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Persona Community Thread |OT5| Pull up a chair! [NO PQ OR P4U SPOILERS!]

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It would have been nice for Ultimax to be cheaper than it predecessor like all of the other fighting game "sequels", but it's Atlus, the guys that charged $50 for a 3DS game. It's to be expected. I'll still buy it with a smile.


It would have been nice for Ultimax to be cheaper than it predecessor like all of the other fighting game "sequels", but it's Atlus, the guys that charged $50 for a 3DS game. It's to be expected. I'll still buy it with a smile.

That was kind of weird, now that you mention it.

Did they ever justify it?


That was kind of weird, now that you mention it.

Did they ever justify it?

Didn't they originally sell it with a number of extras that you'd normally see in a collector's edition and whatnot? At least for the first print (though I'm not sure they lowered the price for later prints).

EDIT: Quickly found this.


Didn't they originally sell it with a number of extras that you'd normally see in a collector's edition and whatnot? At least for the first print (though I'm not sure they lowered the price for later prints).

Not really. It came with a small-ish book (EDIT: Okay, 176 pages isn't that small. Most of it is the guide though I think? Not much art) and like a five-track CD.

More like a first edition thing than a collector's edition.


Not really. It came with a small-ish book and like a five-track CD.

More like a first edition thing than a collector's edition.

Well, that's what I meant by it being some of that sort of stuff. No full on collector's edition, but enough for the initial justification of a $10 price increase.


The book's actually pretty big, almost 200 pages.
And the CD has 8 tracks (typical of most Atlus games).

The difference is that normally those CDs are free. :p

How much of the book is on the art and design? I've never actually watched a video of it.

Well, that's what I meant by it being some of that sort of stuff. No full on collector's edition, but enough for the initial justification of a $10 price increase.

I guess it's similar to the Tales Day 1 Editions.


Not really. It came with a small-ish book (EDIT: Okay, 176 pages isn't that small. Most of it is the guide though I think? Not much art) and like a five-track CD.

More like a first edition thing than a collector's edition.

I think it was more like they didn't think localizing it was justifiable with the amount of sales they expected unless they sold it for $50. They threw in some decent extras to make the $10 more palatable. I think they were banking on the loyal fanbase being willing to pay $10 extra to make sure more games in the series come over.


The OST barely has any music from IV, only the main theme. It's kind of pathetic.
I imported the real thing.

The Jakyou/Cathedral theme on live organ is a thing of beauty though.


I think it was more like they didn't think localizing it was justifiable with the amount of sales they expected unless they sold it for $50. They threw in some decent extras to make the $10 more palatable. I think they were banking on the loyal fanbase being willing to pay $10 extra to make sure more games in the series come over.

It paid off well for them, being one of their best selling RPGs.
The CD that came with IV is just meh at best, barring the last track which is just awesome, with it being a 9 and a half minute live organ rendition of Cathedral of Shadows theme(Which was pretty much a last minute thing that was added).
The other is just eh it alright, baring maybe the first two track which I have to wonder why they put them on the CD, because they're not so different from the SNES or PS1 versions, really besides them being done on real instruments.
Prelude 1 (SMT I Theme)
Prelude 2 (SMT II Theme)
Prelude 3 (SMT III:Nocturne
Hallucination 1 (Law Theme)
Hallucination 2 (Chaos Theme)
Sdds IV(SMT IV theme)
Reincarnation (Cathedral of Shadows Live Organ) (This is really the only one I recommend from that CD)


Persona 2 Deep 4 Me

Oh, a demon immune to elemental magic? Okay, just let me adjust my gambi




I mean, it's not like this dungeon was stupid long, or like we'd long ago lost all of our healing items, or like we aren't completely reliant on leveling up to heal us at this point, oh no, go ahead and instakill party members at your leisure. I welcome it, it heals my party members of status ailments for which I no longer have restorative items because holy fuck how do I get poisoned 80 fucking times in the space of 2 dungeons?

I haven't finished the scene yet cuz the batteries died, but oh boy now we Hitler on a SPACESHIP.


So let me tell y'all about Spring of Birth.


Okay, aside from poor subs in some places (the above image will never stop being funny to me) it was actually a pretty solid adaptation of P3. There's a few liberties taken here and there with the main character's personality, events of the plot, and so on but it all felt like the majority of changes were for the better.

Animation was simply BEAUTIFUL. Some of those fight scenes are amazingly smooth and reach eye-candy levels of awesomeness. I was a little worried that the introduction of weapons into the movies would make combat flow awkwardly on-screen, but they obviously knew what they were doing and proved me super-duper wrong.
Hell, the proper balance of armed combat vs using your Persona is a (very minor but still) thing brought up in the film itself.

The movie actually did a better job of making me care about Fuuka than the game did, too. Towards the end it gets a little "after-school special" with her story, but other than that it was handled shockingly well.

