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Popular FGC streamer MAXIMILIAN accidentally says n*gger on stream; asses are shown

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All of the bans on the first page have me even angrier that nothing happened to Wollan for pejoratively calling people autistic.
Wonder why

He made a quick stealth edit to save face but we remember:


I private messaged him about the matter. He did not respond.

Now this. What the fuck is wrong with people here and why is some of it allowed and some of it isn't?

No it's really not. Exhibit A from one of our star members above.

Yeah that's pretty bad. Surprised he got away with that even with the edit, but I guess things like autism are fair game? Makes no sense to me.
Oh my god, I've never see a graveyard thread like this before...that first page...holy shit.

I can't believe so many replies were defending the streamer and/or questioning why it should be a thread. Some seriously fucked up replies.

It is never ok to use that word. Why is that so hard for some people to understand?
Wooooo boy, that first page is a true graveyard


Mory Dunz

but that's the thing. i don't think he accidentally said the word
he accidentally made the phonetic sounds that make up the word because he rhymed a bunch of stuff in quick succession and tripped over his words

there's a big difference there
What it seemed like to me.

I was even expecting something more malicious when I clicked the video.


Man I'll be real, even though he apologized and even though it might have been by accident, I'm going to feel a bit weird watching him now. Been a fan for years. I'm black and while others might be different, when the clip started I was thinking "please don't say it don't say-" and then it happened. It was just weeeeeeiiiiiirrrrddddddd. Extremely uncomfortable. Just, man. I don't get it. Even now I'm thinking "did that really happen?" and while it'll probably be fine in the future I might just tap out of his videos. It's just a very weird feeling to me personally. I think a lot of others are spending more time on if he meant to say it rather than how some posters felt when they heard that. That's more important at the end of the day in my opinion.

Nah, he's not a racist at all by any means. With that said...it's just weird to imagine watching him and then imagining him saying that word out loud.


Hey guys. I'd like to post this clip for clarity, as my conscience won't let me do otherwise.


After tongue twisting words multiple times throughout the stream, I said something I literally didn't believe I said until after I reviewed the footage in the morning. I was woken this morning to several people telling me that Neogaf and Reddit are blasting what I said and it's blowing up.

It was absolutely not my intention to use this word. It's disgusting, filthy and I've never intentionally used it ever in my life. Deeply sorry to anyone who thinks ill of me after this, as I've wanted nothing but to create an environment on Youtube and Twitch of kind-hearted people who I try to give back too just as much as they've given to me. The accusations coming my direction is something I've never had to deal with before, and it honestly one of the worst feelings I can remember. Especially when everything about my life, family and friends is the exact opposite of what the word represents.

I'll let the mods decide what to do with this thread. I can't ignore what I accidentally said, but I'd prefer not to be reminded of it every-time I visit the forum I've been a part of for almost a decade.

Be honest with me. After you said it... did you quickly realized you messed up? Or did you realize it when you read the stream chat but still didn't say nothing THEN? Just wondering. Not throwing shots at you. Actually a fan of you because you got me into fighting games. But this situation leaves a very poor taste in my mouth and I'm trying to let it go.


He just posted this about 20 minutes ago his previous tweets are discussing the issue in more detail

Watching the video in the OP and it seemed blatantly wrong but seeing that compilation, that's he's just saying random shit in quick secession that kind of rhymes or sounds silly every time he gets the kill I can actually see it as an unfortunate accident. Like you're just saying sounds and trying to say words that rhyme with what you just said or whatever.

Like it seems he just got excited and doing his Maximilian hype stuff and it got away from him before he knew what he was saying. Like it wasn't him shouting out a slur in frustration or anger on purpose as a way to discriminate. Like he wasn't calling the person he killed a Nigger, he wasn't saying or doing any racist things directed at black people, he wasn't even saying it in anger and showing his true colours, he was saying shitty random words together trying to be funny for the audience and it backfired big time when he realised "oh shit, that rhyme was a bad word and not just meaningless noise".

