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RiME |OT| Breath of the Child

The fucking ending man, I wasnt expecting that .



Wait, this game released?? Rime? Fuckn RIME?! That game that was hyped for yearsss? I think it was on a few of my several most wanted lists as well

This flop topic is quite shocking. What happened...

In addition to being niche (outside the GAF bubble) to begin with? Totally messed up hype cycle.

It got announced/teased at peak PS4 hype when eveyone was still secretly scared PS4 would suffer the PS3 haz no games fate early on so everybody lost their shit over it.

Then cue dead marketing silence, delays and bad press about Sony somehow abandoning the game.

Then it got released kindasorta outta nowhere but not without some additional bad press about Switch release price gauging, Denuvo, fucked up PC performance and what have you.

How to not release a game people, especially in 2017...
I just started the third area, and I think it's just OK thus far. It's nice to look at most of the time, and the music is pleasant, but the puzzles haven't really offered much outside of being obstacles to help break up the monotony of walking down uninteresting locales that don't exude as much mystique as I'd hoped. Even still, there are long stretches where you're walking in a straight line, chasing after a cloaked figure that will predictably vanish when the camera pans just enough to obscure it from view for a second.

The platforming feels a bit too rigid, especially with how the character's jumps are more like hops, and you don't get much freedom with controlling him mid-air. The character magnetizes a bit too much towards ledges, too.

I'm going to keep playing, but it hasn't really grabbed me yet.

If I had to compare it to anything, I'd say it's Journey crossed with Uncharted's puzzle/platforming — just not as interesting or memorable as the former.


Need help please
I made it to the
3rd Windmill area, and am stuck at the ship puzzle. I need to rotate a lever to move a pillar attached to the mast that is used to block light from 4 panels.
How do I go about solving this?


Need help please
I made it to the
3rd Windmill area, and am stuck at the ship puzzle. I need to rotate a lever to move a pillar attached to the mast that is used to block light from 4 panels.
How do I go about solving this?

Climb onto that side walkway with a hole in the wall to your right.


Woah that ending. Gut punch.

I really enjoyed the whole game. It was gorgeous. Great music. Simple and relaxing puzzles. Lots of heart.


What a game, honestly, kudos to Tequila for doing a phenomenal job pretty much across the board. Save for some janky animations, the game is an absolute pleasure to witness in motion, sporting some beautiful texture and shader work along with one of the best OST's I've heard in years. Some moments were paced incredibly and the kick of the music at just the right time gave me chills. The puzzles, while simple, are varied and fun. Let's not forget about that ending...
tears were shed.
A fantastic knot on a fantastic game. If I had to rate it, I'd score a very solid 9. Barring some small issues I think this is a real classic. You can easily complete it on a lazy afternoon so there's really no excuse not to give it a try.


Woah that ending. Gut punch.

I really enjoyed the whole game. It was gorgeous. Great music. Simple and relaxing puzzles. Lots of heart.

Likewise. Performance on my GTX 970M was mixed but when it ran well, it ran well.
But bah gawd that ending.


Really conflicted on this after I finished it. On the downside:

- It's short
- The puzzles are too basic
- There's large areas with very little to do in them
- The frame rate is too choppy
- I can't believe it took so long to make

Yet on the positive...

- Lovely to look at
- Nice, chilled atmosphere
- Fantastic soundtrack
- Brilliant and unexpected ending

I guess I'd say it's not a very good game, but is a very worthwhile (brief) experience.
Not sure if this is the best or worst game to have played on father's day. I'm not much of an indie games guy, but I got this as a gift and glad I played it, it was just interesting and different, at least for me. Glad I got it physical though and not digital, its a pretty short game and its not something I'd ever play again after platinum. For potential switch owners, I'd highly recommend physical and not digital - you will be completely done in under 10 hours.

Regarding some of the story speculation above, huge obvious spoilers about the ending and the whole game, don't click if you haven't finished the game:
Once you see all the keyholes, the story is pretty obvious. Mom and dad have kid. Time passes. Mom dies. Time passes. Dad and son are out on a boat fishing or whatever, huge storm, kid (in red raincoat) falls overboard and dies. The game takes place in the "afterlife" for the kid, as he journeys through the island and learns to accept his death (falling into the space well).

The final keyhole is the dad in the real world, and the "upside down" world with the kid who is still holding onto his dad just like his dad is holding on to him. The kid, at the end of the game, accepts that he has died and lets go similar to the dad letting go of the red cloth and accepting his son's death in his room, after hugging his ghost image (while the ghost mom hugs them both).

