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Pokemon has some really flawed, terrible and archaic game design...


Playing the new modern Pokemon games and they really suck.

A lot of Pokemon are stuck after the end game, so when you beat the Elite Four there's not much in replay value. Pokemon that you want to grow in the journey with you are available to you after being champion and in the post-game. Why the fuck can't they be before that and accessible to you early on?

The game isn't open world where you can take on gyms in any order and the gym leaders would adjust their difficulty based on your current badges, everything seems pretty standard routine, it's giving me Final Fantasy 13 vibes where dungeons are just one linear path.

The side quests in the game suck and aren't enough.

Legendary Pokemon are just handed to you like a person in the street handing out flyers, there isn't any effort made to obtain it, it's just some random NPC just giving you a legendary Pokemon. There wasn't any unique quest behind it to aid in the myth or make it memorable.

Pokemon EVs are broken, you just feed it vitamins and rare candies and you're done. There is no journeying, accumulating EXP, etc.

The Pokemon games lack secrets and mystery. In Dark Souls you have an entire subreddit hitting walls to see if it's an illusory wall. I remember in the original Pokemon games I would check trash to see hidden switches, posters, etc. But almost anything hidden has always been part of the story. There aren't secret and hidden side quests.

Pokemon is a fucking mess and needs to be given to some Western developer to fix it. I don't think the Japanese Game Developers can progress this franchise anymore. The game design is so archaic and shit.

How do you feel about Pokemon's current game design GAF? It needs a lot of work personally. It just feels like shit. At least when I watch the anime I get a sense of travel and discovery, I see none of that in the modern current Pokemon games.

When will Pokemon games actually evolve?


I am with you all the way, I LOVE pokemon but they really eliminated the adventure, and the beauty of getting a legendary and finding it in some high level cave.

Now they just give them all to you from every generation in an expansion, great.....


Rage Bait Youtuber
Meanwhile at Game Freak and Nintendo:
GIF by Giphy QA


What really annoys me is some punk kids challenging me and he/she only has one Pokémon.

wtf?! You call yourself a serious trainer!?
why change it if it sells?

i grew up on pokémon and was one of the first games i got hooked on but i've gone right off the mainline titles. i enjoyed Let's Go Pikachu a lot and i bought Pokémon Snap. i can't bring myself to buy the Diamond and Pearl remakes. Arceus looks like it changes quite a bit but i don't know...i'm not really interested in buying it. i'll check out gameplay when it launches.

i highly recommend Shin Megami Tensei. it's much darker and serious but it has a fun world to explore. combat is similar and you recruit demons to fight (and you also fight). it's often called "an adult pokémon game". check it out.


Gold Member
Yup, and they were actually always this bad. Middle school me was discovering stuff like FFVI and Chrono Trigger so when I gave that brand new Pokemon Red/Blue a try...


Yeah, because they are totally going to change the design of their consistently very successful games to pander to a small number of autistic noisy forum posters.
Fucking ruthless lmao

Pokémon is fun but it’s for kids and sells like crack. Nothing with change OP. Time to move on to other, more stimulating games.

What western dev do you think should have a crack at Pokémon btw? We talking Mercury Steam or DICE?


Imagine if Insomniac Games had their crack on the Pokémon franchise, that would be some serious AAA production. Getting tired of GamFreak making bad Pokémon games.
Pokemon has been stagnant for a long time. Not much more of an effort than recent COD games. What a shame. There are much better Nintendo games on the Switch


Fucking ruthless lmao

Pokémon is fun but it’s for kids and sells like crack. Nothing with change OP. Time to move on to other, more stimulating games.

What western dev do you think should have a crack at Pokémon btw? We talking Mercury Steam or DICE?

Naughty Dog - we need a "high impact" scene where some little known Pokemon beats Pikachu to death with a #1 iron for being too popular, and then you have to play the rest of the game just using it. Plus lots of boring interminable unskippable exposition about how much it sucks to spend 99% of your time stuffed in a pokeball.


Pokemon has never been good. It's a brand that survives entirely on nostalgia. They continue to make shit games that are barely above shovelware, yet their defenders will continue to buy them every year.
My only exposure to Pokémon was the old cartoon anime. I got a switch and bought Lets go Evee only to be told it wasn’t a real Pokémon game.
Fucking ruthless lmao

Pokémon is fun but it’s for kids and sells like crack. Nothing with change OP. Time to move on to other, more stimulating games.

What western dev do you think should have a crack at Pokémon btw? We talking Mercury Steam or DICE?
I mean, most Pokémon fans are older now, right? Sure they keep bringing in new younger fans with each release, but many of us are Still OG's from Red and Blue.

Fare thee well

Is it too much to ask to have something radically creative for pokemon. It's gotta be well past the 10th installment of using the same exact setup. I'm not even asking for the moon.


for me all pokemon games after Emerald went crashing down, and even more after Niantic brought that shit of Pokemon Go savages. Haven't played Sword/Shield but for what I've seen there's no hope.


I mean, most Pokémon fans are older now, right? Sure they keep bringing in new younger fans with each release, but many of us are Still OG's from Red and Blue.
Most? I seriously doubt that. The games have always been aimed at kids. Its why they’re so simplistic. Being simplistic doesn’t mean older folks can’t enjoy them, but they will never be designed with the older audience in mind.


