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Reign of Fear: A NeoGAF DnD 5e Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Will all due caution, Thosar and Sagishi approach the door and do their best to inspect what lies beyond before potentially placing themselves in harm's way.

The interior of the building is full of broken wood, both furniture and the floor from a second story that seems to have collapsed in on the first. In the center of the floor is a lamp, but of decidedly different construction than the ones that the pair are accustomed to. A crystal encased in a glass housing glows with a cold silver light, and standing above it facing them is a tall figure hidden beneath a hooded cloak. The stranger makes no acknowledgement of their presence, but both have the unmistakable impression of being watched.

The clasp of the cloak is a small silver spider with an amethyst gem set into its abdomen.

You hear quiet breathing behind the door. They smell of sweat and cheap spirits.


Just to be clear, there is breathing behind the door, that does NOT come from the cloaked man, right?


When Sagishi enters through the door he stops. Fair enough, the scene before him is sufficently spooky in itself but that isn't what made him pause. Without letting the strange figure in the room out of his sight, he tightens the grip on the doorhandle before using all of his strength to fling the door inwards while using his other hand to reach for one of his daggers.

Strength check: 1D20-1 = [13]-1 = 12 +1D4 = [1] = 1 =13

Mike M

Nick N
((Guy behind the door rolled a critical success))

The preternatural senses of the Kitsune serve Sagishi well, as he immediately detects someone hidden behind the door that has just opened to them. His attempt to catch their potential ambusher by surprise doesn't exactly go as planned, however, as the door stops hardly an inch in, sending a shock down his shoulder as though he just tried to tackle a wall.

With a roar, the door flings back the other way, knocking Sagishi to the ground and sending his dagger sailing into the darkened rubble. The invisibility falls away from a huge figure as it emerges from its hiding place behind the door. It has the proportions of a dwarf, but is impossibly large for the race. It's beard and hair are snow white, its skin colored like a bruise over its whole body. Its weapons and shield are lashed with strips of leather to the back of its scale mail, but its fists look plenty damaging enough.

((Sagishi is prone and disarmed))

The figure at the center of the room raises a graceful hand the color of ebony and speaks.

((Don't think Thosar has Undercommon, but on the off chance he does...))

"Now, now, we can't fault them for being cautious,"
it says in a clearly feminine voice.

The dwarf monster looks down at Sagishi and sneers.
"This one drove the door knob into my knob!
he shouts.
"Let me crack his head open."

"His friend would fry you to a crisp before you took two paces,"
the cloaked woman responds. "Besides, I'm sure he regrets his inadvertent transgressions. Don't you, boy?"

The dwarf huffs disapproving snort, but turns away from his fallen opponent and moves toward the cloaked woman. As he walks, his size diminishes, and by the time he stands at her side, his height is no more remarkable than any other dwarf, though his coloring remains unusual.

"Now," the woman says, "if you've been given my calling card, you have an idea of what manner of services I can supply. Shall we talk business?"
Caught unawares as Sagishi makes an attempt to ram the door into someone, Thosar jumps back a foot and takes out his shield in a defensive stance, one hand held out to cast a spell. When the drow raises her hand and the action suddenly stops, however, he takes a moment to take in the scene. As their hosts speak, he returns his shield to his back and helps Sagishi up.

((While Thosar is a heptaglot, he doesn't understand undercommon.))


Sagishi had felt quite smug in his attempt to surprise the would be ambusher, so he isn't prepared at all when the door, not only doesn't move nearly as far as he had thought, but immediately comes crashing back again and considerably more forceful at that. He has a short moment to contemplate his mistake before he hits the floor and pain overtakes his thinking for a few seconds.

The pain subsides slowly but things don't get necessarily better as a monstrous creature appears from the shadows, looming over him and growling unintelligible sounds.

If he'd been able to move, Sagishi had been out of the door already, but shock, pain and quite frankly fear, keep him pinned to the ground and some instinct inside him kicks in and he deals with the situation in the only way possible. From one moment to the next he finds himself in his fox form and has turned on his back, whimpering, while the figure still hunkers over him.

It is only when she uses words he can understand that Sagishi becomes aware that the cloaked figure had been speaking as well and to his relief the monster withdraws.

With the danger apparently gone for the moment Sagishi is able to transform back and thankfully grabs Thosar's hand when the elf comes to his aid. He doesn't dare picking up his dagger yet. Panting he looks at the cloaked woman and her companion that while still strange doesn't look so monstrous anymore. He nods.

"Yes... doing business sounds fine..."