Someone brought up the Ryan Davis faggot stuff earlier in the thread but I think this is different to that. In that case it was near the end of a frustrating and long co-op stream/video with his friends and you could tell tensions were getting high towards the end and people were blaming each other and then Ryan in frustration calls one of his friends a faggot in rage as a way to put them down, clearly with intent to use it as a slur and not excusable even if he was frustrated or angry, you just don't say that. If Ryan was just listing off a bunch of words that rhyme with maggot in some kind of celebration and it slipped out and he realised immediately then it'd have been a different thing.

Basically, my feeling is that if you watch the OP vid it looks like a white guy saying a racial slur and other words that all together sound like he's intentionally being racist and it "slipped out" on camera but then you watch the other vid and see that he just does it a bunch with whatever words/sounds come to mind at the time and while he should still be careful with what he says, it's more understandable to see that it really does seem like an unfortunate accident.


Are people commenting on this now missing the first page of death? Seriously, the last two pages have some stupid comments mirroring posts of the RIP on the first...
I'm honestly surprised about the things that were said in the first few pages since I though Gaf was much more mature regarding racial issues.

With that being said, I don't believe Max had any negative intentions with this and was an accident.


Yikes. Not cool. Not even a little. I have no particular thoughts on how this should be responded to, but it's really not okay. Kudos to GAF for coming down on people excusing this. I fully believe people can learn from moments like these. You don't have to be "a racist" to have racist attitudes.


Yikes, that first page


I'm of two minds about this. I think Max is a good dude. I watch his stream, and he says some out of left field word combinations regularly. He regularly chills with 2 black homies on stream. I do believe it's just an unfortunate accident, and I accept the apology.

But who says that word on accident? I'm not closed to the possibility, I just never see anyone say it accidentally.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Sometimes you have to just take a man or woman by their word. The man said it was an accident. He has no racial slurs in his past record. He was mashing together rapid fire words over the entire stream.

The shit happened, and he owned it.

Let that boy cook, NeoGAF.


Yeah that's pretty bad. Surprised he got away with that even with the edit, but I guess things like autism are fair game? Makes no sense to me.

Apparently so. That lack of action really soured me on the site the past few weeks.

Watch me get banned for backseat moderating (aka calling him out when others wouldn't) and not Wollan for saying what he said


Has there ever been a page on neogaf where every single poster was banned? Does page 1 have the most banned posters in the history of neogaf?

Max is smart he'll own up to this.
charity begins at home, its how you how at home or with your friends, is how you will be in public, you can't hide it.

You can defend him all you want, he acts cool in public, but how does he act privately? the work slipped out maybe cause thats how he is

Pretty sure the guys wife is Asian and he has two close black friends so I think it's safe to assume he's not apart of some "White Power" cult.
I don't even watch the guy anymore but this whole crusade that Max is some huge racist is ridiculous.

First off, I watched the video. I give Max the benefit of the doubt, not just for the evidence presented but taking into account his good rep established here over the years. That doesn't mean that a healthy dose of side-eye isn't coming his way, but it's okay to chalk it up to a slip of the tongue and move on.

What I find considerably more comical is the rush by several posters to show their asses in futile attempts to shut down the discussion. Whether out of concern for a streamer they like, or - more likely - preemptively shout down anyone who might take offense, the results are the same. Casual dismissal? Gone. They-say-it-why-can't-we-say-it? Gone. Thread whining? Gone. Intent doesn't matter? Gone. "Outrage culture"? Gone.

Listen - preemptively yelling about "outrage" not only exposes a dangerously Philistine pig ignorance on the topic at hand, but social issues in general. You're saying, "it doesn't matter to me, so it shouldn't matter to anyone". That's asshole behaviour, and it will get you clipped.

What you and your ilk need to understand are these 3 key pillars:

1. The narrative is not within your control
2. The discussion will take place without you
3. Nothing of value will be lost

Those of you who received temporary bans are encouraged to view this as a reprieve. Take the opportunity to self-examine why it was so important to jump in and tell people why they shouldn't be offended when literally nobody in the thread had said they were.

