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Energy drinks

None of the above

What combination of beverages (or lack thereof) do you use to restore yourself to full alertness when tired?

Energy drinks all the way. I can't get enough of the stuff. Delicious AND invigorating.

When energy drinks aren't a viable option, I just grab a Coke.

Nisekoi 16

Best episode of the series. Seriously. Not a trace of Chitoge and Mari. It was all about Onodera which was overdue. Every scene was hilarious and I was laughing at everything they did. This is the power couple folks! #TeamOnodera for life!!!

i donno if the volleyball anime will reach Ace of Diamond or Kuruko but im liking the episodes so far. Suprised the coach hasnt played much a role yet, kinda seen but not really said anything


Neo Member

I do like me a good animoo. Very kaway oogoo!

But in all seriousness, hello! Fresh meat for the grinder here. Decided to join after a tiny spot of casual forum stalking. It's been a good past few months, what you Northern Hemispherans call "Winter 2014", by which I mean that I am a VERY CASUAL CONSUMER and only recently got back into the anime scene about half a year ago, hence my point of reference.

Played a lot of catch-up after a hiatus for a year or two, even after in-between intermittent Summer Wars, finishing off Hellsing Ultimate, etcetera. Most notably picked up Monogatari again, Nekomonogatari and Second Season being extremely pleasant surprises after the bad taste of Nise a few years back, and by which I mean the healthy serving of pigshit milkshake that I had back in 2012. Quite excited for Hanamonogatari. Such a nice cliffhanger they need to segue into.

Also firmly in the camp of people who liked Space Dandy. Firmly = rabidly in love, and so forth. I don't tend to pick up new things/series all that quickly unless I stumble across them during a period of personal malaise, or hear an industry name that I'm particularly fond of. But as MAL might suggest, I'm open to many things of varying standards, so maybe I can incite AnimeGAF (and the dearest lovelies from ToonamiGAF, bless all of you) to give suggestions as to things I could spend my time incessantly whining about in the near future!
Black Bullet 4
I dunno if the anime actually followed the light novel, but man was the fight weak sauce compared to the manga. It felt like a wasted opportunity for the studio not to do what the manga did, but nonetheless, in its own right the episode was ok, and was good in itself.

oh and that tricycle is OP, plus best gurl corrosion rate increase :(



I do like me a good animoo. Very kaway oogoo!

But in all seriousness, hello! Fresh meat for the grinder here. Decided to join after a tiny spot of casual forum stalking. It's been a good past few months, what you Northern Hemispherans call "Winter 2014", by which I mean that I am a VERY CASUAL CONSUMER and only recently got back into the anime scene about half a year ago, hence my point of reference.

Played a lot of catch-up after a hiatus for a year or two, even after in-between intermittent Summer Wars, finishing off Hellsing Ultimate, etcetera. Most notably picked up Monogatari again, Nekomonogatari and Second Season being extremely pleasant surprises after the bad taste of Nise a few years back, and by which I mean the healthy serving of pigshit milkshake that I had back in 2012. Quite excited for Hanamonogatari. Such a nice cliffhanger they need to segue into.

Also firmly in the camp of people who liked Space Dandy. Firmly = rabidly in love, and so forth. I don't tend to pick up new things/series all that quickly unless I stumble across them during a period of personal malaise, or hear an industry name that I'm particularly fond of. But as MAL might suggest, I'm open to many things of varying standards, so maybe I can incite AnimeGAF (and the dearest lovelies from ToonamiGAF, bless all of you) to give suggestions as to things I could spend my time incessantly whining about in the near future!
I'm lazy so here's a recently constructed list if you haven't seen them.

UPDATE - Full list with an explanation for each choice so you can tell me how wrong I am available here http://baoh.tumblr.com/

This is all firehawk12's fault. Don't blame me!

Really. This is a terrible, awful idea, but I've written a list and I'm posting on the internet. I'm so sorry.

As someone of you are no doubt aware, firehawk12 has committed the great sin of failing to watch both Revolutionary Girl Utena and Cowboy Bebop. His shameful failure to remove these titles from his backlog got me thinking about what anime I'd consider to be "must watch" material.

