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SimCity modded so it can be played offline indefinitely + editing of highways

The features are great I agree, but please take a look at the news they posted regarding Sim City. The offline story was the first one, that did not had a serious EA/Maxis spin to it. All of that, only because they had a premature review. That is a serious issue imo.


Their headline for this story is so hilariously mealy-mouthed. It's more damning than the generally positive Maxis stories.


SimCity's drama has been simply fascinating to watch unfold.

I agree. I love watching the games media talk out their ass too about this game. "bu bu it was built for online! you cant just make an offline mode!" *Modder easily makes offline mode.*


Lost all credibility.
If I were Gies and trying to damage control this, I'd say that only PART of the game is playable offline.


I've been in those threads, discussing deficiencies in the way things are done now, arguing with people why some things are as they are, and generally been talking about the system. You're talking about objective opinion like the ones who say they don't stand for the bullshit EA has been feeding them (that the servers are intrinsic to the game, that server-load won't be a problem, the the servers will be up at <parameter:string>, the list goes on) aren't sharing an objective opinion, and are spreading bullshit?

You can say all you want about obscure pieces and "oh, but if you look at these wordings in hindsight". It's EA and Maxis' responsibilities to give an impression and understanding of the game that is in line with what the game is. Given the sheer tsunami of shit that's been going against this game, you can pout all you want about it being "people that misunderstood". But it's everyone. The outcry against the poor management of this game tops the previous horrendous examples. It's surpassing everything we know as a DRM scandal. This is a horrible launch even in MMO standards, despite not being an MMO. And here you are, saying you're the one that sees reality for what it is. You fail to see that it's the people's outcry that is the reality, and no matter how many snippits you can find of Maxis saying "it's not really simulating everyone", matter of the fact is that everyone thought sims would be persistent, and thought this game would be something it isn't. That's where EA and Maxis failed, and that's something you can't "objectively opinion" otherwise.

So much text and so little content. I think You are trying to hard to find other meaning in my posts or completely ignore all statement i've made.

You exactly know what i meant by spreading the bullshit. 60% of posts are crappy sentences that dont have sense, dont describe how game works at all or are just pure hate 'maxis/ea sux!!111'.

I also couldnt find one example of Maxis saying that Sims are persistent and i've tried in their gameplays, tech videos and trailers. Even this PR announcement crap doesnt really say that Sims are persistent:
Could We assume they will be? Yeah We could, but there was no proof for that and gdc presentation made it completely clear that they wont.

About online situation, yeah PR talk by Maxis' General Director was awful, but Maxis devs were open with their game and systems design, and thats press fault to not do research or even report GDC talk, even though they were there.
Also there were quite many interesting posts on reddit from Maxis employes that could be covered in articles, but they werent, instead press prefered to cover players finding, because it sounds more controversial.

All said, and i'll write this for a 6th time!, Maxis fucked up launch and still havent come clean with any good dev blog [except streetcars] to answer to issues, even though on twitter they said couple of times that they are working on traffic and path-finding [next thing media did not report].


Fuck EA (and Crapcom) and the future of gaming where you always have to be connected to play. Its things like this and dlc that's killing the gaming industry. If people don't like it, they don't buy it. Everyone loses, except board games.

What's wrong with Capcom? they didn't even try to use always-online, they backed off after the terrible fan reaction, so no game was ruined by the DRM.


I think the answer to this belongs in the context of games which don't require always online - but the offline game is leaps and bounds away from the intended game experience.

Journey doesn't require always online, but I think you'd be hard-pushed to find anyone who'd argue against the sentiment that if you're playing Journey offline, you're not getting the proper game.

Similarly Demon/Dark Souls.

i don't know for journey,but for demon/dark souls,even if having the game connected to a server greatly increases the experience of the game,IT'S STILL OPTIONAL.

and it's how it should be.if i want,and can at the moment,play the "superior version" of the game,i will connect my game to a server online,if i don't want,or i can't,i don't want to be obliged to do it.

we are fine and dandy with OPTIONAL internet options in the our games,there's no need to make them mandatory
I used to have your attitude and then i bought a PC.

If you are going around buying $60 games i could see where you are coming from but on a platform like PC you are literally buying the same games for $5,10,15,20. I am ok with spending that little on games and not having to make my house look like it belongs on hoarders. I can see where you are coming from and i respect it. I know exactly how you feel because i felt it but as i got older i realized it's just fucking money and your not taking your shit with you when you die. I would rather buy cheap, play and move on to the next.

Boy, oh boy I bet the pubs/devs wish there were more gamers with this attitude! Unfortunately, I'm not in this position (maybe some day though, hopefully) and have to weigh up each purchase carefully, and often trade games in to buy new ones. That's not to say I don't empathise with your opinion here. I mean, I buy apps for my iPad and I can't resell those, but as you say they've got to be cheaper. Certainly not on the order of $60 (or ~£45 here in the UK).

