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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


I'm gonna go ahead and say that Bioshock 1 is awful. I'm halfway through the game, but I cannot muster enough motivation to keep going. The gunplay is atrocious and the fighting just drags, while the story doesn't give me any reason to keep going.

I know there's supposed to be a major twist at some point (not sure what it is yet), but I don't think I care enough to find out. The game world just doesn't interest me.

For the record, I finished Bioshock Infinite when it came out. I found it somewhat enjoyable, but that game also had terrible combat and the story dragged on. Its only redeeming quality was the beautiful artstyle.


I hate people who use tier lists as a way to complain about my character selection! I barely learned about tiers a few years ago and the A-holes who say "you only use Marth/Urien cause they're top tier why not use a normal character like Mario/Ryu? I bet you wouldn't be as good then." Because I LIKE THEM F OFF (I'm not even good as Urien or Marth I just get lucky) but yeah it's annoying as hell
I like Fable 3, especially how it handles your weapon upgrades aesthetically.

I also like Fable 3, somewhat better than Fable 2. Part of that is that 2 was coming after the first game, which is clearly the best one, and so I was a lot more bitter. By 3's release, I had accepted that these were basic action games instead of full RPGs.

Also Fable 2 commits a really big sin in the plot since
literally the entire main story is pointless. You kill Lucian with a gunshot, which doesn't require the other Heroes at all. Never make your plot irrelevant.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that Bioshock 1 is awful. I'm halfway through the game, but I cannot muster enough motivation to keep going. The gunplay is atrocious and the fighting just drags, while the story doesn't give me any reason to keep going.

I know there's supposed to be a major twist at some point (not sure what it is yet), but I don't think I care enough to find out. The game world just doesn't interest me.

For the record, I finished Bioshock Infinite when it came out. I found it somewhat enjoyable, but that game also had terrible combat and the story dragged on. Its only redeeming quality was the beautiful artstyle.

Definitely agree on the combat. It's painfully terrible, in a way that makes me wonder if they hired anyone that's ever made an FPS before. Aiming felt like I was using my foot on the thumbsticks. Definitely a chore to get through. I did like the story though.
I've only played Skyrim, but I've never enjoyed a game so much and also been happy to 100% it and never touch it again at the same time. The Witcher I think falls into the same territory; there's so much good stuff in them but what I'm left with is less than the sum of its parts. Open world games to me feel almost more soulless than the limited worlds we used to have that were more purposefully filled with stuff, which I think is what trickles down and kills my enjoyment.

I had that trouble with The Witcher 3 as well. Loved so much of what that game had to offer. Put about 60 hours in before it got stale.

If I have to do another fucking fetch quest, I will lose my shit. While The Witcher does a great job of accenting these quests with real narratives with unique characters, but it's not enough in the long run.


People that complain about level maidens in souls/borne are silly. People love to go on about how much they love the lore of these games but there has never been a explanation of how the pc in dark souls is able to level up with souls in the game. Hell they at least made the toolboxs and crap for why you don't need to always go to a blacksmith for everything.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Thanks for the laugh man! :)

On topic, I think that the Switch will be Ninty's last console effort and that after that all of their games will become some sort of streaming service. Also pokemon sux!

Pokemon is boring as fuck, but I don't think the Switch will be Nintendo's last effort. I doubt it'll sell as much as the Wii or DS, but it won't be a total failure like the Wii U.


Neo Member
I'm gonna go ahead and say that Bioshock 1 is awful. I'm halfway through the game, but I cannot muster enough motivation to keep going. The gunplay is atrocious and the fighting just drags, while the story doesn't give me any reason to keep going.

I know there's supposed to be a major twist at some point (not sure what it is yet), but I don't think I care enough to find out. The game world just doesn't interest me.

For the record, I finished Bioshock Infinite when it came out. I found it somewhat enjoyable, but that game also had terrible combat and the story dragged on. Its only redeeming quality was the beautiful artstyle.

I completely agree.


Didn't enjoy the last of us, just another apocalypse survival game for me, Werehog sections in Sonic unleashed are fun and the walking dead tellatale games are boring. Also FF13 is a good game, loved the* characters

Edit: FFX is boring and overrated

This thread is amazing


- Halo 3 campaign was one of the worst I ever played.
- The Witcher 3 was the biggest waste of money this year.
- Half Life 3 isn't needed because the second one was garbage.
- I liked Return of the Jedi.


Unconfirmed Member
Let's see. Keeping it positive:
-Mirror's Edge Catalyst is an amazing game.
-UMvC3 might be the best fighting game ever made.
As a huge fan of the original ME (the writing and gunplay suck), I wish I could say the same, but sadly I can't. It becomes boring after a while, the open world doesn't really add much if you're not into time attack (I'm not), and the story is as bad as in the first game. It's actually worse, because this time it takes itself too seriously, only to come out as if the writer had just finished reading his first Karl Marx book ("Wake up sheeple", "Corporations are ruining the world", that kind of stuff). The backstory in the logs is mildly interesting, but the dialogue is so bad it ruined the mood for me, and the plot amounts to nothing in the end.

