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Preacher |OT| The Beginning Is Nigh - Sundays 10/9c on AMC

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Jesse will soon come to realize what he did was wrong, that was very obviously not his "real" self. It was a ring of power moment. He is abusing genesis and is to a degree corrupted by it and the arsehole incident will likely make him realize that.

Isn't the whole deal with Comic:Custer that he naturally isn't corruptible? Arrogant, sure, but he never let the power go to his head, IIRC.

Plus, I thought the reason Genesis chose Show:Custer was that he wasn't corruptible, hence
why it blew the very corruptible power mad African preacher to bits.


I dont know about comic Jesse, haven't read them

and I don't think it was ever explained why genesis chose him in the show, he asked it but I don't think the angels gave a clear answer?

maybe he is just a good person? unlike tom cruise.
either way, even if he was indeed incorruptible, I stil think it's good idea to show how he struggles with this kind of power.

and please don't spoilertag aired show content, this thread is spoilery mess already. untagged comic spoilers, tagged aired show content, it's really hard to know what's behind those spoilertags.
.Oh, and Ruth Negga, she is so pretty.

She is a beautiful woman. However, I feel like I am the only person that does not like her casting as Tulip. The image of Tulip is so engraved into my brain as a blonde that it is hard for me to get past it. I think the characters are also so different from the comic to the show. This Tulip was made Op, that beginning episode where she takes down a helicopter and is using heavy weapons almost made me check out. Tulip is tops with a gun because her daddy taught her and she can fight. She is not Rambo. I am going to miss the wild passionate relationship between her and Preacher, it can't be the same.

Am I missing something about the relationship between Tulip and Emily?

This got me too. Is Tulip jealous of Emily? Did she come there to warn her to stay away from him and then was she waiting in her car thinking Jesse may show up there? Does Emily know Tulip's backstory, in this she is from the same town and lives with her drunk uncle I guess. I just saw no reason for the encounter when Tulip could have just went to the church. Odd

It really feels like (comic/ current episode spoilers)
they are building up to something awful happening to the townsfolk. Trying to humanize Emily a bit more (before she exits the story perhaps), Jesse furiously wanting to "save this town", and Eugene disappearing the way he did... it feels like they are setting up an alternative to the "church blows up" scene. Considering how unhinged Odin is getting and the fact that we already know that The Grail, Jesse's family, and Saint of Killers are in play I don't think it's unreasonable to think they are going to be on the run soon.

I agree with your assessment here.
I think Eugene getting sent to Hell is to spare him from the destruction that is about to happen to the town. They are all waiting outside that door and Jesse has a loud speaker set up. The only people that will be there are filler cast including Emily (since she is not a book character). Quincanno, Tulip, Cass, Eugene, Fiore and Deblanc, and Jesse are all that need to survive the scene and that seems to be worked out. I still hate that Quincannon is in it already. However, if they blow up the town the rest of the episode can't really stay there. I am thinking it will be the Season 1 Finale.


She was also in True Blood

Mind blown! She was so hot in TB. She looked so much cuter in this last episode too. It is hard to hide that much beauty.

I just can't stand show-Jesse. He's absolutely insufferable, uncool, and the complete antithesis of his comic version. And him using his power to doom Arseface to hell (WTF) is so out of character, it doesn't make sense at all.

It is so hard as a comic fan to watch them be so out of character. Tulip is the worst for me but Jesse is also a mess. He would never had used the "word" like that in the book. He has used it more in these episodes than the entire comic series. He should be so passionate about Tulip and he is not (I don't care how much he is trying to restrain or if he is doing it to protect her). He does not have the charisma that I thought he would. Cassidy is fun but very different. I don't feel like he is carrying his past pain and the wickedness/crazy that is inside him. Maybe that is why he doesn't wear glasses since he doesn't have that to mask in this adaptation. Also, Tulip and Cassidy had sex. I hate it so much.

Funny how much we can care about fictional characters.

