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Shuhei Yoshida: Powers part of Sony E3 conference was "a mistake"


That isn't really Sony's fault tho. Whoever leaked Bloodbourne basically killed their biggest surprise (from the looks of what was actually shown); it was impossible for them to have a bigger surprise than that and it got out of the bag well in advance. The way Sony scheduled it in the conference was sort of admitting to the fact.
I recall a mod saying that Bloodborne wasn't their biggest surprise,so what was it then?
While watching his part I actually hoped he would announce the rumored Ps2 emulation, that would have saved his segment.

Folks...this is never happening. Let it die already. There is no room for PS2 back-compat in future PS4s (or PS3 emu, or 360/OG Xbox emu in new XBO models) because these guys....these guys are going for providing that with streaming/cloud solutions. PS Now. Remasters. And w/e MS does equivalent to that (just think for a moment, why the hell would Halo Anniversary even exist if XBO could play all the previous Halo discs? There'd be no point to its existence).

That boat has sailed, better keep your old console around, there are already some good reasons to do so. Yeesh.

I recall a mod saying that Bloodborne wasn't their biggest surprise,so what was it then?
What mod said that? And yeah, what could have that game be? Maybe they're holding the announcement until Gamescon.

The whole conference was a mistake, initially was going to buy ps4 this year but now seriously thinking about getting x1
That just says more about your taste in games really, which one isn't necessarily better than the other objectively, so you're kinda actually saying the conference wasn't a mistake.

Oni, Cuphead, and Overdrive looked really strong on MS's side for me, but that's it (talking exclusives).
Like I pointed out earlier on the thread, Sony's 1h 45min conference had about 1h 14min of game presentations. Powers and Shawn Layden took about 20min of that. If that isn't game-focused I don't know what is.

Shawn Layden's segment, as much as it's abhorred, was also about games in the broader context in Playstation as a service.

F2P, Now, VitaTV are all extensions of gaming which are all valid matters worth bringing up, but the execution of the delivery was poor to say the least.


I think their biggest mistake so far is trying to force their version of Netflix or Amazon video down our throats, and holding back DLNA to bolster their position.

Most of us (of a certain age) have 15 + years of mp3s in our digital collection. We have the internet. We already have unlimited music.

We already have videos, via netflix, amazon, hulu, bluray or dvd collection, or -- quite honestly -- gigs and gigs of torrented movies. I'm not advocating piracy here, just stating a fact.

Video unlimited, and music unlimited, or whatever they're ultimately calling their service, in order to be desirable at all to anyone, presumes you don't have any of these options (which everyone has) OR Sony has to prevent PS4 from playing anything you already own (legit or otherwise). You hipsters wanna hear the new Black Keys album? It's not enough to have bought a CD, bought it on itunes, etc - you also have to buy it via Music Unlimited if you want to experience on PS4.

And I think that's lame. Sure I can use my ps3 or western digital tv, or whatever else to DLNA my home collection. But it's just stupid that Sony is deliberately nerfing PS4's features, literally to try and drive subscriptions to their version of a service that offers products everyone already has in some other format.
They had an 1 hour 30 minutes dedicated to games, the same as MS, so I can't really complain. It was poorly paced, but certainly not bad


Folks...this is never happening. Let it die already. There is no room for PS2 back-compat in future PS4s (or PS3 emu, or 360/OG Xbox emu in new XBO models) because these guys....these guys are going for providing that with streaming/cloud solutions. PS Now. Remasters. And w/e MS does equivalent to that (just think for a moment, why the hell would Halo Anniversary even exist if XBO could play all the previous Halo discs? There'd be no point to its existence).

You're right. With remasters and such we've pretty much put and accepted the nail in the coffin in regards to any possible backwards compatibility going forward

However, Halo being what it is, im sure people would eat up a Halo re-release even if the original discs were BC.
Sony easily had the worst conference of the big 3

Best of the three for me. Not that the overall conference was great by any means, but I got...

