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Shovel Knight sales breakdown


They launched it during the middle of the Summer sale.

Without a launch discount afair, not much new hype and no front page advertisements, it was more like 'hey, it's out' while other devs delayed their releases on short notice. I feared SK would totally get buried so these numbers are excellent (and comparing users with sales of an 2D indie game is a bit stupid anyway).


provides useful feedback
Oh yeah, and it's even more impressive how well it did considering that their launch not only clashed with the Steam Summer sales, but with the Mario Kart 8 free game promotion. Imagine if they had delayed it until after both of those had gone past... Or released it on tine, narf. :U


Without a launch discount afair, not much new hype and no front page advertisements, it was more like 'hey, it's out' while other devs delayed their releases on short notice. I feared SK would totally get buried so these numbers are excellent (and comparing user numbers with sales of an 2D indie game a bit stupid).

They were also competing with Divinity as the new game you should buy during the sale.
I'm kind of confused why people are shocked at the fact that a well-known indie project did well on the Wii U. You have other lesser-known projects exceeding profitability in less than a week's time.

Indie stuff (especially platformers) has been doing well on the Wii U for quite a while now.
Robert at Zeboyd Games said:
Can't speak for Shovel Knight specifically, but most digital stores do a 70/30 split (dev/store). And you usually lose a couple percentage from miscellaneous fees.

Yeah that's what I want to know. What did everybody walk away with, a lump sum, full-time position with pay/benefits, or some other misc agreement? I realize i'm being kind of nosy but, this does interest enough to ask these questions about the business side of it.


Yeah that's what I want to know. What did everybody walk away with, a lump sum, full-time position with pay/benefits, or some other misc agreement? I realize i'm being kind of nosy but, this does interest enough to ask these questions about the business side of it.

I would imagine that would depend on the company in question.


Hadn't heard of this game until it released. I contributed and picked up a Wii U copy since I had just gotten a Wii U a week prior and needed some games for it. I do not regret picking up Shovel Knight at all


What did everybody walk away with, a lump sum, full-time position with pay/benefits, or some other misc agreement? I realize i'm being kind of nosy but, this does interest enough to ask these questions about the business side of it.

I'm not sure how the company is structured, but they all started the business together. The core group are all "Yacht Club". Only a couple of people were contracted. I'd be surprised if there was much if any disparity in the splitting of profits.

They'll also hold part of the profits as reinvestment, though. They want to continue to make games, not cash out. And they've mentioned they are reluctant to use Kickstarter to fund their next game. They consider it a significant time sink, time that could be used developing rather than campaigning for funding.


I suspect the Steam proportion will grow a lot once they start doing Steam sales, but especially given full price that's quite solid.

They'll make a killing during Steam sales.

I'm not sure if they're planning on doing Steam sales


All of that post-launch content is going to be free for the backers?

It's going to be free for everybody. Sort of our mentality behind that is we see Steam Sales and we see the sales of the Humble Bundle, and they get the markdown so low, so we're going to try do this the opposite way.

When you reduce the price for the same game, you're changing the value proposition. You're making it so the little money you spend is more valuable. We're going to do the opposite, where the money stays the same and we just add stuff to it. So in the end, the value proposition increases the same way, but you get more for that same $15.

They've also said similar stuff in other interviews too, but this is the only one I can find at the moment.


That's all their expenses... so rent for their office space, computers, electric bill, software licenses, health insurance, taxes, etc.

Yup, figured as i was clicking "submit", actually.
I was puzzled at first. :p

It's late here, i should go to bed.


It's derived from the ideal scenario here:


$10,000 * 24 months (two years) = $240,000 per employee

I'm guessing Virt probably just wrote the soundtrack in less than a month or something and has not been a full time employee all that time.

Especially given that he also does work for at least a dozen other kickstarter projects :p


hide your water-based mammals
This seemed like a WiiU/3DS release almost by default so it's no surprise to see a good chunk of KS backers chose those versions respectively.