As someone who hasn't read the comic, the show is very annoying to watch. It's not a slow burn it feels like a jumble of story lines that the show thinks I already care or even know about. Instead of intriguing it comes off like being on the outside of an injoke.

I can see that being the case. I watch with my girlfriend and she often has questions. I have a hard time with what to tell her because I don't want to spoil anything but also because everything is very different. The "cowboy" thing was really bothering her so I told her a bit of why they were doing it and that would be relevant. Once they revealed Genesis, I told her how it went down in the book and the differences.

In all, I am enjoying the show even though it frustrates me because I think of what it could have been. Since it is so different I just enjoy being surprised and seeing where they are going with the source material. I am onboard so choo choo.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
and I don't think it was ever explained why genesis chose him in the show, he asked it but I don't think the angels gave a clear answer?

Isn't that the implication though...?

maybe he is just a good person? unlike tom cruise.
either way, even if he was indeed incorruptible, I stil think it's good idea to show how he struggles with this kind of power.

I'm not sure it's necessary.

Totally subjective but Comic:Custer is literally one of the only fictional characters that ever made me want to be a better person. Show:Custer is... he's a bit of a weasel, I think.

There's a gulf between the two characters and, indeed, character arcs that I'm finding difficult to get over. Like someone said earlier in the thread, the way Show:Custer spoke to Eugene prior to using The Word would be grounds for Comic:Custer to kick the shit out of him, and Comic:Custer only beats the shit out of folk who deserve it.

It's kind of amazing that they got Cassidy and Eugene so right and everyone else so wrong.

I know, right?


jesse custer would have beaten the shit out of tv preacher after that eugene exchange. fuck

did they allude to the l'angells when he was talking to cass about his back tattoo? and "save town and ill be free?"

I thought of that too, but I'm not sure what the
would be all about specifically. Somehow though, I don't think that the
"mean old lady"
reference is a coincidence.
Nice catch on the tattoo. Didn't make the connection.

The line about "being free" of his promise was interesting if only because it seemed to show that Jesse really doesn't want to be doing this, despite what he's been telling people. Not just that he's bad at it but because maybe he only sees it as an obligation.

Edit: And as far as why Genesis chose Jesse (and I'm ignoring the comic here, just staying with how it works in the show) one might suppose that Genesis, being the offspring of an angel and a demon, would need/want a host who also comprised those two warring elements. I think in the context of the show, that Jesse, the bad man trying to be good, mirrors the nature of Genesis quite well. The African priest was too much of Heaven and the Russian Satanist was too much of Hell and Tom Cruise was Tom Cruise. Lastly, for as lackluster as I'm finding much of this, I will at least give the show some credit for giving its ancillary characters some depth, instead of presenting a bunch of cardboard cutouts for Jesse to mow over.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Edit: And as far as why Genesis chose Jesse (and I'm ignoring the comic here, just staying with how it works in the show) one might suppose that Genesis, being the offspring of an angel and a demon, would need/want a host who also comprised those two warring elements. I think in the context of the show, that Jesse, the bad man trying to be good, mirrors the nature of Genesis quite well. The African priest was too much of Heaven and the Russian Satanist was too much of Hell and Tom Cruise was Tom Cruise. Lastly, for as lackluster as I'm finding much of this, I will at least give the show some credit for giving its ancillary characters some depth, instead of presenting a bunch of cardboard cutouts for Jesse to mow over.

Yeah, that's a good shout.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I hope the Saint of Killers is a touchy feeling sap who just has a gruff exterior but a heart of gold who will cry on Jesse's shoulder about his dead family.
I just can't understand the comic readers in this thread who proclaim that "Jesse would never be like this". Are you guys serious? Have you entirely forgotten what was going on in Jesse's life at this point in the story?

He was broken mentally, the only bright spot in his life being God. He wasn't a tough guy any more (every time he tried to be, people he cared about got hurt), and there was no fight left in him except for one time when he got too drunk.

