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RESISTANCE 2 REVEALED! 60man MP, 8p Co-op, 2 campaigns, etc HOLY $#!t


Silly.Mikey said:
The point was the fact that a lot of people thought Resistance 1 was kinda stale. I couldn't even get myself to finish it. I got the to church scene and i simply got fed up.

So what are they doing for the people like me who thought the gameplay was stale? They added more people online and big monsters. Great.
Uhh.. the stage where the Church is at is pretty crazy. Are you sure you actually played the game or did you just mention the Church because it was in the news a while back?


Silly.Mikey said:
OK, a game LIKE Gears 2. Happy?

Silly boy! We're all glad you could come into the Resistance thread and share your thoughts on it over Gears 2. How are you enjoying them both, btw? :lol

Ken Masters - Don't take it personally, I'm "emotionally vested" in all of Insomniacs titles. They make good fucking games with few bugs, and when there are, they fix them. Oddly enough, I can't say Epic did the same for Gears of War (there you go Silly Mikey, a great comparison just for you buddy!).
nib95 said:
And 8 player co-op, more open scale massive battles, new weapons, enemy types etc. Now you're bordering on trolling. If you disliked Halo, would you be in a Halo thread barking on and on about how it looked bad or boring whatever? Or how it hadn't changed and to you sucked (without ever having played it)? What about if you didn't like GoW1? Would you persistently post in the GoW2 threads making similar complaints?

Come on now, you're being a little transparent. If you're the SillyMikey I think you are, (from IGN), then I know you're a huge Halo 3/GoW/360 fan whom posts almost exclusively on the 360GB. You only have to Google "SillyMikey"....

Holly crap, every link that popped up is 360 related, lol!
nib95 said:
And 8 player co-op, more open scale massive battles, new weapons, enemy types etc. Now you're bordering on trolling. If you disliked Halo, would you be in a Halo thread barking on and on about how it looked bad or boring whatever? Or how it hadn't changed and to you sucked (without ever having played it)? What about if you didn't like GoW1? Would you persistently post in the GoW2 threads making similar complaints?

Come on now, you're being a little transparent. If you're the SillyMikey I think you are, (from IGN), then I know you're a huge Halo 3/GoW/360 fan whom posts almost exclusively on the 360GB. You only have to Google "SillyMikey"....

Not liking the first game doesn't mean im not interested in the next one. I give every game a chance. I disliked a lot of things even in games ive absolutely loved. I dont see why i cant say my opinions, even if it happens to be negative. Is this a positive comments only thread?

Sure mentioning gears was probably a bad move but its the first and only game that came into my head when i was writing.

Either way, you people cant handle criticism very well. I don't think was immature about anything i said. Either way, im done with this. If you wanna add me, add me. I dont care.


Silly.Mikey said:
The point was the fact that a lot of people thought Gears of War was kinda stale. I couldn't even get myself to finish it. I got the to chapter three and i simply got fed up.

So what are they doing for the people like me who thought the gameplay was stale? They added more people online and big monsters. Great.

See how easy it is? And the funny thing is, it's true as well!

Kiddo, it's clear you have your bias, preference, fanaticism, whatever you want to call it.

Here's some advice: Go play gears of war, and stop coming into this thread to cry your bitter bitter eyes out that Insomniac has done more for Resistance (and gaming in general) than most developers will do in the next 2 to 4 years.
Silly.Mikey said:
Not liking the first game doesn't mean im not interested in the next one. I give every game a chance. I disliked a lot of things even in games ive absolutely loved. I dont see why i cant say my opinions, even if it happens to be negative. Is this a positive comments only thread?

Sure mentioning gears was probably a bad move but its the first and only game that came into my head when i was writing.

Either way, you people cant handle criticism very well. I don't think was immature about anything i said. Either way, im done with this. If you wanna add me, add me. I dont care.

Its obvious judging by this post that you are a bastion of maturity! Let the lulz commence!


Silly.Mikey said:
The point was the fact that a lot of people thought Resistance 1 was kinda stale. I couldn't even get myself to finish it. I got the to church scene and i simply got fed up.

Awe was more then 6 enemies on screen too much.:lol


lol, the church scene? what is that... like barely an hour into the game?

you missed out on 19 more hours of amazing. :p
tha_con said:
Hai gaiz, eye played res1 fom and eye culdn't finish it, teh start menu waz two much, so eye kwit.