Now let's see what an entirely (and hopefully timed) exclusive like Stealth Inc 2 will do on WiiU.


They sold less copies through GOG than they did through Humble Bundle? I just checked and Shovel Knight doesn't appear to be on the Humble Store. Did they really sell more copies through the Humble Widget on their site than they did through GOG?

I remember looking at the games web page the day it came out and it only mentioned steam and it also had the widget. Even now it still does not mention or link to GOG.
I'm kind of confused why people are shocked at the fact that a well-known indie project did well on the Wii U. You have other lesser-known projects exceeding profitability in less than a week's time.

I'm mostly surprised that they gave actual figures and a platform breakdown. It's nigh impossible to find eShop sales information that's more detailed than "We did pretty good on Wii U/3DS." In fact, that's one of the main reason I've been so reluctant to put any of our own games there.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I'm not sure if they're planning on doing Steam sales

They've also said similar stuff in other interviews too, but this is the only one I can find at the moment.

Sounds good, but I don't buy it. I would be shocked if this never went on sale.


hide your water-based mammals
I'm mostly surprised that they gave actual figures and a platform breakdown. It's nigh impossible to find eShop sales information that's more detailed than "We did pretty good on Wii U/3DS." In fact, that's one of the main reason I've been so reluctant to put any of our own games there.

I think it's also important to note that this was basically a Nintendo console/hand held exclusive. It would be much more spread out with a PS3/360 SKU.

Much like when I backed Cosmic Star Heroine. I mainly backed it to play on PS4/Vita. I backed it because of the premise and pitch, on top of the dev, of course.


I'm not sure if they're planning on doing Steam sales

They've also said similar stuff in other interviews too, but this is the only one I can find at the momement.

I doubt they'll go through with that, hasn't worked well for The Castle Doctrine.

For those that don't know, PC games don't sell in the same way that console and portable games do. Instead of it being a huge spike at launch and then stopping it will sell steadily and then have spikes every time it goes on sale.

I can guarantee that if they did the pie chart for a whole year, every month you'd see the PC ratio getting bigger while the other 2 systems' shrank.

Even though it's a great game and I'm sure they'll add awesome content, not having sales will actually hurt it.
I'm mostly surprised that they gave actual figures and a platform breakdown. It's nigh impossible to find eShop sales information that's more detailed than "We did pretty good on Wii U/3DS." In fact, that's one of the main reason I've been so reluctant to put any of our own games there.
I can put you in to contact with my sources if you wish.

PM me.


They chose a horrific time to release this game on Steam. It was during the middle of the summer sale and was not discounted. I'd imagine most people that even noticed the game hit the add to wishlist button rather then add to cart because it's tough to justify a $15 game when you just added 20 games to your backlog.


I was a backer, and am super happy for these guys. The WiiU version turned out great, but I'll gladly be double dipping for the 3DS version so I can take the game with me to PAX. Though it's times like this I REALLY wish Nintendo offered cross-saves.


Even though it's a great game and I'm sure they'll add awesome content, not having sales will actually hurt it.

Being cheaper is only part of being on sale, it also means you're on the front page which in itself is getting more and more important but harder to accomplish. When doing updates a game can appear in that 'Updated' showcase but a daily or midweek/weekend sale will get them waaaay more exposure even if the game's only 25% off, no need to immediately go lower (see Rogue Legacy for reasonably spread out discounts).


This seemed like a WiiU/3DS release almost by default so it's no surprise to see a good chunk of KS backers chose those versions respectively.

Now let's see what an entirely (and hopefully timed) exclusive like Stealth Inc 2 will do on WiiU.
The Kickstarter backers were more weighted towards PC actually. Release sales were proportionately stronger on 3DS and Wii U than the Kickstarter was. It's also an impressive split when you consider the eShops were for one region only while PC was worldwide.