Grim Fandango Remastered
LittleBigPlanet 3 outta nowhere
Uncharted 4 first proper trailer
No Man's Sky
Long due confirmation of Project Beast/Bloodborne
GTA V PS4 revealed
Amazing looking Arkham Knight footage

... to make it all worth sitting through.

It's just a shame that that massive lull in the middle did it's best to scupper a press event that started and ended very well.


Shawn Layden's segment, as much as it's abhorred, was also about games in the broader context in Playstation as a service.

F2P, Now, VitaTV are all extensions of gaming which are all valid matters worth bringing up, but the execution of the delivery was poor to say the least.

Yeah, Layden's speech was somewhat dull, and I think it's at least partly due to the orator. Dunno if it had been any different with Tretton onstage. Those 15 minutes didn't shadow all the rest that was shown at the conference though.
I imagine they scheduled that POWERS portion under the assumption that MS were going to show more tv centric programs. Once they saw that wasn't the case they really should have cut that crap to just a announcement plus slide.
Best of the three for me. Not that the overall conference was great by any means, but I got...

It's just a shame that that massive lull in the middle did it's best to scupper a press event that started and ended very well.

Obviously I don't speak for everyone... but honestly, does presentation really matter in the end?

It has always baffled me why some people used to be so bothered by the fact that Nintendo didnt' do press conferences at E3 anymore and instead went to Direct. Did Nintendo somehow stop announcing new games? Did Nintendo suddenly make less games?

Content is king, and frankly, I couldn't give a rat's ass how long/short anyone's presentation are as long as in the end of the day, games are announced, demo-ed, etc. In fact, I'd be happier if they just dropped announcement trailers, gameplay showcases for all their 2015 games tomorrow, skipping Gamescom and TGS altogether. I don't need to watch them waste millions putting on expensive light shows, all I want are news of games.

Thus why Nintendo was able to either best or be competitive with MS/Sony with less than half the time.

I imagine they scheduled that POWERS portion under the assumption that MS were going to show more tv centric programs. Once they saw that wasn't the case they really should have cut that crap to just a announcement plus slide.

Really? Spencer has been shouting on Twitter his E3 plans since forever, which is gaemsgamesgaemsgames. I don't know why they would think otherwise.


Folks...this is never happening. Let it die already. There is no room for PS2 back-compat in future PS4s (or PS3 emu, or 360/OG Xbox emu in new XBO models) because these guys....these guys are going for providing that with streaming/cloud solutions. PS Now. Remasters. And w/e MS does equivalent to that (just think for a moment, why the hell would Halo Anniversary even exist if XBO could play all the previous Halo discs? There'd be no point to its existence).

That boat has sailed, better keep your old console around, there are already some good reasons to do so. Yeesh.

What mod said that? And yeah, what could have that game be? Maybe they're holding the announcement until Gamescon.

That just says more about your taste in games really, which one isn't necessarily better than the other objectively, so you're kinda actually saying the conference wasn't a mistake.

Oni, Cuphead, and Overdrive looked really strong on MS's side for me, but that's it (talking exclusives).

I prefer properly done remasters over playing the original games. Remaster as in all bugs fixed, running in 1080p (or 4k in the future) 60 fps or 30 fps if the original game works odd at 60, that said Capcom brought RE4 HD kicking and screaming to 60fps.

If its an old 2D game designed for CRT, it should include the proper CRT shader emulation to match the intended look


Yes, that segment was too long, but hopefully that will not influence viewers badly. Powers comic is excellent and it deserves great TV adaptation.
Well that's not gonna make the Powers creator happy. If they cut all of the TV stuff from 10 to 2-5 minutes, it would've been fine.


I am convinced the whole reason Powers had such a long presence at the conference was because they realized too late that they didn't have anything else to fill the time with.


I just don't understand how they could incorporate that into their presentation and think it was a good thing. It was 20 minutes of pure boredom.


