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Steve Jobs to porn viewers: "Buy an Android phone."

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Jobs enjoys saying stupid shit. Film at 11.

None of it stops me from viewing porn on my iPad. Between Safari and several sites switching their streaming porn over to HTML5, and Air Video, I have all the porn I need on it.

I should send Steve a screenshot.


iDon't have any porn apps.


Hari Seldon

Well it is not just that they don't allow porn, they ban even clothed chicks in sexy outfits from the apps. All those "strip poker" apps where the chicks only got to their skivvies were all taken down from what I understand.
Jokey665 said:
Apple just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about porn culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in real life where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in porn, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the porn-using public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase iphones or ipads, nor will they purchase any of Apple's new products. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Apple has alienated an entire market with this move.

Apple, publicly apologize and allow porn on the iphone or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Nice one :lol :lol :lol


Anywho, don't they ask you for your user details (including age) before you can get any apps? And who isn't old enough to watch porn but has a credit card to buy apps?
Hari Seldon said:
Well it is not just that they don't allow porn, they ban even clothed chicks in sexy outfits from the apps. All those "strip poker" apps where the chicks only got to their skivvies were all taken down from what I understand.

Unless you're Sports Illustrated™ or Playboy™.
SnakeXs said:
Yeah how dare a closed economy trying to reach every demo block access to porn. In fact I'm going to go sell my Steam account, 360, PS3, PSP, and Wii right now. They all suck without porn!

What a shitty non-story.

You can watch porn through your PS3 web brower


I actually support Steve's right to be as restrictive as he can be with all of his devices.

For the love of god Steve, crack down! Look at all the porn that Safari lets through.

I there there's a major porn-securty hole in OS X as well. I mean, people can just go download all the porn they want, all without paying Apple anything! Not to mention all the 'Apps' people can get for free, that aren't even from the App Store!

I say, it's time for you to whip your consumer base into shape, Steve.


besada said:
Jobs enjoys saying stupid shit. Film at 11.

None of it stops me from viewing porn on my iPad. Between Safari and several sites switching their streaming porn over to HTML5, and Air Video, I have all the porn I need on it.

I should send Steve a screenshot.

"that's pretty hot


sent from my iPad"
josephdebono said:
Well most of the sites are in in flash, no?

Edit: Ah, iPhone ready sites. Didn't know. (It's not like I actually watch porn on my phone :lol)
either Engadget or Gizmodo referenced them with links on their site one day. I went just to see if it was real. yep. works basically like Youtube, except it plays a basic quicktime vid. high quality, too.


mik is unbeatable
I thumb my nose (and my wiener) at Steve Jobs every time I fire up mobile.spankwire.com on my iPhone. Take that, Steve--TAKE IT ALL.


SnakeXs said:
Yeah, and so do iDevices. Do you really think he's referring to censoring the internet?


He's talking about the marketplace. Period.

Jobs: "Your kids can download porn. That's a place we don't want to go."

I actually kind of wish Apple would start trying to censor Safari, just to see how the Apple kids would defend it.


eznark said:
Jobs: "Your kids can download porn. That's a place we don't want to go."

I actually kind of wish Apple would start trying to censor Safari, just to see how the Apple kids would defend it.

I doubt the Apple kids on Gaf would even try.

Maybe on Macrumors...


How anyone can live with attitudes like this is beyond me. Who does Jobs think he is, Jesus? Moral responsibility my ass.

This is the fundamental reason why I can't buy into Apple products, I just prefer to make up my own mind whether I want to access porn on my device.


Way to overreact guys. He's not saying that you can't get porn on the iPhone (there's like a thousand different ways to do it). He's saying that Apple won't sell porn or be a part of it.

Apple has always been more like a gated community. Certain things are welcome and certain things aren't, and the end result is a sort of standard of living that is a little cleaner, a little safer, and a little quieter. If you are willing to give up having a fish-shaped mailbox, chances are, it will make you happy that everyone else around you has as well.


Jokey665 said:
Apple just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about porn culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in real life where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in porn, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the porn-using public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase iphones or ipads, nor will they purchase any of Apple's new products. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Apple has alienated an entire market with this move.

