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Resolution doesn't sell games, says Far Cry 4 dev


Banstick Emeritus
It's pretty unbearable how much GAF whines about resolution. I usually just skip all resolution threads -- positive or negative -- cause I don't want to encourage such petty nitpicking.


Visuals are a selling point, resolution really isn't. Watch_Dogs was 900p/720p and broke record for a new IP because the visuals were good enough for the majority of consumers. If it looks good and is 720p+, then that's good enough for the vast majority. Of course they're going to try to get the best they can out of the systems and that's understandable.
Idle conjecture on your part. You don't know if the visuals being "good enough" was the reason why it broke records for a new IP.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Because it's really the only resolution of tv you can buy now and there's a noticeable difference between SD and HD, but that doesn't hold true for something like 900p to 1080p or even 720p to 1080p for a lot of people. If you think people are really buying an iPhone because they know the resolution of the screen, then you're delusional. How is it a separate issue when his whole point is that resolution doesn't sell games? At the end of the day, AC Unity is still going to be incredibly successful and your average person either isn't going to know its 900p or they won't care.

I think you're first point is really key.. because it really destroys the idea of all the "then make it on SNES or 480p then".

Switching between SD to HD content on my TV is night and day. Even when that HD content is typically 720P (I watch a lot of ESPN).

Yet the switch from 900p to 1080p with the same asset quality isn't anywhere near the same dramatic change. Noticible.. I guess if I really want to nitpick.. but night/day like SD to HD.. not at all.

Sure, I'll take 1080p whenever it can be delivered.. but it's no where near the end of the world if it's not that people make it out to be.


Ubisoft is on a roll with making strange statements lately ever get the feeling ubisofts pr department is intentionally just probing the community trying to see what the reaction is gonna be.
What's the point of comparing the relative weights of "resolution" and "experience"?

If you had to choose between the two, I'd understand what he means, but the "experience" will be the same on both PS4 and Xbone versions anyway.

There is no reason not to go for the version with the same experience, better resolution, and possibly slightly better frame-rate as well.

(I should point out that all of the above was speaking in general terms. I'm not singling out any specific game).

This Crytek guy sound like he's laying the groundwork for future disappointing resolution reveals.


There's a difference between not knowing how big the difference is and not caring how big the difference is.

Next time you go to a friends house to watch a sports game, put on the SD channel instead of the HD channel when he/she goes to use the bathroom.
Visuals are a selling point, resolution really isn't. Watch_Dogs was 900p/720p and broke record for a new IP because the visuals were good enough for the majority of consumers. If it looks good and is 720p+, then that's good enough for the vast majority. Of course they're going to try to get the best they can out of the systems and that's understandable.
I dunno there was allot of people across the board disappointed in watchdogs after it released. It wasn't just gafers who was disappointed with that game. Remeber the E3 2013 reveal of WD? I feel like allot of people felt like they have been bamboozled. Some people watched that reveal back then and decided on buying the game with no initial follow up and have been disappointed with the results. Ubi got allot of sales from WD but you barely see anyone playing it anymore.



Idle conjecture on your part. You don't know if the visuals being "good enough" was the reason why it broke records for a new IP.

Well, I'm assuming that if your average consumers acted like GAF with resolution, then it probably wouldn't have done as well. I'm just trying to figure why people assume resolution is such a big deal to people. Unity looks amazing graphically to me and I'm sure it will to 99% of people that pick it up.


"With the 4K TVs and things - somebody was telling me that with a 4K TV, to even see it, your living room has to be big enough to sit like 12 feet from the screen. I don't know the exact numbers, but it starts to get a little crazy. I'm just in it for the experience, I'll play a SNES game if it's cool."

Lol yea okay. Someone tell this guy to walk into his local best buy, walk up to a 4k TV and tell me he doesn't notice a difference compared to all of the other TV's. I remember when people told me they didnt notice a difference between blu ray and DVD.


