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Snake Pass |OT| Snake Had A Hard Life


I just took the Switch out of sleep mode and it won't let me play the game without turning off airplane mode. I switched it on before taking it into the other room and now it won't stop nag screening me to connect to the internet. This never happened to me with Zelda, anyone else getting this?

It happens when I enter the pause menu AND when I pick up any item. I have to turn internet back on to stop the nagging. Wtf?

Are there a Pro Controller and/or detached Joy Cons trying to connect to the system?


Are there a Pro Controller and/or detached Joy Cons trying to connect to the system?

Nope, just the joycons attached to system. I can turn on airplane mode and collect an item or pause and it starts nagging. I haven't tried a full reset yet as I'm in the middle of a level


Only two levels in but thoroughly enjoying it. Controls are unique but work quite well when you get the hang of it.

Took me a bit to wrap my head around it but now I've got the hang of it.

Played the first 2 levels, explored a bit to find as many coins as possible and made a nice relaxing hour of it.

Also, not 100% sure about this, but to my fellow coin hunters: if you've found stuff since hitting a checkpoint, go back to any checkpoint and activate it to save your collectible progress. This way, if you fall out-of-world trying to get a risky coin, you won't have lost any progress when you spawn back at the previously-activated checkpoint!
You heard it here first, Snake Pass is harder than Dark Souls.
Got this on the Switch and a big can of nope.

Besides notably looking not so great in portable mode, you will be fighting with the controls and screaming at Noodle to move his stupid head over the pole or thread a spot and he doesn't. And then spending 30 minutes at a bottom area of level 4 (or was it 5?) getting orbs and gold by climbing a tower just to be faced with the daunting task of climbing back up or falling and losing ALLthat progress. It made me immediately turn it off and close the program. The feeling was worse than a first timer losing a lot of souls-frustration a Dark Souls.

On top of that, the thing eats battery like no one's business. It drained my battery from 100% to 20% in maybe 2 hours.

I'll come back to it but first impressions are frustrating and far from easy/calming/relaxing gameplay.


Full system reset seemed to fix whatever problem I was having. Must be a bug with either the game or the latest firmware I guess.


I have climbing down (... kind of) but I can't figure out how to slither fast. Any tips?

Sway left to right when you move forward (like a real snake!). Sometimes doing this with your tail lifted by Doodle can make it feel like you're going faster, but I can't say this for certain.


Got the game on XBL. I haven't tried the one version yet, but I did play the PC version that comes with it and I gotta say this is actually a good looking game. And dat OST.

Game's great. It definitely has a learning curve, but it's an enjoyable one. I still haven't really wrapped my head around gripping the poles as I climb, but I've found that you don't particularly need to if you wind yourself up it in relatively tight knots. At least not in the first level


1. Game is awesome

2. Was having INSANE load times on switch especially after the U4 screen. Should have at least tried hard reboot. Instead deleted game, pulled out my 128gb sd and downloded it to the system memory. Much much faster now. Wonder if its an issue with the card or how the system handles sdhc. None of my other games on the sd have any issues


Started this up and was really charmed by the first level. Restarted it to go collect the coins I missed and that one under the bridge is such a nightmare lmao I always wind up slipping off the poles on my climb back up
on the plus side this has been a perfect crash course on coming to grips with maneuvering around poles

edit- of course they teach you how to grip in level 2, knowing that would have made that coin a lot easier lmao ah well
You heard it here first, Snake Pass is harder than Dark Souls.

I've said earlier, (switch aside, I'm on PS4) I felt the same way as that post. It can be incredibly frustrating. I have actually gotten better since then and its not quite as bad. But I can see where it comes from.

I don't feel anything near RELAXED playing this. I went to Horizon for a break.


1. Game is awesome

2. Was having INSANE load times on switch especially after the U4 screen. Should have at least tried hard reboot. Instead deleted game, pulled out my 128gb sd and downloded it to the system memory. Much much faster now. Wonder if its an issue with the card or how the system handles sdhc. None of my other games on the sd have any issues
I'm on SDHC and not having any issues. Loading is a snap.


Playing right now on the Switch. Framerates are stable. Though I seriously need to learn how to stabilize my snake when reaching for coins that are dangling on air...


Been playing for a little while now, and just beat level 3. Got it done at 100% too, so I want to say I'm finally getting used to the controls. But the next level I rushed an obstacle and fell off. Funny how you can't relax in a game that's supposed to be relaxing! Lol. It's dope though, worth the price.

