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Rumor: Nintendo DS was almost called "City Boy". Nintendo registered trademark.

The 3DS code is CTR! so
CT = city
R = ?

cabestro cabestros cabinetmaker cabinetmakers cabinetries cabinetry cabinetwork cabinetworks cacciatore cadaster cadasters cadastral cadastrally cadastre cadastres cafeteria cafeterias cafetoria cafetorium cafetoriums calculator calculators calefactories calefactory calenture calentures calibrator calibrators calorimeter calorimeters calorimetric calorimetrically calorimetries calorimetry calthrop calthrops caltrap caltraps caltrop caltrops calumniator calumniators calutron calutrons calypter calypters calyptra calyptras campestral campylobacter campylobacters campylotropous candidature candidatures candlelighter candlelighters canister canisters cannister cannisters cantankerous cantankerously cantankerousness cantankerousnesses cantatrice cantatrices cantatrici canter cantered cantering canters cantharides cantharidin cantharidins cantharis cantilever cantilevered cantilevering cantilevers cantor cantorial cantors cantraip cantraips cantrap cantraps cantrip cantrips capacitor capacitors capitular capitularies capitulary captivator captivators captopril captoprils captor captors capture captured capturer capturers captures capturing carburetor carburetors carburetter carburetters carburettor carburettors cardiorespiratory cardiothoracic caretaker caretakers caricatural caricature caricatured caricatures caricaturing caricaturist caricaturists carpenter carpentered carpentering carpenters carpentries carpentry carpetbagger carpetbaggeries carpetbaggers carpetbaggery carrotier carter carters cartographer cartographers cartographic cartographical cartographically cartographies cartography cartopper cartoppers cartridge cartridges cartularies cartulary cartwheeler cartwheelers cassiterite cassiterites caster casters castigator castigators castor castoreum castoreums castors castrate castrated castrates castrati castrating castration castrations castrato castrator castrators castratory castratos casuistries casuistry catachreses catachresis catachrestic catachrestical catachrestically catadioptric catadromous cataloger catalogers cataloguer cataloguers catalyzer catalyzers catamaran catamarans cataphora cataphoras cataphoreses cataphoresis cataphoretic cataphoretically cataphoric cataract cataractous cataracts catarrh catarrhal catarrhally catarrhine catarrhines catarrhs catastrophe catastrophes catastrophic catastrophically catastrophism catastrophisms catastrophist catastrophists catbird catbirds catbrier catbriers catcher catchers catchier catchphrase catchphrases catchword catchwords catechizer catechizers catecholaminergic categoric categorical categorically categories categorise categorised categorises categorising categorization categorizations categorize categorized categorizes categorizing category catenaries catenary cater cateran caterans catercorner catercornered catered caterer caterers cateress cateresses catering caterpillar caterpillars caters caterwaul caterwauled caterwauling caterwauls catharses catharsis cathartic cathartics cathedra cathedrae cathedral cathedrals cathedras catheter catheterization catheterizations catheterize catheterized catheterizes catheterizing catheters catnaper catnapers catnapper catnappers catoptric catteries cattery cattier cauteries cauterization cauterizations cauterize cauterized cauterizes cauterizing cautery cautionary caveator caveators cavitary cavorter cavorters ceilometer ceilometers ceinture ceintures celebrator celebrators celebratory cementer cementers cemeteries cemetery centare centares centaur centaurea centaureas centauries centaurs centaury centenarian centenarians centenaries centenary center centerboard centerboards centered centeredness centerednesses centerfold centerfolds centering centerless centerline centerlines centerpiece centerpieces centers centiare centiares centigrade centigram centigrams centiliter centiliters centimeter centimeters centimorgan centimorgans centner centners centra central centraler centralest centralise centralised centralises centralising centralism centralisms centralist centralistic centralists centralities centrality centralization centralizations centralize centralized centralizer centralizers centralizes centralizing centrally centrals centre centred centres centric centrically centricities centricity centrifugal centrifugally centrifugals centrifugation centrifugations centrifuge centrifuged centrifuges