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Shadow Warrior 2 |OT| A ninja knows no fear


Should I play the 2013 Shadow Warrior first?

I would skip it. The story between Lo and Hoji is kinda neat, but the whole game drags on a bit too much and depending on how much you like it, you will either stop or start to hate it. I stopped and never finished it, but liked it very much.


Unconfirmed Member
Games great fun so far and it's actually nice to see a PC game that's not a technical mess on release after the last week or so playing Mafia 3 (loved the game but fuck me it's flakey technically). On an i5 2500k (4 ghz) and a GTX 970 I'm getting at least 60 - 80 fps constantly on Ultra. It's a joy.

So far loot wise I've managed to find a semi automatic pistol (and a dual wield mod), double barrelled shotgun, melee claws, bow and arrow and a grenade launcher. Supposedly there's 70 base types of weapons so looking forward to seeing what they are. I don't mind spending time in the menus messing with the upgrades/loot but then I love all that kind of shit.

Combat feels even better than the first game and is incredibly fast paced and crunchy. I'm wearing headphones and it just sounds fantastic slicing fools up. Particles, particles everywhere. Guns sound better than they do in Shadow Warrior 2013 but they could still do with having a bit more oomph to them to be honest. Louder and punchier, FWH still have a bit of work to do in this regard though I am enjoying the weapons a lot more in the sequel regardless.

Story's ok so far but I will admit I do miss Hoji quite a lot. He was very much the heart of SW2013 and his interactions with Lo Wang were better than what I've seen so far in the sequel. But it does keep the story moving well enough, maybe it'll surprise me more the further the game goes on. Lo Wang is still a bit of a tosser who makes me laugh so at least that part remains :p

Whilst I played single player I saw for the multiplayer options that when creating a room you could pick a base difficulty of 2-players or 3-players so lets say you want 3- 4 players in your game but want it to be a bit easier you can choose 2 player base difficulty.
I am absolutely loving this game as the movement and weapon mechanics are VERY satisfying. It is quite ridiculous how much of an improvement those core mechanics are over the original game, even the sword play feels better now due to how the remapped the controls (although I sometimes still double tap out of habit from the original game!).

I am also pleasantly surprised at the enemy variety and the mission structure. The level tile sets are non-linear to a degree and you can kind of run around the level deciding where you want to go, avoiding enemy engagements until you have more ammo, etc... I just did the first "real" mission of the game and I ended up not fighting the boss mob (with the objective to get its skin) until later on as I ran low on ammo and did not trust myself to beat it without dying. In the meantime I found the bow and just on a whim fully upgraded it to an ice elemental power bow, and low and behold, I come back to the boss to see it is weak to ice elementals and I crushed it by dodging and shooting arrows.

In my brain, even though the levels have yet to evince such traps, puzzles and awkwardness, I am playing this like I would a modern Hexen: switching between weapons and powers while doing a lot of heavy kiting. You essentially make your own "class" with the choice of chi powers, weapon upgrades, and armour upgrades. It would be interesting to play this in co-op where someone purposely maxes ranged heavy weapons with support skills, someone who uses the vanish chi with emphasis on surprise melee, and then someone who decks out a ranged build with lots of damage over time and CC. The game is great and is a really cool way to mash up some of my favourite elements from other games (i have played way too much PoE in my days).

Also, bonus round! Naked Animu!


Phallus sword:
Man all the impressions of the combat being great....I didn't cave last night and buy it but damn is it going to be hard to resist this over the weekend.


Help, I'm stuck on Dragon Mountain and don't know what to do.
I have the double sword and talked to Hideo, but when I go back to the mechanic guy, he just says ""We have to cure the girl, otherwise you'll be stuck together forever," and then I click "I'll see you later."
Story is pretty disappointing. I've just kind of started ignoring that aspect of the game.

Borderlands nailed this. Shadow Warrior needs to either get a good story, or let it take the backseat. Right now it's a bad story that is far too prominent.

I'm not a fan of the loot system. I'm spending too much time paused in between fights, trying to figure out what the best slots to throw on everything are.

It's just not intuitive at all. I'm finding myself basically removing all the slots from a weapon, then re-equiping the best ones that I have available.

Would be better off getting rid of the slots, and just having weapon drops with different stats and bonuses.

After a few levels in, it's already getting tiresome. For all the shit Borderlands did wrong in my eyes, the loot system was at least better in the sense that I immediately knew if I should be picking it up or not. Having to scour through the menus to see if what I picked up is worth keeping or equipping is painful and I'm surprised this isn't an issue for other people. Maybe they can put up with it more, but it's making me not want to return to the game.
Help, I'm stuck on Dragon Mountain and don't know what to do.
I have the double sword and talked to Hideo, but when I go back to the mechanic guy, he just says ""We have to cure the girl, otherwise you'll be stuck together forever," and then I click "I'll see you later."

You may be running into the same problem I was: that's your first brush with the dialogue system and you can actually choose multiple options with Smith - move the cursor up instead of agreeing to the default goodbye response.


