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Steven Universe Season 2 |OT| Obama chuckled. "You mean the Crystal Gems?"

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My original wild theory about the Steven Universe world was that everything is in fact a post-post-apocalypse world.

I'm still not convinced that there isn't some Dark City shit going on here where Beach City is the only real human civilization remaining, even if Greg did meet a guy from the Internet.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm still not convinced that there isn't some Dark City shit going on here where Beach City is the only real human civilization remaining, even if Greg did meet a guy from the Internet.

I think humans have just spread out less. Pearl's comments on "this land is dangerous for you" has me thinking, I wouldn't be surprised if much of north america is pretty empty aside from a few states along the coasts

Of course all of this is a bit screwy as a theory because of how in sync technology is with our own.


But then why is Keystone called Keystone? Pennsylvania wouldn't be called that if there wasn't a union formed of the thirteen colonies. aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA

Right? So far we have two named states (Delmarva and Keystone) that were part of the original 13 colonies and one state that would be added much later (Kansas). And we have a painting of the Gems in what looked like the Revolutionary days. It's possible the gems were involved during an early point of American History and greatly altered certain events before retreating back to their temple and allowing humanity in that region to grow further without their influence.

I hope we hear more about the gems' activities during that era.
I thought this was a decently fun episode. It was kind of odd that we'd get another cool-down episode after yesterday's, but it makes sense that we'd get one for each Gem. This didn't go as much into Pearl's feelings as Garnet and Amethyst's episodes, but I expect we'll see a lot more of that in tomorrow's episode. The play was entertaining, and it was nice to see confirmation of Gem involvement in early American history. But does that mean there were no Native Americans, due to the claims of how dangerous America is?

This probably is the closest to a filler episode this week, in that the new information provided here wouldn't seem to odd when it resurfaces as relevant later without seeing this episode, and that it doesn't explore Pearl's feelings on the situation all that much.

Finally saw The Return


Now Love Letters


man, fuck this viewing order, seriously D:

And now i'm updated on Season "1" (no uncle grandpa ep as yet) and waiting for more of the season 2 stuff, whenever that is :O



Finally saw The Return


Now Love Letters


man, fuck this viewing order, seriously D:

And now i'm updated on Season "1" (no uncle grandpa ep as yet) and waiting for more of the season 2 stuff, whenever that is :O

I'm confused. How are you watching the show, exactly?
Now Reformed




I loved all the lil details this week so far even if I didn't find every episode to be a knock out.
(Really, we should be happy this is happening in a Bomb instead of being a month. I'd be pretty let down with waiting a week to see "Keystone" ...)

It's ... so true to seeing your parents go through a patchy time.
From seeing Garnet's flaws come up (Her inability to empathize with her unfused partners feelings of being lonely and weak to her unhealthy way of dealing or coping with fighting/ forgiveness to even her own hypocritical stance on fusion). She plays the role of the parent that decides to vomit/ expose her problems on the child. She invited herself to Greg and Steven's vacation only to just ruin the whole trip.

Amy ends up reaching out to a source of support in Onion Friend, someone she can talk to and who understands her. Someone who can relate to how she's feeling having to deal with 2 members of the family having drama. This is shown through Steven's PoV, and just like any child he may have his own adventures and such but sometimes he can walk in on just a tiny part of a conversation that says so much. (Same with her comforting Pearl. Those 2 secs of her and Pearl talking where just so powerful for showing how far their relationship has come and just how much in common they both have when it comes to to what lead to this drama)

Pearl tries to give space and make up for her actions but ultimately Steven finds her just lost in thought (Probly waiting for him to come home seeing how she has a room she can hide in to avoid Garnet's silence). Through his innocence of sharing a lesson in making great hero characters he just learned from Jamie he gives her some more perspective and encouragement with facing her own problems. He gives her something to do that allows her to step away from the drama and focus on spending time with her child while doing something she enjoys (Pearl loves teaching and she loves Steven). And in turn she gives Steven the encouragement he needs to knock out his role in the play (When the curtains opened and someone called out an already nervous Steven for picking his nose we see him become shaken and sweaty. But after his first line Pearl does her mom cheer and it renews his confidence!).

On their own these episodes would be too spaced out to have the rolling impact that they have but as it stands ... it's a really good depiction of how they're dealing with things.

Hopefully tmr things are put out into the open. Really wish Opal would confront Garnet about this stuff seeing as Garnet's soo strong neither of them want to confront her 1 on 1 ... though that's likely not happening I guess.