I'm mostly surprised that they gave actual figures and a platform breakdown. It's nigh impossible to find eShop sales information that's more detailed than "We did pretty good on Wii U/3DS." In fact, that's one of the main reason I've been so reluctant to put any of our own games there.
Well, if you put Cosmic Star Heroine (or, well, anything) on 3DS or Wii U you'll get a sale from me. Two sales if you put it on both. :)
Very interesting article, and well deserved sales success. I bought Wii U version on launch day... and beat it on the same day since I just couldn't put it down.
I think it's also important to note that this was basically a Nintendo console/hand held exclusive. It would be much more spread out with a PS3/360 SKU.

Much like when I backed Cosmic Star Heroine. I mainly backed it to play on PS4/Vita. I backed it because of the premise and pitch, on top of the dev, of course.

Sure, a multiplatform or a delayed port would have a lower Wii U split than what they did here. But I think this is interesting just to see how viable Wii U can be as an indie. With no real sales figures to consider in the past, I was thinking that it might be relatively low (like XBLIG was back in the day) but you could definitely run a successful small indie team on those kind of sales even if Wii U was your only platform.

I can put you in to contact with my sources if you wish.

We've already got some contacts at Nintendo but thanks anyway.

Well, if you put Cosmic Star Heroine (or, well, anything) on 3DS or Wii U you'll get a sale from me. Two sales if you put it on both. :)

As far as I know, there's no Unity support for 3DS which when combined with the resolution we're using would make CSH a difficult port. We're definitely going to consider a Wii U version though.


This seemed like a WiiU/3DS release almost by default so it's no surprise to see a good chunk of KS backers chose those versions respectively.

Now let's see what an entirely (and hopefully timed) exclusive like Stealth Inc 2 will do on WiiU.

How many test does the Wii U have to pass to be a legitimate console?

If Stealth sells, what is the next game? Do you have a list?


damn, those are some pretty good console sales. I'm still waiting for the game to come in Europe.

Why so many people buy it on steam instead of GOG beats me.


Excellent game that deserved the sales. Looking forward to the content that's going being rolled out. I wonder if revenue will end up being more on steam or the 3ds and wii u in the long run.


I'm guessing Virt probably just wrote the soundtrack in less than a month or something and has not been a full time employee all that time.

Especially given that he also does work for at least a dozen other kickstarter projects :p

They touch on this in the full article, man hours are more of an all expenses encompassing rough estimate.


Nintendo family superior steam's sale? lol

It came out during the Steam summer sale feeding frenzy at full price and was never even shown on the main store page. The only reason I even knew it came out was because of Gaf. This game was sent to die releasing when it did, but luckily you can't really send games to die on Steam and they will garner some huge numbers when they eventually have a sale on the title.


I love the Yacht Club blog almost as much as the game itself. I'm excited for all the post-launch content, and I'm anxious to know what they'll make next.


Yup! Shovel Knight. Another "indie game" which is better than 60% of all the AAA titles released in the last 2 years.
More of this stuff, please :)


hide your water-based mammals
Sure, a multiplatform or a delayed port would have a lower Wii U split than what they did here. But I think this is interesting just to see how viable Wii U can be as an indie. With no real sales figures to consider in the past, I was thinking that it might be relatively low (like XBLIG was back in the day) but you could definitely run a successful small indie team on those kind of sales even if Wii U was your only platform.
Definitely interesting.
How many test does the Wii U have to pass to be a legitimate console?

If Stealth sells, what is the next game? Do you have a list?

I don't. I'm curious to see the sales. The interrogation was nice though.


Indie stuff (especially platformers) has been doing well on the Wii U for quite a while now.

there is not a lot of indie offer there thou, would love to have Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, Binding on Isaac, Vlambeer, Super Bro Force, Hotline Miami etc... but none of those are there.


there is not a lot of indie offer there thou, would love to have Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, Binding on Isaac, Vlambeer, Super Bro Force, Hotline Miami etc... but none of those are there.
It's missing a lot of bigger names, but Wii U has amassed a pretty decent library of indie games. It actually has more than PS4 or Xbox One right now.
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