Visuals are a selling point, resolution really isn't. Watch_Dogs was 900p/720p and broke record for a new IP because the visuals were good enough for the majority of consumers. If it looks good and is 720p+, then that's good enough for the vast majority. Of course they're going to try to get the best they can out of the systems and that's understandable.

Resolution is a part of those visuals.
Watch Dogs was 900p/720p and sold lots. Cool. But that doesn't mean people don't want higher resolutions, or better looking games.


Junior Member
But the best console version of the multi-platforms seem always sell better on last two gen.

I think people are more aware what is inside than PSX/PS2 era.


I think you're first point is really key.. because it really destroys the idea of all the "then make it on SNES or 480p then".

Switching between SD to HD content on my TV is night and day. Even when that HD content is typically 720P (I watch a lot of ESPN).

Yet the switch from 900p to 1080p with the same asset quality isn't anywhere near the same dramatic change. Noticible.. I guess if I really want to nitpick.. but night/day like SD to HD.. not at all.

Sure, I'll take 1080p whenever it can be delivered.. but it's no where near the end of the world if it's not that people make it out to be.

Exactly. I don't get why the go 480p argument is still around like Unity or Far Cry 3 or really any G's,e released this gen is horrible looking because of its resolution. Ryse is 900p and looks absolutely amazing. Would it look better in 1080p? Of course, but if you showed the game to anyone, they would be blown away, regardless of it not being 1080p. People act like if it isn't 1080, then it's looking like a PS2 title or something.

I dunno there was allot of people across the board disappointed in watchdogs after it released. It wasn't just gafers who was disappointed with that game. Remeber the E3 2013 reveal of WD? I feel like allot of people felt like they have been bamboozled. Some people watched that reveal back then and decided on buying the game with no initial follow up and have been disappointed with the results. Ubi got allot of sales from WD but you barely see anyone playing it anymore.

Well, that's because Watch_Dogs was an extremely average game. Not because of its graphics, really. I remember people loving he gifs that Dennis made for the game and the others from users on PS4.

Resolution is a part of those visuals.
Watch Dogs was 900p/720p and sold lots. Cool. But that doesn't mean people don't want higher resolutions, or better looking games.

It is, but look at Ryse. 900p and is arguably the best looking console game to date. I'm not denying people don't want higher resolutions. I enjoy my 1080p, but does it sell a game to me or the majority? Probably not.
To be honest, i love 1080p when possible but 900p is almost as good and, call me blind or something, but i can't see the difference between 900p and 1080p on my Sony TV. They both look very good to me.

I can see the difference between 720p and 1080p though but it's not like night and day. There's a point i guess where screen size and resolution play a big part. So i guess for people who have a 60" + tv, 1080p probably makes a big difference.


It is, but look at Ryse. 900p and is arguably the best looking console game to date. I'm not denying people don't want higher resolutions. I enjoy my 1080p, but does it sell a game to me or the majority? Probably not.
Ok. But 900p is still higher than most of the games that were coming out last gen is it not? If resolution doesn't matter to people, then why not have the game be in 720p?
If Ryse was 1080p, it would've looked even better, and people would've been even more blown away by it. Resolution matters. To say it doesn't is hogwash. It only doesn't matter until you are making a game that is 1080p, or hardware powerful enough to do it.
Visuals matter. A lot of people buy consoles expecting to experience much better graphics. But guess what, resolution is part of that. A higher resolution makes your game even better looking, and more attractive to consumers. Yeah, maybe the general populace don't care about whether it's 1080p or 900p or 720p. Just like they probably wouldn't care about the number of polygons the character models have. Because the numbers don't mean anything to them. But they still can tell something looks better, and they will still prefer the product that looks better.


Well, I'm assuming that if your average consumers acted like GAF with resolution, then it probably wouldn't have done as well. I'm just trying to figure why people assume resolution is such a big deal to people. Unity looks amazing graphically to me and I'm sure it will to 99% of people that pick it up.