I really dislike double tap W to sprint.

When you want to move fast you don't want to have to momentarily STOP moving forward (even if it's for just a split second) to start sprinting. It's tricky to pull off when you're in the middle of combat and trying to dash and shoot at the same time. It's a bad control decision, which is a bummer for a game that controls well otherwise.

Doesn't seem to be any way to remap it, either (that I could find). I know it wouldn't work on shift because of how their dash mechanic works, but even something like a mouse side button WITHOUT a double tap would work much better.

Ctrl would work, I think. Or even a Caps toggle.
I really dislike double tap W to sprint.

When you want to move fast you don't want to have to momentarily STOP moving forward (even if it's for just a split second) to start sprinting. It's tricky to pull off when you're in the middle of combat and trying to dash and shoot at the same time. It's a bad control decision, which is a bummer for a game that controls well otherwise.

Doesn't seem to be any way to remap it, either (that I could find). I know it wouldn't work on shift because of how their dash mechanic works, but even something like a mouse side button WITHOUT a double tap would work much better.
There's a double tap W? I've just been dashing everywhere.
Just played this last night with two friends. I was surprised at how well the game runs and how fun it was! Definitely recommend it.
This game looks awesome. I've also been reminded that I have the first one on my PS4 because it was free on PS+ a long time ago. Need to play through that first after finishing Doom and Windwaker...


Enemies are VERY bullet spongy. The menus need some work too, because applying upgrades to weapons is kind of a pain once you have enough of them. Not enough options for filtering and sorting.

They're 15 minutes away from CD Projekt Red. Maybe they can share ideas.


Unconfirmed Member
Enemies are VERY bullet spongy. The menus need some work too, because applying upgrades to weapons is kind of a pain once you have enough of them. Not enough options for filtering and sorting.

Well it may get worse later on as I've only played for a few hours but so far they aren't THAT bullet spongey. It tells you what the enemies weakness' are for the more powerful enemies and if you use the right mods etc you'll take enemies out with ease.


To early to talk about combat in general, but game definitely lost some of sword combat 'precision' of previous title. Its more like diablo game now.
I still dont know if thats good thing or bad thing.
I know for sure that difference between Elite and Insane is quite big, the enemies are very spoongy on Insane and clusterfuckness of the whole game just dont help with approaching enemies in tactical way. I predict that proper balance is probably between both difficulty settings.


Unconfirmed Member
To early to talk about combat in general, but game definitely lost some of sword combat 'precision' of previous title. Its more like diablo game now.
I still dont know if thats good thing or bad thing.
I know for sure that difference between Elite and Insane is quite big, the enemies are very spoongy on Insane and clusterfuckness of the whole game just dont help with approaching enemies in tactical way.

The difficulty in general feels a lot higher. I'm playing on the second highest difficulty and it can be bastard hard in comaprison to the harder difficulties of SW2013.. Getting ammo seems to be a bit more difficult as well on the higher difficultys and enemies feel more aggressive as well.

They really make you use your movement skills!


There's two scenes changes that have felt abrupt for me so far. Two or three short connecting cutscenes doesn't qualify as a "huge number". Once your past the intro it's
actually literally explained by teleporting, which helps explain the jarring jumps

Correct I didn't say we had, I said are people asking for? Because that is what you would have. It is explained pretty clearly though.
This game is really fun, but I might put it down for awhile to see if they release any UI updates in the future...dealing with all of these weapon upgrades is a real pain. Why can I only unequip upgrades to a weapon on the "upgrades" screen? Sometimes I decide I don't want to use a weapon anymore and want to move the upgrades to another weapon. To do so you have to go to the upgrades screen and scroll through until you find them and unequip them there. Which is really annoying.

You can unequip weapon mods by right-clicking on them from the weapon screen, no need to do what you described. If there's any problem to me it's that TOO MUCH stuff drops. I don't need a gajillion white mods that are probably pretty crappy. A bit too much time spent in menus. Other than that, loving the game (2,5 hours in).
Just do what I do and not worry about mod switching until the end of the mission and you're back in the hub, and when you're back in the hub you can just sell any non-blue/yellow mods you have, but eventually you get (5-ish hrs in)
the ability to combine 3 mods into a new better one. I made a Red level 57 fire mod out of some random fire blues

Also make sure you check out the shop inventory, they do sell new guns and special upgrades. Also, I'm a bit further than Giant Bomb's quick look and I still haven't gotten the mod that lets you drop a gun and make it a turret. I'd like that one. I've got some dual wields, rapid fires, and remote grenade detonation ones though.


...and now it sounds like my audio is popping when a bunch of shit is going on. Shouldn't be happening with dedicated audio device at all :/
Holy shit, just got done playing some co-op and the movement system in place is really awesome. You have so much control of where you are on the field of battle. Gameplay reminds me of a mix between Doom and Serious Sam with the Shadow Warrior flavor in it. Really enjoying it.
I really like the mod system. My autoshotgun with ice mod and a 44% damage boost is fucking disgusting, it eats through crowds and anything with ice vuln.

