/Second as well.

Sin & Punishment 2 - This is an awesome game, but it's going go bomb. Maybe a $30 price tag (and some tv ads) would have changed that in a big way.

The list could go on, but I will stop there for now.

lol, well for Split/Second sake, Amazon had been selling it for awhile at only 49.99 after its release. I thought it was worth it for full price since it took 35+ hours to get a platinum on it and offered some multiplayer.

Sin & Punishment 2- the genre its in is one in which games like that should never be sold for full price. It doesnt offer online multiplayer, online leaderboards will only make someone want to play for oh so long, and the local multiplayer support is generally lacking. Maybe at 34.99 it would place in this months charts and so on, but for a long period of time, lol, like other First Party Nintendo titles I dont see it happening.


No additional functions
I blame the decline on the lack of variety. There are too many "me too" games out there. In other words, someone makes a game like Call of Duty and everyone tries to copy it. That's not only regard to multiplayer either. As someone not into online gaming, I understand there are a lot of people taking advantage of that. I can see why a company would want to charge you for it, especially if software sales are going down.

There are also a lot of people who replay games multiple times though. Perhaps there's something being offered in a few original titles that people are willing to go back and visit multiple times to play. That's the reason experimenting around will bring in larger sales and more players. People are willing to buy one good game (NSMB, Mario Kart, etc.) and play it over and over again than buy a half baked spin off or clone. That's the reason Nintendo keeps their prices so high for so long. They know they still offer the most unique experiences for the most part.

This brings up concerns of third party support (both from a production and consumption point of view) performing better on PS3 & 360. For this I don't blame it on gameplay or the lack of third parties trying although it's clear they were caught off guard by the Wii's success. I blame it on Wii being underpowered graphically. It really is time for an upgrade. The same thing goes with the DS. It's been a great system, but people are ready for something new. Nintendo just needs to get all the features right on designing their next system and it will be a success. It looks like they're right on the money with the 3DS and gamers can't wait for it. The momentum has shifted and third parties are ready to support it now. This is a similar situation as when the PS2 was released.

There's one last contributing factor to Mr. Pachter's analysis. It's summer time and people historically tend to play less games. Lately however, publishers have been trying to release games outside of the normal fall/winter/holiday season where the peak of sales are and off set them in the summer hoping to pick up sales when there is less competition. The thing is, there is also less demand at this time of year. In summary, I conclude that the game industry is very healthy and that when companies and games succeed or fail, it's part of the normal cycle of the market correcting itself. If a game truly is unique it will perform well and have the legs to continue to sell if released outside that peak season. It just has to be able to stand out from the crowd enough as a great game.
I find myself ignoring multiplayer in many games due to the fact that there are so many great single player experiences coming out every year. I would welcome monetizing multiplayer IF the price of the singleplayer portion is reduced to $40. That being said, if you are a gamer who only plays half a dozen or less games per year, this would probably piss you off.


Opiate said:
I'm surprised how little discussion there is of the Wii/DS in this thread: the Wii and DS are the obvious offenders here, with (what appears to be) persistent and rather rapid downward trends in software.

I've yet to see any real evidence that the PS3/360 are seeing software declines. I'm not saying that such evidence doesn't exist, mind you: I'm suggesting that it isn't apparent. What is apparent, however, is that the Wii is seeing a very rapid decline, particularly for a leading console.

I think we're reaching a point where the notion of the PS3 and 360 significantly outlasting the Wii -- despite their relative lack of success -- may be likely. Either 1) The Wii is a normal console experiencing a traditional 5 year console lifespan, which means the PS3/360 are freak systems that continue to sell strongly well past the 5 year barrier, or 2) The PS3/360 are normal systems, and the Wii is a short lived system that dies off rapidly.

I don't really care which way you put it, but the evidence that we're seeing one of those two situations is mounting.

It can't be number 2. It's not so much about the Wii as it is the industries general lack of understanding the game market anymore. It's like the fanboys are now working in the industry. Dudebro HD or bust.

Wii has sold more than both the ps3/360 combined. If developers were really about following the market, even if they figured Nintendo DOA, they would have refocused effort to making great Wii games. I know Sony fans will disagree but if this were 2 generations ago or even last gen, the PS3 would be dead by now. - It's current resurgence would'nt have a chance etc. The focus a few years back, based on sales, should have aligned to 360/Wii. If Wii was a bomb it would have been booted out in the first year.