If you had the choice you would choose the version with a native 1080p over the version that is 900p, right?

In the same way, a person goes into a store to buy a console, and asks the sales assistant what console is the best. The sales assistant tells him that the PS4 has better hardware, which also means better graphics, and is a cheaper price. He also mentions that many of the same games will be on the console as is on the Xbone.

Which console do you think the average gamer is more likely to buy?
The point that all these comments about "Feature X does not matter", is that they all assume no competition. If I were to ask you how much you value 1 cent, you'd say not much. You probably wouldn't even pick up a penny if you saw it on the street. However if I ask you which price you'd pay for the same piece of candy, $1.00 or $1.01, 100% of the time you'd choose the price that is 1 cent less. In fact you'd be upset if you found out that I sold that piece of candy for 99 cents to the person in front of you but wouldn't offer you the same deal.

As this shows, these type of things don't have a linear psychological effect. They get magnified. This is especially true when the issue of fairness comes into play. At that point it's not even about the actual differences, but about if people think they are being taken advantage of or not.
Ugh, Gaf has become so painfully cynical. Why twist his meanings so much for petty arguments? All he is saying is that resolution is not the main reason people buy/play games. Case closed.

For example, I would never buy BF4 on my PS4 because I don't like the Battlefield series. I'm going to however buy DAI no matter what resolution it is. Some of you are trying to make the (idiotic) case that if there was a game on two consoles and one looked slightly better, that version would sell. But don't you get it? You've decided to buy that game for other reasons than resolution, but resolution was like the LAST thing you checked before picking it up on the console of your choice. Stop being so cynical, and stop skewing words. Its ridiculous.

If there are people out there who buy game solely based on resolution.. well, argue away at this thread. You might as well also just stop playing games and watch CGI films.



Funny he thinks the public don't care about resolution in games but the public goes out of their way to that big ass 1808p TV. They never get 720p.

That's because there are barely any 720p TVs on the market today, and the ones who are pretty much suck.
Would be interesting to know from Ubisoft, if resolution doesn't sell games.Why is it that...

Most games they show off as new IP.....are running on top of the range PC's.

I mean after Watch_dogs and the Division being shown off on top of the range PC's with expensive graphics cards... why is it only now that resolution doesn't matter...

Strange. You would think they would show them off on specs that are closer to consoles or something, but they don't. Oh i know why, it's because you want the games to look the best they can.....oh. [does not compute].

me thinks its best they don't keep throwing petrol on the fire.


Uh, ground zeroes was 720 on Xbox One. All of Konami's Fox engine games are right now (see pro evo soccer).

So, I may have to go with the half blind and crappy TV bit :)

You can add my wife, father in law and myself to the blind list. Currently playing GZ and they thought it was beautiful looking. No complaints from me either.


it doesn't matter within the context of:

if you own a machine that displays close to that resolution and by and large on a tv at home it looks really damned good, and you bought a machine because it plays great games that look really good, has great exclusives and has a great OS and social set up, then yea, it matters not at all.


it doesn't matter within the context of:

if you own a machine that displays close to that resolution and by and large on a tv at home it looks really damned good, and you bought a machine because it plays great games that look really good, has great exclusives and has a great OS and social set up, then yea, it matters not at all.

tl;dr You bought a Xbox one.
A selling point you say? Hmmm...and why do you think it's a successful selling point? Perhaps because....people like/want higher resolution maybe? The fact they may not always get it (or if they can even tell the difference) is a separate issue. The fact tv, phones, ect with a higher resolution is in demand, because people want it. In other words, it matters.

Just about as much as it matters if the food they buy is mouldy or not.
if this is the case why are the games they showcase demoed on souped out gaming PC's? why not just showcase it on dated hardware that can render at 720p? You showcase your upcoming games for next gen consoles on maxed PC's but then try to tell the people res doesn't sell games lol.


he's right; but quality doesn't sell games, either, he should probably have said that too

There is truth in what he says, but it misses perspective.