Just keep in mind that i did not resort to making fun of anyone when i posted every single one of my replies.


Silly.Mikey said:
Just keep in mind that i did not resort to making fun of anyone when i posted every single one of my replies.

To be fair, you yourself stated that you barely reached through the first third of a game that picks up considerably in the latter portions. Also, you make it seem like this November, we have to choose one or the other. I, for one, plan on getting both...

Also, since when is giving people more value for their money a bad thing? Insomniac have been nothing but praise-worthy of Epic, as Epic has of Insomniac. So its definitely not to say "we have more this and that"

I'm glad a dev wants to give me more for my $60...


B-Ri said:
lol, the church scene? what is that... like barely an hour into the game?

you missed out on 19 more hours of amazing. :p

I think there are 11-12 chapters in the game, the Church level is either Chapter 3 or 4. So you are right in a sense, he didn't play much of the game and missed pretty much all of the best parts. Unfortunately Resistance 1 was a game that started off rather slow, but got more and more epic and crazy as you played on. He barely gave it a proper chance.
nib95 said:
I think there are 11-12 chapters in the game, the Church level is either Chapter 3 or 4. So you are right in a sense, he didn't play much of the game and missed pretty much all of the best parts. Unfortunately Resistance 1 was a game that started off rather slow, but got more and more epic and crazy as you played on. He barely gave it a proper chance.

I dont deny that. But it happens. Whether its movies or games. Im sure its happened to you as well. I might give it another chance. Its supposed to be cheaper now right?


Silly.Mikey said:
The point was the fact that a lot of people thought Resistance 1 was kinda stale. I couldn't even get myself to finish it. I got the to church scene and i simply got fed up.

So what are they doing for the people like me who thought the gameplay was stale? They added more people online and big monsters. Great.

Did you play the MP game ?

You also didn't play the later levels. RFOM is a great shooter, in the Halo tradition.


Silly.Mikey said:
Just keep in mind that i did not resort to making fun of anyone when i posted every single one of my replies.

You're right, you didn't make fun of anyone, but you certainly made posts that were worth making fun of.

I mean, do you really think anyone is going to take you seriously when you come in a RESISTANCE 2 thread, and start saying they're just 'cramming stuff in to compete with Gears 2'.

It's fucking retarded man, and on top of it, you say you didn't even get past the first few levels before you quit. Think about how ridiculous that sounds.

You were here LOOKING to talk trash on Resistance 2, and immediately reached for your trump card, Gears 2.

You keep up the good fight, young console warrior, and perhaps I may dub you a knight, perhaps indeed.


Loudninja said:

In the comments section this can be read.

Hey everyone,

This is Bryan Intihar, community manager for Insomniac Games. Just to clarify a few points about the Resistance 2 public beta.

*You must purchase a subscription to Qore–not just episode 3–to gain premier access to the Resistance 2 public beta.
*As we’ve stated in the past, there will be MULTIPLE ways of getting into the Resistance 2 public beta. The subscription to Qore is just ONE way. Stay tuned over the next few weeks for more details.

Hope this helps.


nib95 said:
I think there are 11-12 chapters in the game, the Church level is either Chapter 3 or 4. So you are right in a sense, he didn't play much of the game and missed pretty much all of the best parts. Unfortunately Resistance 1 was a game that started off rather slow, but got more and more epic and crazy as you played on. He barely gave it a proper chance.

What the hell? If a game doesn't engage you or feels dull then why the fuck should you continue to play? I played about an hour of Gears and Resistance to the point where Nathan ate some bugs, collapsed and woke in some chambers. Both games sucked in my opinion.

And my opinion is just as valid as yours.

What is going on here now?

Wollan said:
I can't remember BF2 having saved Replays. Mod?
No, it was there from the start. It's called Battlerecorder. And it wasn't just your POV, when you watch it it basically works as spectator mode, you can even put it in slow motion.


Sailor Stevenson
morlock said:
Is it so, JS? (quote above ^)

Yes, you must SUBSCRIBE to Qore for premier access.

But guys, honestly, the fastest and EASIEST way into the beta is through the pre-ordering program that should be announced very soon.

So hang back, relax, and have your five dolla ready.


jstevenson said:
Yes, you must SUBSCRIBE to Qore for premier access.

But guys, honestly, the fastest and EASIEST way into the beta is through the pre-ordering program that should be announced very soon.