centrifuging centring centrings centriole centrioles centripetal centripetally centrism centrisms centrist centrists centroid centroids centromere centromeres centromeric centrosome centrosomes centrosymmetric centrum centrums centuries centurion centurions century cephalometric cephalometries cephalometry cephalothoraces cephalothorax cephalothoraxes certainer certificatory certifier certifiers certiorari certioraris chanter chanterelle chanterelles chanters chanticleer chanticleers chantor chantors chantries chantry chapiter chapiters chapter chaptered chaptering chapters character charactered characterful characteries charactering characteristic characteristically characteristics characterization characterizations characterize characterized characterizes characterizing characterless characterological characterologically characters charactery charcuterie charcuteries charioteer charioteers charlatanries charlatanry charter chartered charterer charterers chartering charters chartreuse chartreuses chartularies chartulary chastener chasteners chaster chastiser chastisers chateaubriand chateaubriands chatter chatterbox chatterboxes chattered chatterer chatterers chattering chatters chattery chattier chaunter chaunters cheater cheaters chelator chelators chemistries chemistry chemoautotrophic chemoautotrophies chemoautotrophy chemoreceptor chemoreceptors chemotherapeutic chemotherapeutically chemotherapeutics chemotherapies chemotherapist chemotherapists chemotherapy chemotropism chemotropisms chertier chesterfield chesterfields chestier chetrum chetrums chintzier chiropractor chiropractors chiropteran chiropterans chitter chittered chittering chitterlings chitters chlorinator chlorinators chlortetracycline chlortetracyclines chocolatier chocolatiers choirmaster choirmasters cholesteric cholesterol cholesterols cholestyramine cholestyramines cholinesterase cholinesterases chorister choristers chortler chortlers chromatogram chromatograms chromatograph chromatographed chromatographer chromatographers chromatographic chromatographically chromatographies chromatographing chromatographs chromatography chromatophore chromatophores chromocenter chromocenters chromolithograph chromolithographed chromolithographer chromolithographers chromolithographic chromolithographies chromolithographing chromolithographs chromolithography chronometer chronometers chronometric chronometrical chronometrically chronometries chronometry chronotherapies chronotherapy chunter chuntered chuntering chunters chymotrypsin chymotrypsinogen chymotrypsinogens chymotrypsins chymotryptic cicatrices cicatricial cicatrix cicatrixes cicatrization cicatrizations cicatrize cicatrized cicatrizes cicatrizing ciguatera ciguateras cilantro cilantros cincture cinctured cinctures cincturing cinematograph cinematographer cinematographers cinematographic cinematographically cinematographies cinematographs cinematography circuitries circuitry circulator circulators circulatory circumcenter circumcenters circumlocutory circumnavigator circumnavigators circumstellar cirrostrati cirrostratus cistern cisterna cisternae cisternal cisterns cistron cistronic cistrons citator citators citatory citer citers cithara citharas cither cithern citherns cithers cithren cithrens citizenries citizenry citral citrals citrate citrated citrates citreous citric citriculture citricultures citriculturist citriculturists citrin citrine citrines citrinin citrinins citrins citron citronella citronellal citronellals citronellas citronellol citronellols citrons citrous citrulline citrullines citrus citruses citrusy cittern citterns cityward claptrap claptraps classificatory clathrate clathrates clatter clattered clatterer clatterers clattering clatteringly clatters clattery claustra claustral claustrophobe claustrophobes claustrophobia claustrophobias claustrophobic claustrophobically claustrum clearstories clearstory clerestories clerestory climacteric climacterics clinometer clinometers cliometric cliometrician cliometricians cliometrics clitoral clitorectomies clitorectomy clitoric clitoridectomies clitoridectomy clitorides clitoris clitorises cloister cloistered cloistering cloisters cloistral cloistress cloistresses clostridia clostridial clostridium clotheshorse clotheshorses clothespress clothespresses clothier clothiers cloture clotured clotures cloturing clouter clouters cluster clustered clustering clusters clustery clutter cluttered cluttering clutters cluttery clyster clysters


They could've hired Shawn Michaels to promote it.