Those of you who were permed? You won't be missed.
Thanks for that, always nice to see you guys chime in when the ban hammer falls like it did in this thread. Also I can't help but see your avatar and imagine that scene but with him holding a big red hammer that says BAN on it XD

In all seriousness though It's a weird thing to have happen on stream and at the very least Max knows its a big deal and hes making it a bigger deal then a majority of us already are, hes not actually trying to pretend like it didn't happen like I've seen many streamers try to do before when they do something similar.

I'll finish by echoing what a lot of other people have said, holy shit that first page.
Oh my god, I've never see a graveyard thread like this before...that first page...holy shit.

I can't believe so many replies were defending the streamer and/or questioning why it should be a thread. Some seriously fucked up replies.

It is never ok to use that word. Why is that so hard for some people to understand?
They got axed good. I have seen so many threads with people having rushed to question the existence of the thread, while thread had like 2 replies before their useless interjections.

It is as if NeoGAF is their backyard and random people shouldn't litter it with topics that aren't important to them.
Hey guys. I'd like to post this clip for clarity, as my conscience won't let me do otherwise.


After tongue twisting words multiple times throughout the stream, I said something I literally didn't believe I said until after I reviewed the footage in the morning. I was woken this morning to several people telling me that Neogaf and Reddit are blasting what I said and it's blowing up.

It was absolutely not my intention to use this word. It's disgusting, filthy and I've never intentionally used it ever in my life. Deeply sorry to anyone who thinks ill of me after this, as I've wanted nothing but to create an environment on Youtube and Twitch of kind-hearted people who I try to give back too just as much as they've given to me. The accusations coming my direction is something I've never had to deal with before, and it honestly one of the worst feelings I can remember. Especially when everything about my life, family and friends is the exact opposite of what the word represents.

I'll let the mods decide what to do with this thread. I can't ignore what I accidentally said, but I'd prefer not to be reminded of it every-time I visit the forum I've been a part of for almost a decade.

I still think you're great Max, thanks for clearing the air.


All of the bans on the first page have me even angrier that nothing happened to Wollan for pejoratively calling people autistic.
Wonder why

He made a quick stealth edit to save face but we remember:


I private messaged him about the matter. He did not respond.

Now this. What the fuck is wrong with people here and why is some of it allowed and some of it isn't?

No it's really not. Exhibit A from one of our star members above.

You know Wollan was banned for years, right? He's not exactly a "star member."


How is it shocking? It's literally exactly what happens any time a diversity topic comes up here. This time it just focused on the n-word so people felt even more challenged to use it and show the "PC police." It's depressingly common here. Wait until the next time someone talks about making a protagonist non-white or complains about female representation in games. We'll be right back here in minutes.

Gonna have to agree with this. I've seen a lot of people bragging about how GAF is a progressive forum, where matters can be discussed with respect and all that, but it only goes as far as some members are comfortable with. People will say that they're all for inclusion of minorities in spaces of power, but as soon as someone voice their disagreement or discomfort on some matter, these same people will ravage the thread with "it's not a big deal" or "stop being offended by everything"; if you don't believe me, take 20 minutes of your time and go read any thread in OT that deals with racism. Obviously, GAF is much better than 90% of the forums out there, especially given that we're considerably more open to adress these topics when it comes to video games, but we have a long way to go and the privilege of some people won't let them see that.


Are people commenting on this now missing the first page of death? Seriously, the last two pages of some stupid comments mirroring posts of the RIP on the first...

Some folks just can't help themselves...and can't be helped by others.
Has there ever been a page on neogaf where every single poster was banned? Does page 1 have the most banned posters in the history of neogaf?

Max is smart he'll own up to this.

There was another race thread where Bish closed it temporarily to run errands, and said when he came back he'd be bringing his lawnmower.

I can't remember what thread it was but true to his word, a few hours later that thread was a graveyard.
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