Therefore, I have come up with a list of Anime that you absolutely must watch. Simple, eh? Basically everything on this list falls under the category of "So good that should already be watching it right now. Why are you still here?". Many of them are also important to the medium as a whole. These anime need come off your backlog and onto your screen.

Please Note: This isn't a list of all the best anime ever made. It doesn't even have all my favourite anime on it because then it would be far too long. There are dozens and dozens of good titles that you should also watch, but I don't consider them quite as important so they aren't present. I had to stop somewhere and that's why your favourite show isn't on this list!

Also, this isn't a list tailored for you and your tastes because I don't personally know you. I don't know what genres you like, what stories you enjoy, what character-types you favour etc. It's the titles that, with my all my experience of anime, I happen to consider the most important and well made. At least, right now, but it could well be different in a month, so don't treat this as final.

If you're interested in what exact criteria I used to come up with this list - sorry, I don't have any. Any attempt to formalise a system would be pointless. It's a mixture of quality of the title/relevance of the title to the medium/accessibility of the title/length of the title. I have a few films on there that you might not think of as "essential" but as films respect their audiences time so much more than TV shows it's easy to recommend that that you watch them!

This list is not exhaustive, because I haven't seen everything. For example, I know that I am missing a number of shounen titles that are no doubt very important but which I have not seen (Dragon Ball, the new HunterxHunter etc). I can't put shows on the list that I haven't seen them.

I've refrained from using pictures because, well, that would make this post gigantic and a thread in it's own right. I've also refrained from writing any text to support each entry because then, well, the post gets too big to post. A fully explained list with pictures will be linked to on my blog shortly for space constraint reasons.


The Castle of Cagliostro
Castle in the Sky
My Neighbour Totoro
Kiki's Delivery Service
Porco Rosso
Whispers of the Heart
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Ghost in the Shell
Patlabor 1/2
Millennium Actress
Tokyo Godfathers
Wolf's Children
Wings of Honneamise
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
5 Centimetres Per Second
Sword of the Stranger


Giant Robo
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal


Anne of Green Gables
Rose of Versailles
Cowboy Bebop
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Urusei Yatsura (Episodes 1 - 106) + Beautiful Dreamer
Maison Ikkoku
Legend of the Galactic Heroes*
Space Battleship Yamato 2199
The Flowers of Evil
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Ghost in Shell Stand Alone Complex (Both Seasons)
Dirty Pair
Ojamajo doremi
Sailor Moon - Select Episodes due to length
Denno Coil
Honey and Clover + Season II
Serial Experiments Lain
Gunsliger Girl


NeoGAF 2012 Anime of the Year Results Thread

The NeoGAF Anime of the Year Awards 2013


Setec Astronomer
To be clear, Claymore isn't awful, but it peaks early and really isn't something I'd consider a high priority for anyone.


Oh man, KGNE was such an awful show, I'll never forget that one webpage, AnimeNfo, that had it listed as the best anime ever or something.

I had to check now, and the list is still there, barely updated, but the show is at #3, it's still pretty scandalous lol.



I do like me a good animoo. Very kaway oogoo!

But in all seriousness, hello! Fresh meat for the grinder here. Decided to join after a tiny spot of casual forum stalking. It's been a good past few months, what you Northern Hemispherans call "Winter 2014", by which I mean that I am a VERY CASUAL CONSUMER and only recently got back into the anime scene about half a year ago, hence my point of reference.

Played a lot of catch-up after a hiatus for a year or two, even after in-between intermittent Summer Wars, finishing off Hellsing Ultimate, etcetera. Most notably picked up Monogatari again, Nekomonogatari and Second Season being extremely pleasant surprises after the bad taste of Nise a few years back, and by which I mean the healthy serving of pigshit milkshake that I had back in 2012. Quite excited for Hanamonogatari. Such a nice cliffhanger they need to segue into.

Also firmly in the camp of people who liked Space Dandy. Firmly = rabidly in love, and so forth. I don't tend to pick up new things/series all that quickly unless I stumble across them during a period of personal malaise, or hear an industry name that I'm particularly fond of. But as MAL might suggest, I'm open to many things of varying standards, so maybe I can incite AnimeGAF (and the dearest lovelies from ToonamiGAF, bless all of you) to give suggestions as to things I could spend my time incessantly whining about in the near future!

