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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


Better than RE: Degeneration and slightly worse than RE: Damnation.
I am bias because Damnation has Ada VS the Madam President.


Finished RE7, didn't like the game when I started, and just as I was about warming up to it with the Lucas segment and enough shotgun ammo to make the awful combat trivial the game manages to somehow manage to become even worse after a pretty decent boss fight.

RE3 is now the only mainline game I haven't completed (well also original RE1 but ehhh) and I have it installed on my vita so maybe I'll do that soon.


So i finished Re7 and was surprised how good it is. I want moar naow!

After that i finished Resident Evil Zero for the first time. It was the Hd Port on the Xbox One. God damn the story is so cheap and uninteresting, that i didnt even care about any of the characters. And worst of all, this stupid Item micromanagement...

Now i started with Resident Evil 6, and albeit i like the action and the many references to Resident Evil 2 in your surroundings (Leons Chapter) i miss the puzzles. Well i hope it keeps up with the rest of the game.
Even though I don't really like FPS, I thought that 7 was good. It's going to be interesting how 8 turns out.

So no references in Vendetta? I was hoping for some new info/connections.


Saw this on Twitter, anyone tried it?



Saw this on Twitter, anyone tried it?


It's a neat little <5 min. VR thingy. You are a dude that becomes infected, then get killed in that one hallway action scene from the trailers. You get to see Chris and Leon do gun-cata.

It's a VR trailer, basically.


Sooooo there's a Capcom sale in PSN this week and Umbrella Corps is there, of course.

BUT there is a pricing error and the Deluxe Edition is currently cheaper than the base game (9.99 vs 12.99)

Is it worth buying at that price? Especially since it's down from 39.99.


Sooooo there's a Capcom sale in PSN this week and Umbrella Corps is there, of course.

BUT there is a pricing error and the Deluxe Edition is currently cheaper than the base game (9.99 vs 12.99)

Is it worth buying at that price? Especially since it's down from 39.99.

There is a SP component. But the MP I hear is all but dead now. You can fuck around in a match by yourself to see things. But they sadly never added a bot mode. I would say any die hard RE fan can get enough enjoyment out of it for the 9.99. But if the MP basically being dead is an issue, i'd wait for 4.99

The SP is kind of half ass and difficult ends up turning into smacking everything with your brainer.


So I played some RE6 Leon Campaign and I can't help but feel so satisfied when that punk Peter gets killed after taking his girlfriends gun, such an asshole.

Also, is it the same Peter that the woman yelled about in the train? Seems they kinda just left her there.

Give me DLC about these people.
So I played some RE6 Leon Campaign and I can't help but feel so satisfied when that punk Peter gets killed after taking his girlfriends gun, such an asshole.

Also, is it the same Peter that the woman yelled about in the train? Seems they kinda just left her there.

Give me DLC about these people.

I love how he just kind of swaggers after headshotting a monster only to be taken out like the punk ass he is by the transformation.
Is Resident Evil 7: Resident Evil Document File seeing its only release in Japan, or is there a US/Western version planned?

Can't find a purchase link on RE.net or the publisher either.


Is Resident Evil 7: Resident Evil Document File seeing its only release in Japan, or is there a US/Western version planned?

Can't find a purchase link on RE.net or the publisher either.

Right now it's in Japan, but it's partially in English, which indicates they might release it out West in the future.

It's on the Japanese Kindle store; if you make an account, you can grab it there, too.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Oh boy, Capcom just sent out a Resident Evil questionnaire that seems to be one of those kinds where they're looking for some feedback going forward. They've done a few of these for the series in the past and they've seemed to taken them seriously in the past.

This one is smaller question scale, but seems to be asking things about RE7 and the HD port of Revelations mainly.


Just of the survey and my answers

Do you recommend RE7? No
Do you recommend Resident Evil Revelations HD port? No
Do you recommend the series to friends? No
Why or why not? "Where is my hero gameplay from 4-6?"


Just of the survey and my answers

Do you recommend RE7? No
Do you recommend Resident Evil Revelations HD port? No
Do you recommend the series to friends? No
Why or why not? "Where is my hero gameplay from 4-6?"