I just don't understand how they could incorporate that into their presentation and think it was a good thing. It was 20 minutes of pure boredom.
Are people rewriting history? Or did people forget how to tell time? it was 5 minutes, just like the 5 minutes they gave the indie developers to present their games on stage at E3 2013.
We'll Sony does have other divisions that are into those media markets so it's logical to assume they might want to use the Playstation brand to market their other products.

Problem is that, many times it's off the mark and overstays it's welcome.

I don´t care about that crap. Show that at some electronics/movie events not a game conference. Gamescom>>>>>>>>E3 for Sony.
Whole thing was too long, I was pretty sore by like halfway and I don't normally do so when seeing a movie (saw it in theaters BTW).

This. Powers shouldn't have been in the conference at all. It had zero business being anywhere near E3. E3 is supposed to be focused on games, and things closely tied-in to games (such as Morpheus). Save Powers for some press release and trailer later on.

Sony also spent too much time on LittleBigPlanet 3.

E3 press conferences should be 60 minutes tops, IMO. Keep it focused, witty and snappy and do a better job keeping things from leaking beforehand. If Sony or whoever wants something longer, then have their own standalone event, similar to Google I/O.


The Amiga Brotherhood
You're entitled to your opinion. That's fair. But saying 'almost no gameplay' is nonsense. And all of MS's big surprises had no gameplay too, so not sure why you're suddenly wanting to play double standards with Bloodborne.

I'm not a company guy. Why should I give a shit about that?

Sure, if I was Shu's boss, I'd be pissed. But I'm a consumer and I appreciate honesty. Sony's aim is to sell it, but that's their problem. My problem is that I want the corporations to be honest with me, and I can appreciate Shu's honesty, even if I'm unhappy that Vita will get less focus moving forward.
"Double standards" with Bloodborne:
a)we already saw the gameplay(and they knew it) and they reveal it without gameplay? Really?
b)if we saw the gameplay it means that the game was ready to be shown(and in fact a trailer was released some day after)

About Vita... What about being a Vita owner? Wouldn't you give a shit about that declaration?

Like I pointed out earlier on the thread, Sony's 1h 45min conference had about 1h 14min of game presentations. Powers and Shawn Layden took about 20min of that. If that isn't game-focused I don't know what is.

As for suprises... Bloodborne (despite of the leaks, it was a surprise for many, and just plain amazing for the rest), Suda 51's Let It Die, LBP3 reveal & gameplay, Grim Fandango, Abzu, No Man's Sky timed exclusivity, Uncharted 4 reveal, and Arkham Knight & FC4 gameplay.
That's exactly why i was disappointed with the conference.
-Bloodborne CG when we already saw gameplay
-Let It Die... let it die
-LBP3 is very disappointing imo(not saying that it's a bad game, i was just expecting some creativity, instead it looks like LBP2 with just new characters)
-Grim Fandango was ridiculous, not even a logo and it will probably be on other platforms too
-Abzu... I don't even remember what it is lol(i'm not saying it's a bad game, i really don't remember what it is!)
-No Man's Sky is great but we already knew it and it's not exclusive
-Uncharted 4(meh i say) we already knew about it and all we got was few seconds of cutscene
-AK and FC4 gameplay ok, but they are already knew about them and they are non-exclusive games
Lol that would be hilarious if they actually did it to initiate him into the Playstation executive family. After the show when he went backstage they were probably whipping him with Playstation towels and making him go through the paddle line.

I doubt it though ofcourse, lol. On a serious note, who knows why that section was his.

Shouldn't have been a part of the conference period, maybe a blog post would have been sufficient.

No time to look for the post, but someone made a good point earlier in the thread, Comic Con would have been the perfect time.
"Double standards" with Bloodborne:
a)we already saw the gameplay(and they knew it) and they reveal it without gameplay? Really?
b)if we saw the gameplay it means that the game was ready to be shown(and in fact a trailer was released some day after)

Even off-screen, the visual quality of the alpha Bloodborne image was significantly prettier than the Project Beast video.