Welcome. If you want to instantly fit in around here, I'd suggest watching one or more of the following and posting episode-by-episode impressions:

Madoka Magica
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Gurren Lagann
Samurai Flamenco
Code Geass

Since the new series is airing right now, starting with Jojo might be the best idea.

If you're up for something more restrained and art-y, you also can't go wrong with picking up Mushishi, either starting from the original series or straight from the sequel that's currently airing (it's extremely episodic, so it doesn't really make much difference where you start, though I'd recommend watching it all simply because it's so good.)

Alternatively, if you have no fear, you could always watch something like School Days or Blood-C. Everyone always loves reading fresh impressions of those. (Well, you did come straight out and call yourself "fresh meat for the grinder", sooooo...)

EDIT: Oh, and I'll throw in a token recommendation for Higurashi, which is one of my favourite anime of all time. If you could post impressions of that, you would make me personally very happy.
Data A Live Episode 1 (funiDub)

Way better than I expected it too, somehow I thought the show would be pretty bad and filled with dull harem stuff but the action wasnt bad at all and pretty intense and Shido is a pretty good protagonist. His best friend, Hiroto Tonomachi though is incredibly touchy and just all over him making for many hilarious scenes. I hope he sticks around (does he truly go both ways like that girl said, please).

English dub doesnt sound bad either, only questionable character is imouto who second half sounds like the voice actor is giving her a terrible personality and condescending continuously to Hiroto which seems strange considering her voice first half. Its just sounds off.
Welcome. If you want to instantly fit in around here, I'd suggest watching one or more of the following and posting episode-by-episode impressions:


Doing my work for me. :p

I second this anime. The first season is a little so-so. Some absolutely love it while others like specific parts of it. After Story is where the series shines tough and is the reason people love the series so much. Clannad sets up everything and Clannad After Story runs with it and never let's you go.

Black Hat

Black Bullet 4
I dunno if the anime actually followed the light novel, but man was the fight weak sauce compared to the manga. It felt like a wasted opportunity for the studio not to do what the manga did, but nonetheless, in its own right the episode was ok, and was good in itself.

I'm assuming budget + episode time constraints (only 12 eps to work with I think).

Pace is super fast... I think I don't mind it though.

Well, I'm not bored so far anyway.
Welcome. If you want to instantly fit in around here, I'd suggest watching one or more of the following and posting episode-by-episode impressions:

Madoka Magica
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Gurren Lagann
Samurai Flamenco
Code Geass

Since the new series is airing right now, starting with Jojo might be the best idea.

If you're up for something more restrained and art-y, you also can't go wrong with picking up Mushishi, either starting from the original series or straight from the sequel that's currently airing (it's extremely episodic, so it doesn't really make much difference where you start, though I'd recommend watching it all simply because it's so good.)

Alternatively, if you have no fear, you could always watch something like School Days or Blood-C. Everyone always loves reading fresh impressions of those. (Well, you did come straight out and call yourself "fresh meat for the grinder", sooooo...)

EDIT: Oh, and I'll throw in a token recommendation for Higurashi, which is one of my favourite anime of all time. If you could post impressions of that, you would make me personally very happy.

To follow on from this another great way of fitting is watching something from The List of which Blood-C and School Days are a part of. Other good ones to watch on that list would be Garzey's Wing, stuff made by Happy Science like Laws of Eternity and also Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito.

Watching the 'best' that anime has to offer is an experience in itself and I highly reccommend that you try it. Just don't watch too many at once or you'll suffer burnout.

Edit: My personal non List reccommendations would be Keroro Gunsou, Fist of the North Star, Mobile Fighter G Gundam and a new favourite of mine Ojamajo Doremi.

I do like me a good animoo. Very kaway oogoo!

But in all seriousness, hello! Fresh meat for the grinder here. Decided to join after a tiny spot of casual forum stalking. It's been a good past few months, what you Northern Hemispherans call "Winter 2014", by which I mean that I am a VERY CASUAL CONSUMER and only recently got back into the anime scene about half a year ago, hence my point of reference.

