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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


On a serious note: Kratos is probably the most sexually attractive video game character of all time, even above Leon Kennedy. You KNOW he'd do everything you'd want without even saying anything.


1.) The idea of a "controversial" opinions thread, IMO, is that regardless of what people say, the hivemind concept applies to any place where you gather a bunch of like-minded people. I've noticed that people get to express dissenting opinions more in here than in other threads, where they are immediately shouted down by pages upon pages of people.

2.) I'm shutting down discussion because there's already a place to discuss that. Gamergate is such a massive issue at this point that it engulfs threads that have nothing to do with it. I really don't want that to happen here.

Are you a mod? If not, I don't think you really get to choose what other people talk about in here.
I just can't find what makes Kingdom Hearts series great. Tried almost every single one of them, and always leave them after playing 2-3 hours or so.


Neo Member
I dislike Japanese games in general, think 60fps looks like sped up cheap masterpiece theater and don't get the attraction of League of legends or for that matter E sports in general despite playing video games.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
A good percentage of games many people say are horrible are actually pretty good.

A good percentage of games people say are amazing and applaud for moving gaming forward in the current year don't really live up to the hype at all, but are still pretty good.

Nintendo's biggest challenge isn't catching up to what the rest of the industry is doing, but surviving until a few more generations churn through the gaming audience establishing a more varied and healthy demographic spread. Enthusiast gaming is still in its first anti-social teen / laconic college student phase.

I think a big reason why so many people are suddenly underwhelmed by the latest AAA games is the shock value of videya games looking like movies and talking like peoples is starting to wear off. Many may not know how to articulate it yet, but the weakness underlying the design of so many styles of games that became popular last generation are beginning to reveal themselves.
I also think this
Xbox fans are so envy of Playstation fans over The Last Of Us being exclusive to PS3 that they downvoted TLOU on every GOTY poll last year and now they are treating Sunset Overdrive as the next arrival of Jesus.

After pokemon Gold/Silver, the next best gen is 6 (Kalos).

That sounds more like a conspiracy theory than a controversial opionion. Also I kind of agree with you on the pokemon thing


contribute something
Bioshock Infinite is more entertaining and enjoyable than the others. It also has the most impactful story of the series.


The GTA series, Midnight Club II, Fallout New Vegas, and Minecraft are the ONLY good open world games:

open world games I've tried and just don't think are very good:
Crackdown 1&2, Assassin's Creed 1&2&4, Prototype, Batman Arkham City, Dead Island, Shadow of Mordor, Crysis, Far Cry 2&3, Saints Row 3&4, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Xenoblade Chronicles, Borderlands 1&2, STALKER, Just Cause 1&2, Infamous 1&2, LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Sleeping Dogs, Burnout Paradise, Forza Horizon, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Midnight Club Los Angeles

furthermore, the Halo games are all excellent games, but they are still the worst Bungie games:

1. Marathon
2. Myth
3. Destiny
4. Oni
5. Pathways into Darkness
6. Halo


Making video game is very hard work. Much harder that majority of NeoGaf(and gamers in general) will ever understand. They will rip games and developers apart over details they are citing incorrectly because they have no actual working knowledge, only a 15min wikipedia read.

As a result they want all games to be AAA quality, catering to all demographics (even ones that are not known or recognized yet), have mind blowing meta plots, available on ALL platforms, be FREE and then have sequels planned that are unique but not too unique as to change what they liked about the first game but didnt know they liked.


Neo Member
I really dislike Uncharted and cannot understand why people love it so much. Played all three... they were OK games, but nowhere near the hype.

I also miss the CG story parts in games. I remember playing Tomb Raider 2 and Resident Evil 2 and waiting for those parts as if they were the prize. Nowadays everything is actual gameplay and I feel that a lot more could be achieved in ways of storytelling techniques wiht the use of CG.
Most gamers who argue that this console generation isn't a huge leap in terms of hardware don't know what they are talking about.

"PS4 should be able to do 1080p @ 60 fps always"

Working on a closed hardware set allows developers to utilize the hardware to its maximum potential rather than having the hardware use its raw processing power (pc games). The biggest issue for trying to get things to work 1080p at 60 fps is time.

Developers need time in order to familiarize themselves with the architecture and hardware, which costs money.

The fact that we went from 256MB and 512MB of RAM to 4-8GB is a huge indication that games will still have that graphical push to them this generation as they did during the last generation.


Xbox fans are so envy of Playstation fans over The Last Of Us being exclusive to PS3 that they downvoted TLOU on every GOTY poll last year and now they are treating Sunset Overdrive as the next arrival of Jesus.

After pokemon Gold/Silver, the next best gen is 6 (Kalos).