I think I'm cute!
I know I'm sexy!
I've got the looks
That drive the gamers wild!

I've got the games
That really move them!
I send chills
Up and down their spine!

I'm justa City Boy(Ciiiitttttyyyyy Booooooyyyy)
I'm not you're boy toy!(Ciiiiitttttyyyy boooooyyyy)
The 3DS code is CTR! so
CT = city
R = ?

coactor coactors coadjutor coadjutors coadjutrices coadjutrix coadministration coadministrations coaster coasters coastguard coastguardman coastguardmen coastguards coastguardsman coastguardsmen coastward coastwards coatdress coatdresses coater coaters coatrack coatracks coatroom coatrooms coauthor coauthored coauthoring coauthors coauthorship coauthorships cockatrice cockatrices coconspirator coconspirators cocreator cocreators coculture cocultured cocultures coculturing cocurator cocurators codebtor codebtors codetermination codeterminations codirector codirectors coeditor coeditors coelentera coelenterate coelenterates coelenteron coeternal coevolutionary coexecutor coexecutors cofactor cofactors cofeature cofeatured cofeatures cofeaturing cogenerator cogenerators cointer cointerred cointerring cointers coinventor coinventors coinvestigator coinvestigators coinvestor coinvestors coistrel coistrels coistril coistrils coleoptera coleopteran coleopterans coleopterist coleopterists coleopterous collaborator collaborators collateral collateralities collaterality collateralize collateralized collateralizes collateralizing collaterally collaterals collator collators collector collectors collectorship collectorships collimator collimators coloratura coloraturas colorimeter colorimeters colorimetric colorimetrically colorimetries colorimetry colostral colostrum colostrums colporteur colporteurs colter colters combater combaters combinatorial combinatorially combinatorics combinatory combustor combustors cometary comether comethers comforter comforters commemorator commemorators commendatory commentaries commentary commentator commentators comminatory commixture commixtures communicator communicators communicatory communitarian communitarianism communitarianisms communitarians commutator commutators commuter commuters compacter compacters compactor compactors comparator comparators compatriot compatriotic compatriots compensator compensators compensatory competitor competitors complementaries complementarily complementariness complementarinesses complementarities complementarity complementary complementizer complementizers completer complimentarily complimentary compositor compositors comptroller comptrollers comptrollership comptrollerships compurgator compurgators computer computerdom computerdoms computerese computereses computerise computerised computerises computerising computerist computerists computerizable computerization computerizations computerize computerized computerizes computerizing computerless computerlike computernik computerniks computerphobe computerphobes computerphobia computerphobias computerphobic computers concenter concentered concentering concenters concentrate concentrated concentratedly concentrates concentrating concentration concentrations concentrative concentrator concentrators concentric concentrically concentricities concentricity conceptualizer conceptualizers concertgoer concertgoers concertmaster concertmasters concertmeister concertmeisters conciliator conciliators conciliatory concocter concocters concretionary condemnatory conditioner conditioners condolatory condottiere condottieri conductimetric conductometric conductor conductorial conductors conductress conductresses confabulator confabulators confabulatory confectionaries confectionary confectioner confectioneries confectioners confectionery confirmatory confiscator confiscators confiscatory confiteor confiteors confiture confitures confraternities confraternity confronter confronters confuter confuters conglomerateur conglomerateurs conglomerator conglomerators congratulator congratulators congratulatory congregator congregators conjectural conjecturally conjecture conjectured conjecturer conjecturers conjectures conjecturing conjuncture conjunctures connatural connaturalities connaturality connaturally connecter connecters connector connectors conquistador conquistadores conquistadors consecrator consecrators consecratory consenter consenters conservatoire conservatoires conservator conservatorial conservatories conservators conservatorship conservatorships conservatory consistorial consistories consistory consolatory consolidator consolidators conspirator conspiratorial conspiratorially conspirators constabularies constabulary constellatory consternate consternated consternates consternating consternation consternations constrain constrained constrainedly constraining constrains