Apple, publicly apologize and allow porn on the iphone or you can kiss your business goodbye.
I have never seen this used more appropriately.


Dedalus said:
How anyone can live with attitudes like this is beyond me. Who does Jobs think he is, Jesus? Moral responsibility my ass.

This is the fundamental reason why I can't buy into Apple products, I just prefer to make up my own mind whether I want to access porn on my device.

his company is operating a store, just like how Walmart operates a store, or how Sony, Nintendo and MS operate storefronts for their consoles.

Stores like this are always going to have restrictions.

Apple's biggest problem has been a lack of communication as to what apps are and aren't acceptable (eg: the rejected app that the email actually referenced). But blocking porn is pretty much a no-brainer.


LCfiner said:
his company is operating a store, just like how Walmart operates a store, or how Sony, Nintendo and MS operate storefronts for their consoles.

Stores like this are always going to have restrictions.

Apple's biggest problem has been a lack of communication as to what apps are and aren't acceptable (eg: the rejected app that the email actually referenced). But blocking porn is pretty much a no-brainer.

Why is this a no brainer? Censorship needs to happen at the appropriate levels of the food chain. My customer experience shouldn't be hindered because a partent allows their child free reign over an iPhone and it's associated iTunes account.


Nice quote.

Hopefully more and more people will realize that having Apple censor what apps you can run on your computer is ridiculous. And yes, I did just call the iPhone a computer.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
eznark said:
Jobs: "Your kids can download porn. That's a place we don't want to go."

I actually kind of wish Apple would start trying to censor Safari, just to see how the Apple kids would defend it.
Those Apple-Kids told me about spankwire! Best shit ever.


Sorry but the "He was just talking about the Marketplace" response isn't adequate enough to negate Jobs' douchebaggery. Yes, he was technically responding to an email about apps in the Appstore, but the fact of the matter is that his reasoning doesn't work because of the fact that the Appstore is not the only way to get porn on your iPhone.

1) He said "We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone..."

A LEGAL responsibility (if any law or contract in effect was applicable) would explain censoring porn off the Appstore but not caring about the web browser allowing porn, or other ways of getting porn onto your iPhone. A MORAL responsibility doesn't excuse allowing for loopholes or any kinds of alternatives means of getting porn on your iPhone. If he truly believed he had a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone, he would go farther and not include web browsers (or anything else that allows porn to get on your iPhone, such as uploading photos/videos onto your iPhone).

2) He also said "... Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone."

He could have easily said "Folks who want porn can use the Safari web browser or simply upload the porn from their computers." But no. He pretended like you need an Android phone to get porn. This blatant act of pretending like he's actually stopping porn from getting on the iPhone rightly earns him the "Douchebag" title.


dojokun said:
Sorry but the "He was just talking about the Marketplace" response isn't adequate enough to negate Jobs' douchebaggery. Yes, he was technically responding to an email about apps in the Appstore, but the fact of the matter is that his reasoning doesn't work because of the fact that the Appstore is not the only way to get porn on your iPhone.

1) He said "We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone..."

A LEGAL responsibility (if any law or contract in effect was applicable) would explain censoring porn off the Appstore but not caring about the web browser allowing porn, or other ways of getting porn onto your iPhone. A MORAL responsibility doesn't excuse allowing for loopholes or any kinds of alternatives means of getting porn on your iPhone. If he truly believed he had a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone, he would go farther and not include web browsers (or anything else that allows porn to get on your iPhone, such as uploading photos/videos onto your iPhone).

2) He also said "... Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone."

He could have easily said "Folks who want porn can use the Safari web browser or simply upload the porn from their computers." But no. He pretended like you need an Android phone to get porn. This blatant act of pretending like he's actually stopping porn from getting on the iPhone rightly earns him the "Douchebag" title.

Wow. If somebody is asking about the App Store, you will assume that the response is about the App Store.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
dojokun said:
Sorry but the "He was just talking about the Marketplace" response isn't adequate enough to negate Jobs' douchebaggery. Yes, he was technically responding to an email about apps in the Appstore, but the fact of the matter is that his reasoning doesn't work because of the fact that the Appstore is not the only way to get porn on your iPhone.

