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Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey The Official Thread of Minion and Demonica


New demons in Carina are kicking my ass. And of course they're the ones that I hadn't fused already so they're all unknown.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Himuro said:
Love love love this game!

Especially love the demon negotiation. It's like a mix between SMT 1/2 and Persona 1/2. In fact, it's very Persona-esque. Replace anger/happy/interested/scared and replace them with alignment: chaos/neutral/law. Right now my alignment is neutral-neutral, which kinda sucks because I want to go law-neutral. I don't even know how I got n-n, either.

Music is refreshing for SMT as well.

Story doesn't really feel SMT-ish to me, though. For a main series title that is. Maybe if it were a Persona title I'd buy into it, but so far the story seems tame for a main series SMT: no demon's crucified on crosses, blood soaked hospital floors or any mind-fuckery. I like the characters though.

But other than that, yeap, this is a true sequel and I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's not SMT4, but luckily I didn't go into it expecting SMT4.

I dont go into SMT wanting them to bombard me with occult imagery in some lame attempt to be edgy and dark. I really dont care if that stuff is in. Doesnt really have much impact on making a good story. However I am not feeling the story or the characters. I'm also really disappointed in the lack of more portraits. All the other crew members feel so distant as this like sprite that flashes in front of me everyone once in a while.


MechaX said:
But yeah, the end of the game is finally insight. Just one more massive fetch-quest and a dungeon to go (hopefully). The only thing that worries me is that I managed to get through the last two dungeons perfectly fine and my MC is at level 60. From what I've gathered, the final boss requires parties in the mid 80s. So I have two questions for anyone who can answer:

You don't need that high levels, although it helps. All you need is
no elemental weaknesses, healing spells on most of your demons, and repel repel repel repel repel for pretty much all of the last few bosses, damage is not required
. Using other people's password demons is cheating too, makes the affair totally too easy. ;p


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Himuro said:
But it does create atmosphere, something SMT games are great at.

Yeah but this game has more of a sci fi magitech bend. Its a different style and so it need a different atmosphere. So like the blood sacrifices and occult imagery is replaced with areas where the demons performed horrific experiments on the crew or other demons and such.
Which genius decided that the Visualizer app that allows you to see in the dark wouldn't help you create the map in the process?

If you won't let me draw my own maps then make a mapping system a good one. This is not rocket science guys.


Pureauthor said:
Which genius decided that the Visualizer app that allows you to see in the dark wouldn't help you create the map in the process?

If you won't let me draw my own maps then make a mapping system a good one. This is not rocket science guys.
Even worse is that you have to step on each dark zone tile to get the floor clear achievements, too.


Pureauthor said:
Which genius decided that the Visualizer app that allows you to see in the dark wouldn't help you create the map in the process?

If you won't let me draw my own maps then make a mapping system a good one. This is not rocket science guys.
Oh good, nothing to look forward to for that then. I'm hoping (but not expecting) that the path I'm having trouble finding through Carina isn't shrouded in darkness.

Is it a good idea to go back through earlier areas with new main app upgrades as you get them, or wait a while (with respect to the levels of the demons you'll encounter). Wasn't sure if I should take the time to go back through Antlia and Bootes with Unlock B or wait a bit.


botticus said:
Oh good, nothing to look forward to for that then. I'm hoping (but not expecting) that the path I'm having trouble finding through Carina isn't shrouded in darkness.

Is it a good idea to go back through earlier areas with new main app upgrades as you get them, or wait a while (with respect to the levels of the demons you'll encounter). Wasn't sure if I should take the time to go back through Antlia and Bootes with Unlock B or wait a bit.

You think there would be more stuffs, but in fact there's very little. So go back whenever you like.
botticus said:
Oh good, nothing to look forward to for that then. I'm hoping (but not expecting) that the path I'm having trouble finding through Carina isn't shrouded in darkness.