Played a lot of catch-up after a hiatus for a year or two, even after in-between intermittent Summer Wars, finishing off Hellsing Ultimate, etcetera. Most notably picked up Monogatari again, Nekomonogatari and Second Season being extremely pleasant surprises after the bad taste of Nise a few years back, and by which I mean the healthy serving of pigshit milkshake that I had back in 2012. Quite excited for Hanamonogatari. Such a nice cliffhanger they need to segue into.

Also firmly in the camp of people who liked Space Dandy. Firmly = rabidly in love, and so forth. I don't tend to pick up new things/series all that quickly unless I stumble across them during a period of personal malaise, or hear an industry name that I'm particularly fond of. But as MAL might suggest, I'm open to many things of varying standards, so maybe I can incite AnimeGAF (and the dearest lovelies from ToonamiGAF, bless all of you) to give suggestions as to things I could spend my time incessantly whining about in the near future!

I should make a txt for these occasions. Wait I had one:

Ping Pong
Mushishi S2
Shingeki no Kyojin
Uchouten Kazoku
Hunter x Hunter
Shinsekai Yori
Gurren Lagan
Sakamichi no Apollon
Fate Zero
Steins Gate
Mawaru Penguindrum
Level E
The Tatami Galaxy
Full Metal Alchemist
Mouryou no Hako
House of Five Leaves
Ghost in the shell SAC
Mushishi S1
Legend of Galactic Heroes
Serial Experiments Lain
Cowboy Bebop
Gunslinger Girl
Fantastic Children
Golden Boy
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Paranoia Agent
Princess Tutu
Code Geass
Haibane Renmei
Kino's Journey


Ghibli movies
Milenium Actress
The girl who jumped through time
Ghost in the Shell
Wolf Children Ame and Yuki
Eve no Jikan
Summer Wars
Kara no Kyouaki
5 cents per second
The Garden of Words
Beyond the Clouds
End of Evangelion
Mushisi OVA
Wings of Honneamise
Madoka Rebellion


Why would you miss the chance to post it once more?

I'm sure there's people who haven't read it.

Now you've done it..

Nisekoi 16

Thoughts during episode:

- Finally an episode about the best girl! Onodera!!!
- Ruri is the embodiment of what the audience says and wants. I love Ruri!! Keep pushing the best girl!!!
- Character reactions are the reason I watch this show. Ruri's reaction is priceless.
- I miss the old OP still.
- OMG. Onodera is adorable. I can't stand it.
- Ichijo's reaction. Lol.
- The music playing the background is hilarious.
- Onodera's mom is..... Epic!!!
- Marry into this family Ichijo!!
- Onodera looks good in literally anything.
- Ahahahahahahahaha!!! I can't take this.
- Hahahaha. The mom says what I just thought just a minute ago.
- Mom is epic. These are some of the best reaction faces and actions ever in any episode.
- Her voice is that of an angel. Onodera is best girl. There is no disputing this.
- Ah there's some of that Yakuza aura Ichijo. Use it wisely. Protect the best girl!
- Ggggaaaahhhh! Ichijo why?!?!?! There's no such thing as the "perfect time". You baka!!!!
- Reactions are still gold.
- Onodera is just so damn cute!!!
- Ahahahahahahahaha.
- Cuteness is dangerously high.
- LMAO!!!!! How she knocks down his picture.
- Dun dooooooooon. Lol.
- Hahahahahaha. This episode is too much.
- Hehehe. They can literally do the same things. They are just two peas.
- Onodera. Heh.
- Onodera screwed nothing up. She was perfect the entire time. Ichijo had the in and could've sealed the deal but he had to open his big mouth.
- Awww. Onodera...
- Heh. Onodera. This is why everyone loves you.
- Oh...... That's an end card. Wow.


Best episode of the series. Seriously. Not a trace of Chitoge and Mari. It was all about Onodera which was overdue. Every scene was hilarious and I was laughing at everything they did. This is the power couple folks! #TeamOnodera for life!!!

Rule #1 of Best girls. Though they are best, they do not win. Therefore if you are prepared to see them lose in heartbreaking fashion, then they truly are the best.

Oh. My. Goodness.

What did I just read?

The true ending.

First thought that was a shrine to Bob Marley.

So did I ._.

I am always amazed how your able to keep up with the thread even with your job. That's insane.

Psycho-Pass is pretty good.

Its called pointless dedication and a love for the community lol. See also: addiction


Neo Member
Thanks for the whalecomes fellas!