The GTA series, Midnight Club II, Fallout New Vegas, and Minecraft are the ONLY good open world games:

open world games I've tried and just don't think are very good:
Crackdown 1&2, Assassin's Creed 1&2&4, Prototype, Batman Arkham City, Dead Island, Shadow of Mordor, Crysis, Far Cry 2&3, Saints Row 3&4, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Xenoblade Chronicles, Borderlands 1&2, STALKER, Just Cause 2, Infamous 1&2, LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Sleeping Dogs, Burnout Paradise, Forza Horizon, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Midnight Club Los Angeles

Just Cause 2..really?

Grand Theft Auto is a bland, often racist, crap series that boils down to being a rage outlet simulator that has shit characters that no one cares about.

Earthbound/Mother has terrible character design, Nes is so ugly/creepy that the only reason I want him in smash bros is so I can beat him up.

Sega was the most innovative hardware manufacturer and deserves to be in gaming more then Microsoft.
Devs who make games that have online multiplayer but don't have local multiplayer are lazy in my opinion.

I am unsure how much more work would go in to making an offline multiplayer but this generation and last were more focused on online and it means less games to play together with when your at a mates drinking and chilling out.

I want a 2-4 player experience please (Nintendo you are good at this so you can get a round of applause)
I just can't find what makes Kingdom Hearts series great. Tried almost every single one of them, and always leave them after playing 2-3 hours or so.

What do you feel when you play them? I'm very curious because even though KH is one of my favorite series of all time, I know it's not for everyone, but I can't pin a few good reasons why


Sonic Adventure 2 has the one of the most entertaining stories in a video game and more games should try to be like it.
Seriously. It's pretty straight to the gameplay, the cutscenes are fucking hilariously bad to the point of being entertaining, and it always tells you what the hell you need to do. It doesn't feel bloated with non-entertaining shit like half the AAA games that have tried to have a story do.


Xbox fans are so envy of Playstation fans over The Last Of Us being exclusive to PS3 that they downvoted TLOU on every GOTY poll last year and now they are treating Sunset Overdrive as the next arrival of Jesus.

After pokemon Gold/Silver, the next best gen is 6 (Kalos).

oh wow


This may not be "controversial" as I suspect more people would agree rather than disagree. But I know lots of people do strongly disagree:

Red Dead Redemption is just GTA set in the Old West. Period.


I'm tired of people complaining about different types of characters in game.
Ex: Need more [genre, race, orientation, etc] characters in XY game.

I don't see anyone complaining like that when they go see movies or read books.

Games, like books and movies, give us a story, a context and why should they require that their characters match XY stereotypes to please XY people???? IT'S FICTION!
Controversial? Maybe not given Destiny, but...

I think Bungie has always been absolutely atrocious at story-telling and all of the Halo games have horrendously delivered stories
Platinum, Yes. Naughty Dog, no.

Wow. That was word for word what went through my head after reading that comment.

Devs who make games that have online multiplayer but don't have local multiplayer are lazy in my opinion.

I am unsure how much more work would go in to making an offline multiplayer but this generation and last were more focused on online and it means less games to play together with when your at a mates drinking and chilling out.

I want a 2-4 player experience please (Nintendo you are good at this so you can get a round of applause)

It's not lazy devs at all. Offline multiplayer is more power intensive on hardware because you have to render everything multiple times (split screen at least). They'd have to make a game look less visually appealing for a feature that doesn't necessarily sell many more copies of a game.

Anyway time for my controversial opinion.

Pokemon games are incredibly shallow when it comes to combat and I hate that they're put on such a high pedestal that the monster capture genre hasn't been allowed expand properly. I want a monster catching game that actually takes active skill beyond just passive skills like team building.
I think Twilight Princess and Zelda 2 are tied for the worst Zelda games.

TP just is too empty. Its dark in the wrong ways (majora's music, art style and designs still have that classic friendly look and feel but with dark themes and stories), artstyle is incredibly bland, bosses were a bit boring, easy, and unmemorable to me (aside from a few like the ice stage)
Destiny is not only the spiritual successor to Phantasy Star Online, it is better in every way (except not being able to feed stuff to the ghost), and is on my short list of best games of 2014.


I will admit, its the worst for me because i lack the patience and skill to experience it. Not only because i think its bad lol
Oh yeah, I used to absolutely despise it. I replayed it a few years back and realized it boasts a super interesting combat system.

Now, your assessment of TP, that I can get behind. It's not a bad game but it is plain for a series with so much personality.
I hate western RPGs like Fallout, Elders Scrolls...where you need to create your own hero or when you have dialogue options like Mass Effect.

I much prefer playing a game where the main protagonist has its own look and personality. It makes me enjoy the story a lot more.

