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Rudy Giuliani Says ‘Black Lives Matter’ Is ‘Inherently Racist’

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“A black will die 1% or less at the hands of the police and 99% of the hands of a civilian.”

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Sunday said more black people in the U.S. are being killed by other black people than they are by police officers, adding that the phrase “black lives matter” is “inherently racist.”
Speaking on CBS’ Face the Nation, Giuliani addressed the racial divide in the country after the police shootings of two black men—Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota—and the subsequent deadly attack on Dallas police officers during a Black Lives Matter demonstration.

“There’s too much violence in the black community,” he said. “A black will die 1% or less at the hands of the police and 99% of the hands of a civilian, most often another black.”

“So if you want to protect black lives, then you’ve got to protect black lives, not just against police, which happens rarely … and which happens every 14 hours in Chicago,” he added.

The former mayor also said parents have to teach their children how to respect police officers and that the “real danger to them” in the vast majority of situations is “other black kids who are going to kill them.”

“That’s the way they’re going to die,” Giuliani said.

“When you say black lives matter, that’s inherently racist,” he later added. “Black lives matter. White lives matter. Asian lives matter. Hispanic lives matter. That’s anti-American and it’s racist.”
Rudy Giuliani is inherently racist.

You have to be purposefully obtuse to think this way. Black Lives Matter is a call for inclusion. In no way does it call to exclude anyone.


"A black"?

Nice way to dehumanize.

More importantly why does he still get press, so he was an okay mayor in the immediate crisis of 9/11. Doesn't stop
That from not mattering once you realize the rest of his public service record is shit and bigoted and prejudiced at best, outright racist at the worst.
Giuliani is a terrible politician who got lucky with timing. He became mayor when crime rates were already going down in every major US city, so him being mayor and the 'cleaning up' of NYC was arguably coincidental.
"A black"?


as a chicagoan, i fucking hate when people name drop chicago's gun violence issues, as if they actually give a fuck about all the kids dying over here. fuck off with that shit.

rudy giuliani can go fuck himself.

edit: lol 'a black'


When people point out black on black violence in conversations of police violence I always wonder why we are holding cops to the same low regard as criminals.


“When you say black lives matter, that’s inherently racist,” he later added. “Black lives matter. White lives matter. Asian lives matter. Hispanic lives matter. That’s anti-American and it’s racist.”

It blows my fucking mind that people don't understand how poor logic this is. I'll never understand it.


Once again he offers nothing but talking points that have long since been discredited by anybody with a passing interest in this subject. News networks only have him on at this point because his rhetoric stirs controversy. He just comes off as an angry, out of touch old man.
Rudy Giuliani is inherently racist.

You have to be purposefully obtuse to think this way. Black Lives Matter is a call for inclusion. In no way does it call to exclude anyone.
You're missing his point that they should be protesting against gang violence instead, driving a wedge between the police and the neighborhoods they are trying to protect serves to put even more African American lives at risk to gang violence.


Okay looking past his inherent racism, ("A black", seriously?) do his statistics actually hold up?

Given that something like 300 people per year die to the police and 30000 die to firearms in general that's gonna be pretty close. If we add non-firearm deaths (especially traffic) the number gets much, much larger of course but even more deceptive.

Of course that's wilfully ignoring that the people killed by the police are only the tip of the iceberg, racism's effects reach much further than that.


You're missing his point that they should be protesting against gang violence instead, driving a wedge between the police and the neighborhoods they are trying to protect serves to put even more African American lives at risk to gang violence.

and if idiots like rudy giuliani actually gave a shit, and did even a modicum of research, they would see that it's already happening
Idiotic on so many levels. It's not as if you have a run in with the Police everyday but you interact with the public everyday. Fucking moron.
You're missing his point that they should be protesting against gang violence instead, driving a wedge between the police and the neighborhoods they are trying to protect serves to put even more African American lives at risk to gang violence.

gang violence is a by-product of systemic racism.
When black people kill black people they go to jail. Black gang members are not a protected class given the benefit of the doubt every time they gun someone down in the street.

This isn't rocket science.

You have to be wilfully trying not to understand to not get it at this point. Police do not get a free pass to murder black people just because black on black crime exists. Whataboutism is not a way to address societal ills, it's a deflection. We can attack urban blight and police corruption simultaneously, we don't have any reason to ignore one while addressing the other.
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