"It feels weird to me that people are cool about playing a sort of retro pixel game, and yet the resolution somehow matters. It's like: is it fun, is it interesting, is it new, is it fresh, are there interesting questions?

He finds it odd that people will play a game with a retro pixel aesthetic, but complain about resolution. If the game is good, then people will play it. However, if all games were just 'retro pixel games' and cost the same as a full price $60 game, people might think to themselves, "hold on a minute! I haven't spent all this money on a new console to play 2D pixel games".

if this is the case why are the games they showcase demoed on souped out gaming PC's? why not just showcase it on dated hardware that can render at 720p? You showcase your upcoming games for next gen consoles on maxed PC's but then try to tell the people res doesn't sell games lol.

Not to mention all the bullshots


Why isn't Ubisoft still developing these great gaming experiences on the Atari 2600, the super nes and the sega genesis?

Prior to this generation developers especially multiplats devs were all the rage on what the new systems could do and what they could not accomplish before. This generation, there's been quite a bit of "what the better hardware can do consistently, doesn't really matter". It sounds like a hypocritical generation.

What I really want, is for Sony first parties to start pumping those first party games that make these multiplats in question look as mediocre as these developers lack of enthusiasm for pushing the envelope or embracing it.
we the consumers are the reason they have jobs so we have the right to call BS where we see it and not settle for less especially if we find out that they could have achieved more. If you go by this guys logic lets just shelf next gen gaming all together and go back to having fun on snes, sega, and atari. Forget the framerate the resolution lets just block out all the visual evolutions and settle for what they tell us is ok for gaming standards regarding these current gen consoles. You kinda have to set your own standards and buy your console and games based off that because if you don't you will get strung around on a BS ride. He is trying to tell you what your deciding factors are when you decide to pickup a game.
It's not necessarily a question of resolution selling your game. It's a question of are you doing the most to provide the best experience to owners of all platforms or are you phoning it in because "it's good enough".

This. Frankly, in an industry with so many other competitors, if you aren't doing all you can to engage your customers or make them happy, you don't deserve their money. ESPECIALLY when you're in the market of AAA games, where there really are no excuses.
I think people just want the best out of the system that they bought. So if you bought a PS4 because it was supposed to have the best version of console games then you have a right to be upset if your version is being held back for parity reasons. I'd be mad as well to see a 720p game on Xbox One if I believed the developers could have pushed it further. Just put forward your best effort is all we ask. Games are not cheap.
Is this something controversial? Being 1080p isn't a sticking point to most of the people who play games, and having a fun experience like COD matters a metric ton more...


Junior Member
For my opinion I never look at the resolution when I look for a new game. If it's 1080p or even 60 FPS well that's nice but I never priorize resolution.


The dev is right. He's totally 100% correctamundo.

But Ubisoft, please, shut the fuck up about resolution and frame rate already. It's every week now that there's a new article about you guys.

Lady Gaia

Resolution isn't the only factor, but to call it a non-factor is absurd. All else being equal most consumers would prefer to watch the same movie or play the same game at a higher resolution. It should be absolutely self-evident given that re-releases of titles this generation and last have done well when often the only differences from the original release are frame rate and resolution.

It does get a lot more subtle when you're talking about trading off resolution for frame rate, gameplay, AI, or complexity of visuals. Those are entirely legitimate discussions. The "1080p doesn't matter" argument on its own is simply disingenuous. Of course you could argue that Ubisoft isn't necessarily trying to convince us, they're just trying to turn the conversation back to focusing on the game itself and not the poisonous spec competition. They have a product to sell, after all, and it's not a console.


I'll keep that in mind the next time I see a supersampled ad with perfect AA and motion blur for Far Cry 4. That is if they even show gameplay footage in the first place and not a CG movie.
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