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RTTP: Batman Arkham City (Spoiler warning in advance)


Hello once again, I made it through Arkham City, except this time I did most of the side shit : D, so just like my previous thread - We'll talk Buttman as I proceed to show the English language zero respect as it pertains to grammar. Might even say the word 'irregardless'.

Okey dokey, first things first lets talk mechanical improvements. When I played the game in 2011 I made it my mission to avoid side missions like the plague, so I didn't get a lot of the upgrades Batman has, and holy shit was I missing out. Beyond the basic take downs, the free flow bonus is clutch. Once you get to 8 or so hits Batman goes into super duper dickhead justice mode and starts flying around every which where wrecking faces. It's great. There is a stun move with the bats that can be great for crowd control, you can use the gadgets in clever ways like the explosive gel, or batclaw for clotheslines, or the electric shock thing to get one of the thugs to hit his boys. But the game changers in tight spots are the ability to break weapons and the multi ground takedown for me. X+Y at the right time meant I got to disarm fire arms, throw knives and electric batons away (for good, they can't pick them back up), and best of all those shield guys? Batman breaks through them with his Batman Fist. It's great.

It not only makes the combat itself more of a joy to play on Hard, but also made the combat challenges actually good this time. In Asylum I feel like it's way too ground pound or bust, in City it feels like actual variation is rewarded. Plus you feel like such a badass and they can justify throwing so many enemies at you.

Predator stuff are still the highlight of the game, not major changes to the formula as much as new gadgets to fuck with people. I will say while they are satisfying in campaign, they don't really come off all that special until you do predator challenges themselves. Because those ask you to get creative and experiment, the campaign situations in Asylum and City are usually very straight forward, a little too directed in my opinion. I feel like they set you up fairly easy to do the easiest thing to take care of certain groups of enemies, and more or less none of the situations ask you to think outside the box.

Either way mechanically Asylum was a strong base, but City adds layers and all these exciting challenge modes that make it more enjoyable in a gamey sort of way, and then there is the actual campaign itself. My gripes with plot aside, I still think the main quest is mostly paced very well for an open world game because Arkham City is to me the right kind of open world game. If Asylum is more Metroid, than City is Zelda, with the city being the overworld, and places like the Museum, the Sewers, GCPD being Dungeons. So you still get this tightly paced sequences of encounters in environments built for the mechanics. Where as other open world games they use their hub world for their action so much, that you get really dull level design from a gameplay perspective.

I also think while boss fights have never been a strong aspect of Rocksteady's games, there was a better effort here. Having sucked royally at those in Asylum, I think City was a better effort, but a lot of bad bosses. Spoilers for bosses ahead

For instance I don't like Solomon Grundy or the Ra's fight, but I can at least appreciate they tried to do something different with them. Where as the bane fight was just lame dodge, and battarang. And Poison Ivy was literally throw battarangs at her. I also thought Clayface could have been handled in a more interesting manner, but then again it made sense to make it a throw ice bombs at him fight. On the other hand Mr. Freeze is absolutely fantastic as a fight.

He's easy as sin when you know what you are doing, but it still comes off pretty creative and badass. And that's what I want from Batman, badassery. Main quest still delivers. Now about those side quests

Okay first of all whoever decided to put the grapnel boost to the AR challenges is a first class asshole. For starters that whole series of missions is lame as shit. One part because you are flying through hoops like this is Superman 64, and another part because contextually Batman takes time away from being Batman to go play a stupid ass minigame. The grapnel boost should have just been a standard basic mechanic, not a fucking unlock. It is an ordeal to get around that city without the grapnel boost.

Catwoman is straight filler and unnecessary. She's basically Rachel in Ninja Gaiden Sigma, where the game would be better without her sequences in it. She's not as interesting to play gameplay wise, she shares upgrade points with Batman (and im not wasting points on her), and getting around the city as Catwoman sucks. On the plus side I like that fake ending during her storyline.

