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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Red Dead Redemption is R*'s best game this last gen. GTAV is cool and all, but RDR is superior in every way.

Undead Nightmare alone is enough to put this game in the upper echelons of games period

I like the way you think, sir.

I'd rather play Deus Ex 2 than 1.
I think Bethesda's best days are over and everything they make from now on will be soulless cash grabs with some smidgen of originality.

The writing is on the wall with their casualized skyrim and elder scrolls online approach. They either don't want to spend the time to make complex systems within the game, are too scared because execs want COD audience, or simply forgot how to do so.


Red Dead Redemption is R*'s best game this last gen. GTAV is cool and all, but RDR is superior in every way.

Undead Nightmare alone is enough to put this game in the upper echelons of games period

Yep, completely agree. RDR is a masterpiece, one of the best game ever.


Loving that I'm not the only one who struggles with Dark Souls on principle - "prepare to die" is its motto, and yet the price for death as previously mentioned is incredibly high. It's a flawed concept that for me is punishing, not enjoyable.

I applaud those who have the patience for these games....I just...can't...do it.

Yeah I'm in the same boat, I'm not interested in games that seem to actively disrespect my time.

That GIF of the guy walking down the corridor towards an enemy, only to be kicked off the right edge into oblivion by a hidden enemy, yeah. That's the game saying "fuck you player" straight up. I'm not into that kind of abuse.

Your comment about the motto reminds me of Rogue Legacy. Prepare to Die would work well for that game's motto as well, and death is more enjoyable in that game, I mean, it's quick to get back into a game, and as Jeff said on Weekend Confirmed the other week, death is levelling up in this game.


I like the way you think, sir.

I'd rather play Deus Ex 2 than 1.

Yep, completely agree. RDR is a masterpiece, one of the best game ever.

Glad I am not the only one

I think Bethesda's best days are over and everything they make from now on will be soulless cash grabs with some smidgen of originality.

The writing is on the wall with their casualized skyrim and elder scrolls online approach. They either don't want to spend the time to make complex systems within the game, are too scared because execs want COD audience, or simply forgot how to do so.

The only reason I still play Skyrim is because of the mods honestly. I agree with just about everything you said sir. Some of the writing in Skyrim can be pretty good, but the older titles were so much better

I really liked call of duty World at war.

Crouch only servers, PC, thing of beauty. The last COD I actually enjoyed
I am glad that the Wii U is failing, I was sick of Nintendo thinking they could keep on milking gamers by rehashing Mario and Zelda for the 30th time.


Pokemon is a more fun and adult experience than any FPS.

Instead of just shooting random brown people you have to come up with strategies and a way to better yourself and team.
If the Nintendo 64 controller had been better and the story was more related to other titles in the franchise Castlevania 64 would have been considered a timeless classic and the 3D equivalent of SoTN.

No other title on the N64 did nearly as good a job with atmosphere and the levels were extraordinarily well done.


- Mass Effect 3 is the best ME game, easily. Why? The combat. I didn't play the series for the ending and it wasn't that bad anyway.

- Bioshock Infinite's combat is very good. Not revolutionary, but solid, without a doubt.

- MGS4 is meh. MGS3 is my favourite game of all time, but MGS4's level design is horrible after Act 2. How can you not see it! The game is a mess! Bad pacing too.

- Peace Walker (HD) is a excellent MGS game. Better than MGS4 (and MGS2 for that matter).

- Uncharted is shit. Annoying combat and extremely repetitive. Linear in a bad way. Boring. Tbh, the game isn't terrible, but pretty mediocre. 5/10. I'm currently playing Uncharted 2 and it's better and somewhat fun, but nothing special. 7/10 currently. Metacritic 96 (?) wtf?

- I actually enjoyed Killzone: Shadow Fall's campaign more than I'm currently enjoying Uncharted 2. It's solid, period. Not a masterpiece, but I'm happy with my purchase.

- Killzone 1 is a good game. It was overhyped back in the day, but now it's underrated. Good level design, exceptional enemy design (okay, the A.I. is shitty), satisfying weaponry. It works.

- Halo 4's multiplayer is good. Yeah, maybe it's too cod, but it was still fun and pretty addicting too.

- Crack in Time is the worst main Ratchet game since the first one. It's still a good game, though. Where is the humour? And the level design is... a little off. Uninspiring weaponry too.

- Controversial or not: Sleeping Dogs is a better video game than GTA IV! I'm not a one of those GTA IV haters, though: it's good, even with its many flaws.


erotic butter maelstrom
Pokemon is a more fun and adult experience than any FPS.