Is it a good idea to go back through earlier areas with new main app upgrades as you get them, or wait a while (with respect to the levels of the demons you'll encounter). Wasn't sure if I should take the time to go back through Antlia and Bootes with Unlock B or wait a bit.

No area that's available immediately to backtrack to with Unlock B has anything but the original demons from the region you're going to. Just go back and get the loots now.

Big One

I'm currently taking a break from the game and
just beat Gore
. Apparently the game kind of forced me on a Chaos alignment path even though I wanted neutral. I must say that the worst zones in the game are Fornax and Delphinus. Both are ridiculously boring and once I finished them I was like, "That's it?" I know there's a lot of complaints about Eridanus and Grus but I found both to be my favorite regions due to being fantastic grinding spots and great places to backtrack and explore. Especially Eridanus, which remains my favorite dungeon in the whole game. I haven't gotten much in Horologium yet so I can't comment on it yet.

How I'd rank the sectors so far:

Edit: Lol I didn't realize I spoilered. Sorry about that.


Gold Member
semiconscious said:
holy crap! beware the neutral endgame path!

zelenin's a major bitch! :) fusion time...

just overcame that particular obstacle:

used an all-chaos team with black maria. took a while, but it worked...

kinda left a bad taste in my mouth - i'll be plowing on, but it definitely served to convince me that, of the 2 games, devil survivor's the better built & balanced, overall. that was just plain unnecessarily nasty...


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Finished! After a lot of grinding at the end so I could have that tasty

To be completely honest, all I really want to do now is play Nocturne, but I think I'm gonna keep going with DEVSUR instead.

Which genius decided that the Visualizer app that allows you to see in the dark wouldn't help you create the map in the process?

Totally retarded. There's no excuse for not being able to write on the map.


I'm loving the game so far. Just starting Sector D, but if feels like there's a lot left for me to do in Sector C (which was my favorite area so far).

Honestly, the gameplay mechanics might be my favorite of any SMT.

I actually like the absence of a regular press turn system. Random battles aren't over in a single turn anymore.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Y2Kev said:
Finished! After a lot of grinding at the end so I could have that tasty

To be completely honest, all I really want to do now is play Nocturne, but I think I'm gonna keep going with DEVSUR instead.

Totally retarded. There's no excuse for not being able to write on the map.

DS is good for your soul.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yaweee said:
I'm loving the game so far. Just starting Sector D, but if feels like there's a lot left for me to do in Sector C (which was my favorite area so far).

Honestly, the gameplay mechanics might be my favorite of any SMT.

I actually like the absence of a regular press turn system. Random battles aren't over in a single turn anymore.
No, now they are over after I press autobattle :D


Y2Kev said:
No, now they are over after I press autobattle :D

Autobattle can be a dangerous thing, and it often requires hefty MP expenditure to recover the unusually high HP loss. Most of the Hidden or at least unanalyzed enemies can be rather difficult fights.

Maybe I'm just underleveled, though.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yaweee said:
Autobattle can be a dangerous thing, and it often requires hefty MP expenditure to recover the unusually high HP loss. Most of the Hidden or at least unanalyzed enemies can be rather difficult fights.

Maybe I'm just underleveled, though.
I dunno, I had like 99 lifestones at the start of every new sector. I would just burn through those until I found a healing station, which are (thankfully) very abundant.

It's true...can't autobattle hidden enemies. Very dangerous. Well, you can, you just have to be very quick on shutting it off if things go south. It's definitely not a good thing to do. :)


NichM said:
Who are you and what have you done with Yaweee.

Hey man, I'm a fairly positive person on the gaming forums. It's just that I've been very vocal about a few games or features in games that happen to have been made by Atlus, which are the threads you tend to linger in.


Himuro said:
Been trying to find a Sandman for this quest in Sector A for the longest. I'm a good ways into Sector B now.

They should be in the second part of section A.

The fiery portion.

