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Shawn Layden Interview [PS4 Year One, Industry, GamerGate, etc] [Venture Beat]

A relatively meaty interview between Dean Takahashi and Shawn Layden. Appears to be one of many that should roll out in the next few days, since he did one with IGN & Wired as well.

Some select quotes :

GamesBeat: Please tell us about your background at Sony.

Shawn Layden: I joined SCEA in April. What’s that, seven months now? I joined Sony in 1987, of course. I’ve been the Sony group for 27 years. I’ve been with PlayStation since 1996.

GamesBeat: Is there a way you could put the 56 million unique active users in context? Activision talks about having 40 million monthly active users for Call of Duty. In some ways that number will seem small compared to some other big properties out there.

Layden: We used to talk about PlayStation accounts, PlayStation Network. That number got north of 100 million very quickly. It’s much further now. But we felt that it wasn’t a meaningful metric. I have five PlayStation Network accounts myself. I’m not the average user, but a lot of people will have two or more accounts.

Our metric for active is that it has had activity on the network in the last 30 days. These aren’t sleeping accounts: someone making an account and then putting their Vita in a closet.

GamesBeat: I see the bags under your eyes. The sweat rolling down your face. [Author's note: I was joking here] Do you feel pressure from the $50 price cut that Microsoft has made (Haha)?

Layden: That’s from too much celebrating.

GamesBeat: Hahaha.

Layden: No, not at all. It’s going to be a very competitive holiday season. Everyone’s going to move their numbers the best way they can. We’re going to be fully engaged in that battle.

GamesBeat: It’s okay to spread the slate out across the whole year, do you think? So you can have some of these exclusives coming in the springtime or other times instead of always in the fall. The Last of Us came in the summer.

Layden: Artists create their own timeline. [laughs] There’s only so much we can do to affect that. But to the general point, we like to have good content appear on the platform year-round. We don’t just want a cluster in the summer and a cluster at the holidays. We’d like to fill the whole year.

GamesBeat: They issued a statement, but they didn’t really say much about it. It seems coordinated, but there hasn’t been as much speaking out as I might have expected. People could still individually have something to say. Mike Morhaime did at BlizzCon. The message hasn’t been repeated as much. It just seems uncharacteristically quiet to me.

Layden: I did see your piece about your favorite women characters in games. Ellie was an excellent choice. I don’t think there is one statement or one position on it, or one answer to whatever this very broadly-defined #GamerGate really means. A lot of things are getting swept into that. I’ll be very clear about my view of harassment or bullying. It’s completely unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. I will not be vague or equivocate about that.

The question about women in the gaming industry, that’s something we all take on board as individual corporations. We are best in class — or close to it, certainly – in this industry. In the development group we have Shannon Studstill, who runs our whole Santa Monica operation. She’s going to bring the next big franchise out from there. We have Connie Booth, the studio head up here in San Mateo. Women executives up and down the [organization chart], and in the production teams. We make our statement just by executing to that plan.

More in the link below :

"I have five PlayStation Network accounts myself"

Cool. A Sony exec finally admitted this is a thing.

But it also seems like years since they bragged about the number of PSN accounts so whatever.
I was just reading this, I like this quote

Layden: We used to talk about PlayStation accounts, PlayStation Network. That number got north of 100 million very quickly. It’s much further now. But we felt that it wasn’t a meaningful metric. I have five PlayStation Network accounts myself. I’m not the average user, but a lot of people will have two or more accounts.

Our metric for active is that it has had activity on the network in the last 30 days. These aren’t sleeping accounts: someone making an account and then putting their Vita in a closet.

because they're actually talking about active accounts and not the BS they used to give us where they'd just consider every PSN account ever created.
Also that example about putting the Vita in the closet seems oddly appropriate. Made me laugh but also sad at the same time.
Good interview overall, he comes across as down to earth and knowledgeable which is always good.

One thing I don’t understand though, the article starts off mentioning that Sony have ‘sold’ 13.5 million PS4’s yet later on brings up the 2:1 ratio with XBO. I realise the 13.5 figure is shipped and the 2:1 is sold to consumers but it seems strange to change between them like that without mentioning the difference. For someone who doesn’t follow sales-age it would be pretty confusing.

As for him being on stage, I think he got a bad deal at E3 and got lumped with an introduction for himself and some sales figures etc. Hopefully next year he wont be lumped with that stuff and can come across better.
He was President of SCEJA (Japan), worked in London Studio (SCEE) and now he's in President of SCEA.

He's got to have 3 accounts just based on his regional locations. Probably extra two for other stuff.
He was also Vice President of Sony Network Entertainment, who are the ones actually operating and developing PSN and (SEN for other Sony divisions).


That name wasn't quite ringing a bell. Sony's Mr. Fancy Hands would have immediately made me think of this guy.

At least he seems very to the point.


In the development group we have Shannon Studstill, who runs our whole Santa Monica operation. She’s going to bring the next big franchise out from there.

Ohh.. Something good is coming from SSM :D
He seemed like a great speaker on stage at E3, just got saddled with info no one cared for. He also seems to really know what he's talking about.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
These aren’t sleeping accounts: someone making an account and then putting their Vita in a closet.

Lol, good dig at the competition, such a good way to diss the baffoons who seem not to know they made it and are still selling it. I am sure shareholders who bankrolled that product are just thrilled.


Oh well, any publicity is good publicity I guess...


Our metric for active is that it has had activity on the network in the last 30 days. These aren’t sleeping accounts: someone making an account and then putting their Vita in a closet

Vita in closets everywhere, confirmed.


In the development group we have Shannon Studstill, who runs our whole Santa Monica operation. She’s going to bring the next big franchise out from there..
Interesting wording. Doesn't 100% confirm that it's a new IP but it sure sounds like it. Another GoW would be fine by me, but I don't really mind them moving on. Would love if they do something akin to a Kingdom Hearts-like game but with Playstation stuff.


Interesting wording. Doesn't 100% confirm that it's a new IP but it sure sounds like it. Another GoW would be fine by me, but I don't really mind them moving on. Would love if they do something akin to a Kingdom Hearts-like game but with Playstation stuff.

Well the "Sci-Fi" shooter or whatever was cancelled, and then there were rumors about it being an Open World RPG from them, so did they re-open this project? They also hired Barlog back to bring a new GoW into the mix, so who knows, could she be in charge of Barlog's team as well?

Makes three weeks from now even more interesting..
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