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Sony Playstation: First Party Studios & their Current Projects


It'd be cray-cray if they open with what looks like a teaser for DMC5 only to have it revealed as DmC2 at the end.

People would die, probably.


C'mon man. You can't just say that. I feel like people recently have been claiming to be insiders with information but are flat out wrong. If I'm wrong, I apologize, but there really needs to be a site-wide standard of what you can say as "insider information". Some sort of validation should be required.

I wish I was an insider haha
How about we get rid of none? lol
This is the correct answer. Guys and Gals who don't care for GT, that's all good. But it's sales and revenue is directly responsible for some of the other games you may love. There is a quote from Yoshida himself saying it. Huge titles like GT, GOW, and Uncharted fund other games, you want Sony to at least release one of those a gen.

It's not enough for me, and probably not for the broader market, either. The breakthrough that made the Marvel cinematic universe work is realizing that the characters need lots of screen time to connect as human beings, not just walking special effects. If the game doesn't have a significant Peter Parker component then I don't think it'll be the standout success people are expecting. The open question there is what would Parker gameplay consist of? Dialogue trees? Detective mode at crime scenes? Getting great action photographs as an observer? They need to show me they've got a plan before I convert to True Believer.
This is very important actually. I'm glad they seem to be focusing on the new kid in Homecoming and his personal life equally as much as the action, that's really want makes spider-man stand out. I'm not sure how you translate that to fun gameplay though, great point you bring out here. Maybe something Persona inspired?
This year will be special.

- Nintendo will be looking to reclaim the throne
- Microsoft will look to use the Scorpio as a soft reset to get the movement back on track
- Sony will be looking to destroy as usual.

I can see Sony pulling another limited time $199.99 sale, but globally this time.
I can see Sony pulling another limited time $199.99 sale, but globally this time.

It'll definitely hit $200 this holiday as I expected that we'll be seeing a permanent $250 pricepoint in the near future. They've already teased it enough for it not to happen. Most recently with their limited February drop.


I really want to know what game BB's producers are working on. They have been working on it since BB released so it should be this year.
I'm terrible with gifs, but is there one of Willem Dafoe grinning and nodding from Spider-Man?

Here you go.

Non-loopy one here: https://giant.gfycat.com/BlueMistyAffenpinscher.gif

And one for the road...

OT: Well really have no idea what Sony will present this year at E3. I think TLOU: Part II will be a miss but I would hope to see Sucker Punch, more GoW, Days Gone and Spider-Man at least... maybe more of Uncharted: TLL as well. Undoubtedly they'll be few surprises as always and quite what 1st party have been cooking up will be nice to see.
I really think that we'll at least see something on TLoU: PII at E3. It may not be gameplay, but it's one of those games where anything will be enough to satisfy people. Just go watch some reaction videos and there were people that were actually satisfied with just the part up to where we see the Fireflies symbol on the stop sign. The reactions are actually pretty hilarious. There are some from in the actual event where the crowd is going nuts when the ND logo pops up, and then dead silence when we see Ellie's hand shaking.
I'm actually one of those people from a first party stand point at least. I feel that if I come away from E3 and Sony "won" In my eyes then they had one of the best shows of all time.

Not even trying to start a console war, but do you see a legit chance that Sony doesn't win? Cause I don't. Xbox having a new console to show off is great, but I still doubt they're going to just be able to announce a ton of exclusive games for it that'll make people interested. Microsoft is gonna have to do some gradual building up to a point where they can say they have a great library of games in the pipeline.

I expect a good show from Sony. Not on last year's level, cause that was all time great, but still amazing. They could show a lot of games that were announced last year and it'd still be a great show.

It's not enough for me, and probably not for the broader market, either. The breakthrough that made the Marvel cinematic universe work is realizing that the characters need lots of screen time to connect as human beings, not just walking special effects. If the game doesn't have a significant Peter Parker component then I don't think it'll be the standout success people are expecting. The open question there is what would Parker gameplay consist of? Dialogue trees? Detective mode at crime scenes? Getting great action photographs as an observer? They need to show me they've got a plan before I convert to True Believer.

This is probably the wrong take to have on the Spidey game. Yeah, the story needs to be great, but a significant Peter component? Like, playing as Peter? We're not going to get a Spider-Man Persona game, and he doesn't need one. Did you play the Arkham games? Spidey's a bit different than Batman in that his regular ego is just as important as his hero one, but he by no means needs that to bleed heavily into the gameplay. (The MCU is huge because every film builds on the last and establishes a universe of multiple characters, while still managing to tell at least decent stories. The little character moments that the universe is so great at are awesome, but are not the determining factor that brings audiences to the theaters in droves to see them).

A good Spider-Man game is going to sell. Period.