So hang back, relax, and have your five dolla ready.

i like things simple, can't be arsed to jump through hoops to play a beta.
tha_con said:
See how easy it is? And the funny thing is, it's true as well!

Kiddo, it's clear you have your bias, preference, fanaticism, whatever you want to call it.

Here's some advice: Go play gears of war, and stop coming into this thread to cry your bitter bitter eyes out that Insomniac has done more for Resistance (and gaming in general) than most developers will do in the next 2 to 4 years.


cmon now saying shit like this is just as bad as trolling.

Ploid 3.0

Maybe he means Insomniac giving away that Nocturnal engine to devs for free or something like that, and also that developer blog that is like a faq. Insomniac is trying to help the developer community have a easier time making games to help the industry grow or something. I'm not good at quoting like SSX and I only remember bits and pieces. Insomniac think of it as if they help other devs, the industry will be healthier and the fact that it's healthy means they(insomniac) benefit from the healthy industry.
jstevenson said:
Yes, you must SUBSCRIBE to Qore for premier access.

But guys, honestly, the fastest and EASIEST way into the beta is through the pre-ordering program that should be announced very soon.

So hang back, relax, and have your five dolla ready.

so happy.



Kabuki Waq said:

cmon now saying shit like this is just as bad as trolling.

You think so baby girl?

Because I see Insomniac sharing a shit load of technology with developers to improve the quality of games in general, not just their games.

In my opinion, they single handedly kept the PS3 alive, and prevented it from turning into another Dreamcast.

They've constantly pushed the envelope for console games. Pushing new standards for online muiltiplayer, co-op, community features, and *especially* community interaction.

You can live in your fantasy world if you like, but Insomniac games delivers consistently. Over the years, what kind of evolution have we seen in sequels to shooters? Did RSV2 do anything new compared to the first? Did GRAW2 make leaps from the first? GTA? I can name dozens of other franchises that simply didn't move forward as much as Resistance.

Trolling? Please. It's the honest truth, I'm sure had I said the same about Bungie or Epic Games (or even Valve) you'd be giving me praise and saying "RIGHT ON BUDDY, YOU TELL THEM!". But not, I said Insomniac Games...get over it, it's not subjective.


Suckin' dicks since '66
jstevenson said:
Yes, you must SUBSCRIBE to Qore for premier access.

But guys, honestly, the fastest and EASIEST way into the beta is through the pre-ordering program that should be announced very soon.

So hang back, relax, and have your five dolla ready.

Excellent sir!


Incredibly Naive
jstevenson said:
Yes, you must SUBSCRIBE to Qore for premier access.

But guys, honestly, the fastest and EASIEST way into the beta is through the pre-ordering program that should be announced very soon.

So hang back, relax, and have your five dolla ready.

Best five dollas spent... or will it be LBP?!? Either way thanks for the heads up man!:D :D :D Can't wait to get my hands on this.

JS just really quickly... didn't you promise us a while ago there would be no beta? Or was that just NDA or something.


jstevenson said:
Yes, you must SUBSCRIBE to Qore for premier access.

But guys, honestly, the fastest and EASIEST way into the beta is through the pre-ordering program that should be announced very soon.

So hang back, relax, and have your five dolla ready.

Beetah Beetah, Fai Dolla!


I really hope there are filters in the game so I can play with people with mics. I'm sick of playing with people who don't say a word.


thuway said:
I really hope there are filters in the game so I can play with people with mics. I'm sick of playing with people who don't say a word.

I should hope you can do that, I wouldn't want to play with people with mics (95 % are douches)


That hiphop guy is a entertaining dude. Third video or so I've watched from that site. It's funny to see him put up the facade like that which is expected from within the culture I guess. A million miles away from the type of person I am. Also he seems genuinely excited about games unlike your average bitter 1up employee or whatnot.


First time I watch these Hiphopgamer interviews. :lol Genius, loved when Hiphopgamer threatened to come over to your house if you don't buy R2, and Ted's reaction to that.


jstevenson said:
Yes, you must SUBSCRIBE to Qore for premier access.

But guys, honestly, the fastest and EASIEST way into the beta is through the pre-ordering program that should be announced very soon.

So hang back, relax, and have your five dolla ready.

Are you telling me it's only five dollars to subscribe now, or am I just not understanding some slang? :p

What sucks is that my CC doesn't work. I need some alternative solutions, and stat! Apparently National Bank MasterCard no longer works on PS3s. Worked just fine before I renewed the card since the last expired.
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