Side quest spoilers

Other side missions had lousy payoffs and require an absurd kind of OCD to even find them shits. Like the Hush stuff for instance is hunting down dead bodies, when you're gliding over the city, and no amount of detective vision is going to make that stuff stick out. The Deadshot stuff is one thing, since you hear a bullet sound and it gives you a general area to explore. The Hush stuff? You dumb luck into that stuff in my opinion, and I'm not fond of random pixel hunting. Riddles are one thing, I've more or less been told to explore this given area. The Hush stuff is full yolo.

And the payoff? Okay I get the part that Hush is a cool comic story, and he's creepy, but the payoff for all that shit isn't Batman kicking his ass, it's Batman going "meh I'll take care of him in the sequel, Batman too busy right now" bitch what the fuck?

Same thing with Azreal, you randomly spot him here and there, match coordinates, find him, and he basically tells you Batman 3 is gonna be a thing.

Other stuff that was super lame was the Szazz stuff, narrative wise it's kind of cool to hear him tell his story and the parallel between him and Bats. Both losing their parents, and Szazz becoming a sane member of society and Batman becoming a freak. But the going from telephone to telephone thing? no thank you.

Deadshot was cool, simple, but effective. Find bodies, Batman matches clues, and then you sneak up on him and deliver Batman justice.

The madhatter mission is fantastic, it's a one off, but it's appropriately creepy narrative wise and unique from a gameplay perspective. IT kind of reminds me of the falling clock tower segment in Bayonetta, and good things remind me of Bayonetta.

Riddler's stuff is a great addition, although I think they have way too many riddler trophies and riddles themselves are more of a pain in the ass to find in a city vs finding them in the dungeon like areas. The puzzles are clever as they start really simple, and then ask you to take a basic thing you learned and do something more complex with it. Technically all games try to do this, but not all puzzle games do this with the grace of Arkham City. For instance there is one part that teaches you to dive bomb off gargoyles to beat a trap door to get a trophy. Said gargoyle was riddler marked out the ass so you knew ahead of time. There is another sequence with multiple pressure plates you can't get to, but with a gargoyle (that isn't marked) you dive bomb and do the shock wave attack and it gets all of them. And that's on the basic side, some of those puzzles get straight fiendish with what they want with your gadgets.

I also like that Riddler gets hostages, shout out to Spring-Loaded for saying go for those, because he's right they are straight up cool. In the 2nd hostage sequence there is a like hostage in a cup situation, where you have to follow the cup as he's moving all 3 around. Except Riddler cheats and cons you and he had a trap door underneath and moved the guy to the wrong cup, so I picked the wrong cup. Shit was clever, and then the game out right tells me he's cheating after I get it wrong once -_-...but that could be my fault for playing on hard, but still leaving hints on, so my bad.

So yeah Riddler, Madhatter, and Deadhshot? Good. The other side shit? They were lame. Okay I actually liked saving Mrs. Freeze and finding Crime Alley was an awesome touch.

Oh another thing, this wild notion that the Arkham Games do a great job of selling Batman the detective, bull fucking shit. The riddles do a great job of making the player feel clever like Batman, but the investigating shit? You never piece anything together, Batman himself does it. You the player just go into Superman's X-ray vision, scan some shit, and then batman cross references bicycle stores and toy stores and realizes he has to go to FAO Schwarz. And there are one too many segments in City that just waste your fucking time.

Like going to destroy those 3 jamming towers, scanning robots, that ice ball platform thing you gotta do on steel mill trip #2.

It's kind of why I absolutely agree with the notion Asylum is a better paced and more cohesive experience. The simplicity of being in a singular space makes Asylum way more memorable both visually (City itself is straight up bland until you get into dungeons) and from an atmosphere standpoint. And while the plot in Asylum isn't anything to write home about, there is a sense of clarity to it in Asylum. The one night thing for instance actually works for Asylum.