And besides, does it matter to us? In fact, we should be the one least bothered by a CGi trailer of Project Beast because we've seen gameplay. That's why I said the leak ended up being a blessing in disguise for Sony, because what would had just been a 'meh CGi trailer' actually had gameplay leaks making Bloodborne's reveal less disappointing than it would had been.

About Vita... What about being a Vita owner? Wouldn't you give a shit about that declaration?

As a consumer and Vita owner, yes.

But that was not analogy you were making, you were saying. You were literally talking from a corporation perspective of how they should be doing it without clamor, which to me translated as "Shu Yoshida should had kept his mouth quiet and pretend Vita will recieve the same amount of support it's gotten, even though it's actually less."

As a future Vita owner, I'm disappointed by their direction, but I appreciate the honesty. Those are two different things.


Powers was only part of the issue. When combined with execs talking for a long ass time about PS4 sharing statistics and them constantly patting themselves on the back, it was a conference that lost all its momentum.

Nintendo and MS were only about games, no chart stats what so ever.


"Double standards" with Bloodborne:
a)we already saw the gameplay(and they knew it) and they reveal it without gameplay? Really?
b)if we saw the gameplay it means that the game was ready to be shown(and in fact a trailer was released some day after)

About Vita... What about being a Vita owner? Wouldn't you give a shit about that declaration?

That's exactly why i was disappointed with the conference.
-Bloodborne CG when we already saw gameplay
-Let It Die... let it die
-LBP3 is very disappointing imo(not saying that it's a bad game, i was just expecting some creativity, instead it looks like LBP2 with just new characters)
-Grim Fandango was ridiculous, not even a logo and it will probably be on other platforms too
-Abzu... I don't even remember what it is lol(i'm not saying it's a bad game, i really don't remember what it is!)
-No Man's Sky is great but we already knew it and it's not exclusive
-Uncharted 4(meh i say) we already knew about it and all we got was few seconds of cutscene
-AK and FC4 gameplay ok, but they are already knew about them and they are non-exclusive games
Amazing post. Quoted for truth.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Even off-screen, the visual quality of the alpha Bloodborne image was significantly prettier than the Project Beast video.

And besides, does it matter to us? In fact, we should be the one least bothered by a CGi trailer of Project Beast because we've seen gameplay. That's why I said the leak ended up being a blessing in disguise for Sony, because what would had just been a 'meh CGi trailer' actually had gameplay leaks making Bloodborne's reveal less disappointing than it would had been.

As a consumer and Vita owner, yes.

But that was not analogy you were making, you were saying. You were literally talking from a corporation perspective of how they should be doing it without clamor, which to me translated as "Shu Yoshida should had kept his mouth quiet and pretend Vita will recieve the same amount of support it's gotten, even though it's actually less."

As a future Vita owner, I'm disappointed by their direction, but I appreciate the honesty. Those are two different things.
For you nothing matters to us lol.
To me revealing a game with CG when gameplay is already leaked is an insult.
Let's be honest, who after seeing those leaks was not expecting more gameplay or at least the same sequences in direct feed? Don't tell me you were not disappointed.

About Vita, the Vita owner disappointment was implicit, anyway don't forget that less faith in a platform = more doom & gloom = less sales(on Vitagaf alone the day of the declaration i remember people already selling their Vitas and others buying Wiiu, just saying) = less games sales = less support.


This is such a non-issue. Bendis talked for about 4 minutes. Shit like this has always been in press conferences and most of the time it's been MUCH worse. Why does this thread need to exist? Only on Gaf...
For you nothing matters to us lol.

I'm just baffled that so many of you care about theatrics.

Because that's exactly what these conferences are. Nothing but theatrics that adds an illusion of grandeur to the only things that matter to us, which is content, news and announcements.

Powers segment is an example. In my mind, I translate that segment to nothing more than a statement of a 'Powers TV series is coming and free with PS+.' Everything else is nonsensical theatre that adds no value for me to keep in my brain.