I really think that we'll at least see something on TLoU: PII at E3. It may not be gameplay, but it's one of those games where anything will be enough to satisfy people. Just go watch some reaction videos and there were people that were actually satisfied with just the part up to where we see the Fireflies symbol on the stop sign. The reactions are actually pretty hilarious. There are some from in the actual event where the crowd is going nuts when the ND logo pops up, and then dead silence when we see Ellie's hand shaking.

The Last of Us II isn't gonna be heard from until next year at the earliest, and you can take that to the bank. We really don't need to hear anything more, and they wouldn't have much to show anyways. Let Naughty Dog cook in the lab for a while.
Here's what I think Sony's slate of major releases is going to look like (not all of their games as some I haven't really been following, like Everybody's Golf):

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - June-August 2017
Knack 2 - August-September
Gran Turismo Sport - October-November
From Software next/Bloodborne 2 - February 2018
God of War - March
Spider-Man - May-July
Days Gone - July-September
Sucker Punch - early 2019
The Last of Us 2 - Summer 2019
Death Stranding - late 2019

Obviously that's not including other E3 bombs that are yet to be announced, like Colony Wars, Alundra and Savage Starlight!
Big prediction Sony will have games at E3!

I think right now they are in the strongest position of the 3 going into E3. Coming of probably the best Q1 in history. Already got a whole bunch of games they can show more of. Even if they didn't announce anything new(highly unlikely) they would still have a very strong E3 showing.


Here's what I think Sony's slate of major releases is going to look like (not all of their games as some I haven't really been following, like Everybody's Golf):

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - June-August 2017
Knack 2 - August-September
Gran Turismo Sport - October-November
From Software next/Bloodborne 2 - February 2018
God of War - March
Spider-Man - May-July
Days Gone - July-September
Sucker Punch - early 2019
The Last of Us 2 - Summer 2019
Death Stranding - late 2019

Obviously that's not including other E3 bombs that are yet to be announced, like Colony Wars, Alundra and Savage Starlight!

The composer on TLOU 2 said they're aiming for a late 2018 / early 2019 release. Not that it would matter to us but to the general public I think they would try to space out Days Gone and TLOU 2 as much as possible. So essentially, Days Gone is probably an early 2018 title.
I absolutely agree with you regarding the quality of their games, I would expect them to delay anything that wasn't quite ready yet. That said, I would expect them to have set some sort of goal for release dates, even if they end up getting delayed. Also Scorpio is likely going to launch with an edge in power over the Pro, as well as an exclusive or two, so I would expect Sony would at least aim to combat this by making a PS4 the more attractive option, with more exclusives and maybe a price cut. Not only that, they are also competing with the Switch this year, which by Christmas, will have Zelda, Super Mario and MarioKart, plus any other games they reveal for this year.

You're still putting way too much stock in the Scorpio. Specs didn't make the Pro sell like crazy, so why would it now when the Xbox One and PS4 are so much cheaper? And Microsoft's holiday lineup is incredibly predictable (shocking news, it's Crackdown 3, Forza 7 and Sea of Thieves), all of which are also on Xbox One and none of which are going to push hardware. So why does Sony need to push out a bunch of big exclusives to compete with it? Especially when the last few years have proven that the main drivers of hardware sales are major third party releases, not exclusives.

And the Switch is irrelevant to this argument IMO. You're talking about a system that won't get Battlefront 2, RDR2, Destiny 2 or CoD WWII. They're not competing the same way Microsoft and Sony are.

Here's what I think Sony's slate of major releases is going to look like (not all of their games as some I haven't really been following, like Everybody's Golf):

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - June-August 2017
Knack 2 - August-September
Gran Turismo Sport - October-November
From Software next/Bloodborne 2 - February 2018
God of War - March
Spider-Man - May-July
Days Gone - July-September
Sucker Punch - early 2019
The Last of Us 2 - Summer 2019
Death Stranding - late 2019

Obviously that's not including other E3 bombs that are yet to be announced, like Colony Wars, Alundra and Savage Starlight!

That looks far more realistic to me. The only change I might make is swapping Spider-Man and Days Gone around.
Sucker Punch's game has got to be sooner than that.

I mean we've just past the 3 year mark since Second Son was released (and first light was only a few months later, August).

I think they've had plenty of games to announce so they didn't feel the need to show it yet. I'm expecting a relatively quick(for sony) turn around from announcement to release.
Sucker Punch's game has got to be sooner than that.

I mean we've just past the 3 year mark since Second Son was released (and first light was only a few months later, August).

I think they've had plenty of games to announce so they didn't feel the need to show it yet. I'm expecting a relatively quick(for sony) turn around from announcement to release.

Yeah first light was also shown at E3 and released later in the same year. 2019 seems a long time since their last full length project though. Getting onto 5 years Dev time.
Yeah first light was also shown at E3 and released later in the same year. 2019 seems a long time since their last full length project though. Getting onto 5 years Dev time.