The show is very much following the comics in how they portray Jesse right now. He's conflict-shy and trying to avoid everything that has to do with his past life. He drinks a lot. He believes in God with all his heart. He's also a tough son of a bitch, but he's locked it away inside him, only letting us see it in very rare cases. It's only when he realizes that God quit that he'll grow a spine again and break out of his mental prison.

It's almost like some people forget that Jesse had actual character development in the comics too.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
It's almost like some people forget that Jesse had actual character development in the comics too.

None of those things you pointed out are my issue with his portrayal though. I don't recall him ever being spiteful to 'weaker' people (he gave away the towns secrets because he was fed up with their sinning and holier than thou attitude) or pumped up on his own importance and/or power. Happy to be proven wrong, of course. The Comic and Show Custers at this similar point are very different, as are their ostensible motives and concerns.
Definitely a weird episode and they're going to have to explain the whole bit with Eugene given that seems wildly out of the power curve there.

Looks like next week will continue to dial up the crazy happenings though given the preview snippets, so we'll soon see.


Hunky Nostradamus

Episode 1: 2.4 million viewers and 0.9 A18-49
Episode 2: 2.1 million viewers and 0.8 A18-49
Episode 3: 1.8 million viewers and 0.7 A18-49
Episode 4: 1.1 million viewers and 0.4 A18-49
Episode 5: 1.4 million viewers and 0.5 A18-49
Episode 6: 1.5 million viewers and 0.5 A18-49
Those ratings look accurate. This show slowed down a lot. No plot development and the mystery is all gone, in my opinion. The show opened up in a way that made me ask "wow, what kind of crazy shit is going to happen to this town" and it turns out the answer is nothing.


Jesse will soon come to realize what he did was wrong, that was very obviously not his "real" self. It was a ring of power moment. He is abusing genesis and is to a degree corrupted by it and the arsehole incident will likely make him realize that.

I thiiiiiink what they're TRYING to do is paint a whole season around Jesse's initial misguidedness, COMIC SPOILERS:
even though it lasted merely a page if that in the comic.
They're stretching out the budget in hopes it'll create a satisfying payoff that didn't exist in the source material, but IMO they're kind of failing.
It's kind of amazing that they got Cassidy and Eugene so right and everyone else so wrong.
Garth Ennis said:
No, that doesn't bother me. I quite like the new iteration of Tulip, where instead of being an incredibly reasonable person, polite and good-natured, who accelerates to attack speed when the fun and games begin, she's actually more uniformly like that. I think that's a tad more believable, if anything.


Don't mind the character changes as long as I like the chars or at least if they make sense in the world they are building.

New Tulip is a great take and could fit back into the comic as her own separate entity and hold her own; she is fully fleshed out

This Jessie though...is a total unlikeable asshole. I liked the fact he was a bit unsure of himself in the beginning, but I dont have a clue what they are doing here with the char.

As a comic fan I actually want deviations...already we've gotten some great scenes out of it (the clone battle royale). But up until this episode it felt like they were threading water. Heck, thinking about it asshole Jessie is an improvement from that weird slacker dude we had for 3 episodes in a row.


The show is decent but Tulip is fucking INSUFFERABLE.

You know what, I can't stand her either. She shows up, I start browsing this forum or some other place.

Right now I get the feeling this is a so-so show with high production values and occasional good moments.


I'm almost glad I've never read the comics because it seems that many of you are incapable of enjoying a well made, sharp show with great casting and good production values simply because it may be unexciting as an adaptation. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
I enjoy well made sharp shows but what does that have to do with the limp mess this show has turned out to be?

I read the comics so long ago that I remember almost nothing from them. I don't really think this is a "fans of the source material will not stand for any deviation" thing. The show is just extremely boring.

It's so dull that I watched Ray Donovan and Roadies rather than it last Sunday.


I am liking the show so far....yes it is something completly different but it is a cool different.

I still think we will reach Comic Jesse with character development.

