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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length


I don't appreciative the scare quotes in the title. I am actually concerned/. I worry that (if the title is successful, of course) publishers and developers may get the idea in their collective heads that a 5 hour single player game, with no multiplayer component, at the $60 price point is acceptable.

You should spam message boards telling everyone the game is shit cuz YouTube. Fight the good fight, the future is depending on you.
I have a Ps4 and hope it's a great game. That said, this isn't just about console warriors. It's also people who don't like the cinematic trend in gaming. And given the degree to which this game incorporates and mixes cinematics in with gameplay, going as far as to letterbox gameplay, The Order 1886 is these people's fucking Waterloo.

Yes that seems to be true.
Wouldn't you think the people who apparently 'hate' short games would just go out and buy longer ones?
Wouldn't you think people who 'hate' cinematic games would just go out and buy Tetris (or whatever the fuck it is that they do like)?

I don't like X Factor. I just don't watch it. I don't try to fucking brainwash everyone who does like it.


Cinematic trend?????? Don't you mean open world ASS creed COD dude bro battlebros rehash every year trend?????

Games like this don't get made all the time.

I wasn't agreeing with the argument, but it's hard to deny that there are people everywhere including Gaf who, as someone above just put it, "have the knives out for David Cage". They REALLY don't like Cinematic games, and The Order 1886 is the most cinematic game this side of Heavy Rain.

So yes, as I said, it is their Waterloo and they want it to fail very badly. Now add in the typical console exclusive vitriol, and you have a perfect storm of shit.




It's as if there are only two positions here: console war 'lol ps4 has no games' bullshit and super sensitive idiotic defense of an entertainment product by any means necessary.

I don't understand it. My post was far more than that.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
I have a Ps4 and hope it's a great game. That said, this isn't just about console warriors. It's also people who don't like the cinematic trend in gaming. And given the degree to which this game incorporates and mixes cinematics in with gameplay, going as far as to letterbox gameplay, The Order 1886 is these people's fucking Waterloo.
I'd hardly call it a thread. There's very few. Uncharted, David Cage games and a few indies. That's about it.

On Demand

I don't appreciative the scare quotes in the title. I am actually concerned. I worry that (if the title is successful, of course) publishers and developers may get the idea in their collective heads that a 5 hour single player game, with no multiplayer component, at the $60 price point is acceptable.

Yes because this is the first and only 5 hour game that has been made. And multiplayer sure does makes games better.
I don't appreciative the scare quotes in the title. I am actually concerned/. I worry that (if the title is successful, of course) publishers and developers may get the idea in their collective heads that a 5 hour single player game, with no multiplayer component, at the $60 price point is acceptable.

Why would that concern you? The opposite is true now where developers feel like they need to pad out their games to meet a certain length and implement multiplayer modes. Games like The Order: 1886 are a dying breed, and quite frankly, a breath of fresh air for some from the checklist/collectathon mentality behind a lot of the more recent games. I WANT the title to be successful so we get more focused single player experiences such as this. But I cannot foresee any reality where these types of experiences will become the norm after the online/multiplayer boom in the industry and with more and more games going the open world route.


Point me to where I do that. I said nothing about quality, only length. I own a PS4 and intend to play this game.

Trust me, The Order isn't going to do anything to decrease the number of 60+hour open world with multiplayer games. We'll be lucky to see 1 or 2 more AAA sp-only games like this over the rest of the generation.


Yes because this is the first and only 5 hour game that has been made. And multiplayer sure does makes games better.

The concern is that developers/publishers/first parties are going to look at The Order's sales and take from it that it is ok to release 5 hour SP only games at a $60 price point.

It has nothing to do with it being 'the first' or 'the only', though it is the only big-budget first party game that meets those prerequisites as far as I can remember. Please stop acting as a defense force. I'm happy to discuss my points but they are not so unreasonable as to deserve to be treated with hostility.

Trust me, The Order isn't going to do anything to decrease the number of 60+hour open world with multiplayer games. We'll be lucky to see 1 or 2 more AAA sp-only games like this over the rest of the generation.

I don't want the open world stuff, I want first parties to make games that could not or would not get funded by major publishers. I want The Last of Us, not Gears of Single Player Only. I want Ready at Dawn, who have shown themselves to be top-notch with their PSP output, to make meaningful experiences with wide appeal.