I just had a crazy thought while half asleep.

The dolphin in Dewey's original draft, was taht supposed to be Pearl? White, elegant, the fin is her hair and the gem is her blowhole (oh god, that sounds so dirty, don't let tumblr know). I don't know it has nothing to do with the episode or the original play, but I can't get Pearl as Dolphin out of my head.


Pretty much. I'm not seeing the whole "Pearl hitting rock bottom" thing but these episodes are still alright

right, that's my impression as well. With the next episode we only really got two episodes that deal directly with the Sardonix arc, and one episode in which Garnet was really mad at Pearl

gotta say I didn't really feel the last two episodes
Well that was fun but...this was the definition of filler.

Pretty good but wasn't really part of the 'five part arc' at all.

Did you all miss the meta commentary? Right in the middle of the discussion about Pearl's weakness and mess ups, they not subtly straight away tell you that flawed characters that struggle and overcome are the ones who make the most interesting stories. Fuck, it seemed like a huge "take that" to Pearl detractors. :D

It's an arc about her hitting rock bottom ... I'm pretty sure Cry For Help was rock bottom and everything after that is them trying to bonce back. We see Garnet deal with it, Amy dealing with it, Pearl trying to make up for it and trm we're gonna see the resolve I HOPE (Garnet's been real shit this arc ... Stonewalling aint gonna resolve shit)

I think Garnet has all the right in the world to feel hurt and angry at Pearl. She's waiting for her own anger to subside before confronting Pearl because she knows that she would explode otherwise. This is actually good practice that I recommend everyone to do, just let the adrenaline (or whatever their gem equivalent is :p) break down in your system.

At the same time I can't help but feel massively sorry for Pearl, especially with how well her emotions are animated and voice acted. I think this might be the most masterful example of a realistically depicted falling out I've seen.

I just had a crazy thought while half asleep.

The dolphin in Dewey's original draft, was taht supposed to be Pearl? White, elegant, the fin is her hair and the gem is her blowhole (oh god, that sounds so dirty, don't let tumblr know). I don't know it has nothing to do with the episode or the original play, but I can't get Pearl as Dolphin out of my head.

If anything it would make more sense for the dolphin to be Amethyst, considering her penchant for shapeshifting into animals and the fact the dolphin is even the right color.


If anything it would make more sense for the dolphin to be Amethyst, considering her penchant for shapeshifting into animals and the fact the dolphin is even the right color.
Maybe, but I want it to be Pearl :<

The temple and Alexandrite have 6 arms. The giant woman in the play only has 4.

The creature that attacks William Dewy and is defeated by the giant woman looks like the centipeetle.
Eh, they of course took a bit of freedom in the play. Plus: I doubt the fought Centibeetle for 300 years. It was probably some other Gem monster.
The temple and Alexandrite have 6 arms. The giant woman in the play only has 4.

The creature that attacks William Dewy and is defeated by the giant woman looks like the centipeetle.

The temple actually has eight arms. Well, it would if three of them weren't broken:

It's not super obvious especially in other angles but it has four of them surrounding the entrance/house, two crossed hands on top and two below supporting it. Of course this lines up perfectly with the theory that it's meant to represent Garnet+Pearl+Amy+Rose, especially since it does have gems in its forehead, chest and remaining palm, and Rose's gem would be where the entrance is. Not to mention it has Pearl's nose (in the "mask" head), Rose's curls, and Amethyst/Garnet's lips.

Going back to the play, who knows what that is supposed to represent, but the 4x fusion is actually a good bet, I doubt representing the exact number of arms would be a strict priority in a play that has Amy represented with a mop. :D


Did you all miss the meta commentary? Right in the middle of the discussion about Pearl's weakness and mess ups, they not subtly straight away tell you that flawed characters that struggle and overcome are the ones who make the most interesting stories. Fuck, it seemed like a huge "take that" to Pearl detractors. :D.

I think if they handled the "Pearl takes her mind off of the situation with Garnet via the play" aspect better people wouldnt jump on the "its filler and has nothing to do with the arc" train so quickly. I thought it was all pretty obvious but with how many people are calling the ep filler i guess it wasnt.