Uh straight off the top of my head,

Ghost in the shell SAC

Cream of the crop. Like having my intellectual scrotums tickled!

Working on this one!

Cowboy Bebop

Super yes. I remember reading a discussion a while ago going on about how this show hadn't aged well? Say whaaaaaat

Ghibli movies

How's The Wind Rises? Super last hurrah?

Wolf Children Ame and Yuki
The Garden of Words

Working on these ones too! Madman were advertising The Garden of Words out the wazoo.

Also, now catching up on JoJo's. I'm getting flashbacks to the good ol' days of casual sexism, but I'm not too super fussed. Too much beefcake on screen to care! Ever!


Rule #1 of Best girls. Though they are best, they do not win. Therefore if you are prepared to see them lose in heartbreaking fashion, then they truly are the best.

I've always felt like Onodera is one of those rare best girls who actually has a pretty damn good chance of winning. Surely it has to count for something that she's pretty much the only girl who Raku has actually been seriously interested in throughout the entire duration of the series, and it's always been completely mutual.

Though I could just be deluding myself. Obviously Chitoge can't be disregarded from a trope perspective since she's the "lead" girl who's tied in with the premise of the series. In a series all about a fake relationship between two people who initially hate each other, it's almost a given that it's going to turn into a real relationship by the end. But it just feels to me like that outcome would be really forced in this particular instance.

I certainly can't see any of the girls outside of those two being in with a chance.


I am always amazed how your able to keep up with the thread even with your job. That's insane.

Psycho-Pass is pretty good.

Its not easy but I am a fast reader and I also read one page every now and then when there are breaks in phone calls and everything is quiet in the dispatch office. Its possible to catch up one or two pages on mobile before I fall behind more than 5 pages, but sometimes that happens too. I multiquote one page at a time because Gaf mobile only seems to remember the multiquote tabs on one page before it wipes everything clean.

Wow, okay Amir0x!

Oh shit.

Oh man, KGNE was such an awful show, I'll never forget that one webpage, AnimeNfo, that had it listed as the best anime ever or something.

I had to check now, and the list is still there, barely updated, but the show is at #3, it's still pretty scandalous lol.

I like animefo. Been a member there forever. Still got my Kino's Journey avatar. My roommate also posts there a lot about Shinkai and some other things. He is Zitch on the site.


I do like me a good animoo. Very kaway oogoo!

But in all seriousness, hello! Fresh meat for the grinder here. Decided to join after a tiny spot of casual forum stalking. It's been a good past few months, what you Northern Hemispherans call "Winter 2014", by which I mean that I am a VERY CASUAL CONSUMER and only recently got back into the anime scene about half a year ago, hence my point of reference.

Played a lot of catch-up after a hiatus for a year or two, even after in-between intermittent Summer Wars, finishing off Hellsing Ultimate, etcetera. Most notably picked up Monogatari again, Nekomonogatari and Second Season being extremely pleasant surprises after the bad taste of Nise a few years back, and by which I mean the healthy serving of pigshit milkshake that I had back in 2012. Quite excited for Hanamonogatari. Such a nice cliffhanger they need to segue into.

Also firmly in the camp of people who liked Space Dandy. Firmly = rabidly in love, and so forth. I don't tend to pick up new things/series all that quickly unless I stumble across them during a period of personal malaise, or hear an industry name that I'm particularly fond of. But as MAL might suggest, I'm open to many things of varying standards, so maybe I can incite AnimeGAF (and the dearest lovelies from ToonamiGAF, bless all of you) to give suggestions as to things I could spend my time incessantly whining about in the near future!

Welcome to the horde!
Your list is small but I like a lot of those. I see some glaring omissions though, which some posters I quoted below take care of.

To follow on from this another great way of fitting is watching something from The List of which Blood-C and School Days are a part of. Other good ones to watch on that list would be Garzey's Wing, stuff made by Happy Science like Laws of Eternity and also Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito.

Watching the 'best' that anime has to offer is an experience in itself and I highly reccommend that you try it. Just don't watch too many at once or you'll suffer burnout.

Edit: My personal non List reccommendations would be Keroro Gunsou, Fist of the North Star, Mobile Fighter G Gundam and a new favourite of mine Ojamajo Doremi.