When the industry is full of mostly fanboys, making "safe" games, catering to a shrinking "loud minority" market -- said industry is going to decline. So, let it decline. Get the shit out and let it rise again with people who like games and not companies.

Maybe I'm crazy but it's clear as day to me!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
ZombieSupaStar said:
wonder how long it is till some developer gets it into their head to charge for multiplayer gaming by the hour.

"You've played Call of Duty 38 for 10 hours now, please spend 800 spacebucks for another 10 hour block"

i can soooo see this being attempted.
Isn't this APB?


Nintendo bundled Wii Sports Resort and hasn't pumped out anything to really revitalize software sales since NSMB Wii. There's your decline. This is more pronounced than on normal consoles 'cause Nintendo is doing the heavy lifting solo.

EDIT, @ Opiate: The reason this is playing out so oddly is because this generation is the first in which 3rd parties have generally ignored the market leader and supported the lesser selling systems.


Maybe I'm getting it wrong here but predicting long term industry trends based off the year on year software growth or decline of one month seems a bit stupid to me especially coming from an expert in the field. Surely I'm missing something simple here. That's not what hes doing here is it?

EDIT: Late night/early morning World Cup sessions make you repeat words unnecessarily :D
For the PS3 and 360 to be freaks that sell well past the normal 5-year lifespan, I suppose you would have to say that their current sales figures (between 100 and 200k a month) are "good".

Would that then make the Wii's sales "great"? Would that then make the Wii a superfreak (RICKJAMES.JPEG)?

I think any software sales decline comes from the fact that you can't simply get by selling Carnival Games anymore, because the Wii already includes the premier collections of that sort of software with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. Nintendo games never seem to suffer sales decline - but that's because they are both good, and in many different genres as well. Third parties can't seem to put their whole heart into making top games in all genres and selling those instead of Spinoff Franchise Party 4, B-Team Railshooter Port Remix 8, or C-Tier Franchise Late Port.

Yes, people are buying less third-party games on Wii, and honestly I understand that because I don't want to buy Rygar ports from 2002 and I don't want to feel like a forgotten gamer when Capcom will put Street Fighter IV on an iPhone and not on my Wii. I like the ultrahardcore/quasi-obscure efforts that some third parties make, like No More Heroes and TatsuCap and such, and I buy them when they come out...but third-parties are fools to think those are going to move units in lieu of the other, bigger new and old franchises.

Ehh, this is the same song and dance in every sales-related thread dealing with Wii though.

Dead Man

“We expect investors to remain spooked by the May results, as they are beginning to reinforce the notion that the video game industry is in a state of persistent secular decline,”
I know it's not really looking at the merits of his theory, but I don't think that word means what he thinks it does.

Edit: Having thought about it, is he actually saying the games industry is in decline because people are playing their games too long? Would this not be opposed to the view put forth a few days ago by another analyst that used games were killing the industry and that it would be better off if people kept all their games?

Or am I missing something?
captmcblack said:
For the PS3 and 360 to be freaks that sell well past the normal 5-year lifespan, I suppose you would have to say that their current sales figures (between 100 and 200k a month) are "good".

Would that then make the Wii's sales "great"? Would that then make the Wii a superfreak (RICKJAMES.JPEG)?

Ehh, this is the same song and dance in every sales-related thread dealing with Wii though.

I think the PS3 and 360 sales figures are good, lol. When you take into account the price point that all these consoles are selling for at this late in the game, they could go on selling for a long time even with 50$ price drops every year and a half, for the next 4.5 years, I think (then theyll be at $100-149), and I guess all three are making profit from their sales.

Nintendo hardware is great, software is good too, but I think, maybe Nintendo would want their newer actual game games, to sell long too, lol.

Then again, the difficulty is convincing the current Wii owners to leave their comfort zones and by other stuff. Certainly the Wii Fit folks arent the same that would by Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor or even some of those games coming this fall. lol. Oops, I guess I went beyond the point you were making, lol.


Dedication Through Light said:
lol, well for Split/Second sake, Amazon had been selling it for awhile at only 49.99 after its release. I thought it was worth it for full price since it took 35+ hours to get a platinum on it and offered some multiplayer.

Sin & Punishment 2- the genre its in is one in which games like that should never be sold for full price. It doesnt offer online multiplayer, online leaderboards will only make someone want to play for oh so long, and the local multiplayer support is generally lacking. Maybe at 34.99 it would place in this months charts and so on, but for a long period of time, lol, like other First Party Nintendo titles I dont see it happening.
The other guy was right. Why do you lol so much when you post?