constraint constraints constrict constricted constricting constriction constrictions constrictive constrictor constrictors constricts constringe constringed constringent constringes constringing construable construct constructed constructible constructing construction constructional constructionally constructionist constructionists constructions constructive constructively constructiveness constructivenesses constructivism constructivisms constructivist constructivists constructor constructors constructs construe construed construes construing consuetudinary consulter consulters consultor consultors consummator consummators consummatory container containerboard containerboards containerisation containerisations containerise containerised containerises containerising containerization containerizations containerize containerized containerizes containerizing containerless containerport containerports containers containership containerships contaminator contaminators contemner contemners contemnor contemnors contemplator contemplators contemporaneities contemporaneity contemporaneous contemporaneously contemporaneousness contemporaneousnesses contemporaries contemporarily contemporary contemporize contemporized contemporizes contemporizing contender contenders conterminous conterminously contester contesters contexture contextures continuator continuators continuer continuers contort contorted contorting contortion contortionist contortionistic contortionists contortions contortive contorts contour contoured contouring contours contra contraband contrabandist contrabandists contrabands contrabass contrabasses contrabassist contrabassists contrabassoon contrabassoons contraception contraceptions contraceptive contraceptives contract contracted contractibilities contractibility contractible contractile contractilities contractility contracting contraction contractional contractionary contractions contractive contractor contractors contracts contractual contractually contracture contractures contradict contradictable contradicted contradicting contradiction contradictions contradictious contradictor contradictories contradictorily contradictoriness contradictorinesses contradictors contradictory contradicts contradistinction contradistinctions contradistinctive contradistinctively contradistinguish contradistinguished contradistinguishes contradistinguishing contrail contrails contraindicate contraindicated contraindicates contraindicating contraindication contraindications contralateral contralto contraltos contraoctave contraoctaves contraposition contrapositions contrapositive contrapositives contraption contraptions contrapuntal contrapuntally contrapuntist contrapuntists contrarian contrarians contraries contrarieties contrariety contrarily contrariness contrarinesses contrarious contrariwise contrary contras contrast contrastable contrasted contrasting contrastive contrastively contrasts contrasty contravene contravened contravener contraveners contravenes contravening contravention contraventions contredanse contredanses contretemps contribute contributed contributes contributing contribution contributions contributive contributively contributor contributors contributory contrite contritely contriteness contritenesses contrition contritions contrivance contrivances contrive contrived contriver contrivers contrives contriving control controllabilities controllability controllable controlled controller controllers controllership controllerships controlling controlment controlments controls controversial controversialism controversialisms controversialist controversialists controversially controversies controversy controvert controverted controverter controverters controvertible controverting controverts convector convectors conventicler conventiclers conventioneer conventioneers converter converters convertor convertors cooperator cooperators coordinator coordinators cooter cooters copartner copartnered copartnering copartners copartnership copartnerships copastor copastors copatron copatrons copromoter copromoters coproprietor coproprietors coproprietorship coproprietorships copter copters copulatory copywriter copywriters coquetries coquetry cornstarch cornstarches corporator corporators correcter corrector correctors correlator correlators corroborator corroborators corroboratory corrupter corrupters corruptor corruptors corsetiere corsetieres corsetries corsetry corticosteroid corticosteroids corticosterone corticosterones corticotrophin corticotrophins corticotropin corticotropins corynebacteria corynebacterial corynebacterium cosignatories cosignatory cosmochemistries cosmochemistry costar costard costards costarred costarring costars coster costermonger costermongers