He looks for Thosar for help, still too shaken by the encounter as to formulate their request.
((If Narn's in the banking district, cool, but wouldn't it be with the other chambers? They're more likely to find who they're looking for there and sway Narn while they're at it than by walking into banks))

Mike M

Nick N
((If Narn's in the banking district, cool, but wouldn't it be with the other chambers? They're more likely to find who they're looking for there and sway Narn while they're at it than by walking into banks))

((Yeah, Narn is in the same government complex as everything else. I guess it's a question of whether or not you're going to the actual bankers, or the reps))
With his companion still in shock, Thosar nods and looks up at the woman. He approaches and tries to encourage Sagishi forward with a hand on the Kitsune's shoulder.

"If you'll forgive my associate, he's rather wary of being ambushed and probably bashed the door thinking someone was trying to get the drop on him. But yes, as he said, we're here for business. Specifically, we're looking for incriminating information on members of chambers Ossc and Narn."

Mike M

Nick N
As Thosar approaches, he sees the cold light of the crystal lantern catch on an amethyst in the clasp of the drow's cloak. It's set in the abdomen of a finely-worked silver spider. The dwarf beside her guffaws at his request.

"Oh?" the hooded drowess says. "What is it you would like them to be incriminated on?"


Still not entirely recovered Sagishi looks mighty confused by the drowess' question. He begins to wonder whether they are dealing with an informant at all.
Frowning he asks, "Well, I don't know... what exactly CAN we incriminate them with?"

((Last post for today, gotta go to sleep now.))
Thosar tries to clarify. "The exact manner of incrimination isn't particularly important, it just needs to be some sort of leverage that will force them to vote in favor of the Underdark Voting Rights bill tomorrow."
((So, where Galen's at is his journey to find the others, in which he probably crosses paths with Keranos, who is heading to Oliff's office. From here, he can either find Sagishi and Thosar, or Keranos can get Galen to tag along back to Oliff. Either way, it seems Galen did not accompany the thief and the scholar to the dark of the below the city, so he will be with either Keranos or Fhiess and Ludwig. His current location is up to whether or not Keranos had him come with (requiring some assurance that nobody is currently heading to Farni).
Thoughts, ThLunarian?

Does anyone else hear a ticking noise...?
I don't really. Galen's rolls have been a bit sub par of late, so perhaps it simply evens out.

The exact manner of incrimination isn't particularly important, it just needs to be some sort of leverage that will force them to vote in favor of the Underdark Voting Rights bill tomorrow.

Mike M

Nick N
The dark dwarf starts laughing again, but is silenced by a gentle gesture of the drowess's hand. "You may incriminate them with whatever you wish," she says in reply to Sagishi before turning to Thosar. "But you must choose the form it will take. It helps to be creative, the social mores of Hammerfall are such that much is permitted. Faithlessness in marriage is a popular option, or, if you are feeling particularly vindictive, you may sow their reputation with less forgivable deviancies."

She leans in slightly, and the light of the lantern reveals her grinning mouth. "Provided, of course, you are willing to pay the price."
On the way back to Oliff's office, Keranos nearly collides with Galen.

"Perfect timing!" he exalts. "If you've a mind for deception and forgery, then follow me!" He doesn't miss a beat, for he is on a mission; if Galen wants to follow, he'd better be quick about it.
Galen pauses for a moment, unsure of what, exactly, is happening.

The moment passes, and he spins around, closing the short distance to Keranos with his longer stride. "I'm sorry," he speaks hurriedly, "what's going on?"
"We're going to create a memo from Ossc's legislative advisory board, advising the chamber to pass tomorrow's bill. We will need a convincing forgery, which I'm hoping Fhiess can eventually provide; until he is available, I intend to secure the means to copy it, when the time comes. My hope is that Oliff has such a machine in his office, but there's only one way to find out."
"Even if not in his office," Galen offers, "he may still have access to one."

Two steps later, he asks, "Have you any idea what Sagishi and Thosar are up to? I need to warn them that we are currently not welcome in the Farni chamber."
Thosar takes a moment to ponder before answering. "Very well then, we would have Ossc's Majority Party advisory council members be made aware that they are about to be implicated in the planting of a mind control crystal found in chamber Ance that was designed to prevent the passage of tomorrow's voting rights bill. By ensuring Ossc's vote falls in favor of the bill, it will surely head off suspicion.

Are you able to arrange this in time?"

Mike M

Nick N
"Oh, that is delightful!" the drowess coos. "Yes, I can change things so that they are responsible for the act you speak of. It is assuredly an action far outside the usual norms of the Gottermang, I am certain threatening to expose their involvement will make them most compliant."

((Presuming Keranos and Galen are good to skip ahead to Oliff to ask after the printing press. Are the others going to the Chamber of Narn, then?))
((Seems like the flyer plan is redundant now, but since Keranos wouldn't know that, yeah I'm fine to skip ahead.