Got it on the Switch btw, no complaints so far.
Playing undocked on Switch. It's really blurry, reminds me a lot of Vita games that weren't anywhere near native res. Solid frame rate though, and the game's an absolute joy to play.


Playing undocked on Switch. It's really blurry, reminds me a lot of Vita games that weren't anywhere near native res. Solid frame rate though, and the game's an absolute joy to play.

I'm guessing it's because of the temporal AA. It tends to make things blurry. That said, it isn't a dealbreaker, and the game plays smoothly.


Easy Controls certainly make movement easier to start, but they feel like a trap. It's clear from the Controls video in the OP that there are going to be a lot of situations where you want to adjust your head without moving forward.

Game is tough but I'm definitely enjoying it. Runs fantastic on my 2-3 year old PC as well, for the record.

I just realized what this art style reminds me of. Viva Pinata!


absolutely satisfied with the fact that this and snipperclips actually had difficulty and weren't jokes.

been messing around with level 4 which is the first real challenge and tightening up my concept of the controls and how not to die and lose everything

the music isnt doing much to me but its nice to have a game i can just listen to podcasts and catch upon youtube during. Performance issues are blatant from unresponsive menu buttons to frame drops all around. I bought l it on a regular old ps4. doesn't feel like a game that should have this many optimization issues if its out on tablet hardware also but it doesn't feel like it really affects the gameplay with L2 to "almost pause".


Recorded some of my gameplay on the Switch

Video: https://youtu.be/liAyG4le2po



Playing undocked on Switch. It's really blurry, reminds me a lot of Vita games that weren't anywhere near native res. Solid frame rate though, and the game's an absolute joy to play.

Wait, the game is blurry in handheld mode on the Switch's screen? This would be a deal breaker for me as I pretty much only play my Switch in handheld mode and want a nice crisp image on the 720p screen.


I just played a bit on switch handheld. In all honesty I thought the graphics still look pretty good. My dock is packed up since I'm about to go travel for a few days, so I couldn't really compare... but all in all if the difference between this and PS4 version are what we can expect from Switch multiplats, I think Swith will be plenty viable to be a primary system.


It doesnt look blurry to me at all, might be 720p actually, but there is a lot of aliasing in undocked/portable mode.

Docked it looks great, good AA method used - aliasing is gone. Seems at least 900p but not sure.

Make sure you turn the in-game brightness down a few notches on Switch. On my TV at least the default is way too bright, this might be why it looks washed out in some videos.

Really liking the game so far, the slithering feels good!.
Lmao at these trophy names! Dying over and over again gets you a trophy called
Punished Snake
I'm fucking dying! The OT's title makes more sense than it should.


tbh I'm fine with it, I was just posting in case people wanted to know how it looked on the Switch :)

imo the only real issue is the blurriness but you get used to it. It does look a lot crisper when docked but it has slight performance issues which aren't present in handheld mode. Really seems like they favoured performance for handheld.

Thanks for the comparison shots. For the forseeable future I only have access to handheld mode for the Switch - so nice to see (and hear) that it's pretty good in that mode.


Got it on switch as well. Looks amazing and the controls feel really solid. Wow that level 4 is killing me. It's hilarious when you get the bird to grab your tail while falling.
Competed the first level 100%. I'm digging the learning curve and my only criticism thus far is having to fight the camera in certain situations. However, that may become less of an issue as I get use to the camera system.


Managed to play about 30mims last night and I was impressed. Looks great on the Pro, and the soundtrack is spot on.

I was surprised with how tough it is though. Definitely going to be a challenge to 100%.
Bought it on Switch this morning, really digging it so far despite occasional control frustrations that I'm sure will disappear as I play more.

The music has definitely helped me stay chill after missing a critical movement and tumbling to my doom for the 20th time.

Game is definitely a bit blurry in handheld mode but it's not a deal breaker. Looks fine and seems to be running smoothly which is the most important thing to me.
I'm having trouble getting my mind around gaining speed. I get that you have to move from side to side, but the amount you have to move side to side is not sticking with me. I kinda wish it did that on it's own tbh

If you were way into Grow Home I can see you being really in to this game. I only just did the first two worlds to try it out and will spend more time with it on the weekend, but it seems neat.
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