City? With all the things going on? Nah. And the main quest storyline? He comes to the city to find out whats going on, gets Joker herpes, needs to find the cure for Joker herpes, then needs to find Ra's Al Gul who just happens to be underneath the city because YOLO (oh and Rocksteady is #TeamRaysh...what hoes, it's Ras Al Gul), then randomly its about hugo strange again who was funded by Ra's because whateverthefuck, and then its fight clayface who was subbing in for Joker because he wanted the Academy Award or something.

It was completely stupid, and not in an audacious sort of way. So for clarity, pacing, and atmosphere I absolutely would go to bat for Asylum, but yeah City clowns it as a game. Plus you can break shields with Batman's fists, that's so badass.

Oh oh oh oh...and you fucking punch a shark.


Playing (and 100%) Arkham Knight made me appreciate what they did in Arkham City all the more.

People that prefer AA confuse me, as I found AA to be spectacular at the time, but it's objectively not as good takn on it's actual merits. AC story was a bit meh, but AA seemed to hardly have a plot, and was just a theme park ride of Batman's rogue gallery with a fairly terrible climax.

AC was also guilty of this kitchen sink mentality to a degree but I found the openness and the interactions between batman and the npcs - and the npcs with each other - to be more engaging.

The combat was also objectively better. You could get through the game mostly fine with just critical strikes, and I seem to recall some sort of poll or study confirmed this is what most players did. Yet there was remarkable depth too if you cared to reach for it.

My theory is many people prefer AA due to it's impact at the time, which was phenomenal, and it's true the impact of the sequels has been less and maybe they didn't revolutionise the formula as much as they could have.

But looking at them now, on their own merits as games, whilst AC was merely an evolution, it was still an improvement and clearly the better game.

Edit: Catwoman was the most fun thing in AC, like many I vastly preferred playing as her to Batman. Yeah the sharing points was annoying and the traversal was pffft but the combat? So satisfying, the agility, the gymnastics, even the quips just made me grin like a cheshire cat
I also like that Riddler gets hostages, shout out to Spring-Loaded for saying go for those, because he's right they are straight up cool.




if you think the hush side quest went nowhere now ha!

Back on the topi I agree with almost everything you said but I like the

Mostly because he's my favorite villain tho


but AA seemed to hardly have a plot, and was just a theme park ride of Batman's rogue gallery with a fairly terrible climax.

I disagree with that, Asylum totally had a plot. Joker lures Batman into a trap, and Batman has to figure out what Joker is on. The rest of the game is basically the Batman and Joker show while other people make guest appearances, as he's gotten the asylum to back his play a bit.

There is a middle section that is totally filler and the ending is ridiculous, because beyond how anticlimactic the fight is, the notion that Batman can resist Titan Virus, because he's Batman is well silly. But it had more of a plot, and focused on the whole Batman is as crazy as his rogue's gallery. I don't think it ever truly loses that, but it isn't particularly interesting if you've read better Batman stories. Plus the acting is made shittier going back because of how everything is animated.

But I do believe it goes beyond new car smell for Asylum, but sure City is the best. Knight I'm not going to lie I was turned off super quick by the buttmobile stuff, so I might still wait out for this PC version to be cleaner.
Playing (and 100%) Arkham Knight made me appreciate what they did in Arkham City all the more.

People that prefer AA confuse me, as I found AA to be spectacular at the time, but it's objectively not as good takn on it's actual merits. AC story was a bit meh, but AA seemed to hardly have a plot, and was just a theme park ride of Batman's rogue gallery with a fairly terrible climax.

AC was also guilty of this kitchen sink mentality to a degree but I found the openness and the interactions between batman and the npcs - and the npcs with each other - to be more engaging.

The combat was also objectively better. You could get through the game mostly fine with just critical strikes, and I seem to recall some sort of poll or study confirmed this is what most players did. Yet there was remarkable depth too if you cared to reach for it.

My theory is many people prefer AA due to it's impact at the time, which was phenomenal, and it's true the impact of the sequels has been less and maybe they didn't revolutionise the formula as much as they could have.

But looking at them now, on their own merits as games, whilst AC was merely an evolution, it was still an improvement and clearly the better game.