Also it's nice that any weapon you don't choose from a quest reward can be bought at one of the shops.


Think I might drop it down to normal, provided it lets me (just ended sessions, will check later). At least at the point I'm at some enemies just have an annoying amount of health and it's missing that fast and furious tearing through crowds feel.

Probably pop it back up for co-op or when it starts to feel too easy.


Just had a really buggy co-op session. First, I couldn't take damage so I just aggro'd everything and mashed buttons with the dual blades. Then, it started spawning drops inside terrain so half the items we got were just gone forever. And one of the enemies would cut my framerate in half whenever they appeared. Aside from all the issues and having to look at menus more than I'd like to for a game like this, I'm really enjoying it. Sucks that story progress (looks like all the player stuff is stored locally) is tied to the host's game. Made a lot of progress but it's not reflected in my save so I'll have to wait for my friend to get on to play.


Tears of Nintendo
That's what it's mean to do (reduces resolution near edges).

Edit: It's probably most useful for downsampling / 1440p / 4K.
Nope, you can still see reduced resolution near edges in 1440p unfortunately.

As for the game itself... so far it feels like a mix of Borderlands, Diablo 2 and Shadow Warrior (reboot). I don't like Borderlands at all in terms of gameplay and bullet sponge enemies, but I really like Diablo 2 and I really like the aspect of upgrading weapons in Shadow Warrior 2 plus it doesn't look like there's billions upon billions of guns or other weapons in this game like in Borderlands and enemies is not that hard to beat even on hard so overall... I like this game.

The story and cut-scenes though... well, it's not my thing pesonaly and it's not even funny (or maybe I just don't understand the humor), but hey, who cares about the story and cut-scenes in Shadow Warrior games anyway (?), I mean, clearly It's not what these games is all about, plus the gameplay is really fun, meaty and with a shit ton of gore.

But here's the thing, I still like DOOM a lot more than Shadow Warrior 2 cuz it's just... well, a lot better and way more satisfying FPS for me. But it doesn't mean that Shadow Warrior 2 is not good, no, it's really good, just... not at a good as DOOM. Damn, I don't even know if there will be better FPS than DOOM, it is very hard game to beat imo.
ok so for some reason i cant zoom using my mouse and shoot using the left mouse button, i have to remap zoom to another key
anyone know a fix for this?


I started getting my itch that I only ever got when I was unhealthily addicted to Borderlands 2, so the game is pretty good.
Need to get some buddies to see if it can hold up in Co-Op.

Mr. Tibbs

Hats off to Devolver and Flying Wild Hog for successfully rebooting a character like Long Wang. Back in early 2013, I would have assumed the series would forever be relegated to the dust bins of history along with the likes of Requiem: Avenging Angel and Powerslave, but they really managed to make two great games out of a licence that sold so poorly its three completed expansion packs were shelved weeks after its underwhelming 1997 launch.

It's crazy to think that in 2016, Shadow Warrior received a relatively big-budget sequel while Duke remains truly stuck in the past. Duke's World Tour, 3D's gazillionth re-release, has sold just 2,300 copies on Steam since launch. I guess that's mostly due to users already owning Megaton and the high price point, but that's still incredibly poor. As long as they don't announce Duke as a Battleborn character there's still hope!


Interested in getting this but as I missed the pre-order I want to know is there a way to get Razorback Katana somehow or was it completely exclusive for pre-order?
Don't feel like paying more for less.


theres a patch coming today or tomorrow and the fixes are

Fixed cutscene FOV, when playing with non standard FOV

Fixed game stuck on loading on 2 core CPUs

Added safe mode (add -safe to properties->general->set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations

Added option to disable AlienFX (add -noalienware to properties->general->set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations

Added option to disable videos (add -novideos to properties->general->set launch options) in order to fix startup crashes on some configurations

Fixed PAX MP avatar skin

Fixed weapon select menu blur constantly rendering on screen, even when weapon select menu is hidden

Added HDR Display Brightness slider

Fixed co-op bug, which in rare cases could corrupt saves

Added lobby filtering by difficulty and player level

Added list of previous saves, so in case of corrupted save you can load previous one
Localization fixes

Fixed hitching of intro movie

UI improvements: Allow replace gem inserted in weapon

Fixed AlienFX crash on startup on some configurations

Fixed corrupted saves bug


Interested in getting this but as I missed the pre-order I want to know is there a way to get Razorback Katana somehow or was it completely exclusive for pre-order?
Don't feel like paying more for less.

The chainsaw katana isn't worth it, do sweat it.

Used it like twice, got a upgrade to my main sword and never touched it again.


oh man not having to double tap to do special moves is nice but I'm so not used to using the left trigger + analogue stick for special moves lol


Huge fan of SW 2013 here.
Huge believer that the new features would make its formula shine.
I'm two hours in and so far I'm not feeling it.
I was sure that it was going to be the best SP FPS of 2016, now it risks to turn in my biggest disappointment.
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