Final Boss fights for Neutral were a bitch to say the least. Aside from the fact that it has an instant death that is in no way preventable (Tetraja doesn't work and neither does Sacrifice), it just does massive elemental damage. I was level 72 with 70-72 demons and Alice, and if they didn't have a reflect, strength, or void, they took at least 400 damage. Weakness is instant death. Almighty is pretty much the only way to deal worthwhile damage, unless physical isn't currently being reflected, so I pulled my other damage dealer and fused a Kama with Debilitate and Tetraja to do as much as I could to prevent instant death. Still got hit with MA on the MC 4-5 times before I managed to survive long enough to kill the damned thing. Pretty obvious the game expects you to be closer to 80 than 70, and with the gap between good demons lasting until 84ish, probably there.

Good game, just a bit imbalanced towards the end. Not an uncommon thing in SMT though, eh?

Himuro said:
Love this game. I was worried about MC customization without Megatama's, but forma is a really fantastic replacement.

It is...ok I guess. My MC was Magic Build, and I found that he barely managed to keep up with demons. Seemed like his real purpose boiled down to items, summons, and if you have one of the two guns you get before end game and post game that have abilities worth a damn on them, the occasional elemental weakness hit for an assist from your demons. Wasn't all that wild about MC growth and abilities.

Edit: Law MC gets a crazy good Gun ability. :(


Holy shit. I just had one of the most intense battles I've ever faced in a Megami Tensei game since the Demi-Fiend in DDS1 (which is leagues ahead of any RPG boss I've ever played, and I've definitely played too many RPGs). And this wasn't even the final boss either. Keep in mind I'm not saying this fight was balls-to-the-wall difficult, but rather intense in a "holy-shit-one-wrong-move-and-20-minutes-down-the-drain" kind of intense.

I decided to fight
severely under-leveled and though I could make this work with my MC, Alice, Girimehkala, and Titania. My plan was for Alice to buff the hell out of us, Giri to War Cry, and Titania to heal us. Unfortunately, Titania ends up going down in the first attack and she gets substituted for Ouroboros. With this set up, the only source of healing comes from the MC. The first 10 minutes or so was just a slow slug-fest of buffing, debuffing, and
doing her heal+all buff move a lot. I start running low on good healing, and eventually Giri and Ouro bite the dust. I substitute for Pallas Athena and Sarasvati, whom both go down due to her Charm attack. I used Prometheus' Recarmdra to get all of my demons back in the game.

However, the boss starts spamming the self-buff spell to the point where I can't keep up that well, and the remaining ten minutes was just me going through my entire demon roster trying to take her down. The last couple rounds left me with my MC and Alice, and my MC had low double-digit health left. In a last ditch effort, the MC attacks with his sword and kills the boss. Personally, I've never fought a Megami Tensei boss that pretty much forced me to go through my entire demon party and each actually hold their own in some ways. And as a reward, my MC grew like 5 levels.
Didn't see it posted so my apologies if old. Atlus Demonica Passwords:


I haven't tried out the passwords yet as I'm sure they will be way to expensive for me at present. Just about to wrap it up for B and am absolutely loving this game! Haven't figured out what the deal is with Fiends versus Genma yet but I'm assuming it gets worked out later.


Didn't realize the font would be so small so for those who may have a hard time reading it the codes are:

"Left hand freeze Right hand shock"

"Prophecy of wind"

"Thick red skin"

"Soothing ice"
MechaX said:
Holy shit. I just had one of the most intense battles I've ever faced in a Megami Tensei game since the Demi-Fiend in DDS1 (which is leagues ahead of any RPG boss I've ever played, and I've definitely played too many RPGs). And this wasn't even the final boss either. Keep in mind I'm not saying this fight was balls-to-the-wall difficult, but rather intense in a "holy-shit-one-wrong-move-and-20-minutes-down-the-drain" kind of intense.