1) He said "We do believe we have a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone..."

A LEGAL responsibility (if any law or contract in effect was applicable) would explain censoring porn off the Appstore but not caring about the web browser allowing porn, or other ways of getting porn onto your iPhone. A MORAL responsibility doesn't excuse allowing for loopholes or any kinds of alternatives means of getting porn on your iPhone. If he truly believed he had a moral responsibility to keep porn off the iPhone, he would go farther and not include web browsers (or anything else that allows porn to get on your iPhone, such as uploading photos/videos onto your iPhone).

2) He also said "... Folks who want porn can buy an Android phone."

He could have easily said "Folks who want porn can use the Safari web browser or simply upload the porn from their computers." But no. He pretended like you need an Android phone to get porn. This blatant act of pretending like he's actually stopping porn from getting on the iPhone rightly earns him the "Douchebag" title.
You need to sleep more.

It's not hard to understand why Jobs would not describe how you could get porn on your phone through Safari while still maintaining an interest in restricting the app store.

Come on man...be reasonable. :lol


RubxQub said:
You need to sleep more.

It's not hard to understand why Jobs would not describe how you could get porn on your phone through Safari while still maintaining an interest in restricting the app store.

Come on man...be reasonable. :lol
That's fine if he doesn't want to specify how can you do it on the iPhone, but he went further by implying that you need to buy an Android phone to get porn, which is blatantly false.


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dojokun said:
That's fine if he doesn't want to specify how can you do it on the iPhone, but he went further by implying that you need to buy an Android phone to get porn, which is blatantly false.
As numble said...the question was about the App Store, the response was about application distribution.

...why do you care if he's telling people to buy an Android phone if they want porn? I can't tell what all your outrage is about.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
If you want porn, buy the technically inferior vhs videotape format you pervs


It's pretty funny that he's saying this NOW that Skyfire is about to launch its browser on Android phones. For those who don't know, Skyfire's browser allows full access to the internet on the phone, including all the flash videos you want (that includes the pr0n).


Forearms said:
Why is this a no brainer? Censorship needs to happen at the appropriate levels of the food chain. My customer experience shouldn't be hindered because a partent allows their child free reign over an iPhone and it's associated iTunes account.

again, it's a store. people who own stores can decide what they want to sell and what they don't want to sell.

porn is out. Porn was out back when Jobs first announced the SDK and the app store concept for the iPhone. it was a non-starter and will remain so as long as Apple distributes apps for the phone from a unified storefront

They made a call. some people won't like it which is why it's great there are other phones out there plus a web browser to access all content.

But, seriously, do you complain about your "customer experience" when you can't buy porn from Target or Walmart or Bestbuy? or get porn games on Xbox Live?


RubxQub said:
As numble said...the question was about the App Store, the response was about application distribution.

...why do you care if he's telling people to buy an Android phone if they want porn? I can't tell what all your outrage is about.
A discussion about legal policy can logically be restricted to App Store, but not a "moral responsibility." That's the problem.

And I logically gave a reason why the Android comment makes him a douche - the notion that you need an Android phone to get porn implies that you can't get porn on the iPhone any other way, and that's blatantly false. He just said that to make it look like he's actually taking a moral stand.


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acidspunk said:
It's pretty funny that he's saying this NOW that Skyfire is about to launch its browser on Android phones. For those who don't know, Skyfire's browser allows full access to the internet on the phone, including all the flash videos you want (that includes the pr0n).
I mentioned a site above which basically has all the porn you could ever want on it (like 30-60 minute videos) and it all streams to the iPhone without a problem, without flash.

iPhone users aren't missing the porn. If anything, your porn viewing habits are more hidden because you don't have a cock-icon on your app selection screen for someone to find!

This is the worst Apple vs X argument ever
dojokun said:
A discussion about legal policy can logically be restricted to App Store, but not a "moral responsibility." That's the problem.

And I logically gave a reason why the Android comment makes him a douche - the notion that you need an Android phone to get porn implies that you can't get porn on the iPhone any other way, and that's blatantly false. He just said that to make it look like he's actually taking a moral stand.
Everything is apparently black and white in your world it would seem.
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