During the fast forward, Keranos will bring Galen up to speed about what everyone is up to))

Mike M

Nick N
<I'm guessing it's kind of pointless to speak with the banks first?>

((Not necessarily, it's just going a level above them like going to Narn is going a level above Farni.))

((Seems like the flyer plan is redundant now, but since Keranos wouldn't know that, yeah I'm fine to skip ahead.

During the fast forward, Keranos will bring Galen up to speed about what everyone is up to))

((Never hurts to have backup plan!))
((Not necessarily, it's just going a level above them like going to Narn is going a level above Farni.))
<Oh, so the Chamber of Narn runs the banks and we'll have to visit the chamber to visit the banks, is that correct?>
((I think the chamber represents the interests of the banks IIRC. Since he said the banks would be going a level above them, it would basically be an appeal, like how us going to Narn is also appealing getting kicked out of Farni. So it does probably make sense to start at Narn, and then go directly to the banks and appeal that shit if Narn doesn't find the wonder duo to be persuasive.

Please correct me if I got any of that wrong Mike XD))

Mike M

Nick N
((I think the chamber represents the interests of the banks IIRC. Since he said the banks would be going a level above them, it would basically be an appeal, like how us going to Narn is also appealing getting kicked out of Farni. So it does probably make sense to start at Narn, and then go directly to the banks and appeal that shit if Narn doesn't find the wonder duo to be persuasive.

Please correct me if I got any of that wrong Mike XD))

((Nope, that's pretty much exactly it.))

Mike M

Nick N
Thosar and Sagishi:
"My fee is four thousand gold pieces," says the drowess. "What else it will cost you is difficult to quantify. I will forewarn you that it is not a pleasant experience, though it is unlikely to cause lasting harm."


Keranos and Galen:
Oliff listens intently as Keranos and Galen sketch out the broad strokes of the plan the forge an advisory paper for the Chamber Ossc. "It's a good plan," he muses, "a fine plan. We don't have any printing equipment in house, we contract that work out to a publishing house. We have them on retainer, however, so they're obliged by the terms of our agreement to provide access to the presses as needed. Only 100 copies, you say? Not too tall of an order, but will they be able to create a reasonable facsimile in time? Though I suppose it wouldn't need to survive more than fleeting scrutiny, but--oh, what am I going on about?" He snatches a quill out of an inkwell and scribbles on a scrap of paper. "This is the address. Hurry, lads!"

When the two arrive at the publishing house, they manage to flag down someone to help them. The gnome's fingers are stained black with ink, and the din of automated printing presses means all conversation must be conducted at shouting volumes. He peers at the letterhead of the flyer with a jeweler's loupe and twirls one end of his mustache. "Nothing too complicated," he says as he passes it back. "The printing plate they use for the top is old, there are signs of wear if you know what to look for. Even if you don't, it's probably still enough that someone used to looking at it might know something was off even if they didn't know what. We wouldn't have time to get something that completely duplicates it--presses are like fingerprints, you see--but we could go a little heavy on the ink and try to smudge it a bit."

He looks up at the ceiling, his lips moving as he appears to be counting something on his fingers. "It's short notice," he says, "we'll need to pull our typesetter off the current job and get him on trying to duplicate the letterhead. Hopefully we could get you your fliers first thing in the morning with just enough time to get to the Gottermang to distribute them, but I'm afraid I can't guarantee it. Taking this is going to trigger a delinquency clause with some of our other work, too, and that comes out of Oliff's skin, not ours. I'd peg the whole thing costing 2,500 gold."

Lowering his gaze--though still looking up, on account of his short stature--he adopts a sheepish expression. "That's a steep price for only a hundred fliers, I know."

((Just for the sake of expediency, at this point for Ossc you can spend 2,500 of the bribery fund on fliers that *might* be done on time, or you can spend 4,000 and some vaguely nefarious-sounding additional cost to guarantee it.))


Ludwig and Fhiess:
Perhaps unsurprising, the chamber that most directly represents the banking interests of Forgerun is reminiscent of a bank. The expense of the marble floor and wood-paneling on the walls is obvious without being ostentatious, and there's a gentle hum of people conducting cordial transactions with one another. The front desk is more of a cashier's cage than anything, the receptionist sitting in an enclosure of brass bars.

The humming activity grinds to a silent halt as Ludwig enters and makes his way to the cage, Fhiess tagging along at his side. A middle aged dwarf stares up at the J'raffa paladin's face, a single eyebrow arched in surprise. "Can I help you?" he asks.
<So how would we approach this, closer to originally planned with the incrimination as fallback? I am thinking of introducing Fhiess as wanting to discuss politics rather than sponsorship>
((I'm thinking we can tag team it. Fheiss can talk the politics and whatnot of it, Ludwig can talk the pure money making opportunity of the rigged bet. I'm a bit busy today, so may be a bit before I do a full post))
((Since we are metagaming this, I kind of want to know what Narn is asking for before I make a decision about Ossc.

