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Phil Spencer thinks this is Xbox's best generation so far

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Funny thing was that PS3 offered the better value over a 360 but Sony wasn't clever enough to market that point. Even though the 360 was cheaper, you had to buy the wireless adapter, HD DVD drive, and online multiplayer separately. All of those things were included for free in the PS3 price. But early on, 360 did have the PS3 beat in terms of games.

It only offers better value if people value those things for the price difference. I don't think most people valued the wireless adapter, HD DVD, or Sony's really awful online system in 2005/2006, at least, not enough to justify the price at the time. For instance, Microsoft could have said at the start of this generation, "The Xbox One at $500 is a better value than the PS4 at $400 because the Xbox One comes with the Kinect, and the PS Move/Camera is extra!" But, most people didn't value the Kinect at $100 or the sacrifices to run the Kinect.

PS3's biggest value proposition for me was the BluRay drive, but by the time I bought a PS3 a year or two later (I think 2008), Netflix video on demand had already been out for a year and having a set top, physical media player wasn't really important to me.


In terms of Xbox exclusives no, but in terms of benefits to being an Xbox primary gamer, absolutely. I love the ecosystem, my Elite controller, getting Xbox cash for buying lots of digital games, etc.
3.5 years into the 360's launch it was on 15million worldwide (NPD)

3 years in Xbox One was on 26 million

That's why it's the best gen so far...

Thinking beyond just sales numbers, too, I wonder how much Microsoft had to eat financially on faulty Xbox 360s, which were really rampant in those first 3 years. The 360 had something like a 50% failure rate by 2009, which I'd imagine would have cost Microsoft a fortune. Have no idea what it was worth though.


Microsoft may be the umbrella over Xbox and PC on first party titles but that does not help each division individually. They need to entice people to Xbox not just Microsoft.

The Xbox team doesn't have a choice in the matter. The CEO moved them under Windows back in early 2014 and explicitly said their purpose is to increase the appeal of Windows 10, using their first-party studios and Live service as one integrated play across all Windows 10 devices.


I'm sorry but this is asinine and I say that as a longtime Xbox fan. While I do think Phil Spencer has done a tremendous job at getting the Xbox division refocused and back on track, to claim this has been the best generation for Xbox -FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE CONTROLLER- is laughable.

Not only has this generation been incredibly weak on the third party front with massive disappointments such as Fallout 4, Destiny, Call of Duty's decline in quality, etc etc, the Xbox One exclusives have either felt years too late (Quantum Break, Ryse) or completely out of touch with what consumers want (Sunset Overdrive, Halo Wars 2). Halo is basically dead at this point with Halo 4 and 5 being absolutely terrible. Gears 4 was a good continuation of the series but had no lasting impact. Really the only game that sticks out is the Horizon series and racing games are getting more and more niche.

On top of that they're now actively whoring out their games with micro transactions that have yet to feel compelling in any way, not to mention completely out of place (uh...Halo Wars 2?). You've also been actively canceling games you can't monetize.

I like ya Phil but it's time to deliver at E3. A crappy looking MMO pirate game isn't gonna cut the mustard so hopefully you have the goods to push the genuinely exciting Scorpio console. Otherwise no thanks.

Chitown B

Halo is basically dead at this point with Halo 4 and 5 being absolutely terrible.

Huh? H5 is doing great and has content out all of the time. It's the best supported Halo game so far. I think you should actually check into it. Seems like maybe you didn't like it at launch and then never looked back.




Microsoft may be the umbrella over Xbox and PC on first party titles but that does not help each division individually. They need to entice people to Xbox not just Microsoft.

While I'm sure Microsoft would love to lose money and subsidizes you an xbox one if you plan to buy all your games on the platform particularly 3rd party games. But, if your concern is 1st party exclusives (which seems to be the only thing that matters in these discussions) then I would bet they would rather you buy the game for your PC (where they get their profit) as opposed to losing money by selling you a console just to play 1st party games.
No chance. A new Forza maybe, or a new Halo. But Crackdown? Nope.
Halo will be 2018. While it would obviously be a good pick, it is too far off. They need something now. Forza is another good candidate but Crackdown is something new and fresh, relatively speaking. Something we haven't even seen since reveal in 2014.


Sure about the 15 million after 3,5 years ?

After ~ 8-9 years they were at 80-85 million.

So they sold 65 million in ~5 years compared to 15 million in 3,5 ?

No, I was super wrong and was looking at NPD figures.

At the same point in time! (Let's try again!)

3 years following launch.

Xbox 360 was on 28 million
Xbox One was on 26 million

It was also within that timeframe that MS had to eat the alledged 1billion to replace all the RROD consoles and extend their warranty.


3.5 years into the 360's launch it was on 15million worldwide (NPD)

3 years in Xbox One was on 26 million

That's why it's the best gen so far...

I see you've been corrected but I'll post some links anyway.

Xbox One hits 26 million - January 2017 - 3 years 1 month after launch

Xbox 360 hits 30 million - May 28th 2009 - 3 years 5 months after launch

Xbox 360 hits 25 million - Nov 2008 - 3 years after launch

It took the original Xbox, which launched in late 2001, five years to reach that number. Meanwhile, the 360 has hit that number a mere three years after its own late 2005 launch.