I loved the Mediterranean "feel" of the game, and it was a pretty interesting synthesis of various world cultures on the after life, especially American Indian and South American.


Any word on how sales are for the game? I want it to be a big success. SteamSpy says...18K users I think? Is that pretty good for this sort of game? I could also see it being a game that reaches massive success on console vs. PC.


Authorized Fister
Any word on how sales are for the game? I want it to be a big success. SteamSpy says...18K users I think? Is that pretty good for this sort of game? I could also see it being a game that reaches massive success on console vs. PC.
Hopefully good sales. Rarely a game has touched me so much. Last time was Ico.

The Hermit

The framerate is annoying me to no end. I have a decent PC ( R9 390) and even with medium graphics it struggles to achieve 30fps.

I wonder how they are gonna make it run on the Switch, something is very wrong with that engine.


I won't deny it - the end of this game had me in tears.

I'd figured out what was happening by the beginning of the 'Acceptance' chapter, but it in no way prepared me for the ending cinematic.

My two kids are about halfway through the second level, and it's proven to be a perfect balance for them to play together.


Just finished it. Really liked it, great atmosphere, did not see that ending coming. I did not find it too short, it was the perfect length for me. The puzzles were kind of easy but I prefer that to being stuck all the time.

I did not get a lot of the collectibles, somehow I always ended up progressing through the levels without exploring a lot. I don't think I'll go back collecting anything though, too much backlog on my side and too little incentive to play again (I don't care for trophies at all).

It felt like a mix of Journey and Ico, glad I played it.
Just gave up at the stupid bird part. I've explored every little ruin there is to explore and yelled at every torch I saw. Nothing.

Game design based purely on trial and error isn't fun, and the game's not charming enough to make up for it.
So...Nintendo moved this to a Winter 2017 release on their site.

RiME, Yooka-Laylee, Poi. These three are probably the biggest and only current 3D action/adventure/explorative indie games that have yet to to hit Switch.

I was hoping to scratch that 3D action/platformer itch before Odyssey. I have enough 2D scrollers.


Just gave up at the stupid bird part. I've explored every little ruin there is to explore and yelled at every torch I saw. Nothing.

Game design based purely on trial and error isn't fun, and the game's not charming enough to make up for it.

You have to activate the windmills
there's a pretty obvious hint at the start of the level in one of the pictures on the wall.


I really enjoyed Rime but in the end i felt that it was a bit longer than it should.At some point i stopped exploring everything and i just moved on with the story.Also the later areas weren't so appealing as the early ones but i understand that that was intentional.

All in all i loved it and i hope their next game follows in the same footsteps.I'd love to see more indie games like this than the typical 2D scrollers or first person "experiences".


Just finished this.

I have to say, it was just fantastic. The stunning visuals, the wonderful soundtrack, the atmosphere, the
, it was all just...lovely. And unlike The Last Guardian, I was never frustrated. Sure, it was probably a bit too easy, but I felt it was really well designed without it feeling linear.

Just a beautiful experience that never overstayed its welcome, and managed to wow time and time again along the way. I can't recommend it enough.
I think I just finished the second chapter
with the monster bird that chases you and now I'm in some forest-y ruins
. How far into the game am I roughly? Feels like I've already played 4 hours or something and I can't really see myself finishing the game in another 2 hours. Maybe I'm slower than most.
Tough crowd lol. I just finished this game earlier today and really really enjoyed it. If you have a game that is telling a story through visuals, you probably don't want overly complicated puzzles interfering with the story itself. I went back to see reviews and a surprising number of people had a hard time finishing the game solely because the puzzles weren't hard enough. If that's the case, then consider me one of the few people who was glad i was able to spend more time looking at the world rather than beating my head into a wall trying to solve more difficult puzzles. And it's not like the puzzles were all a cake walk. Rime is a great game, or maybe i'm just easy to please. Gonna play through again this time just to do a little more sight seeing and to 100% the collectibles.

I think I just finished the second chapter
with the monster bird that chases you and now I'm in some forest-y ruins
. How far into the game am I roughly? Feels like I've already played 4 hours or something and I can't really see myself finishing the game in another 2 hours. Maybe I'm slower than most.
To me it felt like the first 3 chapters were all close together in length. The 4th chapter is much shorter.


This game is on sale on a bunch of key sites for like 10 ish €.

It's running pretty well on PC, don't know if the latest patch did that.