Gameplay is great, I'll give it that. The art style is also nice, but a little too busy compared to the first game, with all the billboards and such. Due to the HUD elements that can't be disabled, it lost the clean look and broke my immersion pretty often.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that Bioshock 1 is awful. I'm halfway through the game, but I cannot muster enough motivation to keep going. The gunplay is atrocious and the fighting just drags, while the story doesn't give me any reason to keep going.

I know there's supposed to be a major twist at some point (not sure what it is yet), but I don't think I care enough to find out. The game world just doesn't interest me.

For the record, I finished Bioshock Infinite when it came out. I found it somewhat enjoyable, but that game also had terrible combat and the story dragged on. Its only redeeming quality was the beautiful artstyle.
I felt the gameplay in BS1 was terrible too, but liked the story a lot. As a result, I couldn't bring myself to keep going after a while, it feels very bad to play. Guns don't pack a punch and powers feel like I'm just hitting the air. It doesn't help that I started on Hard, which made every enemy a bullet sponge. If there was a difficult setting that removed every combat scene, it'd be an excellent game. As it stands, it's a mediocre title with an amazing setting and plot (whose end I'll never get to see).

EDIT: if someone's reading this, I'd pay good money for a Bioshock-inspired "walking simulator". Someone please make it happen!

Forza Horizon 3 is a pretty poor racing game.

Oxenfree is rubbish.

Your average person would find building a gaming PC quite challenging.
I agree with the bolded. I enjoy doing it, but it's not an easy task. Hell, when I built my last PC I had some trouble knowing where to plug the wires in my modular PSU and whether to connect one or two wires on my graphics card, and that wasn't the first rig I built. It all worked well, but if someone has no experience it can totally be an intimidating process. That's why consoles won't stop existing any time soon; while they require setting up an account and configuring the online service, installing games and downloading patches, the console itself is still plug and play, with no assembly required.
X-Men? Charles Xavier's team?


How did I never put that together before.


I tried going back to Diablo 2 but after playing Diablo 3 on PS4 I can't go back to the point and click controls. The controller setup just feels so much more fluid and responsive than mouse controls for a game like this.

You're not alone my friend.


Neo Member
The story of the original Mirror's Edge isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's a heck of a lot better than Catalyst, at least.

Bayo 1 >>>>>>> Bayo 2. I don't care if it looks prettier.
Your average person would find building a gaming PC quite challenging.

It's absolutely a skill that requires education, study and learning from mistakes. Buying the parts, building the machine, it's something you may make minor mistakes on.

I don't blame people who aren't interested in it, I'm just surprised more people don't embrace doing it - it's a very good skill to have. If you can competently build a PC, you have a marketable skill that you could be using to make extra cash. As far as most comparable skills go, it's much easier and the consequences of "doing it wrong" (if any) are much lower.


Neo Member
No QTEs > insta-death QTEs

I've played the game enough where I know when all the QTEs happen, so that doesn't really bother me. I do understand the frustration, though, as I was one of them when I first played the game.

I'm not saying Bayo 1 > Bayo 2 in all aspects. I think a combination of the two would be the best. Keep the mechanics of Bayo 1 (except QTEs) and bring all the visual upgrades of Bayo 2. I just didn't enjoy the characters as much as I did in the first and the changes they made in the second one.


Story in video games are overrated. People focus too much on them.

This isn't controversial, it's just silly.

Games range from arcade style pure mechanic based to interactive stories with very sparse gameplay.

Do you really want every single game to be the former? What a boring time that would be.


- The Musou (Dynasty Warriors) games are in my top 5 series and I don't care the shade thrown at them. It's relaxing mindless fun.
- Multiplayer games are overrated. All this work spent on them only to be popular (most of them) for a few months until the next one comes out.
- We need more games focused on youthful wonder and less gritty realistic murder simulators.


I'm currently addicted to Cave games on Steam, and I'd argue not playing strictly 1CC-only doesn't ruin the game. While brute force credit feeding might, a talented player can maneuver and internalize well enough that they continue to improve at the game, and honestly I'd imagine all but the most hardcore would be willing to pop a dollar into a machine to clear it.

I don't know. Guess I don't get the "1CC or Die" mentality when they're arcade games designed to take your money, and I'm having a blast clearing and learning Black Label on two continues.

In practice, my insistence on single-credit clearing is something like 70% "credit feeding ruins these games" and 30% "you'll improve fastest this way". Sticking to a three credit limit is still going to be immensely more enjoyable than no limit at all.
This isn't controversial, it's just silly.

Games range from arcade style pure mechanic based to interactive stories with very sparse gameplay.

Do you really want every single game to be the former? What a boring time that would be.

Grandia 3 is my no.1 JRPG of all time. I rarely got bored everytime I encounter an enemy. But everywhere I see people just dismissed it cause of 'muh story'.
Or another thing that annoys me way too much is when people say God Eater or Toukiden is better than Monster Hunter just because they at least have a story.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
After the 16-bit era (SF2, Live A Live, and Super Mario RPG were great!), Yoko Shimomura's music is forgettable and bland.