I'm adding "I hope they never make a new Dino Crisis" to the feedback section
not really.


My answers cancelled out Jawmuncher's.

I got my survey in Japanese, interestingly enough.

I do think these ambassador surveys are kinda one sided though. They're aimed at the biggest fans who are either going to play anything in the series or prefer the classic style above all else. That's not to say there aren't other fans getting the ambassador like me. But I feel the action side of things is more representative by the masses.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I do think these ambassador surveys are kinda one sided though. They're aimed at the biggest fans who are either going to play anything in the series or prefer the classic style above all else. That's not to say there aren't other fans getting the ambassador like me. But I feel the action side of things is more representative by the masses.

My favorite of the questionnaires was the very broad one they did a year or so ago which had questions about all sorts of different games ranging from The Suffering to Dark Souls to Siren to Silent Hill. Then gave the feel they were looking outside of themselves and would probably end up less potentially biased as asking RE fans who signed up for RE updates about RE.

Given I can understand wanting a method to directly ask things to your core base as well. I'm not saying all core RE fans are signed up for the ambassador program, but more to say that's probably the closest method they have to accomplishing such a thing.
Ambassador program needs to be something here in the West, as all it amounted to here was some early access YouTube clips and images shared an instant later.
They are rebooting RE movie franchise. I hope this time they stay true to the games. I remember going to the theater to watch part 1 and 2. Only 2 RE i have seen. They were both mega trash as alice always have to upstage every game character.


Should I bother with Revelations on the 3DS? Or just get the PS4 version? I don't care either way but I have been playing my 3DS a lot lately and it seems like a novelty.


Should I bother with Revelations on the 3DS? Or just get the PS4 version? I don't care either way but I have been playing my 3DS a lot lately and it seems like a novelty.

It plays fine on 3DS, especially if you have the extra analog stick. So yeah, unless you care about a few extra costumes and a new raid mode stage, just get it on 3DS if the portable factor is important to you
So I played some RE6 Leon Campaign and I can't help but feel so satisfied when that punk Peter gets killed after taking his girlfriends gun, such an asshole.

Also, is it the same Peter that the woman yelled about in the train? Seems they kinda just left her there.

Give me DLC about these people.

One of the dudes in the church also mentioned his son Marco from the BSAA who is without a doubt the same Marco from this song.


At this point I want to mention that Leon and Helena are directly to blame for everyone in the church dying and they didn't even care. Not even for that one curagious dude who decided to let them in and help them, and he was the first to die because of their actions. As fun as RE6 is, the story and all it's characters are awful and unlikable. I guess Jake and Sherry were alright.


I feel the story in RE6 has its moments. It's not perfect by no means however. Definitely needed some fin tuning. Jake & Sherry definitely stand out as the most likeable for the majority though.


At this point I want to mention that Leon and Helena are directly to blame for everyone in the church dying and they didn't even care. Not even for that one curagious dude who decided to let them in and help them, and he was the first to die because of their actions. As fun as RE6 is, the story and all it's characters are awful and unlikable. I guess Jake and Sherry were alright.

Well, if you kill Lepotita fast enough, you can save a couple of people in the church. However, they will eventually die anyway when the town is destroyed, so it doesn't really matter.


I find myself thinking about RE6's main plot point being that Simmons is super thirsty for Ada a lot recently. I think it might be the king of stupid shit in RE's story.


I find myself thinking about RE6's main plot point being that Simmons is super thirsty for Ada a lot recently. I think it might be the king of stupid shit in RE's story.

More stupid than a bunch of mutated leeches that starts to mimic their long-dead creator (by looking like his young self wearing a white robe) and singing opera in the rain? Nah, I doubt it.

RE6 plot is stupid, but I think the stupidity comes rather from the fact that Simmons managed to do an almost perfect clone of another human being; C-Virus is basically a magic, you can do whatever you want with it. That it's the result of Simmons' being extremely horny? Well, that's life for you. That's probably not the first time in history when a scientist did something because of love for another woman. ;)


More stupid than a bunch of mutated leeches that starts to mimic their long-dead creator (by looking like his young self wearing a white robe) and singing opera in the rain? Nah, I doubt it.