I decided to fight
severely under-leveled and though I could make this work with my MC, Alice, Girimehkala, and Titania. My plan was for Alice to buff the hell out of us, Giri to War Cry, and Titania to heal us. Unfortunately, Titania ends up going down in the first attack and she gets substituted for Ouroboros. With this set up, the only source of healing comes from the MC. The first 10 minutes or so was just a slow slug-fest of buffing, debuffing, and
doing her heal+all buff move a lot. I start running low on good healing, and eventually Giri and Ouro bite the dust. I substitute for Pallas Athena and Sarasvati, whom both go down due to her Charm attack. I used Prometheus' Recarmdra to get all of my demons back in the game.

However, the boss starts spamming the self-buff spell to the point where I can't keep up that well, and the remaining ten minutes was just me going through my entire demon roster trying to take her down. The last couple rounds left me with my MC and Alice, and my MC had low double-digit health left. In a last ditch effort, the MC attacks with his sword and kills the boss. Personally, I've never fought a Megami Tensei boss that pretty much forced me to go through my entire demon party and each actually hold their own in some ways. And as a reward, my MC grew like 5 levels.

That fight was probably the second hardest. Or third. Definitely intense though.
Himuro said:
:lol :lol :lol

You didn't start over?!

Hey, I'm still alive aren't I?

Every dialogue choice I've made so far was based of what I really think. So if you excuse me, I think I'll just take my higher chances of being awesome on to Sector D.
Himuro said:
I talked to a guy on sector A B2F and he gave me a password. How do you use them?

I think you go into your demon compendium under register and at the bottom is an area dedicated for password derived demons. From there you should have the option to input a password.


Himuro said:
I talked to a guy on sector A B2F and he gave me a password. How do you use them?

Go to the Compendium register demon menu. Select the one of the password slots at the bottom then enter the code.

Freyjadour said:
That fight was probably the second hardest. Or third. Definitely intense though.

Really all you need is Dekaja and some buffs but without those it's a messy battle.


Himuro said:
View. And I'm pressing both.

Okay, I can enter a pw on "register" but that still doesn't solve my problem. Guy gave me a password and I don't know where the heck it is.

Check your Key Items. It's in there.

So I'm getting tired of walking the darkness in Sector H. When do I get Visualizer B and C?
Joule said:
Really all you need is Dekaja and some buffs but without those it's a messy battle.

Dekaja mostly, but I wasn't expecting her and was just going through dungeons with my best Damage Dealing demons.

Joule said:
Check your Key Items. It's in there.

So I'm getting tired of walking the darkness in Sector H. When do I get Visualizer B and C?

You should've gotten B in Grus I believe. C comes later in H.
Joule said:
Huh. How did I miss that I wonder. Thanks.

It's one of those "down a secret corridor hiding out in a Forma Search B" forma. Easy enough if you aren't super OCD like I am.

Edit: Jack's Squad HQ btw. Not Grus.


I'm absolutely perplexed by what I think is the second to last boss on the neutral route. Atlus really wants to set a record on absolutely asinine difficulty jumps in bosses that rely on luck more than anything else.

So I'm fighting
and is guy supposed to be doing quadruple-digit damage attacks? I'm at level 70 and the dungeon has been fine thus far, but... jeezus. And most of the strategies I've read for this boss all lists "hoping that he loses a brain cell and uses his absurdly powerful gun attack on gun-reflecting demons and kill himself in three turns." I mean, am I just supposed to pray that he doesn't use his fire or almighty attack and completely rape my party?

Edit: Got fairly close to beating him before he just decided to end it all with a 700 damage almighty attack while having his attack debuffed -2. Fuck this boss and fuck the fact that my MC is absolutely useless. I think I could actually beat this battle if I could just replace the damn MC with a fourth demon.

Double Edit: Managed to beat the boss through the very method I expected; he lost a brain cell and spammed his super powerful gun attack on the demons that reflected such attacks. It doesn't even really feel like I accomplished anything at all since the boss had all of the cards stacked in his favor and decided to commit suicide aganist my Alice. Atlus really needs to tone it down on crap-shoot bosses like these in the next game.

