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Rock Band Nickelback DLC 6-pack announced


Will secretly love playing and singing Burn it to the Ground. Will non-secretly ignore the rest of the tracks and continue to publicly hate the band, especially the Chad.

Easily their best song ever and its always in my head anyways from seeing WWE Raw ads :lol


Gold Member
XiaNaphryz said:
He's too authentic for RB, which is why he's signed on for the PowerGig game instead.

Crap, I don't know why but I'd much rather him than Nickelback. Maybe with the Pro guitars coming he'll see the light and come around for RB3.

Edit: This sorta reminds me when you get down to the last three picks for your team at gym, and well, you get stuck with Nickelback.


oracrest said:
Obligatory #3

Chad Kroeger Playboy Interview:

On having "Middle-America" tastes (TV, cars, beer, movies, books) even thought he is Canadian:

"You could probably scratch books off that list. [laughs] I like car chases, explosions, big boobs......."

Let's be honest, it wouldn't be too different of an answer from most people here.


Cool Smoke Luke

I don't care what anyone says As an old classic rock/hair metal/prog-rock/Heavy-Metal, fan I think Nickels got some great tunes.

I think its more about the OMW I HATE NICKELBACK TO! Meme then anything.

Theres a ton of shitty music(subjective) on RB, the least I'd be worried about is Nickelback being on the Set list..shrug


Gold Member
bloodydrake said:
I don't care what anyone says As an old classic rock/hair metal/prog-rock/Heavy-Metal, fan I think Nickels got some great tunes.

I think its more about the OMW I HATE NICKELBACK TO! Meme then anything.

Theres a ton of shitty music(subjective) on RB, the least I'd be worried about is Nickelback being on the Set list..shrug

Nickelback will be great at RB parties, for the laughs alone.

Whenever I go to a comedy show and they want to make fun of white people's music, this is the band they play, and every time they get thunderous laughter.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Yeah the first thing i thought was. "Well obviously, seeing as the guitar riffs are exactly the same so there's nothing to change between the songs...".


FoneBone said:
I'd just like to note that by the end of the month, Nickelback's "Photograph" will be available, yet the Def Leppard song of the same name still will not be

that is all

Man, it's like it was written for Nickelback :lol

I don't want your Photograph
I don't need your Photograph
All I've got is a Photograph
But it's not enough


Wow at all the Nickleback hate. I'm not a big fan but most people around here call them "Chick rock". It seems like hot girls love Nickleback... the hotter they are, the more they love them too :)


What the hell is wrong with the people at Harmonix? If you put their band in the game, and the "notes" were a mini-game of throwing rocks and water bottles at them, I may bite.

Seriously, their recent addition of songs have been horrendous. And it's all the same damn shit all the time between Rock Band and Guitar Hero. We need a better, more diverse selection of tunes here.

I was interested in RB3, but if these are a sign of what's to come, count me out.


J-Rzez said:
I was interested in RB3, but if these are a sign of what's to come, count me out.

HMX could just be purging their DLC queue of the stuff MTV is making them do before RB3 when the DLC will have the new features.


Sweet, this must be the codename for the White Album! Long overdue.

edit: Damn, this was the codename for the Rock Band Network, not the Beatles. My bad.
J-Rzez said:
What the hell is wrong with the people at Harmonix? If you put their band in the game, and the "notes" were a mini-game of throwing rocks and water bottles at them, I may bite.

Seriously, their recent addition of songs have been horrendous. And it's all the same damn shit all the time between Rock Band and Guitar Hero. We need a better, more diverse selection of tunes here.

I was interested in RB3, but if these are a sign of what's to come, count me out.
I'm pretty sure they know what's up with this stuff. And I'm kinda happy with that, I mean wouldn't you be disappointed if your favourite song was released 3 months before RB3 without all the new features like harmonies, etc? I sure would be.


Trucker Sexologist
Porthos said:
Wow at all the Nickleback hate. I'm not a big fan but most people around here call them "Chick rock". It seems like hot girls love Nickleback... the hotter they are, the more they love them too :)
I'm pretty sure everyone here has a penis.