To me revealing a game with CG when gameplay is already leaked is an insult.
Let's be honest, who after seeing those leaks was not expecting more gameplay or at least the same sequences in direct feed? Don't tell me you were not disappointed.

I was, a little bit until I learned that it was due for Spring 2015. That meant to me that Sony was planning to stagger Bloodborne showcases throughout Gamescom to TGS, and probably a blow-out in Feb/March before release.

I've always been a believer in looking at game conferences/events in a full-year cycle thing. Especially even more so in the current era where Nintendo does its Directs at their whim. To me, a company having a bad E3 could easily rebound with a strong Gamescom/TGS, or having a great E3 does not mean they'll have a good show later in the year. That's why a company's FY overview and how they stagger their overall pipeline introductions are more important to me than being wowed for 90 minutes at one event.

I think Nintendo has been the best at serving crow at this event for that reason. They showed a healthy amount of 2014+2015 content, and Nintendo being Nintendo, we can realistically expect for them to still have a healthy amount of 2015 stuff unrevealed because that's the way Nintendo works.

About Vita, the Vita owner disappointment was implicit, anyway don't forget that less faith in a platform = more doom & gloom = less sales(on Vitagaf alone the day of the declaration i remember people already selling their Vitas and others buying Wiiu, just saying) = less games sales = less support.

Nobody's disputing owner disappointment.


The whole conference felt like a misfire. No surprises, too much focus on indies (again..), the segment with the letters was cringe-worthy, no sign of anything worthwhile on the Japanese side other than a CG trailer for Bloodborne.
The whole conference felt like a misfire. No surprises, too much focus on indies (again..), the segment with the letters was cringe-worthy, no sign of anything worthwhile on the Japanese side other than a CG trailer for Bloodborne.

Indies was 6 minutes last year.
7 minutes this year. (Magicka 2 & Devolver Digital)

So what the heck are you talking about?
It was nothing compared to James Cameron prattling on and on about the Avatar game, or MS talking about the Halo series. But yeah, it brought their momentum to a screeching halt. Those of us in the theaters were getting pretty restless.


This alone is only comparable to Zelda U's own reveal. So I'm going to say no. Nothing MS announced comes close. If only they actually showed something Halo 5...

Has anyone confirmed this is in engine? It looks like a CGI trailer and I still don't trust Sony after Killzone 2's trailer. They're the pioneers of bullshit trailers.

Naughty Dog themselves.

I'll shift from completely jaded to cautious skepticism.

lol wut? Patting themselves on the back? Only Nintendo and MS were about games? I think you might want to talk to your optometrist, get those tinted-glasses fixed.

To be fair, only MS showed nothing but games. Nintendo spent some time on amiibos. Sony was the only one who actually pulled out charts and dragged their own show down.


Powers was only part of the issue. When combined with execs talking for a long ass time about PS4 sharing statistics and them constantly patting themselves on the back, it was a conference that lost all its momentum.

Nintendo and MS were only about games, no chart stats what so ever.

lol wut? Patting themselves on the back? Only Nintendo and MS were about games? I think you might want to talk to your optometrist, get those tinted-glasses fixed.


Has anyone confirmed this is in engine? It looks like a CGI trailer and I still don't trust Sony after Killzone 2's trailer. They're the pioneers of bullshit trailers.
It's in engine, no cgi at all. Also isn't Uncharted more popular than Zelda; at least sales wise nowadays?. Could be dead wrong though.


At least he recognizes this. I was extremely tempted to close the conference out if boredom. Hell, there was even a lack of enthusiasm on the crowd's part. Very few were genuinely interested in it.


lol wut? Patting themselves on the back? Only Nintendo and MS were about games? I think you might want to talk to your optometrist, get those tinted-glasses fixed.

I watched all 3. Sounds like you need a reality check buddy. Sony was the only one talkimg about media, services, and stats. The others did none of that and had no big exec speaches.

Neither of them had execs walking around giving stats, charts, and saying they were the greatest. Only Sony wasted peoples time in their conference.
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