Well, now that I'm right before the final boss, time to painfully grind for the next 5 hours so I can actually survive a hit from the final boss. *sigh*


Gold Member
MechaX said:
I'm absolutely perplexed by what I think is the second to last boss on the neutral route. Atlus really wants to set a record on absolutely asinine difficulty jumps in bosses that rely on luck more than anything else.

So I'm fighting
and is guy supposed to be doing quadruple-digit damage attacks? I'm at level 70 and the dungeon has been fine thus far, but... jeezus. And most of the strategies I've read for this boss all lists "hoping that he loses a brain cell and uses his absurdly powerful gun attack on gun-reflecting demons and kill himself in three turns." I mean, am I just supposed to pray that he doesn't use his fire or almighty attack and completely rape my party?

Edit: Got fairly close to beating him before he just decided to end it all with a 700 damage almighty attack while having his attack debuffed -2. Fuck this boss and fuck the fact that my MC is absolutely useless. I think I could actually beat this battle if I could just replace the damn MC with a fourth demon.

well, that boss's next on my list, & i'm very disappointed atlus chose to go this route. unlike devil survivor, this game's as likely to scare away noobs from the series as anything else :) . there's always lots of room for extra bosses, dungeons, whatever, for the hardcore, but simply completing the game shouldn't be as ridiculously challenging (& crap shoot luck-based) as this one is...

like i already said, the longer the game goes on, the more it feels to me like a huge step backwards after devil survivor...
MechaX said:
I'm absolutely perplexed by what I think is the second to last boss on the neutral route. Atlus really wants to set a record on absolutely asinine difficulty jumps in bosses that rely on luck more than anything else.

So I'm fighting
and is guy supposed to be doing quadruple-digit damage attacks? I'm at level 70 and the dungeon has been fine thus far, but... jeezus. And most of the strategies I've read for this boss all lists "hoping that he loses a brain cell and uses his absurdly powerful gun attack on gun-reflecting demons and kill himself in three turns." I mean, am I just supposed to pray that he doesn't use his fire or almighty attack and completely rape my party?

Edit: Got fairly close to beating him before he just decided to end it all with a 700 damage almighty attack while having his attack debuffed -2. Fuck this boss and fuck the fact that my MC is absolutely useless. I think I could actually beat this battle if I could just replace the damn MC with a fourth demon.

Double Edit: Managed to beat the boss through the very method I expected; he lost a brain cell and spammed his super powerful gun attack on the demons that reflected such attacks. It doesn't even really feel like I accomplished anything at all since the boss had all of the cards stacked in his favor and decided to commit suicide aganist my Alice. Atlus really needs to tone it down on crap-shoot bosses like these in the next game.

Well, now that I'm right before the final boss, time to painfully grind for the next 5 hours so I can actually survive a hit from the final boss. *sigh*

Yeah, that's what I was talking about, haha.

I managed that fight with having every demon (by luck more or less) str to physical and most reflecting gun. So, it was more or less Charge -> Berserker God and -Dyne spells while the boss killed itself. Still died once or twice. I pretty much just willed my way through the final boss right after that fight (level 72) and managed it with some very strong Almighty help. It is considerably more difficult.

In other news, started a NG+ in Devil Survivor last night. Gotta love that Metatron.


Freyjadour said:
I pretty much just willed my way through the final boss right after that fight (level 72) and managed it with some very strong Almighty help. It is considerably more difficult.

I just beat the final boss and I actually favored this fight due to how more stuff was actually in your control (although, not much of it was, as the final boss still had some of the more bullshit attacks of the prior bosses and then-some, but I could at least form a strategy around her that didn't revolve around "hope boss uses gun attack on gun-reflecting demon, defend at all other times").