As regards taking your shit with you when you die. Well yes, they've not solved that problem yet. However, there's currently some debate over possibility that you may be able to pass your iTunes library on to your next of kin...


So much text and so little content. I think You are trying to hard to find other meaning in my posts or completely ignore all statement i've made.

You exactly know what i meant by spreading the bullshit. 60% of posts are crappy sentences that dont have sense, dont describe how game works at all or are just pure hate 'maxis/ea sux!!111'.

I also couldnt find one example of Maxis saying that Sims are persistent and i've tried in their gameplays, tech videos and trailers. Even this PR announcement crap doesnt really say that Sims are persistent:
Could We assume they will be? Yeah We could, but there was no proof for that and gdc presentation made it completely clear that they wont.

About online situation, yeah PR talk by Maxis' General Director was awful, but Maxis devs were open with their game and systems design, and thats press fault to not do research or even report GDC talk, even though they were there.
Also there were quite many interesting posts on reddit from Maxis employes that could be covered in articles, but they werent, instead press prefered to cover players finding, because it sounds more controversial.

All said, and i'll write this for a 6th time!, Maxis fucked up launch and still havent come clean with any good dev blog [except streetcars] to answer to issues, even though on twitter they said couple of times that they are working on traffic and path-finding [next thing media did not report].

You're really, really, REALLY reaching. The GDC talk says that agents won't have rules, but it clearly indicates they will be persistant ("10,000s of agents"). Really, just by calling them an "agent," you're saying, "this is a persistant person who makes actions on their own."


Fuck EA (and Crapcom) and the future of gaming where you always have to be connected to play. Its things like this and dlc that's killing the gaming industry. If people don't like it, they don't buy it. Everyone loses, except board games.

You know who wins? Small developers.

EA causing shit like microtransactions/online only/crippling resale prices on used games has caused me to shift my gaming dollars to things like hotline miami, FTL, Bastion etc. The tiny tiny chance EA makes a game I have an inkling for? Wait for it to be 5$ used and don't buy any dlc for it. If they block used? Don't bother.



Again, since you ignored it the first time I asked, where do you have confirmation this is Lucy? Glassbox, by the last summary I read from detective Gaf, was perhaps a contracted employee or ex-Maxis/EA person. Not still under the employment of EA in either case but worked on SimCity at some point and had a vested interest. Lucy on the other hand still works for EA. Assuming it was her, show me where this was confirmed otherwise stop spreading unfounded rumors.


This just keeps getting better and better. I'm sure it'll be possible to be able to save locally soon; should be fun times when that comes about!


This just keeps getting better and better. I'm sure it'll be possible to be able to save locally soon; should be fun times when that comes about!

Well the saves have always been local, they just sync with the server every x minutes or when you quit.

I still have my doubts about how well offline works though. I played a significant amount offline during the launch due to the server issues and I had lots of problems with region intereaction


Well the saves have always been local, they just sync with the server every x minutes or when you quit.

I still have my doubts about how well offline works though. I played a significant amount offline during the launch due to the server issues and I had lots of problems with region intereaction

If you have a fake server holding the spreadsheet on your own computer, it's probably a lot more reliable for region play than their servers were during launch.

Based on some of the stories I've heard, it might just be more reliable in general.


You're really, really, REALLY reaching. The GDC talk says that agents won't have rules, but it clearly indicates they will be persistant ("10,000s of agents"). Really, just by calling them an "agent," you're saying, "this is a persistant person who makes actions on their own."

Slide 38, Agents Created by Units rules, so they are created every time by unit [building for example]


You know who wins? Small developers.

EA causing shit like microtransactions/online only/crippling resale prices on used games has caused me to shift my gaming dollars to things like hotline miami, FTL, Bastion etc. The tiny tiny chance EA makes a game I have an inkling for? Wait for it to be 5$ used and don't buy any dlc for it. If they block used? Don't bother.
Very true. In recent years I boycotted a number of AAA games from big publishers for various reasons (DRM, going overboard with microtransactions etc.) and the one thing that I realized is that is easier than ever to skip these games. There so much more fun and innovative ideas to experience with smaller products. Not even just indie stuff, also niche products from rather small developers and publishers.


Well the saves have always been local, they just sync with the server every x minutes or when you quit.

I still have my doubts about how well offline works though. I played a significant amount offline during the launch due to the server issues and I had lots of problems with region intereaction

Region interaction doesn't work properly anyways. I also find it amusing that they are all gung-ho about it yet you can't share resources with your neighbors. You have to gift them. Why not let us setup trade deals?


Maxis Studio Head said:
But you're assuming that the primary reason for this was piracy only. Where's the evidence to back that up? Other than just "lol EA"?

All the interviews with the Maxis producers, designers and Creative Director Ocean Quigly have indicated that the primary reason for online only was gameplay. I assume though you won't take their word for it and assume they're lying right?



Region interaction doesn't work properly anyways. I also find it amusing that they are all gung-ho about it yet you can't share resources with your neighbors. You have to gift them. Why not let us setup trade deals?