I'll give her another chance with the XV soundtrack but I highly doubt it'll stand up to the XIII trilogy (one of the only highlights of that series was a diverse and incredible soundscape from Hamazu).
Story in video games are overrated. People focus too much on them.
Story in video games is literally overrated because too many reviewers call what would be mediocre stories in any other medium "great" and garbage stories "average."

Story is still an important part of the future of the medium though.
Half-Life 2, while very good for its time, is incredibly overrated. And Valve sucks for leaving a successful game on a cliffhanger, announce an Episode 3 and never deliver, to boot.

This is not a company thatw ent under or with a failed game. They're making hand over fist with Steam and they couldn't even close with the promised Episode 3 ten years ago.

Valve sucks at keeping promises and HL2 wasnt even that great to begin with.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I think the Nintendo Switch has a long, hard road ahead of it. It will need a ton of games at a very low price for people to take a look at it. Its strengths are the same as its weaknesses (it's a portable AND a home console! It's a big portable and a weak console...) and outside of toys (Amiibo, NES Classic) and Pokemon, Nintendo's fanbase is shrinking.

It needs to come in super cheap, with clear messaging and not fuck around.

Which seems impossible for Nintendo. =/


I think the Nintendo Switch has a long, hard road ahead of it. It will need a ton of games at a very low price for people to take a look at it. Its strengths are the same as its weaknesses (it's a portable AND a home console! It's a big portable and a weak console...) and outside of toys (Amiibo, NES Classic) and Pokemon, Nintendo's fanbase is shrinking.

It needs to come in super cheap, with clear messaging and not fuck around.

Which seems impossible for Nintendo. =/

Nintendo indeed has a lot to prove, and there will no doubt be some compromises made to Switch's hardware in order for it to work as both a built-in home console and a portable console (if the battery life on it sucks, then that's a big issue in itself). I'm currently interested in buying a Switch, but I know I'll be missing out on games (it probably won't even get a port of Overwatch).


Worships the porcelain goddess
Nintendo indeed has a lot to prove, and there will no doubt be some compromises made to Switch's hardware in order for it to work as both a built-in home console and a portable console (if the battery life on it sucks, then that's a big issue in itself). I'm currently interested in buying a Switch, but I know I'll be missing out on games (it probably won't even get a port of Overwatch).

It will be another Nintendo box. 3rd parties outside of Japan and indies won't even look its way.
I'm curious what you think makes it poor?

Did you like the other 2 in the series?
3 was the first one I've played. It's just so shallow. There's absolutely no strategy or thought required. You churn through a bunch of races where your finishing position barely matters at all and then you 'finish' the game when you hit an XP gate. It's a great sandbox but there's very little 'game' there to get your teeth into. It doesn't even record what position you finish in the events, you're given a 'gold' marker just for finishing it. Buying or upgrading cars is purely for the hell of it with no real gameplay affect. Quite disappointed in it.
Half-Life 2, while very good for its time, is incredibly overrated. And Valve sucks for leaving a successful game on a cliffhanger, announce an Episode 3 and never deliver, to boot.

This is not a company thatw ent under or with a failed game. They're making hand over fist with Steam and they couldn't even close with the promised Episode 3 ten years ago.

Valve sucks at keeping promises and HL2 wasnt even that great to begin with.

I never got Half-Life 2, either. Got The Orange Box to play it, spent most of my time in Portal instead. Go figure.
Video game story telling just can't compete with what books and movies offer. The medium still has limitations at this point, besides it can never be pure storytelling. So in this way, it can be overrated. Overrated doesn't necessarily mean bad, just lacking, from an academic perspective.


Neo Member
As a huge fan of the original ME (the writing and gunplay suck), I wish I could say the same, but sadly I can't. It becomes boring after a while, the open world doesn't really add much if you're not into time attack (I'm not), and the story is as bad as in the first game. It's actually worse, because this time it takes itself too seriously, only to come out as if the writer had just finished reading his first Karl Marx book ("Wake up sheeple", "Corporations are ruining the world", that kind of stuff). The backstory in the logs is mildly interesting, but the dialogue is so bad it ruined the mood for me, and the plot amounts to nothing in the end.

Gameplay is great, I'll give it that. The art style is also nice, but a little too busy compared to the first game, with all the billboards and such. Due to the HUD elements that can't be disabled, it lost the clean look and broke my immersion pretty often.
I actually don't disagree fundamentally with any of what you say here. I do happen to enjoy time attack in Mirror's Edge though, which by itself might play a major role in my not getting bored - and I played through Catalyst twice so far, both times basically 100%ing it. The story isn't anything to write home about, but I didn't have any expectations in the first place - basically I'm just having so much fun running around that all of the potential criticisms pale in comparison.

I'm not quite sure which HUD elements you are referring to though, I have everything turned off and that way there basically is no HUD anymore, apart from when you enter a different part of town or collect something. Unless I'm forgetting about something...?

Bayo 1 >>>>>>> Bayo 2. I don't care if it looks prettier.
Is that a controversial opinion? I'm not quite sure I would agree myself, but only because I spent so much more time on the first game than the second - to be able to say whether it can hang or not I would need to replay it at least once.
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