costers costlier costmaries costmary costrel costrels costumer costumeries costumers costumery costumier costumiers coterie coteries coterminous coterminously cothurn cothurni cothurns cothurnus cotoneaster cotoneasters cotransduce cotransduced cotransduces cotransducing cotransduction cotransductions cotransfer cotransferred cotransferring cotransfers cotransport cotransported cotransporting cotransports cotrustee cotrustees cottager cottagers cottar cottars cotter cottered cotterless cotters cottier cottiers cotyledonary cotylosaur cotylosaurs coulometer coulometers coulometric coulometrically coulometries coulometry coulter coulters countenancer countenancers counter counteraccusation counteraccusations counteract counteracted counteracting counteraction counteractions counteractive counteracts counteradaptation counteradaptations counteradvertising counteradvertisings counteragent counteragents counteraggression counteraggressions counterargue counterargued counterargues counterarguing counterargument counterarguments counterassault counterassaults counterattack counterattacked counterattacker counterattackers counterattacking counterattacks counterbade counterbalance counterbalanced counterbalances counterbalancing counterbid counterbidden counterbidding counterbids counterblast counterblasts counterblockade counterblockaded counterblockades counterblockading counterblow counterblows countercampaign countercampaigns counterchange counterchanged counterchanges counterchanging countercharge countercharged countercharges countercharging countercheck counterchecked counterchecking counterchecks counterclaim counterclaimed counterclaiming counterclaims counterclockwise countercommercial countercomplaint countercomplaints counterconditioning counterconditionings counterconspiracies counterconspiracy counterconvention counterconventions countercountermeasure countercountermeasures countercoup countercoups countercries countercriticism countercriticisms countercry countercultural counterculturalism counterculturalisms counterculture countercultures counterculturist counterculturists countercurrent countercurrently countercurrents countercyclical countercyclically counterdemand counterdemands counterdemonstrate counterdemonstrated counterdemonstrates counterdemonstrating counterdemonstration counterdemonstrations counterdemonstrator counterdemonstrators counterdeployment counterdeployments countered countereducational countereffort counterefforts counterespionage counterespionages counterevidence counterevidences counterexample counterexamples counterfactual counterfeit counterfeited counterfeiter counterfeiters counterfeiting counterfeits counterfire counterfired counterfires counterfiring counterflow counterflows counterfoil counterfoils counterforce counterforces countergovernment countergovernments counterguerilla counterguerillas counterguerrilla counterguerrillas counterhypotheses counterhypothesis counterimage counterimages counterincentive counterincentives counterinflation counterinflationary counterinfluence counterinfluenced counterinfluences counterinfluencing countering counterinstance counterinstances counterinstitution counterinstitutions counterinsurgencies counterinsurgency counterinsurgent counterinsurgents counterintelligence counterintelligences counterinterpretation counterinterpretations counterintuitive counterintuitively counterion counterions counterirritant counterirritants counterman countermand countermanded countermanding countermands countermarch countermarched countermarches countermarching countermeasure countermeasures countermelodies countermelody countermemo countermemos countermen countermine countermined countermines countermining countermobilization countermobilizations countermove countermoved countermovement countermovements countermoves countermoving countermyth countermyths counteroffensive counteroffensives counteroffer counteroffers counterorder counterordered counterordering counterorders counterpane counterpanes counterpart counterparts counterpetition counterpetitioned counterpetitioning counterpetitions counterpicket counterpicketed counterpicketing counterpickets counterplan counterplans counterplay counterplayer counterplayers counterplays counterplea counterpleas counterplot counterplots counterplotted counterplotting counterploy counterploys counterpoint counterpointed counterpointing counterpoints counterpoise counterpoised counterpoises counterpoising counterpose counterposed counterposes counterposing counterpower counterpowers counterpressure counterpressures counterproductive counterprogramming counterprogrammings counterproject counterprojects counterpropaganda counterpropagandas counterproposal counterproposals