I honestly wasn't expecting much because I thought both P4 The Animation and DeSu 2 The Animation were complete piles of garbage, but man I'm so glad that I was proven wrong. Not the best movie, but the fact that it's DECENT is good enough for me. I wouldn't say it's worth the $60, but man is it worth the watch.


Also I would like to nominate
The Fuhrer
as the chillest monster of all time. Like,
is all "U don't even exist breh" and he's all "U mad tho?" For a guy who doesn't exist he's done a splendid job of
conquering this entire city.


So, I'll take back anything poor I've said about Ayane (besides her design), because her Rank 8 is great and I've found myself weirdly relating to her dilemma.


So, I'll take back anything poor I've said about Ayane (besides her design), because her Rank 8 is great and I've found myself weirdly relating to her dilemma.

Yep, Ayane's link was fine. Everyone has problems, some are very different from others. It's nice to see Ayane really grow through her link. It's not as drastic as some others, but it doesn't *have* to be. Imagine if every link was full of the drama that some of the character's had? :p


So, I'll take back anything poor I've said about Ayane (besides her design), because her Rank 8 is great and I've found myself weirdly relating to her dilemma.

I never got around to finishing either Sun link in my two P4 playthroughs. Maybe one day I'll do NG+ and finally finish Ayane. I didn't get that far, but I did like it felt fairly small-scale. Especially compared to the more dramatic... Drama.


So what do people expect from Persona 5 on the technical side ?

Maybe seamless school exploration with no loading ? Completely connected City+School+District X etc ?

PK Gaming

Persona 2 Deep 4 Me

Oh, a demon immune to elemental magic? Okay, just let me adjust my gambi




I mean, it's not like this dungeon was stupid long, or like we'd long ago lost all of our healing items, or like we aren't completely reliant on leveling up to heal us at this point, oh no, go ahead and instakill party members at your leisure. I welcome it, it heals my party members of status ailments for which I no longer have restorative items because holy fuck how do I get poisoned 80 fucking times in the space of 2 dungeons?

I haven't finished the scene yet cuz the batteries died, but oh boy now we Hitler on a SPACESHIP.

Were you struggling with those creepy bug nazis? Because yeah, screw those things. You'll be struggling with them for the entire game. Fortunately, Tatsuya's ultimate Persona mows them down pretty quickly.

Oh yeah, be sure to hit Satomi Tadashi for some restorative items (including SP healing items). You should be able to buy a ton at this point.

So, I'll take back anything poor I've said about Ayane (besides her design), because her Rank 8 is great and I've found myself weirdly relating to her dilemma.

Her social link was generally pretty good, just beware of her romance route (should you choose to pursue it) because it's so explicit it borders on the creepy.

clearer versions of some PQ pre-order illustrations



These ones are goddamn amazing


Were you struggling with those creepy bug nazis? Because yeah, screw those things. You'll be struggling with them for the entire game. Fortunately, Tatsuya's ultimate Persona mows them down pretty quickly.

Oh yeah, be sure to hit Satomi Tadashi for some restorative items (including SP healing items). You should be able to buy a ton at this point.

Trust me, the minute I get the fuck out of Nazi Mayan Japanese Tomorrowland-Adventureland crossover yaoi fanfic time, the first thing I'm doing is going to the nearest Satomi Tadashi and spending every last yen I have on Dis-Poisons.


Eternal Punishment so far is more difficult then Innocent Sin. In IS I was able to use the same persona the whole game, while in EP I had to change them.


I expect things to look similar to Persona 3 and 4 but smoother and more detailed.

Yeah I really like that style but I also hope for less loading screens in stuff like when leaving the classroom and entering the school.not that it was annoying in the first place but it would a nice plus.
So what do people expect from Persona 5 on the technical side ?

Maybe seamless school exploration with no loading ? Completely connected City+School+District X etc ?

That's a good question.

I'm actually not expecting that much. I think it was said that P5 was originally planned for portable but then they decided it would be better to have the game on consoles, right? The scope of the game probably isn't much different than P4 and P3.

I'm fine with that though. Persona with Catherine presentation, lets go


So what do people expect from Persona 5 on the technical side ?

Maybe seamless school exploration with no loading ? Completely connected City+School+District X etc ?

Give me a town the size of Mikage-Cho or Sumaru, but instead of a map, lemme just walk all around it. If I need to quick travel put a bus in town and I'll take that. In many ways Inaba felt like a good town, but if you could just make it feel full on like a city in that way it'd be so much the better.


I think it was said that P5 was originally planned for portable but then they decided it would be better to have the game on consoles, right?

I know Hashino said this himself, but this is always a comment that struck me as the weirdest among anything that they've said about Persona 5. It's hard for me to envision such a reality since it was announced for PS3, but I always thought the game would be on a console regardless. The reason he gave for them finally deciding on the PS3 seems a bit nebulous, too.

I guess the Vita might have been a fairly capable platform for P5 to debut on (the 3DS was always a ridiculous prospect, though). Either way, I think it will undoubtedly be their biggest game yet. Wonder if it's also the game they've spent the most time actively developing.
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