I don't see how you do that in 5 hours.


MGS Ground Zeroes got a ton of hate for how short it was, but people cooled down about it once it released and people realized it had a little bit more to it. Hopefully The Order 1886 offers enough value to people who want to play it. I like the idea of good games being released, and I hope the order is one of them.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
R@D should rethink about making game or downporting it for the Vita. 5 hours game is more suitable for a portable, not to mention their experiences with the PSP.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
I don't appreciative the scare quotes in the title. I am actually concerned. I worry that (if the title is successful, of course) publishers and developers may get the idea in their collective heads that a 5 hour single player game, with no multiplayer component, at the $60 price point is acceptable.
Votes with your wallet. The last election decided that jet packs are a must for any game to be worth $60


The concern is that developers/publishers/first parties are going to look at The Order's sales and take from it that it is ok to release 5 hour SP only games at a $60 price point.

It has nothing to do with it being 'the first' or 'the only', though it is the only big-budget first party game that meets those prerequisites as far as I can remember. Please stop acting as a defense force. I'm happy to discuss my points but they are not so unreasonable as to deserve to be treated with hostility.

do you really, really think that this game is going to sell anywhere close to being able to have that effect? you're either trolling or clueless.


If he does spend $60 on a 5 hour game then so what? Its his cash, his choice.

I don't understand this trend of questioning how others chose to spend their money on games or gaming related products.

If you feel its not worth the money then that's your choice, but don't act like someone else buying it at full price is forcing you into doing the same.

I am not talking about his value proposition. Games are all relative, so if a guy thinks that a 5 hour experience is worth the price in the market, then one should ask the fact that maybe 15 hour experience game should cost at least double of that amount.
I don't understand the trend of bringing monetary value of someone's when its apparent that a lot of high earners post on Neogaf.

In fact why have a discussion at all if that is the line of thinking your are partaking.


do you really, really think that this game is going to sell anywhere close to being able to have that effect? you're either trolling or clueless.

The only people who need to get the wrong impression for the sales to be dangerous are at Sony (and maybe Microsoft)

If it sells well enough we could start to see shorter, lower budget first party games made with the intention of a quick profit profit (where, in my mind, first party games should almost always lose money; exist to sell systems)

While I have no doubt the game will be the top-selling game during release...

Amazon charts are always wrong. No one has quite deciphered what they mean but there were crazy situations like the PS4 being at the top of the chart despite it being sold out for several days now or an Android STB running XBMC being the most popular STB on Amazon.

I highly recommend you (and everyone else) ignore Amazon charts.


Junior Member
i feel bad for that youtuber ... they should have deleted the videos .... nuking his account was too excessive.


The only people who need to get the wrong impression for the sales to be dangerous are at Sony (and maybe Microsoft)

If it sells well enough we could start to see shorter, lower budget first party games made with the intention of a quick profit profit (where, in my mind, first party games should almost always lose money; exist to sell systems)

While I have no doubt the game will be the top-selling game during release...

Amazon charts are always wrong. No one has quite deciphered what they mean but there were crazy situations like the PS4 being at the top of the chart despite it being sold out for several days now or an Android STB running XBMC being the most popular STB on Amazon.

I highly recommend you (and everyone else) ignore Amazon charts.

because low budget and quick profit are the two things that come to mind when thinking of the order


because low budget and quick profit are the two things that come to mind when thinking of the order

Yeah, that's what I'm getting. I have no doubt that it cost substantially less to make than The Last of Us or even, say, a God of War title.
Did people actually report that guy en masse just because his The Order playthrough got caught up in console war antics?

Says who? Wouldn't surprise me but seems extreme. Didn't even know that was what folks were referring to.

Don't see why the hell they suspended the account. Just remove the videos, as they should have done and were doing just prior to when they went up. I know OneLetter had to have at least been aware of it.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
It's almost as though people want the game to be good, but keep hearing stuff like this about it. I have a preorder in for it myself, and I'm highly critical of it. Currently it sounds like it'll be on eBay pretty soon after I get it.

I get that.

In all honesty, I called JB where I have my pre-order and asked what the return policy is. They told me as long as I have the receipt and it's all in good condition, I can get a refund within 7 days.