PS2 gen wasn't that lopsided in terms of games, which is what we the fans care about. GameCube arguably had a better lineup than PS2, and even though XBox was comparatively weak it still had some unique titles.
You're my hero. It's subjective of course but GameCube got the most use by far that gen for me.
3.5 years into the 360's launch it was on 15million worldwide (NPD)

3 years in Xbox One was on 26 million

That's why it's the best gen so far...

LOL at this, US <> world.
What else is he supposed to say? This isn't even news worthy.

Like has been said 15 times, nothing, that's the professional thing to do, not to get into things like this on twitter, or how about "We are happy were xbox is, lots more to announce:. It's not hard.


Thinking beyond just sales numbers, too, I wonder how much Microsoft had to eat financially on faulty Xbox 360s, which were really rampant in those first 3 years. The 360 had something like a 50% failure rate by 2009, which I'd imagine would have cost Microsoft a fortune. Have no idea what it was worth though.

1.15 Billion It's a neat article and shows that they really did give a damn about it after a fashion. I'm solidly in the PS camp, but my 360 never failed... I had to fork over $129.00 to fix my busted launch model PS3 that broke again just after the second warranty expired at 3.5 months. In Sony's defense they accepted my "but, seriously, your repair lasted 3.5 months and failed just this side of the warranty... Please work with me here" plea.


I guess it's better than saying "yeah man, we're boned". I'm sure he knows the Xbox could be doing better but admitting it would look bad for the brand I suppose.


I still think their vision is to combine both ecosystems, console and Windows gaming, into a box powerful enough to do both. It seems like the Xbox One was a half-step in that direction. They even marketed it as the multi-media, do everything box early on, including pass through TV control. I think the Scorpio will be their attempt at a full step in that direction.

I don't think doubling down on a more powerful version of the XBO, and that's all it does, will be that successful for them against the current competition.


Like has been said 15 times, nothing, that's the professional thing to do, not to get into things like this on twitter, or how about "We are happy were xbox is, lots more to announce:. It's not hard.

He literally said that last week in an interview.
I love the month to month, year to year see-saws between the consoles.

At first it was all about XBOX One failed launch
Second came resolution gate and crushed blacks.
Then it was "PS4 has no games" for a year.
Now it's "XBOX has no games" since the Scalebound cancellation.

Can't wait to see Scorpio shake things up again. Take me away to E3!!!


Halo will be 2018. While it would obviously be a good pick, it is too far off. They need something now. Forza is another good candidate but Crackdown is something new and fresh, relatively speaking. Something we haven't even seen since reveal in 2014.

I think a good chunk of their audience would disagree. People posting on GAF represent the hardcore. For 2017, they have Halo Wars 2, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, Destiny 2, Battlefield 1 (DLC), Gears 4 (DLC) and probably a new Forza. At least with all the people I game with, I've never heard someone complain about content (nor are they the type of people that say damn, I'd like Nioh and Persona 5 because honestly they'd just buy a PS4 if they wanted to play that).

I'm not saying that makes me happy, but that is the new Xbox games division. Rely on Xbox Live being a great experience, let the core IP's (Halo/Gears/Forza) carry them, along with the 3rd parties. Anyone expecting bombs to be dropped at E3 this year are setting themselves up for a let down, and anyone expecting them to close shop because they're not providing a first party experience with the diversification that Sony has doesn't have a clue about how they're running the division.

Green Yoshi

Xbox 360 = Barack Obama
Xbox One = Donald Trump

I think it's clear who the winner is, but sometimes you can disagree with the facts. ;-)


Not like he can say it isn't, but let's be honest, the 360 was Xbox's biggest generation.

As someone who's not into the Xbox brand. I try my best to stay out of their topics. But I just had to quote this and add a little something. This is true and it's the same thing any other platform person would say in their position. I don't understand why everything he or she from N/S/M says gets turned into news... I mean I guess it's ok for people to partake in some friendly banter from time to time.. Yet it always usually turns into serious system war chatter. It's 2017, let it go.

Salty Hippo

There's a brand new round of tweets, check it out. I can't post it because I'm on mobile, but he's completely downplaying the competition between two platforms. It's really funny.

I think "more 2 do" might become a new Spencer meme.


Huh? H5 is doing great and has content out all of the time. It's the best supported Halo game so far. I think you should actually check into it. Seems like maybe you didn't like it at launch and then never looked back.
Yeah I can't comment on its current state as it's been few months since I last played it but it's too late for me to circle back at this point. I maintain that the campaign was utter trash. Felt nothing like Halo.


What makes it worse out of those 10 games listed is Ryse, Dead Rising, Titanfall, Tomb Raider, Quantum Break, Gears of War 4 and Forza Horizon are also on PC. Leaving only 3 - yes 3! - exclusive to the XB1 console.

Lack of exclusivity is bad news for a console.

MS doesn't care if you play on PC. That just means Windows is being used, and they get a larger win anyway. Which is why Xbox games are switching to UWPs and Play Anywhere is a thing

Sony has more to lose with their console exclusive stuff being in PC. Which is why we have the Pro
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