No additional functions
captmcblack said:
For the PS3 and 360 to be freaks that sell well past the normal 5-year lifespan, I suppose you would have to say that their current sales figures (between 100 and 200k a month) are "good".

Would that then make the Wii's sales "great"? Would that then make the Wii a superfreak (RICKJAMES.JPEG)?

I think any software sales decline comes from the fact that you can't simply get by selling Carnival Games anymore, because the Wii already includes the premier collections of that sort of software with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. Nintendo games never seem to suffer sales decline - but that's because they are both good, and in many different genres as well. Third parties can't seem to put their whole heart into making top games in all genres and selling those instead of Spinoff Franchise Party 4, B-Team Railshooter Port Remix 8, or C-Tier Franchise Late Port.

Yes, people are buying less third-party games on Wii, and honestly I understand that because I don't want to buy Rygar ports from 2002 and I don't want to feel like a forgotten gamer when Capcom will put Street Fighter IV on an iPhone and not on my Wii. I like the ultrahardcore/quasi-obscure efforts that some third parties make, like No More Heroes and TatsuCap and such, and I buy them when they come out...but third-parties are fools to think those are going to move units in lieu of the other, bigger new and old franchises.

Ehh, this is the same song and dance in every sales-related thread dealing with Wii though.
PS3 and 360 are no more freakish than the Wii. One of the problems with this gen is that it started too soon. A lot of people weren't ready to upgrade to one of the next gen systems. They were happy with the graphics of PS2, but casuals wanted something different which is why things like the Eye Toy and games like Guitar Hero started picking up momentum. When the Wii came out it was exactly what those casual gamers were looking for. I think the problem with casual gamers is that they don't buy a lot of games and they can be unpredictable in their tastes. I think Pachter might just be looking at the numbers alone and taking into the audience of Wii owners when making an analysis. Their behavior suggests that they're waiting for something to jump out at them and grab their attention.

It's much different audience than you see with the PS3/360 who are the more traditional gamer. Some of them are early adopters and may be tiring of the systems. Others are either new or relatively new which is why there is still excitement for more of their games. Although the graphics are cutting edge, they are still quite adequate to appeal to both early and new adopters. If you add in all of the investments third parties have made into these two systems, it makes sense that everyone would want to make it last as long as possible. That's partially why Sony and Microsoft are releasing Move and Kinect. It's going to be interesting how the next gen starts, but this one thing is for sure. The market is constantly changing and adapting. Although there will always be bumps, I think gaming is here to stay.


Dedication Through Light said:
Sin & Punishment 2- the genre its in is one in which games like that should never be sold for full price. It doesnt offer online multiplayer, online leaderboards will only make someone want to play for oh so long, and the local multiplayer support is generally lacking. Maybe at 34.99 it would place in this months charts and so on, but for a long period of time, lol, like other First Party Nintendo titles I dont see it happening.



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
How are the wii software sales "remarkable?" All the top games are coming out on other systems. Wii support is at GC 2004/2005 levels now, possibly worse. What's on the horizon, aside from NBA Jam, Epic Mickey, Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, and Donkey Kong?

Wii is not getting software. Yet somehow because Wii is selling lots of hardware and not getting lots of sotware, it is killing the industry, becuase software sales are low.

such BS


Trucker Sexologist
How many of the 15 million+ people that bought GTAIV and MW2 actually played an online multiplayer match? Because I'm thinking that even 10% would be generous.
If a publisher tried to monetize online game play, I won't even consider buying the game and I'm certain that the vast majority of Activisions COD audience will feel the same way. It'd also be interesting to see how they and Microsoft would defend it considering the consumer would need to pay a bill to the ISP, a bill to Microsoft to play online, and a bill to Activision to play the game they purchased online.


SapientWolf said:
How many of the 15 million+ people that bought GTAIV and MW2 actually played an online multiplayer match? Because I'm thinking that even 10% would be generous.

dunno about gta4, but mw2 I'd put at 70% at least
SapientWolf said:
How many of the 15 million+ people that bought GTAIV and MW2 actually played an online multiplayer match? Because I'm thinking that even 10% would be generous.