counterprotest counterprotests counterpunch counterpunched counterpuncher counterpunchers counterpunches counterpunching counterquestion counterquestioned counterquestioning counterquestions counterraid counterraided counterraiding counterraids counterrallied counterrallies counterrally counterrallying counterreaction counterreactions counterreform counterreformation counterreformations counterreformer counterreformers counterreforms counterresponse counterresponses counterretaliation counterretaliations counterrevolution counterrevolutionaries counterrevolutionary counterrevolutions counters counterscientific countershading countershadings countershot countershots countersign countersignature countersignatures countersigned countersigning countersigns countersink countersinking countersinks countersniper countersnipers counterspell counterspells counterspies counterspy counterstain counterstained counterstaining counterstains counterstate counterstated counterstatement counterstatements counterstates counterstating counterstep counterstepped counterstepping countersteps counterstrategies counterstrategist counterstrategists counterstrategy counterstream counterstreams counterstrike counterstrikes counterstroke counterstrokes counterstyle counterstyles countersue countersued countersues countersuggestion countersuggestions countersuing countersuit countersuits countersunk countersurveillance countersurveillances countertactics countertendencies countertendency countertenor countertenors counterterror counterterrorism counterterrorisms counterterrorist counterterrorists counterterrors counterthreat counterthreats counterthrust counterthrusts countertop countertops countertrade countertrades countertradition countertraditions countertransference countertransferences countertrend countertrends countervail countervailed countervailing countervails counterview counterviews counterviolence counterviolences counterweight counterweighted counterweighting counterweights counterworld counterworlds countries countrified country countryfied countryish countryman countrymen countryseat countryseats countryside countrysides countrywide countrywoman countrywomen courter courters courtier courtiers courtlier courtroom courtrooms courtyard courtyards couter couters couther couthier couture coutures couturier couturiere couturieres couturiers covenanter covenanters covenantor covenantors coverture covertures coveter coveters cowcatcher cowcatchers craftier craftsperson craftspersons craniometries craniometry crapshooter crapshooters crater cratered cratering craterlet craterlets craterlike craters creator creators creatural creature creaturehood creaturehoods creatureliness creaturelinesses creaturely creatures creditor creditors creditworthiness creditworthinesses creditworthy cremator crematoria crematories crematorium crematoriums cremators crematory cricketer cricketers criteria criterion criterions criterium criteriums criticaster criticasters criticizer criticizers critter critters crittur critturs crocheter crocheters crofter crofters crossopterygian crossopterygians crosstrees crustier cryotherapies cryotherapy cryotron cryotrons cryptarithm cryptarithms cryptocrystalline cryptogram cryptograms cryptograph cryptographer cryptographers cryptographic cryptographically cryptographies cryptographs cryptography cryptomeria cryptomerias cryptorchid cryptorchidism cryptorchidisms cryptorchids cryptorchism cryptorchisms crystallizer crystallizers crystallographer crystallographers crystallographic crystallographically crystallographies crystallography cubature cubatures cultivar cultivars cultivator cultivators cultrate cultural culturally culturati culture cultured cultures culturing curator curatorial curators curatorship curatorships curtailer curtailers curter curvature curvatures custard custards custardy customarily customariness customarinesses customary customer customers customizer customizers cutcheries cutchery cuter cutesier cutgrass cutgrasses cuticular cutler cutleries cutlers cutlery cutover cutovers cutpurse cutpurses cutter cutters cutthroat cutthroats cutwater cutwaters cutwork cutworks cutworm cutworms cyanobacteria cyanobacterium cyclodextrin cyclodextrins cyclometer cyclometers cyclotron cyclotrons cyproterone cyproterones cysticerci cysticercoid cysticercoids cysticercoses cysticercosis cysticercus cystinuria cystinurias cystocarp cystocarps cytaster cytasters cytochemistries cytochemistry cytochrome cytochromes cytodifferentiation cytodifferentiations cytomegalovirus cytomegaloviruses cytomembrane cytomembranes cytophotometric cytophotometries cytophotometry
I don't think Nintendo would have reached the female demographic if they kept the word boy in the name.