Edit: Catwoman was the most fun thing in AC, like many I vastly preferred playing as her to Batman. Yeah the sharing points was annoying and the traversal was pffft but the combat? So satisfying, the agility, the gymnastics, even the quips just made me grin like a cheshire cat

I prefer asylum because of it's stronger atmosphere and Arkham asylum just generally being a more interesting place than city


I havent had the chance to play Origins or Knight yet, but Asylum and City are both amazing. The tightness of events in Asylum are to be admired.. And City is just such a compelling package. Played through Asylum on normal and hard, City on normal (waiting for the right time for a hard playthrough).

Both games rewrote the history of licensed games.

The only problem I have had with the series so far is the end of asylum. But even that can't lessen the impact of this series.

Will be picking up Origins soon, and Knight will be one of my first Xbox One games when I get one at the end of the year.

Rocksteady really came out of nowhere with this series and all I can do is sit back and say "you guys fucking nailed it. Bravo".


I like the part where Harley savagely beats you with the baseball bat

That's my 50 Shades of Grey right there, yessir

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Did they ever explain why they thought it'd be a good idea to turn part of their metropolitan city into a giant prison?

The plot constantly discusses this throughout. It's essentially the entire crux in the main villain's 'late-game revelation' plan for Gotham.

That said, its still full of holes and isn't a very satisfying justification, but it's far from nebulous.

Arkham City Major Spoiler explanation:

Ra's Al Ghul teams up with Hugo Strange to 'take over Gotham/kill all criminals'. Strange essentially has access to a mind control formula which he uses on Quincy Sharp to do his bidding(warden of the Asylum in the first game). Asylum fans may recall that Quincy Sharp believed he was the reincarnated spirit of the prison's crazy founder whom killed his prisoners as revenge, but really it was just Hugo Strange's formula making him think that...

Anyway, the two help get Quincy elected to mayor so he can convince those in power to create "Arkham City" because everyone in Gotham are apparently morons, and somehow they have unlimited funds and connections that are never properly explained, but roll with it. Ra's Al Ghul wanted free access to the Lazarus pit once again(immortality!) which he was forced to flee from for reasons outside of the trilogy narrative and was located underneath Old Gotham, now Arkham City. Arkham City also gives Hugo Strange and Ra's the freedom to execute 'Protocol 10' if shit goes south with the prisoners...essentially they can send in military craft to blow the shit out of Gotham and ALL of its criminals. They hate crime as much as Batman, but want to wipe it out swiftly and violently after all!

To enact 'Protocol 10', Hugo secretly funnels weapons to the crime bosses like Joker and Penguin so they can go nuts which causes panic among Gotham and stages the means to just blow the city up! Ideally they would look heroes, again Gotham is full of morons, but obviously Batman stops their plans. Oh and Joker was there and he died because of Titan poisoning in the first game.

So yea, kind of dumb overall, but you learn bits and pieces of the plot at every major stage of the narrative until the end when Ra's reveals all.
I started the Arkham Asylum in 2009 and it took me 12 months to plat it. Those crazy combos!

So, now that I have Arkham Knight, I guess it's time to do Arkham City. Except, I don't remember half the controls and I'm completely lost in this big city. So, I glance at the trophy list and it looks like it's going to take me a year to plat this one as well. Screw you, Calendar Man. I don't play with the system date.


Just played/beat both for the first time this past month. They are great games and I can see why people are divided in preference.

One thing I might have missed, when did Talia steal the cure from Harley? I dunno if they showed it or if I was dozing off but I missed it.

Thought the story was competent but I did not like Ras/Talia being involved. If anything Ras should have just popped up at the end. Otherwise, story served its purpose. Love Hugo Strange.


I finished it this or last week. I kept waiting for the grapple boost only to find out you get it for completing the AR missions, after I finished the game.

Might want to mention that shit Rockateady.. It's kind of important. I'm still pissed about it.


I also played this just after completing AK.

it didn't feel as smooth as AK and the combat didn't feel as good but that is probably to be expected.

Loved the 3d though... So good!
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