Interesting point. Statistics say most never play online and we're told casual gamers drive game sales, yet multiplayer is now hurting game sales.
SapientWolf said:
How many of the 15 million+ people that bought GTAIV and MW2 actually played an online multiplayer match? Because I'm thinking that even 10% would be generous.

lol although I traded in my copy of MW2 in immediately after beating the single player mode (such awesome trade back value, lol), I think the greater question is, how many of the people who kept the game bought the DLC packs for them. I think if the companies can make the DLC appealing enough then they can circumvent charging people to pay online and they would just makes tons getting those people to buy such, lol, robust DLC packages.

Of course it doesnt appear that any stats or data is revealed to the public on all this dlc, so we may never know how successful those endavours are (or how much of a failure, lol).


Opiate said:
I don't really care which way you put it, but the evidence that we're seeing one of those two situations is mounting.

Or it could be that we're seeing three freak systems co-exist.

The Wii is an unusual system because it is the market leader yet its lack of consistent software support means that its software sales are stagnating.

The 360 and the PS3 are unusual systems because they launched at abnormal prices, and thus have a greater propensity for a longer life span that most consoles historically do.

So yeah, false dichotomy and all that.


No additional functions
GaimeGuy said:
How are the wii software sales "remarkable?" All the top games are coming out on other systems. Wii support is at GC 2004/2005 levels now, possibly worse. What's on the horizon, aside from NBA Jam, Epic Mickey, Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, and Donkey Kong?

Wii is not getting software. Yet somehow because Wii is selling lots of hardware and not getting lots of sotware, it is killing the industry, becuase software sales are low.

such BS
Wii is no where close to being in the same situation as GC. GC was completely dead at this point in it's life. There might have been one or two games worth waiting for on that system. RE4 and Zelda:TP come to mind, but that was about it. Wii has a ton of games on the horizon.

There's one other difference between the Wii and GC though and that's momentum. No one wanted to support the GC at this point as a result they wrote Nintendo off. With the Wii's surprise success third parties now realize they under estimated the Wii. So while they are still cautious on Nintendo systems, I do think they'll handle the next one a lot better. It will probably have more multiplatform games than the Wii while continuing to get third party exclusives.


Is Pachter restriced to doing only Yoy comparisons?

Those are nice, but it would be better to see software sales over longer periods. I suppose NPD wont allow that data to be released?

Also no question Wii software sales are down, the reasons are multiple. Wii Sports Resort bundle is one, also another is Less 3rd party shoveware and the collapse of that market has a lot to do with it, as Best Buy has completely weeded those out. A year, 2 years ago, there would be reams of $20 Wii games from no name publishers.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Faxanadu said:
It can't be number 2. It's not so much about the Wii as it is the industries general lack of understanding the game market anymore. It's like the fanboys are now working in the industry. Dudebro HD or bust.

Wii has sold more than both the ps3/360 combined. If developers were really about following the market, even if they figured Nintendo DOA, they would have refocused effort to making great Wii games. I know Sony fans will disagree but if this were 2 generations ago or even last gen, the PS3 would be dead by now. - It's current resurgence would'nt have a chance etc. The focus a few years back, based on sales, should have aligned to 360/Wii. If Wii was a bomb it would have been booted out in the first year.

When the industry is full of mostly fanboys, making "safe" games, catering to a shrinking "loud minority" market -- said industry is going to decline. So, let it decline. Get the shit out and let it rise again with people who like games and not companies.

Maybe I'm crazy but it's clear as day to me!

I agree completely with your entire analysis. Well said.

The same thing is happening with gaming media as well. It's incredible what a joke it has become over the past 5 years.


Deku said:
Is Pachter restriced to doing only Yoy comparisons?

Those are nice, but it would be better to see software sales over longer periods. I suppose NPD wont allow that data to be released?

Also no question Wii software sales are down, the reasons are multiple. Wii Sports Resort bundle is one, also another is Less 3rd party shoveware and the collapse of that market has a lot to do with it, as Best Buy has completely weeded those out. A year, 2 years ago, there would be reams of $20 Wii games from no name publishers.
Another key part of this is that Nintendo doesn't have a Player's Choice line-up of great quality games for $20 to replace the games that used to be at that price point.
I got MW2 on release day. I haven't purchased another game since. 16 days played online. I have purchased both map packs, though I regret buying the last one since it sucked.

I guess this is my fault.
Deku said:
Is Pachter restriced to doing only Yoy comparisons?

Those are nice, but it would be better to see software sales over longer periods. I suppose NPD wont allow that data to be released?