Please JRPGs, dominate again like you once did!


My controversial opinion:

Multiplayer gaming where you voice chat with strangers is fun.

Lately, for some reason, most people can't stand multiplayer games, or they play them but refuse to use voice chat.


Xbox fans are so envy of Playstation fans over The Last Of Us being exclusive to PS3 that they downvoted TLOU on every GOTY poll last year and now they are treating Sunset Overdrive as the next arrival of Jesus.

This is fanboy drivel, not a "gaming opinion".

Both of those games are really good.

Also, I'd like an explanation on how one down-votes in a poll...? I've never, in any worthwhile online poll, seen an option to vote down any game. Only the option to vote FOR a game.

I guess you're suggesting a few thousand people rallied together and voted for a single game to help avoid another winner....that's some hilarious conspiracy theory level stuff.

Grow up.


I bought Final Fantasy XII because people were praising it/ it got a maximun 40/40 score on Famitsu. And then the game was garbage, to the point that it was almost unplayable.

That "taste", or opinion was very controversial.

I tried playing XII i think 3 times before i stopped. Each time i started a new game from scratch thinking "this time i'll finish it" but i would just somehow fall out of it. I don't think is a bad game and i did enjoy my time with it. Take in mind this is coming from someone who has completed every FF since VII so i was a huge fan and still am today.


I'm tired of people complaining about different types of characters in game.
Ex: Need more [genre, race, orientation, etc] characters in XY game.

I don't see anyone complaining like that when they go see movies or read books.

Games, like books and movies, give us a story, a context and why should they require that their characters match XY stereotypes to please XY people???? IT'S FICTION!

I absolutely agree with this, actually.
My controversial opinion:

Multiplayer gaming where you voice chat with strangers is fun.

Lately, for some reason, most people can't stand multiplayer games, or they play them but refuse to use voice chat.
I don't feel like I accomplish anything in multiplayer. I would rather play a 5 hour single player mode with a goal than 50 hours of any MP game... except Killzone 2. A game I put 24 hours into online, but that is a big exception. Warhawk is another exception but it was about 14 hours less.

I dropped FFXIV as soon as it forced me to join a party. I was quite content with fetch quests and monster killing.
-While I commonly see this sentiment among other genres, I find that JRPG fans are the most prominent when it comes to placing older games on a pedestal. Now don't misconstrue me, there is nothing wrong with preferring older games but some fans seem almost hostile to the idea that there are gamers who may prefer the genre's current output versus the classics. To better frame my point, "make it like the older games" is not very useful feedback.

-I think many people find a need to justify liking or disliking something to others for their personal taste to be of any value; even some who say they don't care for others opinions can find themselves falling into that notion every now and then. Needless to say, I am of the opinion that people shouldn't have to do such or be psychologically peer pressured into doing so.

-I honestly wouldn't mind a Kickstarter variant that focuses on funding localizations for games. People simply say learn the language, but I don't think that's fair in some respects. No secret that the PSP is my favorite console library wise and I know that there are a lot of Japanese games for that platform that never made it to NA. Same thing with smaller Japanese eShop titles like Excave.

-I like the WWE N64 games (I preferred the earlier Smackdown! games at the time), but I feel that their spiritual successors on the Gamecube are much better.

-I feel that Hayashi (Team Ninja) gets a bad rep, one of the only things he's directed that I didn't care for Ninja Gaiden III and even then he fixed that with Razor's Edge which I really enjoyed. I don't mind him at the helm of Team Ninja.


I think Twilight Princess and Zelda 2 are tied for the worst Zelda games.

TP just is too empty. Its dark in the wrong ways (majora's music, art style and designs still have that classic friendly look and feel but with dark themes and stories), artstyle is incredibly bland, bosses were a bit boring, easy, and unmemorable to me (aside from a few like the ice stage)

Thank goodness someone agrees with me. TP was bad for the reasons you mentioned.
I just have to add this because lately the mass jizzing over this developer has reached critical mass. Platinum games has got to be one of the most over rated developers of all time. I have no idea why people like their games, I've never played a single one I liked.

I mean, they're not horrible games, but the praise they get is off the fucking charts.


This is fanboy drivel, not a "gaming opinion".

Both of those games are really good.

Also, I'd like an explanation on how one down-votes in a poll...? I've never, in any worthwhile online poll, seen an option to vote down any game. Only the option to vote FOR a game.

I guess you're suggesting a few thousand people rallied together and voted for a single game to help avoid another winner....that's some hilarious conspiracy theory level stuff.

Grow up.
Some are very touchy when it came to TLoU and GOTY accolades. Look at what happened when Ken Levine didn't include TLoU in his top ten games list of 2013.
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