Instead of just shooting random brown people you have to come up with strategies and a way to better yourself and team.

So "shooting random brown people" is an accurate description of "any FPS". Some of you guys are amazing, haha.


Gold Member
Pokemon is a more fun and adult experience than any FPS.

Instead of just shooting random brown people you have to come up with strategies and a way to better yourself and team.



Pokemon is a more fun and adult experience than any FPS.

Instead of just shooting random brown people you have to come up with strategies and a way to better yourself and team.

The best of both worlds: A game where you can shoot pokemon. Ultraviolent of course.
Outside of Zelda, Super Mario World, and Super Metroid, SNES is a garbage system.

You could kinda say the same for every Nintendo system. But damn those few titles I like I REALLY like and justifies the purchase for me.

Pokemon is a more fun and adult experience than any FPS.

Instead of just shooting random brown people you have to come up with strategies and a way to better yourself and team.

Not really, you can spam the whole game with 1 or 2 pokemon.


I think Bethesda's best days are over and everything they make from now on will be soulless cash grabs with some smidgen of originality.

The writing is on the wall with their casualized skyrim and elder scrolls online approach. They either don't want to spend the time to make complex systems within the game, are too scared because execs want COD audience, or simply forgot how to do so.

You know what, I agree. And that's depressing.


Platinum Games are overrated.

I don't get why Journey is loved. You just walk to one place in, an albeit, beautiful environment. Whatever emotional experience I was supposed to get out of it was lost on me.

RE4 have terrible controls.

qq more

Sadly neither perform that well on console.

Though I'd buy it just to see Pikachu slashed to hell with a toothed greatsword.

MH3U Wii U underperformed in Japan because it's literally the same game as the 3DS version but with online mode and 1080p and some minor enhancements.

And there isn't a huge Wii U Pokemon game so...
I know this is controversial, but Vagrant Story, while being good for its time has not aged particularly well. The battle system is tedious and the menus are awful and slow, and if you want to be successful at Vagrant Story, you will spend half your game in those horrible menus.

Sorry Vagrant Story.


3DS has JRPGs besides Bravely Default?!?!?


(oh I guess Fire Emblem)

Admittedly if it had more JRPGs like Bravely Default I'd probably be more interested (i always liked the older final fantasy games, chrono trigger, golden sun, etc games) but a lot of the 3ds games that people classify as JRPG i just am not interested in really.


I know this is controversial, but Vagrant Story, while being good for its time has not aged particularly well. The battle system is tedious and the menus are awful and slow, and if you want to be successful at Vagrant Story, you will spend half your game in those horrible menus.

Sorry Vagrant Story.
How dare you ? *bitchslaps*
On a more serious note, I think Vagrant Story has aged ok, better than FF7 imo. I'm replaying it now and having a blast. Kinda agree about the menus though... but forging is a huge part of the VS experience so it's ok.

Now, my controversial opinions:
-I think that Valve games suck hard. L4D, HL are terrible games and I can't for the life of me understand the religious hype for HL3. Portal is ok though.

-I wish FPS could be banned from the gaming industry for two years so as to force developers to do something else. The market is over saturated, and I don't enjoy the genre unless it's mixed with RPG elements a la Bioshock or Borderlands.

-People hate EA here a lot, but they gave me some of the best games of this generation: Mass Effect and Dead Space. Also, Dragon Age Inquisition looks fantastic so far and i can't wait for Mirrors Edge 2. Activision on the other hand is completely useless.

-People hate Capcom, but DmC was nowhere near as bad as people wanted it to be, it was actually a great game. Plus how can I hate on the guys responsible for the revival of fighting games this gen? You get a pass Capcom, now bring USF4 to PS4.

-Skyrim is quite possibly the best WRPG I've played this gen, only rivaled by The Witcher 2. It sucks for people who played the shitty PS3 version but aside that I don't understand the hate. I want a new Elder Scrolls before a new Fallout.

-Metal Gear Solid 4 was a great way to end Solid's story. I loved the game from beginning to the end.

-Castlevania Lords of Shadow is the best Castlevania in the series, and I can't wait for LOS2.

-Not controversial but I have to say it again: you suck, Square Enix.

The Sega Dreamcast was helped built with Microsoft (collaboration if I recall).

Because of this I have always seen Xbox as a natural successor to the Sega brand.

Now I feel MS should money hat to the extreme! They need to buy Sega, make it a division of MS or independent, and rebrand the xbox for the Asian market as a Sega system.

It would also allow some great exclusive IPs on the Xbone

And Id rather buy a Sega One...
Goddamn son.
The Sega Dreamcast was helped built with Microsoft (collaboration if I recall).