Also ... I don't remember, but he can do what he did to Eugene on the comics ?
Didn't he already tell people to do what they ALREADY can ?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm almost glad I've never read the comics because it seems that many of you are incapable of enjoying a well made, sharp show with great casting and good production values simply because it may be unexciting as an adaptation. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
Well made? Even disregarding the source material, the pacing is horrendous, the characterization is a mess, and the plot isn't even interesting. Sure the acting is good but that's about it. I need more than "good production values" to keep me entertained. I honestly don't even know why non-comic readers enjoy this show. It's terribly boring and the main character is an insufferable, unlikable douche.

Plus, the appeal of Preacher is in its unapologetic combination of blasphemy, violence, sexiness and over-the-top craziness. Quite literally the opposite of what we're getting, outside of the occasional Cassidy scene.

Episode 1: 2.4 million viewers and 0.9 A18-49
Episode 2: 2.1 million viewers and 0.8 A18-49
Episode 3: 1.8 million viewers and 0.7 A18-49
Episode 4: 1.1 million viewers and 0.4 A18-49
Episode 5: 1.4 million viewers and 0.5 A18-49
Episode 6: 1.5 million viewers and 0.5 A18-49

I can believe this, i tried to watch the show past the second episode, and i just gave up. The story is just to jagged and cut wrongly, the scenes as well last for an eternity.


I honestly don't even know why non-comic readers enjoy this show. It's terribly boring and the main character is an insufferable, unlikable douche.

as a non-reader, let me answer that for you
the first episode was excellent
I think the story and characters are interesting
I really like all three main characters

the show certainly dropped in quality after the first episode, but the whole premise is good enough to keep me watching and there are occasional fun scenes.
they will have get better again in the least few episodes and season 2, though.
and I agree there could be more sexiness.


Plus, the appeal of Preacher is in its unapologetic combination of blasphemy, violence, sexiness and over-the-top craziness. Quite literally the opposite of what we're getting, outside of the occasional Cassidy scene.

We had an angel being dead, crucifix being compared to pretty horrific things, LOTS of violence with Roscharch (someone following GOD) and the hotel scene which has over the top craziness like the eugene scene.

And that is in the last 2 episodes

We are only missing in the sexiness part but hey, there is always Jesus DeSade =P

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Plus, the appeal of Preacher is in its unapologetic combination of blasphemy, violence, sexiness and over-the-top craziness. Quite literally the opposite of what we're getting, outside of the occasional Cassidy scene.

You totally forgot warmth (yeah, really) and really good guys/gals unambiguously kicking the shit out of really bad guys/gals... except two specific instances. The lack of warmth is why The Boys is such a trudge. It's just so damn mean.
Reflecting on this show I am just going to have to mentally separate the comic and the adaptation.

There's parts of the show where it makes me go "that is Preacher" and then there is just so much stuff like the glacial pacing, and other things that just drag it down.

I mean even objectively looking at the show, ignoring the comic, it still isn't very good.

The acting is good, the production is okay, but everything else about it just drags it down for me.
I am liking the show so far....yes it is something completly different but it is a cool different.

I still think we will reach Comic Jesse with character development.

Also ... I don't remember, but he can do what he did to Eugene on the comics ?
Didn't he already tell people to do what they ALREADY can ?
I'm pretty certain he can only make people do things which are physically possible for them to do. Making someone literally go to hell is stupid (as hell). If he can do that, he can do almost anything and the 'voice of God' becomes a different power entirely.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty certain he can only make people do things which are physically possible for them to do.

That doesn't cover the (comic spoiler)
'Go fuck yourself'
moment though! XD

EDIT: Waitaminute, thinking about it, Comic:Custer tells (comic spoiler)
Jody to 'Burn!' and he does
. That's not physically possible, is it?