Yeah, that's a pretty big flaw, as is having the global market disabled
Anyone expecting anything other than "This isn't the full game, I stand by my statements" from Arthur is in for a disappointing day.


Junior Member
Haha. Always fun finding "TODO"s that made it to the game

// Constants
//////////////////////// TO DO: ADD Mining ALERT LAYER
// Coal Panel Namespace - so there's no collisions between other databindings
// Metals.js # making it easier for us to find this
simcity.Mining = {};


Haha. Always fun finding "TODO"s that made it to the game

// Constants
//////////////////////// TO DO: ADD Mining ALERT LAYER
// Coal Panel Namespace - so there's no collisions between other databindings
// Metals.js # making it easier for us to find this
simcity.Mining = {};

Javascript? Woo hoo! Game development here I come!


If it is cracked for offline saves and larger city sizes I will definitely buy it (and then crack it). Hopefully some clever modder can fix the sim parts of it as well and go back to SC3000/SC4 style mass simulation rather than individual sims being simulated as agents.

Same here. Once I heard about the online only I was pretty sure I wouldn't be too interested in the game even if I begrudgingly accepted it for Diablo III. I took a wait and see approach, and boy has it been a rewarding experience. I've gotten far more entertainment value out of seeing the trainwreck and the ultimate payoff may be when some clever individuals are able to mod the game to make it the SimCity we all wanted.


Honestly, I got Simcity on launch because I expected the mod community to work their magic with offline servers + larger workspace. Glad its already a work in progress, I am still enjoying the region-based, but hopefully this will be fully polished by the time I get bored :).


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Well, that happened quicker than I expected.

Once the mod scene really kicks in, EA won't be able to stop this train. And if the code is as similar to Sims 3 as it sounds, which has all manner of mod tools and experienced modders out there already, then I doubt they will be able to stop it at all. EA will be able to block region terraforming online and other mods that they don't want to allow, but once the modders figure out offline play to the point that it works good enough to play, well that will be it. A crack to patch out the servers entirely will be all that is needed to allow players to run any mod they want. Larger cities. Terraforming. Traffic fixes. Pop counts fixed to be accurate. Services using better AI pathing. And that's not to mention new buildings and such. The community wants it bad enough to make it happen if they are able to, and once the door is open EA won't be able to close it again.

This is the first time in months that I am actually feeling positive about the new Simcity. I didn't like the design choices that Maxis made at all as they did not make a Simcity game that I wanted to play. But the modding community, I have boatloads of faith in them, especially after the past ten years of mod life that they have given Simcity 4.

I'll gladly pay $60 for the game if modders can give me offline play with saved games, terraforming, larger cities, and traffic fixes!!!
Yeh, good of them for doing the article, but then to try and still defend his twitter comments...

They 'defend' him by saying he only goes by what a PR release says; as oppose to any investigation, research, questioning or a degree of analytical ability.

Its just another example of someone getting a job in the gaming press because they want to be working with devs and publishers. They just don't have the skill to be creating the games themselves.

I mean hes being really silly at best; but the extreme of his reactions suggest hes far far too emotionally involved. He writes reviews, surely hes a 'critic'. This sort of 'all job' thing in games writing I think is a concern. If your handling the PR, don't review and vice versa.

He needs to sit back.


Well, that happened quicker than I expected.

Once the mod scene really kicks in, EA won't be able to stop this train. And if the code is as similar to Sims 3 as it sounds, which has all manner of mod tools and experienced modders out there already, then I doubt they will be able to stop it at all. EA will be able to block region terraforming online and other mods that they don't want to allow, but once the modders figure out offline play to the point that it works good enough to play, well that will be it. A crack to patch out the servers entirely will be all that is needed to allow players to run any mod they want. Larger cities. Terraforming. Traffic fixes. Pop counts fixed to be accurate. Services using better AI pathing. And that's not to mention new buildings and such. The community wants it bad enough to make it happen if they are able to, and once the door is open EA won't be able to close it again.

This is the first time in months that I am actually feeling positive about the new Simcity. I didn't like the design choices that Maxis made at all as they did not make a Simcity game that I wanted to play. But the modding community, I have boatloads of faith in them, especially after the past ten years of mod life that they have given Simcity 4.

I'll gladly pay $60 for the game if modders can give me offline play with saved games, terraforming, larger cities, and traffic fixes!!!

Another casualty of your always-online future, marrec: the death of the mod community! "Why let users improve our game for free when we can do it and charge?"


Slide 38, Agents Created by Units rules, so they are created every time by unit [building for example]

I know about those slides.

The language you're quoting doesn't mean that agents are not persistent, it just means that agents are CREATED by factories, houses, etc. It doesn't say anything about the agents being later destroyed. Again, the previous slide - 10,000s of agents. They clearly indicated they were going to be modelling persistent agents - otherwise why would you need 10,000s of them?
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