They have an amazing engine already so they're hardly spending years developing tech.

So excited to see what they've been working on.
Here's what I think Sony's slate of major releases is going to look like (not all of their games as some I haven't really been following, like Everybody's Golf):

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - June-August 2017
Knack 2 - August-September
Gran Turismo Sport - October-November
From Software next/Bloodborne 2 - February 2018
God of War - March
Spider-Man - May-July
Days Gone - July-September
Sucker Punch - early 2019
The Last of Us 2 - Summer 2019
Death Stranding - late 2019

Obviously that's not including other E3 bombs that are yet to be announced, like Colony Wars, Alundra and Savage Starlight!

I predict something very similar. This is much more realistic than the people who think Spider-Man and God of War are this year. It ain't happening.


Plot twist : Sucker Punch game is 2017.
Spiderman and God of War might not happen this year, but they're 100% realistic possibilities.
Plot twist : Sucker Punch game is 2017.
Spiderman and God of War might not happen this year, but they're 100% realistic possibilities.

I think we might get one of those in time for Christmas or is it too soon for another exclusive from From software?

Everyone praises Sony for not releasing their games in the fall onslaught but plenty of those games were delayed from that slot.
Bet it drops around March, like Second Son did. Them being quiet about it probably has more to do with Sony having so many titles, they've been able to be mum about whatever it is. It's gotta be pretty damn far along.

The real question is whether Sucker Punch's game will be a console exclusive.

what's the rush?
No rush, the game should just be ready to go.

Sometimes posts are bad
Truth hurts.


3 years dev is too short for a new IP and considering SP's small workforce, I'd expect late 2018 or early 2019. Remember, this game entered development after Days Gone.
Sucker Punch's game has got to be sooner than that.

I mean we've just past the 3 year mark since Second Son was released (and first light was only a few months later, August).

I think they've had plenty of games to announce so they didn't feel the need to show it yet. I'm expecting a relatively quick(for sony) turn around from announcement to release.

Creating new open world IPs takes time, just look at Horizon, it started development in 2011 and that's from a studio more than twice the size of Sucker Punch.

Plus, while I really liked Second Son (and First Light), Sucker Punch really could've used more time to create some actual interesting side content.
Scott Rhode said in a Kinda Funny interview that it wasn't as far along as Days Gone. (At the time he said it wasn't as far along as Bends game, since we didn't know Bends game )

An interview with Scott Rhode. I think it was at PSX 2015 where he talked about how SP still prototyping different ideas. Here is the interview with Colin. So yeh, don't expect SP's game to release anytime soon.
The dream will live on.



Junior Member
I hope the rumor about Sucker Punch going multiplatform is not true.That would be sad... if it turns out true I want to know why. It's not like their games were not selling... :(

Here's a quote from their current website:

I really think that we'll at least see something on TLoU: PII at E3. It may not be gameplay, but it's one of those games where anything will be enough to satisfy people. Just go watch some reaction videos and there were people that were actually satisfied with just the part up to where we see the Fireflies symbol on the stop sign. The reactions are actually pretty hilarious. There are some from in the actual event where the crowd is going nuts when the ND logo pops up, and then dead silence when we see Ellie's hand shaking.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
First it was God of War IV then it was Days Gone followed by Spider Man and now, Sucker Punch's new IP being released in 2017?

I don't see ANY of these games releasing in 2017.

WipeOut collection, Crash Trilogy (I know Activision is publishing it but let's be honest, it's seen more as a Sony brand/exclusive), GT Sport and Uncharted The Lost Legacy is what we're getting for the rest of 2017.

I'll be shocked if any of the other games get released this year. Happy but shocked.


If Sucker Punch left Sony, it'd be because they closed the studio, and we'd know about it. They also wouldn't keep the name Sucker Punch.
First it was God of War IV then it was Days Gone followed by Spider Man and now, Sucker Punch's new IP being released in 2017?

I don't see ANY of these games releasing in 2017.

WipeOut collection, Crash Trilogy (I know Activision is publishing it but let's be honest, it's seen more as a Sony brand/exclusive), GT Sport and Uncharted The Lost Legacy is what we're getting for the rest of 2017.

I'll be shocked if any of the other games get released this year. Happy but shocked.

Yup, I completely agree. Some people are in for inevitable disappointment. Blows my mind that they expect an onslaught of heavy hitters in the 2nd half of the year despite no PS4 precedence or compelling evidence.
I'd like to think Sony has finally cracked the formula of success. They can spread their exclusive from Q1 to Q3 and then let the AAA 3rd party juggernauts battle it out during Q4 while they also take their share of the marketing partnerships and holiday console sales.
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