I don't think Eugene really went to hell, that would not make sense.
I think when Jesse tested genesis on Cassidy, it was clear he cannot to supernatural stuff with it, he told him to fly and he didn't. So if Eugene is really in hell, that would make no sense. I hope he just ran away or something like that.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
We had an angel being dead, crucifix being compared to pretty horrific things, LOTS of violence with Roscharch (someone following GOD) and the hotel scene which has over the top craziness like the eugene scene.

And that is in the last 2 episodes

We are only missing in the sexiness part but hey, there is always Jesus DeSade =P

Lets be honest. There is little in the show that is nearly as disturbing and fucked up as what comes later in the comic. Its actually one of the things I find a bit unintentionally humorous as you can see the show runners trying to keep up with the insanity of the comic before actually arriving to the events proper. They do ok with it but I think they consider a lot gore and other similar "shocking" stuff as enough to bridge the gap for what is going to come up.

You totally forgot warmth (yeah, really) and really good guys/gals unambiguously kicking the shit out of really bad guys/gals... except two specific instances. The lack of warmth is why The Boys is such a trudge. It's just so damn mean.

I mean its got long moments of mean streaks and I'm not sure warmth is the term I would use. I mean the comic basically becomes the "what horrible thing can we do to Herr Starr?" which is hilarious but hardly what I'd call nice or warm or what not.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I mean its got long moments of mean streaks and I'm not sure warmth is the term I would use. I mean the comic basically becomes the "what horrible thing can we do to Herr Starr?" which is hilarious but hardly what I'd call nice or warm or what not.

Jesse and Tulip's relationship can be pretty tender, as well their relationships with their parents, (major comic spoiler)
Cassidy's heartfelt plea for Jesse's forgiveness at the end, the good guy's always being good/bad guys always being shits, the ending in general
, Arseface's arc... there is a real tender, sentimental and, yes, warm heart underneath all the scatology and blood-stained, eye-poking, Herr Star bashing cynicism.

"Now take my hand an' I swear I'll love you 'til the Goddamn stars go out."
I thought about it, and I'm really fine with the pacing of this show. I trust Seth Rogen (considering he's been pursuing this adaptation literally since he has obtained an agent) and after having watched Better Call Saul I know how rewarding good character development is. The disappearance of Eugene, Donny's increasing frustration with Jesse, not to mention the whole Genesis thing are all building up in interesting ways. The action and plot movement are punctuated by some pretty hilarious scenes, too. I will probably never stop laughing at Cassidy in a rice farmer's hat. Donny telling his wife "please don't fuck ___ in a bathroom stall" was hilarious. I loved Quincannon's lots-of-lessons speech after the hooker-chasing incident ("And ladies... Uh... If you're going to be out here at night, watch where you're going"). Fiore is so humorously out of place all the time that he's a contender for best side character in the show.

Yeah, this show is good. I'm a little worried that "character development" is going to be used as an excuse for dragging us along painfully slow episodes while letting the plot stagnate, but as long as the funnies keep rolling in and the craziness of Preacher makes it later on in the show, I'll be happy.


Well made? Even disregarding the source material, the pacing is horrendous, the characterization is a mess, and the plot isn't even interesting. Sure the acting is good but that's about it. I need more than "good production values" to keep me entertained. I honestly don't even know why non-comic readers enjoy this show. It's terribly boring and the main character is an insufferable, unlikable douche.

Plus, the appeal of Preacher is in its unapologetic combination of blasphemy, violence, sexiness and over-the-top craziness. Quite literally the opposite of what we're getting, outside of the occasional Cassidy scene.

Did you ever watch rubicon and what did you think about that show?


That doesn't cover the (comic spoiler)
'Go fuck yourself'
moment though! XD

EDIT: Waitaminute, thinking about it, Comic:Custer tells (comic spoiler)
Jody to 'Burn!' and he does
. That's not physically possible, is it?

Makes sense ... the edit is more in line with the episode.
Very good episode. I don't get the complaints about Tulip, she's awesome.
This Jesse is good, not my favorite character ever like the one from the comics, but still good. I hope that his arc will make him better in the next season though.
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