Though if I had to choose between the two, I'd prefer to go with the shady Drow lady. But if I can put off that decision then I'd like to))


Maybe it is the aftereffect of the previous encounter but Sagishi is feeling more and more uncomfortable with the situation. He has met his fair chair of informants and other providers of dubious services.

A lot of them had been strange.

Most had been shady.

None had make his skin crawl like this.

He looks to Thosar and shakes his head and pleading with his eyes conveys the message,'Not worth it' as inconspicuous as possible.

((Edit: Well didn't see the other posts till I posted myself, but metagaming or not. Me and Sagishi both are obviously very much against dealing with the shady drow lady.))
<Sounds good.>

Fhiess, most likely being the one talked to first, speaks up first, "Ah, yes. I am a representative from a trade called Hogan's Exports. I've been allowed license to discuss matters of politics that concern business with the chamber*. I am accompanied by my friend here who works much more closely in finances that relate to the chamber's interests."

<*Persuasion: Rolling 1d20 + 5
( 13 ) + 5 = 18>
Ludwig nods. "It is as my friend and associate here says. We wish to discuss an intersection between politics and a high-profit, low-risk venture with the representatives of Narn."
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=171348]Persuasion: 1D20 + 4 = [11]+4 = 15
Thosar's face turns skeptical and he crosses his arms. "We're here to deal in hard currency only. Vague favors are a deal breaker, I'm afraid." He turns to leave with Sagishi.

((No real need to metagame this one, vaguely nefarious plots with drow raise mine and Thosar's hackles. Ossc isn't strictly required to succeed, we have a good chance of getting the other chambers in Targus anyway, and we might not even need Targus. Thosar is confident that Keranos' gambit is sufficient.

Insight roll to gauge the reaction from the drow and her counterpart: insight: 1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23

Mike M

Nick N
Thosar and Sagishi:
The drowess and her dwarven companion seem completely ambivalent about Thosar and Sagishi's decision to pass on their offer. "A shame," she says nonchalantly. "I think I would have liked to have seen the outcome of your idea, it would be most... interesting. But suit yourself. Perhaps we'll meet again someday."

Without warning, the shadows of the room surge forward, subsuming the crystal lantern and the pair of Underdark denizens, plunging the room into absolute blackness. It passes like a momentary gust of wind, and Thosar and Sagishi find themselves alone in the dilapidated building once more.

It doesn't take long to locate the dagger Sagishi had knocked from his grasp. With that in hand, there seems little reason to linger at the bottom of Hammerfall.


Fhiess and Ludwig:
After a moment's contemplation, the receptionist decides that you might best be served by speaking to the Chairman of the Finance Committee, and directs the pair to the Chairman's office. The door is far too low for Ludwig to enter, but there seems ample enough space for him to duck his head and extend his long neck into the space, much to the shock of the secretary. She screams something about murder snakes before swooning to the ground.

"What? What's going on out here?" someone yells as the door to the inner office flies open. A ridiculously young halfling--he doesn't look old enough to shave, let alone hold office--stands akimbo, glaring at Ludwig. "What did you do?" he asks. "Follow up query: What on Nyx are you?"
Fhiess does his best to reassure, flailing his arms a bit as if trying to ward off panic, "It's okay! There is no reason to feel anything but safe. We're just here to discuss matters of politics and business, if that is okay."

He allows Ludwig to explain who he is.
Turning to Sagishi, Thosar sighs in relief. "Lets hope our gambit with the others worked better. One small thing before we get out if here.. ."

Before leaving the scene, Thosar makes a sweep of the building and surrounding area for geas crystals using locate object.

Once the pair return to the inn, Thosar takes the opportunity to rest and recover some spell energy.
((short rest using arcane recovery for a second level slot))


Once they are on their way back Sagishi quickly recovers his cheerful spirit, still something about this situation still bothers him.

"I hope the others aren't too disappointed that we come back empty handed, but there is shady business and then there is SHADY business. Also this lady was a drow. Is it possible that the Underdark is actually meddling in Hammerfall politics a lot more than we thought? By the way did you see the amulet? You're the bookish type, right? Do you know if that has any specific meaning by any chance?"

((Locate object not showing anything could of course just mean that whatever might have been there to detect has vanished with the drow lady. I'll at least have not scratched her from my list of suspects for mind controlling shannaningans just yet.))

With nothing else to do at the moment he will also return to the inn and wait for Peaseblossom to come back and report her findings.
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