I'd say that's what I might be doing.


i feel bad for that youtuber ... they should have deleted the videos .... nuking his account was too excessive.

One thing I have learned from having a youtube channel. Youtube bows completely and utterly to big companies and will basically root out a good channel if a company has a single problem with it. Youtube has always been scorched earth. I had personally just forgotten.


i feel bad for that youtuber ... they should have deleted the videos .... nuking his account was too excessive.

His account is suspended...not deleted. He'll probably get the chance to delete the videos or re-activate his account after the game releases


The concern is that developers/publishers/first parties are going to look at The Order's sales and take from it that it is ok to release 5 hour SP only games at a $60 price point.

It has nothing to do with it being 'the first' or 'the only', though it is the only big-budget first party game that meets those prerequisites as far as I can remember. Please stop acting as a defense force. I'm happy to discuss my points but they are not so unreasonable as to deserve to be treated with hostility.


serious question, how long have you been playing games?
The concern is that developers/publishers/first parties are going to look at The Order's sales and take from it that it is ok to release 5 hour SP only games at a $60 price point.

It has nothing to do with it being 'the first' or 'the only', though it is the only big-budget first party game that meets those prerequisites as far as I can remember. Please stop acting as a defense force. I'm happy to discuss my points but they are not so unreasonable as to deserve to be treated with hostility.

I don't want the open world stuff, I want first parties to make games that could not or would not get funded by major publishers. I want The Last of Us, not Gears of Single Player Only. I want Ready at Dawn, who have shown themselves to be top-notch with their PSP output, to make meaningful experiences with wide appeal.

I don't see how you do that in 5 hours.

Why does that concern you?
If their is a market for fairly short cinematic games then some developers should absolutely meet the needs of that market.
If that market is willing to pay £50 for that experience then why do you feel you have the right to tell them they shouldn't?

Why are your needs and preferences so important that other people who have different needs and preference should not be catered for to satisfy you?


I'd be in the dick
The Order is not " nothing unusual" That's the point. The game has been bashed since E3 2014.
Every person, this Youtuber included, that we have impressions from has enjoyed the game overall.

It's also getting one of the strongest marketing pushes I've seen Sony give a game.

The game has been doing very well with preorders (at least in parts of the U.S.) and Sony has ramped up the marketing, so it's not surprising to see it at the top of Amazon's best sellers list. It's the second best selling game on Amazon U.S.'s hourly chart (behind MM 3DS) and has been trending around that spot for some time now. Also helps that it's releasing in a few days.


Honestly it being a 5? Hour game doesn't bother me at all. Only thing that bothers me is that I read the story was bad. I was planing on using my free rental card that i got by email from my local game shop on this game but I'll pass and rent something else .


Why does that concern you?
If their is a market for fairly short cinematic games then some developers should absolutely meet the needs of that market.
If that market is willing to pay £50 for that experience then why do you feel you have the right to tell them they shouldn't?

Why are your needs and preferences so important that other people who have different needs and preference not be catered for to satisfy you?

Because it means that things I like have a lower chance of getting made. My preferences matter more to me than other peoples. Not to say that others are wrong and what they like is shit or anything. Just a different set of priorities.
The game has been doing very well with preorders (at least in parts of the U.S.) and Sony has ramped up the marketing, so it's not surprising to see it at the top of Amazon's best sellers list. It's the second best selling game on Amazon U.S.'s hourly chart (behind MM 3DS) and has been trending around that spot for some time now. Also helps that it's releasing in a few days.

Coming from the perspective of a Tier-3 country (Malaysia), I've got to say that Sony's push for Order/Bloodborne has been unexpectedly big.

Countries like us that gets no ATL marketing ( tv ads, internet campaigns, etc ) tend to get more low-key promotions, but even by those standards, I'm seeing The Order being pushed aggressively by the major game retailers.


Coming from the perspective of a Tier-3 country (Malaysia), I've got to say that Sony's push for Order/Bloodborne has been unexpectedly big.

Countries like us that gets no ATL marketing ( tv ads, internet campaigns, etc ) tend to get more low-key promotions, but even by those standards, I'm seeing The Order being pushed aggressively by the major game retailers.

Yeah, they're absolutely throwing a full marking showing behind it.
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