Because of this I have always seen Xbox as a natural successor to the Sega brand.

Now I feel MS should money hat to the extreme! They need to buy Sega, make it a division of MS or independent, and rebrand the xbox for the Asian market as a Sega system.

It would also allow some great exclusive IPs on the Xbone

And Id rather buy a Sega One...
This might only be slightly more controversial
I doubt that's controversial at all. At least not on the culture of NeoGAF.

As for how it effects its popularity. I don't know, or care all that much. As much as I like video games, I like moe even more. So I wouldn't be willing to lose moe for success of video games I love. I also don't think that greater popularity is necessarily a good thing. A lot of my favourite music will probably not ever be mainstream and have mainstream appeal. But that's okay.

Also, something like moe isn't defined by the extremes and stereotypes of some of its fans. Neither is any media. And using moe did not prevent Recettear for selling over 300,000 copies. Which may not be as much as many other games, but is enough of a success to justify creating more of such types of games. Especially if the creator is passionate for that sort of thing. Which many creators in the Japanese indie gaming scene, are passionate for moe. Some are even willing to make their moe games for free because they care about them.

I don't actually think that moe has as much of an effect on sales as many people think. I think that moe is a factor for some people, either for or against. But the popularity of some things is dependent on far more than things like that. DoDonPachi has achieved limited success outside of how much moe it uses or doesn't use. The recent use of moe in Cave's games does not appear to have negatively affected them financially in any way. In fact, the moe of Sai Dai Ou Jou has probably positively influenced the sales of a niche game in a niche genre. The use of moe is pretty independent of the game's sales. And what actually limits the sales of the game, is belonging to to the SHMUP or Scrolling Shooter genre.

Moe, most likely, broadened the appeal of the DoDonPachi games and helped bring in a new audience to give Cave revenue. Though it's possible that the use of moe in Dai Ou Jou was a personal artistic choice. Cave seems to like exploring tragic relationships between humans and robots. Dai Ou Jou is the first game in which Cave experimented with moe in DoDonPachi, and was many years ago.

This same comparison could be made of music. Where, in the Japanese electronic music scene, moe is prominent. I suppose that some could argue that the use of moe from artists like kors k or DJ Sharpnel is negatively affecting the popularity of Japanese hardcore techno music. But I feel the the use of moe is independent of the success of the music, if not a positive influence on its popularity. Many people have discovered hardcore techno simply because of the moe. And Japanese hardcore techno, is some of the most popular hardcore techno in the world. And the Japanese industry has an especially important place in the Happy Hardcore genre. The reason this genre or music scene isn't mainstream, isn't because of the heavy use of moe that many electronic artists in Japan use. It's because the core of that style of music isn't popular.

Sometimes the basic essence of what makes a kind of video game what it is, or a type of music what it is, just isn't popular. Moe, also, on the other hand, is a rising phenomenon and a niche that isn't going away.

And again, as much as I like video games and want them to be successful. I want moe to be successful even more. Just as I don't mind music I enjoy becoming mainstream. Similarly, I care about moe, whether it becomes mainstream or not. I cheer on the success of moe, but if it should remain obscure, that's fine too, I suppose. Again, however, I'm not going to give that up for the mainstream appeal of a video game. And I'm going to continue to fund and support moe.

And I don't see how it is better to appeal to mainstream tastes than to niche tastes. It's possible, for a company, that would lead to more sales if they changed their aesthetic to look more Western. But that market is also very difficult, too. Only so many games can be mainstream successes. And that kind of risk taking is exactly what companies like Capcom are doing right now.

I think that companies like Nippon Ichi, who are using moe, right now, are in a more secure position than companies like Capcom, who are gambling on broad appeal.
I think Western games have inferior gameplay to their Japanese counterparts. DmC compared to Metal Gear Rising, Forza to GT6, Dragon's Dogma or Dark Souls to Amalur or Elder Scrolls etc... It's just more boring and simple, it feels like you're just pushing buttons while with the Japanese games it feels like I'm actually doing awesome stuff!


As a fan of Dark Souls, I'm actually not looking forward to Dark Souls II at all. I thought a lot of the big changes from Demon's Souls like no longer losing HP for being in Hollow/Spirit form and having the estus flask instead of consumable healing items that you could stockpile were big improvements, and I'm disappointed to hear that aspects of those are being brought back for the sequel. It comes off to me like with a different director they were worried that players would be overly sensitive or hostile to any given design decision so they overcompensated to avoid having people accuse them of dumbing it down or making it easy. I thought Dark Souls had a really great balance with its design/difficulty but Dark Souls II sounds like something I wouldn't enjoy very much.