Reseterror Resettler
I don't see why your perceived issue automatically jumps to "I don't think we can trust the Japanese anymore," like...a little bit of xenophobic projecting, mayhaps? Japan is an entire country, my dude. You don't think it's possible it might be just that company getting lazy, or not wanting to fix what sales dictate isn't broken? Or maybe not even the whole company, but a couple of dudes who currently have creative control? But naw, fuck it, it's the entire races' fault!

Japanese people seem to have a very traditional, insulated way of going about their business practices, but archaic may be a bit of an overstep when there are plenty of Japanese games and companies that remain innovative to this day.

Third option, it's just you.
Another person who wants open world Pokemon. Be careful what you wish for.

Fans begged for 3D entries in the series for years and Gamefreak bit off more than they could chew and it ruined the series quality wise to please the fans. Which is why you now see the DS era Plat/HGSS/B2/W2 gradually going up in price because it was the best the series had to offer. 3DS/Switch games are shit.


When you make a bazillion dollars putting in sub par, student level work why would you bother to actually give a shit about making a decent game?

You're not wrong, but it's never going to change because the people who grew up on Pokemkon will buy shit in a bag if it has a Charizard drawn on the side in crayon.

Most? I seriously doubt that. The games have always been aimed at kids. Its why they’re so simplistic. Being simplistic doesn’t mean older folks can’t enjoy them, but they will never be designed with the older audience in mind.

I don't doubt it. My 8 year old nephew will literally laugh at you if you ask why he doesn't play Pokemon on his Switch. He thinks it's a game for babies, or in his words, "my sister" because she doesn't play games. In fact of the dozen kids between 6-14 in my family, not one of them plays Pokemon and they all own a Switch.

Meanwhile my nieces husband (early 30's) will sperg out if you mention Pokemon and is always trying to get his kids into it. I'd bet money that a disproportion amount of Pokemon fans are older than the kids the game is aimed at, like anime and My Little Pony fans. These games aren't aimed at kids anymore, they're aimed at nostalgia nerds and coma patients.

Edit: Pokemon Go average age: 25

"According to our latest data, we have seen that the ratio of players in their 20s and 30s has risen for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon compared to past Pokémon titles for Nintendo 3DS"

Which means the age has only gotten older since then. The majority of people playing these games are adults, just like Animal Crossing, not kids.


Gold Member
Some of these complaints are true, but one thing I’ll never understand is the problem so many people have with everything related to Pokémon EXP. You have literally hundreds of available monsters, the best of which only come in the late game and have tremendous requirements for getting their final form, and even those of the same species aren’t all created equal. And you still want to spend dozens of hours leveling them up fighting and switching them in battle so they get their EXP crumbs? I was fed up with that in Gen 1 already (fuck Magikarp).


Gold Member
I gave up on the mainline games because they either can’t or won’t make a 3D game that isn’t a slide show that doesn’t completely ignore features from previous generations.

For all of Go’s many, many faults, it is a better collection game than the main series is. I just stick with that, now.


Gold Member
Like other people said, why changing something broken if people are ok with it?!

Just forget pokemon brand and play some other rpg.
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Just imagine having made a game so good and groundbreaking that you can lazily coast scot-free off its original formula for 20+ years.

Red/Blue was insanely amazing for its time. Too bad they don't care to do something amazing for current times.


Playing the new modern Pokemon games and they really suck.

A lot of Pokemon are stuck after the end game, so when you beat the Elite Four there's not much in replay value. Pokemon that you want to grow in the journey with you are available to you after being champion and in the post-game. Why the fuck can't they be before that and accessible to you early on?

The game isn't open world where you can take on gyms in any order and the gym leaders would adjust their difficulty based on your current badges, everything seems pretty standard routine, it's giving me Final Fantasy 13 vibes where dungeons are just one linear path.

The side quests in the game suck and aren't enough.

Legendary Pokemon are just handed to you like a person in the street handing out flyers, there isn't any effort made to obtain it, it's just some random NPC just giving you a legendary Pokemon. There wasn't any unique quest behind it to aid in the myth or make it memorable.

Pokemon EVs are broken, you just feed it vitamins and rare candies and you're done. There is no journeying, accumulating EXP, etc.

The Pokemon games lack secrets and mystery. In Dark Souls you have an entire subreddit hitting walls to see if it's an illusory wall. I remember in the original Pokemon games I would check trash to see hidden switches, posters, etc. But almost anything hidden has always been part of the story. There aren't secret and hidden side quests.

Pokemon is a fucking mess and needs to be given to some Western developer to fix it. I don't think the Japanese Game Developers can progress this franchise anymore. The game design is so archaic and shit.

How do you feel about Pokemon's current game design GAF? It needs a lot of work personally. It just feels like shit. At least when I watch the anime I get a sense of travel and discovery, I see none of that in the modern current Pokemon games.

When will Pokemon games actually evolve?
Uh huh.

And who is rolling in money with millions of fans. Game Freak and Nintendo, or you?
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