That girl in the bunny hat
Plaguefox said:
Oh well. I'll buy it, and probably enjoy it. I don't know. Do Nickelback do drums?

Technically speaking, yes.

Anyway. Here's the so-far-confirmed RBN DLC for Monday:

Evile - "Nosophoros"
Jamestown Story - "Touche, Miss Indenial"
Andy Timmons - "Deliver Us"

And the RBN tracks from the last week (all available right now):

The Apples in Stereo - "Dream About the Future"
Zoo Seven - "Painted"
Meshuggah - "Bleed"
Steel Train - "Turnpike Ghost"
XTT - "Cookie Monster"
Kiev - "Crooked Strings"
Rebelution - "Bright Side of Life"
Demon Hunter - "The World is a Thorn"
Made Avail - "Bury You Slowly"
The New Pornographers - "Crash Years"
Todd Thibaud - "Three Words"
RX Bandits - "Bled To Be Free (The Operation)"
The Raspberry Ants - "Janie"
which I authored and am totally shamelessly self-promoting
Free Electric State - "Six Is One"
Jonathan Coulton - "Mandelbrot Set"
SexTon - "A Better Forever"
SOil - "The Lesser Man"
Wargasm - "Engine"
Spiral Trance - "The Me You See"
Charmaine - "Run"
Freen in Green - "Ramp Truck"

Chris R

El oh el Nickleback.

Ah who am I kidding, I'd totally buy Never Again if it wasn't censored (it will be though).

Speaking of Rockband though, is the GH5 Guitar worth $50? My secondary controller is on the verge of breaking (GH3 guitar) and I saw the GH5 contoller on sale yesterday. No clue if I can find it for cheaper anywhere else or if I should wait for RB3 to drop :/


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
KernelPanic said:
Harmonix is really lowering their standards .... first Miley Cyrus now this .... :lol

Hey, don't be hatin' on Miley, it's not her fault she can't be tamed. Although I do think it kind of sucks that I'm stuck here in Norway when she tells me there's a party in the USA :(

Oh, yeah, Nickelback sucks.


Porthos said:
Wow at all the Nickleback hate. I'm not a big fan but most people around here call them "Chick rock". It seems like hot girls love Nickleback... the hotter they are, the more they love them too :)

chick rock? Huh.

I remember seeing something on tv where a mom or dad or something and their kids were in their SUV and they were singing along to Nickelback.

So I'm going to go with what another thread said and call it soccer mom rock.

I like Hero though, sort of.


Neo Member
Miley Cyrus, Nickelback....what will be next week, Justin Beaver?

I remember thinking after the Hendrix DLC came out, that no matter what Harmonix released the rest of the year they could do no wrong. I stand corrected.


DevilWillcry said:
Awesome, six songs that all sound the same :/
It's clear that I'm in the minority here as a Nickelback fan, but I still have to ask; have you even listened to the songs? Your statement suggests that you have no clue.

I'd liked to have seen their cover of "Saturday Night's Alright (for fighting)" included. :D
bumpkin said:
It's clear that I'm in the minority here as a Nickelback fan, but I still have to ask; have you even listened to the songs? Your statement suggests that you have no clue.

I'd liked to have seen their cover of "Saturday Night's Alright (for fighting)" included. :D

Only ever had the Silver Side Up album. Surprised to see Never Again get picked as it is a very gritty and the only song on that album with any profanity. Plenty of diversity on that album alone.

Who doesn't want to sing Rockstar? So many people for ages did when it was released and it'd make a damn awesome song to ease people into the RB way of things.

I haven't really heard of the rest... bar Photograph.

Hopefully this saves some great stuff for RB3's on disc tracks.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Not going to lie, I like This Afternoon.


Oh god, that cover of Sad But True is hideous. I hate Nickelback even more.

At least by releasing it now it doesn't waste a spot for Rock Band 3 content.
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