This... as a comment on a gaming board...
I can't even... I don't...

You win most controversial opinion, good job.

When people are overly concerned with whether some sports writers on a cable show think gaming is an "eSport", I say it's time to take a step back and think about what really matters - enjoying your games or worrying that someone doesn't think your game is a "sport".


Bioshock wasn't all that great. It was pretty good, maybe 7 or 8 out of 10 but I don't see how the story especially was all that great. I don't even remember the name of the protagonist. Considering I'm playing as that person it should be one of the most memorable characters in the game (Gordon Freeman is memorable even if he doesn't speak because everyone reacts to him differently and he actually matters in the world).


I doubt that's controversial at all. At least not on the culture of NeoGAF.

As for how it effects its popularity. I don't know, or care all that much. As much as I like video games, I like moe even more. So I wouldn't be willing to lose moe for success of video games I love. I also don't think that greater popularity is necessarily a good thing. A lot of my favourite music will probably not ever be mainstream and have mainstream appeal. But that's okay.

Also, something like moe isn't defined by the extremes and stereotypes of some of its fans. Neither is any media. And using moe did not prevent Recettear for selling over 300,000 copies. Which may not be as much as many other games, but is enough of a success to justify creating more of such types of games. Especially if the creator is passionate for that sort of thing. Which many creators in the Japanese indie gaming scene, are passionate for moe. Some are even willing to make their moe games for free because they care about them.

I don't actually think that moe has as much of an effect on sales as many people think. I think that moe is a factor for some people, either for or against. But the popularity of some things is dependent on far more than things like that. DoDonPachi has achieved limited success outside of how much moe it uses or doesn't use. The recent use of moe in Cave's games does not appear to have negatively affected them financially in any way. In fact, the moe of Sai Dai Ou Jou has probably positively influenced the sales of a niche game in a niche genre. The use of moe is pretty independent of the game's sales. And what actually limits the sales of the game, is belonging to to the SHMUP or Scrolling Shooter genre.

Moe, most likely, broadened the appeal of the DoDonPachi games and helped bring in a new audience to give Cave revenue. Though it's possible that the use of moe in Dai Ou Jou was a personal artistic choice. Cave seems to like exploring tragic relationships between humans and robots. Dai Ou Jou is the first game in which Cave experimented with moe in DoDonPachi, and was many years ago.

This same comparison could be made of music. Where, in the Japanese electronic music scene, moe is prominent. I suppose that some could argue that the use of moe from artists like kors k or DJ Sharpnel is negatively affecting the popularity of Japanese hardcore techno music. But I feel the the use of moe is independent of the success of the music, if not a positive influence on its popularity. Many people have discovered hardcore techno simply because of the moe. And Japanese hardcore techno, is some of the most popular hardcore techno in the world. And the Japanese industry has an especially important place in the Happy Hardcore genre. The reason this genre or music scene isn't mainstream, isn't because of the heavy use of moe that many electronic artists in Japan use. It's because the core of that style of music isn't popular.

Sometimes the basic essence of what makes a kind of video game what it is, or a type of music what it is, just isn't popular. Moe, also, on the other hand, is a rising phenomenon and a niche that isn't going away.

And again, as much as I like video games and want them to be successful. I want moe to be successful even more. Just as I don't mind music I enjoy becoming mainstream. Similarly, I care about moe, whether it becomes mainstream or not. I cheer on the success of moe, but if it should remain obscure, that's fine too, I suppose. Again, however, I'm not going to give that up for the mainstream appeal of a video game. And I'm going to continue to fund and support moe.

And I don't see how it is better to appeal to mainstream tastes than to niche tastes. It's possible, for a company, that would lead to more sales if they changed their aesthetic to look more Western. But that market is also very difficult, too. Only so many games can be mainstream successes. And that kind of risk taking is exactly what companies like Capcom are doing right now.

I think that companies like Nippon Ichi, who are using moe, right now, are in a more secure position than companies like Capcom, who are gambling on broad appeal.
I don't have a problem with moe. Kirby is almost as moe as you can get and I've loved it for 20 years. Recettear's cute characters made for a funny contrast that made the game more interesting. What I mean by "appealing to people who drool over hot springs scenes and buy body pillows" is blatant, immature, unnecessary fanserice, not necessarily moe. I probably wasn't clear about that. I actually agree with you on many points here.
FFVI (though fantastic) is inferior to FFVII. I loved the gameplay, characters, and story, but the environments and world were far, far more memorable in VII.
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