Yami is special. BlessedBrian this is a nonsensical show and you have to experience a bit of The List to know what its truly about, but its a great selection.
Before that I would recommend actually good quality things to get you settled back into this world.

I should make a txt for these occasions. Wait I had one:

Ping Pong
Mushishi S2
Shingeki no Kyojin
Uchouten Kazoku
Hunter x Hunter
Shinsekai Yori
Gurren Lagan
Sakamichi no Apollon
Fate Zero
Steins Gate
Mawaru Penguindrum
Level E
The Tatami Galaxy
Full Metal Alchemist
Mouryou no Hako
House of Five Leaves
Ghost in the shell SAC
Mushishi S1
Legend of Galactic Heroes
Serial Experiments Lain
Cowboy Bebop
Gunslinger Girl
Fantastic Children
Golden Boy
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Paranoia Agent
Princess Tutu
Code Geass
Haibane Renmei


Ghibli movies
Milenium Actress
The girl who jumped through time
Wolf Children Ame and Yuki
Eve no Jikan
Summer Wars
Kara no Kyouaki
5 cents per second
The Garden of Words
Beyond the Clouds
End of Evangelion
Mushisi OVA
Wings of Honneamise
Madoka Rebellion

This is a great place to start actually, and especially the inclusions of Haibane Renmei, Tsuritama, Wolf Children, Millennium Actress, Chihayafuru....but I see one glaring omission and that is Kino's Journey!
Yes it was. The early segments were pretty good but the later segments were beyond awful. A perfect example of shitting the bed.

Well the last section was complete filler so it wasn't that surprising. I am still bitter about that filler end. It was so good imo before the filler ending.


I've always felt like Onodera is one of those rare best girls who actually has a pretty damn good chance of winning. Surely it has to count for something that she's pretty much the only girl who Raku has actually been seriously interested in throughout the entire duration of the series, and it's always been completely mutual.

Though I could just be deluding myself. Obviously Chitoge can't be disregarded from a trope perspective since she's the "lead" girl who's tied in with the premise of the series. In a series all about a fake relationship between two people who initially hate each other, it's almost a given that it's going to turn into a real relationship by the end. But it just feels to me like that outcome would be really forced in this particular instance.

I certainly can't see any of the girls outside of those two being in with a chance.

It will likely come down to Chitoge vs Onodera and I honestly can see that adorable sweetheart getting her heart trampled in half. Thats what happens.
Rule #1 of Best girls. Though they are best, they do not win. Therefore if you are prepared to see them lose in heartbreaking fashion, then they truly are the best.

The true ending.

Its called pointless dedication and a love for the community lol. See also: addiction

I feel Onodera has a good shot in this case. Naturally this will end in a fashion that is familiar to many RomCom's completely neutral where every girl will still want to be with Ichijo and Ichijo will still not have a clear decision. But if one wins then the usual trope is the girl who is first seen in the show or the childhood friend or the person who the MC has a crush on the whole show. Onodera fits all the criteria.

Oh that would've been so dark. :/


I've always felt like Onodera is one of those rare best girls who actually has a pretty damn good chance of winning. Surely it has to count for something that she's pretty much the only girl who Raku has actually been seriously interested in throughout the entire duration of the series, and it's always been completely mutual.

Though I could just be deluding myself. Obviously Chitoge can't be disregarded from a trope perspective since she's the "lead" girl who's tied in with the premise of the series. In a series all about a fake relationship between two people who initially hate each other, it's almost a given that it's going to turn into a real relationship by the end. But it just feels to me like that outcome would be really forced in this particular instance.

I certainly can't see any of the girls outside of those two being in with a chance.

Exactly. I hope it's not Chitoge. I hate when tsunderes win out. It's overplayed and I don't like it. "Oh yeah this douche who was cruel and mean to me the entire time I fell in love with over time because I got to actually know her and because she's the lead."

So dumb. At that point I would rather have Mari win out.

At the end of the day the locket and keys aren't going to matter to Ichijo by the end. It'll be about how he's come to "love" whoever he loves at the end and that'll be that. This is just a guess though. It will eventually come down to Chitoge and Onodera and I hope the author and Ichijo are smart enough to choose Onodera.
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