Also no question Wii software sales are down, the reasons are multiple. Wii Sports Resort bundle is one, also another is Less 3rd party shoveware and the collapse of that market has a lot to do with it, as Best Buy has completely weeded those out. A year, 2 years ago, there would be reams of $20 Wii games from no name publishers.

also what games has nintendo released???


Games I have no interest in purchasing is causing retail sales decline, not multiplayer. Multiplayer just helps until some good releases come out.
Starchasing said:
also what games has nintendo released???

On the Wii the only recent one I remember is Super Mario Galaxy 2, though, that cant really drive sales but that sold as much as the PS3 version of RDR, lol, that doesnt stand for anything? (or is that less than NSMB and Galaxy 1 for the same period of time, lol, I dunno)


I too play games online in between releases not in replacement of new releases. I just signed up for a Blockbuster Gamers Pass again to have a month of renting the games that i dont' really want to buy. First rental: Ninety Nine Nights 2, next week will be Crackdown 2.


Faxanadu said:
It's like the fanboys are now working in the industry. Dudebro HD or bust.

People have certain visions they want to meet in their games. Gabe Newell flat out said PS2 is too weak for us to develop Half-Life 2 on it, PS2 couldn't meet their standards.

3DS got a lot of developers excited because it's a powerful machine, it allows them to have more creative and technical freedom. People who work in the industry aren't fanboys, they just don't share the same visions as Nintendo.


Opiate said:
I'm surprised how little discussion there is of the Wii/DS in this thread: the Wii and DS are the obvious offenders here, with (what appears to be) persistent and rather rapid downward trends in software.

I've yet to see any real evidence that the PS3/360 are seeing software declines. I'm not saying that such evidence doesn't exist, mind you: I'm suggesting that it isn't apparent. What is apparent, however, is that the Wii is seeing a very rapid decline, particularly for a leading console.

I think we're reaching a point where the notion of the PS3 and 360 significantly outlasting the Wii -- despite their relative lack of success -- may be likely. Either 1) The Wii is a normal console experiencing a traditional 5 year console lifespan, which means the PS3/360 are freak systems that continue to sell strongly well past the 5 year barrier, or 2) The PS3/360 are normal systems, and the Wii is a short lived system that dies off rapidly.

I don't really care which way you put it, but the evidence that we're seeing one of those two situations is mounting.
The DS doesn't really warrant discussion because it is at the end of its life cycle with a successor already announced, so it's natural for important software to be delayed for the 3DS leaving less games to bring the DS growth. The DS still has Dragon Quest IX, Golden Sun, and a Layton game, however, so they should minimize the damage as much as possible, but I don't know how well GBA games sold at the end of the life cycle compared to their previous years/months, for instance.

As for the Wii, nothing notable that embraces local multiplayer has come out since NSMB Wii. SMG2 is notable, but it isn't going to be a system seller because it's a sequel with the same values as its predecessor, and those rarely sell consoles and also rarely sell as much as the original. MHTri is in a similar position, but with a less well known brand name. Later in the year, when games like Kirby and Donkey Kong Country are released, the Wii should see a large software revenue jump and well as a huge console sales increase. I honestly think it's a lack of appealing software to the target market that is the reason for the decline in software sales and not anything to do with this life cycle situation. I think everyone realizes that the 360 and PS3 target markets are being supported extremely well, so it's a definite difference.


I don't care what anyone says, games need to become cheaper. 60 dollar and up price points are just insane and really limit my amount of purchases.
Lyude77 said:
. SMG2 is notable, but it isn't going to be a system seller because it's a sequel with the same values as its predecessor, and those rarely sell consoles and also rarely sell as much as the original..

Isn't the opposite of that true?


Tutomos said:
People have certain visions they want to meet in their games. Gabe Newell flat out said PS2 is too weak for us to develop Half-Life 2 on it, PS2 couldn't meet their standards.

3DS got a lot of developers excited because it's a powerful machine, it allows them to have more creative and technical freedom. People who work in the industry aren't fanboys, they just don't share the same visions as Nintendo.
I think developers are excited about the possibilities of 3DS being able to deliver digital content to customers as much as the power of the machine. Gabe Newell jumped on board the PS3 at E3 citing the digital content delivery as a reason. Make no mistake people, micro transactions are what is motivating developers now and for the foreseeable future. Pachter is just parroting what he hears around the industry from Western developers. Wii was ignored because it doesn't have a unified online structure and business model for it as much as it was ignored for lacking power and having a different control scheme.


Darklord said:
When you flood the market, you start to hurt it.
I still think gaming will end up in a rut similar to the 1983 crash where people just stopped buying games and it will take a huge generation leap to get it going again.