But this final boss was... definitely rather strange. I took her on at level 73 because I didn't feel like grinding, but I definitely have to wonder if the final boss was designed this way simply to entice players to use the password system. I was planning to take her on with a team of Rangda, Norn, and Fafnir/Alice. But a poster on a GFAQs thread stated that his custom Rangda and Alice pretty much breaks the final boss (his Rangda repels all of the elements its normally weak aganist and has Salvation, his Alice was 5 or so levels above mine and had a random repel element instead of Megidola and virtually everything else was the same). I replaced my old Rangda with the new one, and I was surprised on how... simple the final boss was (or in hindsight, how lucky I got).

I already had the Dragon Vest from an EX Mission, which helps as your MC cannot be killed outright by an elemental attack at level 73, provided that you have a decent amount of buffs on. I had no Dragon Ring (Auto-Revive one time), so I was skirting death more than once. MC defends or heals (I also did not notice I had ten Balm of Risings (Full HP/MP on all party members) or throws up a Teraja Stone to take care of her Death/Expel attack, Alice uses Luster Candy, Rangda uses Debilitate, third demon attacks with whatever. I took advantage of the AI in the sense that the AI seldom dispels buffs/debuffs that are -/+3 or lower. The battle was long, but 70% of the damage dealt to both of Men Aleph's forms were spells reflected back at her. While guarding and buffed, the MC shouldn't die (unless all of her hits from her 6-hit physical attack hit nothing but the MC) from anything Aleph can do unless she does that instant kill attack of hers. The attack that sends a demon back to the COMP sounds intimidating, but its effect lessens when you realize that the demons still keep their buffs when re-summoned.
Since I used two password demons, I'm not bragging about this in the slightest. I just find it interesting how two-four different skills can completely turn around the tide of the battle. Hell, I wasn't even expecting this plan to work. At all.

But when considering the ending,
I actually would have been a lot more disappointed if I had grinded my ass off to get 80+ super demons like I initially expected. All three endings were pretty bone-bare NES affairs, all ending with a "Mission Complete!" screen. I mean, at least in SMT1/2 we got some kind of insight to the future of the world, the characters throughout the entire game, and all the towns you've affected. Here, it's just "Humans are brainwashed/saved/massacred. Mission Complete!"

But despite my bitching, I still think the game was pretty good. It's not my favorite SMT game, but it's leagues above Raidou 1 and Persona 1 in my eyes. My main problems concern the story running out of steam halfway through
(while Nocturne was pretty minimalist throughout, it at least gradually added tension and conflict to the story in small amounts. Here, it's just "Go this area. Go here. Get this. Holy shit Gore's alive! Get this. Oh crap, we need Chaos and Law Heroes! Let's establish them both 20 minutes apart from each other! Go here. Beat these things and get more stuff. Beat boss. Mission Accomplished!)
, some boring characters, some really out-of-whack balance (Easy 5 dungeons, insanely hard boss, two more easy dungeons, absolutely insane ending bosses), and really limited music selection. The story pacing is definitely my biggest complaint here, as the last story events are needlessly stretched out for 10+ hours and ends on a rather anticlimatic note. With that said, old school SMT is still good if you know what you're getting into. But this game definitely sparked my urge to replay Nocturne for the first time in like, 5 years.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Yeah, I'm enjoy this, but I find Nocturne better in nearly all aspects. I dunno whether its disappointing that SJ isnt as good or a testament to how great SMT III is.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I've been playing other games, so I'm still only in Delphinus. For those who have finished the game, what was your final time? I'm sitting at 22 hours at the moment.
thetrin said:
Really? That's it? That seems incredibly short for an SMT game.

Well, like I said before, I didn't take any significant time out to grind before the final boss. Could probably add an additional 5-10 hours for finishing up the remaining side quests and getting to 80ish + fusing a super team. Pretty close to standard SMT time. That is, SMT1&2 and Nocturne, not Persona or what have you.
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