It's a little stuttery sometimes with framerate going between 58 and 60 in scenarios where there's increased draw distance or in larger areas but nothing too serious.

It looks and sounds gorgeous.


This is really good. Perfect game to chill to and explore. Great music and graphics. Runs good on my PC, I had some issues in a cave towards the end of the game, but turning off water tessellation and then turning it back on fixed it. Has been smooth 60 99% of the game for me.


Beat it. Definitely one of my favorite games of the year. It's worth $30 to me, hard to say it's not when the experience was so good. It's on sale on Steam right now as well.


Just bought the game earlier today, reduced from 30 quid to 18.99, good deal i said.

I reaaaaaly dig the art design, the music, the mechanics and i stopped playing after
i activated the underwater 2 keys thingie, in the bird level, where you can use the air bubbles underwater to stay longer

I thiiink im at the second level, am i wrong? Do i have a lot more to play? I will eventually do a rerun to get the platinum, now im just enjoying this amazing game.


I thiiink im at the second level, am i wrong? Do i have a lot more to play? I will eventually do a rerun to get the platinum, now im just enjoying this amazing game.

Probably 50% or a bit more. It only takes about 5-6 hours to beat. Very tight and excellently paced experience imo. I missed a ton of secrets and collectibles, and I did look for them.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Just bought the game earlier today, reduced from 30 quid to 18.99, good deal i said.

I reaaaaaly dig the art design, the music, the mechanics and i stopped playing after
i activated the underwater 2 keys thingie, in the bird level, where you can use the air bubbles underwater to stay longer

I thiiink im at the second level, am i wrong? Do i have a lot more to play? I will eventually do a rerun to get the platinum, now im just enjoying this amazing game.

You're like a quarter of the way through, if that.


Just finished the game. That ending... :(

I simply can't recommend this game enough. Loved everything about it. Amazing art style, OST, gameplay with fun platforming and puzzles, and that story... one of the best games i ever played. Tequila Works did that!


Wow the ending... The game was beautiful from the start to end. ;_;

What I found really interesting on how the art in the game told the story/narrative.

I liked the game being easy as it was simple to follow with working full time and all.
I've been playing through Rime on my xbox one and im having trouble getting some achievements to unlock. The funny thing is they're all on the first stage and should be easy. I've completed everything esle. Anyone else have this problem?
Just finished playing through this and loved it. I skipped over it when it came out due to having just lost my father and didn't really want to play a game with some of the themes I had heard Rime touched on. I am really glad I went back to it though. The world they created is just fantastic to be in and explore. Some people have criticised the the more simplistic nature of the gameplay but personally I found it very relaxing to play.


A fascinating review on RIME titled "A Journey of Grief and Anxiety through RiME."

As my surroundings take on a darker tone, I'm no longer serenely meandering through an ocean paradise but running from a giant, feathered monster and releasing black clouds of energy into the sky—initiating an impenetrable veil that covers the sun and invites shadow people to roam the earth. The world is now covered in darkness, and I'm not sure why. That's the weird thing about anxiety. Er, I mean, about this game. The stages of emotions people go through in the grieving process aren't actually a formulaic pattern like RiME may indicate, however. ”We may find that we fit the stages precisely as Kubler-Ross outlined, or we may skip all but one," writes David B. Feldman PhD in Psychology Today. ”We may race through them or drag our feet all the way to acceptance. We may even repeat or add stages that Kubler-Ross never dreamed of. In fact, the actual grief process looks a lot less like a neat set of stages and a lot more like a roller coaster of emotions."


Haven't played this game in a couple months, since I unlocked the final achievement, but just wanted to come and brag about how awesome the cloth map is that comes with the physical copy of this game.

It's so. fucking. good.


I finally had time to play through Rime, it was really, really good. I'd say it's up there with Ico and the likes. A bit less original and mysterious but the absence of combat and the absolutely stellar soundtrack makes up for it.
And that ending made me cry man tears, a lot.
Dad tears in fact.
Kudos to everyone who worked on this amazing game.
Does this have hdr on ps4 pro? Read it does but it isn't activating on my 4k TV.

No, I think it may have been a misquote or meaning the high dynamic range rendering stuff that Half Life 2 used.

Really good game in the end. Some good puzzles, didn't overstay it's welcome and had a touching, meaninful story. A little bit janky but still quite polished. Well worth buying.


got it with the xbox game pass... anyone knows when they release the xbox one x patch? Not sure if I should wait or not (65" 4K UHD TV)
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