I agree with all of this. There was so much shit for games released back then, people just gave up on it. I can see that happening again.


I think piracy and some genre fatigue are the biggest reasons for the Wii decline.

Dedication Through Light said:
lol although I traded in my copy of MW2 in immediately after beating the single player mode (such awesome trade back value, lol), I think the greater question is, how many of the people who kept the game bought the DLC packs for them. I think if the companies can make the DLC appealing enough then they can circumvent charging people to pay online and they would just makes tons getting those people to buy such, lol, robust DLC packages.

Of course it doesnt appear that any stats or data is revealed to the public on all this dlc, so we may never know how successful those endavours are (or how much of a failure, lol).

What the hell is wrong with you? Are you high? Or like the joker? Is it a nervous tick or something?

Did I miss any?


FutureZombie said:
Isn't the opposite of that true?
Not when it's an expansion pack type game. I know you're thinking of Modern Warfare 2 and all of that, but look at Mega Man. Each of the games that came out was essentially the same, and they (eventually) were seeing decline, so they had to make a new series (and do the same thing). Look at Dynasty Warriors, etc. Those games have the same problem. Guitar Hero. Even Tales games loosely have this problem.

There's a level of similarity that's accepted, but after a certain point, people stop buying. SMG2 may not be at that point, but those games were what came to my head when I wrote that statement down. :lol

I suppose Vinci is right, though, in that it varies, so you can edit that part out and my point remains about the same.
as said in the NPD thread...hey assholes...STOP TRYING TO SELL EVERYTHING FOR $60. red dead? $60 game. Blur? :lol if you are gonna drop the price to $40 2 weeks after anyway WTF is the point? launch at $40, make your game good enough to get great reviews, ADVERTISE a $40 price point and BAM. sales. this $60 mess is garbage. especially when 2-3 months later its basically bargain binned/clearenced unless it was a mega seller or a big name title.

we are 5 years into this gen. you cant use the excuse of bo bo bo new gen developement costs! anymore.


WasteLand Soldier said:
as said in the NPD thread...hey assholes...STOP TRYING TO SELL EVERYTHING FOR $60. red dead? $60 game. Blur? :lol if you are gonna drop the price to $40 2 weeks after anyway WTF is the point? launch at $40, make your game good enough to get great reviews, ADVERTISE a $40 price point and BAM. sales. this $60 mess is garbage. especially when 2-3 months later its basically bargain binned/clearenced unless it was a mega seller or a big name title.

Actually, they'd be fine with $60 games if they expanded their portfolio of titles to include games that aren't specifically designed with one audience in mind. But they don't, so yeah, the price-point becomes a massive issue when otherwise it wouldn't.


Draft said:
It's also the reason PC gaming is thriving with smaller games, online only games and free to play but supported by micro transaction games while the consoles die a slow, agonizing death in the aisles of Gamestop.

Which is the whole fly in the ointment for publishers who dream of Pachter's dystopia. Despite their best efforts, MS hasn't been able to kill the PC. This pay-to-play model will never fly with a significant segment because there will always be alternatives that are just as good. Viva the PC.


Opiate said:
I think we're reaching a point where the notion of the PS3 and 360 significantly outlasting the Wii -- despite their relative lack of success -- may be likely. Either 1) The Wii is a normal console experiencing a traditional 5 year console lifespan, which means the PS3/360 are freak systems that continue to sell strongly well past the 5 year barrier, or 2) The PS3/360 are normal systems, and the Wii is a short lived system that dies off rapidly.

I don't really care which way you put it, but the evidence that we're seeing one of those two situations is mounting.
I think we've hit the point where graphics are good enough. Yeah, Crysis is better than COD4, but for most the difference is negligeble. Move/Kinect will substitute the launch of new systems.


1-D_FTW said:
Which is the whole fly in the ointment for publishers who dream of Pachter's dystopia. Despite their best efforts, MS hasn't been able to kill the PC. This pay-to-play model will never fly with a significant segment because there will always be alternatives that are just as good. Viva the PC.

If people were keeping track of the PC market, Live would never have been as successful as it is. So no, alternatives aren't going to crush COD Online dreams - unless Activision just screws the pooch horribly with it. It's the genre king, which isn't massively different than a console incumbent: They will only go down if they do something really, really stupid. Pay-to-play, in and of itself, isn't stupid enough to cause COD to collapse.
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