Who ever decide the DS name needs to name all Nintendo consoles.


Oh geez.

I can only imagine what they would have called the 3DS if this name was kept.
We would have been beyond used to it by now. Imagine an article stating that the Nintendo "Dolphin" or whatever was almost called the "Wii". You probably can't because you are already used to that equally silly name.

They could call it the Nintendo Poopoo and people will be saying the name with a straight face two weeks later.


We would have been beyond used to it by now. Imagine an article stating that the Nintendo "Dolphin" or whatever was almost called the "Wii". You probably can't because you are already used to that equally silly name.

They could call it the Nintendo Poopoo and people will be saying the name with a straight face two weeks later.

I... only partially agree. City Boy is just a super weird name, moreso than the nonsensical Wii. The name just conjurs up thoughts of ads where rednecks talk about needing to get a City Boy or something. We would have got used to it, but it wouldn't have been quick.



I am just going to call it City Boy anyway. Fuck DS. And 3DS shall be Metro Boy, unless someone has a better idea. (Country Boy?)


I was going to say that even GameMan would sound better, but I realised that spoken aloud it sounds like... well you know.


Nintendo did some smart things and in some ways got lucky with the DS.

With the name itself, everyone assumed it meant duel screens, but didn't Nintendo say it actually meant "developer system." It's like they weren't sure of the name yet so introduced it as Nintendo DS (which was not a final name yet) and the name was received well, so they stuck with it.

There was definitely worry this was going to fail though. I remember reading an article on Gamespot talking about rumors. One was that the DS would have a full 3d screen and it was dismissed basically saying "not for something this...unique."

Nintendo really did push the 3rd pillar a lot. I assumed the Gameboy brand would have continued to be used in the future if they hadn't rushed this out to go against the Playstation Portable and they were definitely willing to go back if the DS failed.

Edit: While City Boy was a terrible name, if you asked someone in 2004 which was worse City Boy or Wii, I think Wii would have been the overwhelming winner.


Imagine the early DS advertising with this name.

"Touching is good - CITY BOY"
Itd sound like a pedophile simulator


Should have got Journey invoved

Just a City Boy
Born and raised in TOKYOooo
Taking the bullet train
Going everywhere

This thing writes itself
Remember the early DS ads which had the tag line "Touching is Good"?

Now imagine those ads if the DS had been called the City Boy...

EDIT: dammit beaten
They could've hired Shawn Michaels to promote it.

I think I'm cute!
I know I'm sexy!
I've got the looks
That drive the gamers wild!

I've got the games
That really move them!
I send chills
Up and down their spine!

I'm justa City Boy(Ciiiitttttyyyyy Booooooyyyy)
I'm not you're boy toy!(Ciiiiitttttyyyy boooooyyyy)
It's amazing how well the last lyric fits.
Well HBK did wonders for Kinect with the kinectimals gif so this clearly would have been the logical conclusion.
Although that name is pretty horrible, we now live in the generation where names of devices don't really matter, they sell regardless.

This is almost always true and I said the same when the Wii was announced.

But this is REALLY REALLY REALLY bad. I think it probably would have killed the device in America.


Well isn't that what the Nokia NGage guy said, that kids would be embarassed in pulling out their DS? Instead they would much rather play on their shitty gaming taco phone?
LOL people making fun of the name City Boy are so results oriented. Wii is a horrible name, people just got used to it and it was a popular console. It would've been the same for "city boy."


Axel Hertz
Was it going to be born and raised in South Detroit?

Glad I searched for it before so I wouldn't repeat a joke.

Game Dude
Game Pal
Game Bro



The best thing is that in Japan it would be pronounced "Shitty boy".

Haha, I could see that being a reason they didn't use it.

I remember some people said Nintendo used the word "Wii" because all countries could pronounce it without a problem, but Revolution was too hard for some Japanese people to pronounce.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Hmmm likely that was for proposed use or intent to use. Seeing as they never used it, the tm is likely dead though I didn't check and it is a stupid name anyways...just like wii.
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