RE6 plot is stupid, but I think the stupidity comes rather from the fact that Simmons managed to do an almost perfect clone of another human being; C-Virus is basically a magic, you can do whatever you want with it. That it's the result of Simmons' being extremely horny? Well, that's life for you. That's probably not the first time in history when a scientist did something because of love for another woman. ;)

See, that never really bothered me too much because it seemed like an acceptable form of Japanese wackiness for some reason. Like if this dude started talking to me about mitochondria I'd probably just be "yeah okay"

One thing I never got though; is there like, a boom box blasting out his music or is it being piped into the train? Because it seems to be the music that gets Becky and Billy's attention but the dude is just out there dancing around.


Everyone seems to have a different threshold for what is acceptable in RE lore.

For me the biggest stand outs of things I don't like are Leech Clone as just said (Don't mind the idea's of leeches and leech man, then turning into a big monster though) and mind control hallucinagenic
little girls.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
For me it's the C-Virus. Simmons had potential to be more interesting but it was underplayed, but the C-Virus though has no sort of consistency and just feels like the do-whatever-it-wants Virus. I know its a means to an end for enemy variety, but I felt the C-Virus was both terribly explained within RE6 itself and less explored than other RE series outbreak causes, and also had the most bullshit it could do. Like there's leaps of logic in other games, IE Las Plagas in RE4 and RE5 have some stretches but it at least has some visual and thematic consistencies, interesting background, and is more fleshed out into the how and why within the games itself. C-Virus not only is missing its deeper presence in the narrative, but there's little consistency between several of the enemies and it lacks any sort of grounded familiarity or easily recognizable chain between the monsters or what the virus is capable of.
Things that have crossed the line:

  • Leech Queen Marcus. The forming of a clone isn't the issue, but it having the memories and exact mannerisms across decades of his life was. Also, that outfit he was wearing would not be worn by a young American growing up in WW2. Actually, that whole scene is just bizarre.
  • Fire ball throwing Alexia.
  • Robo-Salazar (fun unlike the others, but still a bit too much)
  • Contrived weakness for Wesker and subsequent mutation
  • The do-it-all magical lazy C Virus. Some good enemy designs, but then Carla, Simmons, and no real focus/themes.
  • To what will be met with disagreement here as usual, the RE cast essentially having the capabilities of super humans as if they were lifted out of Eric Nylund Halo novels. It's certainly fun in Mercs, but damn does it take me out of the game outside of Jake and maybe Sherry.
  • E in RE7. While not my favorite trope, it could've worked if they actually stuck to one direction or the other. It did not work doing both as it it presented an embarrassing dissonance between narrative and performance (of which both contradicted within themselves as well).

So should we expect any presence of the series at E3? I'm not expecting REmake2 (certainly not gameplay), but a brief trailer for Not a Hero perhaps?


I think we'll see something Resident Evil related at E3. Though not RE2make.
Either a new port of something or a small spinoff of some sort.

Or worse comes to worst, we'll probably see Nemesis in MVCI bare minimum.


consciousness transfer shenanigans
in Revelations 2 are probably on the borderline for the kind of outright 'magic' I can accept in the setting. The reason why it works when Carla doesn't is probably more to do with how it's worked into the narrative and the presentation of the characters involved, as well as having a much stronger underlying motive and not really resorting to the C-Virus sculpting complete adult humans from generic biomass, and its other inconsistencies which Dusk Golem commented on.

I want to bring up 'suspension of disbelief', but it's nothing to do with realism, just dramatic effectiveness. Alex's plotline doesn't trigger the same kind of 'this is idiotic' response as Marcus and Carla/Simmons, and she comes off as a far more effective antagonist. The viruses in other RE games also could basically do whatever, but while the mechanisms of the transformations were obviously fantasy, their results didn't feel as disconnected from the setting.
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