Did you all miss the meta commentary? Right in the middle of the discussion about Pearl's weakness and mess ups, they not subtly straight away tell you that flawed characters that struggle and overcome are the ones who make the most interesting stories. Fuck, it seemed like a huge "take that" to Pearl detractors. :D

Yeah it shows they were really planning this arc (and its response) for a very very long time.

In fact both Jaime episodes are very meta as commentaries on TV and cartoons in general with Love Letters upending typical romantic tales.


Filler episode, but it was cute.
Seems like it might have been produced before the fusion arc because Pearl was not sad at all.
For real? she starts off depressed on the same couch shes been on all week
like... yall have been distraught for a long period of time before right? sometimes you play a video game or rewrite a play and it takes your mind off of things even its just for a little while. Youre not just sad 24/7
I'm confused. How are you watching the show, exactly?

I believe he is watching outside the US where they are broadcasting stuff REALLY out of order.

Pretty much.

Tbf i missed the initial premieres which was usually on a Monday night (at like 6 pm) so the order should be good at that point but the recaps are like the fucking wild west.

What i mentioned was what was literally aired last night since there is a "marathon" block for an hour now.

So the full list was The Message, The Return, Full Disclosure, Love Letters and Reformed

IIRC the day before included Lion 3: Straight to Video , Secret Team, Marble Madness, On the Run and Jailbreak.

and the day before that included Political Power, Garnet's Universe, Maximum Capacity, Alone Together and 1 more that i'm currently blanking on *shrug*

Seemingly drunk.

Which is the correct way btw.

Given the orders above and the fact that some of those were first time views for me i might have well have been drunk watching :p
Yeah, I'm not buying the filler argument (especially when in this case, it makes no sense - this is not an adaptation of another work that needs to stretch the episodes waiting for new content).

Each of the gems got the spotlight turned on them for an episode, showing how they are dealing with the fallout of what happened in Call for Help while separated from each other.

Garnet, being that she's a fusion, had a passionate argument between Ruby and Sapphire, which makes sense because they have each other.

Amy and Pearl, however, have no one - except perhaps each other. They don't want to dump this on Steven, but the Gems didn't appear to be on the best of terms still. So Amy gets to talk about it and reunite with an old friend, and Pearl - who is staring into space on the couch in Steven's home, deeply lost in thought probably because she doesn't feel welcome in the temple right now - gets a pep talk and also gets a distraction in rewriting the play - giving her a chance to feel in control of something again, because that's her nature - and then spend some time out of the temple to watch it, beaming with pride at her "son".

Was it a quiet episode? Sure. Not as emotionally heavy? No doubt. But was it filler? I don't think so.


I've always hated the "filler" attitude too. It seems like for some people its an all-or-nothing thing; if you have an overarching story, any episode that doesn't add to it is passed off as filler. Shows without overarching stories on the other hand get on fine, despite being entirely composed of "filler" episodes.

Every episode of a show this great is a gift. Better to find things to love than to let yourself be bothered by the lack of something.
Did you all miss the meta commentary? Right in the middle of the discussion about Pearl's weakness and mess ups, they not subtly straight away tell you that flawed characters that struggle and overcome are the ones who make the most interesting stories. Fuck, it seemed like a huge "take that" to Pearl detractors. :D

No, I got it, I just expected something more intense and direct from a Steven bomb given the past two, that's my fault though, since I know nothing about proper pacing lol. Upon re watching the episode it fits a lot more into the 'arc' now.
Yeah, I'm not buying the filler argument (especially when in this case, it makes no sense - this is not an adaptation of another work that needs to stretch the episodes waiting for new content).

This is a good point. I mean, if it's something relatively self-contained and nonsensical like Butch Hartman's shows on Nickelodeon, that's one thing, but I wouldn't think something like Steven Universe could even have a true filler episode just because of how interconnected all of the emotions, stakes, setpieces, etc. are at this point.
I think Garnet has all the right in the world to feel hurt and angry at Pearl. She's waiting for her own anger to subside before confronting Pearl because she knows that she would explode otherwise. This is actually good practice that I recommend everyone to do, just let the adrenaline (or whatever their gem equivalent is :p) break down in your system.

At the same time I can't help but feel massively sorry for Pearl, especially with how well her emotions are animated and voice acted. I think this might be the most masterful example of a realistically depicted falling out I've seen.

Sure, she has the right to be upset and if the power dynamics were different her silent treatment would be accepted ... but that's not the case. For better or worse she's the leader and no one really addresses just how much power she has in this group.

First off, she tells Amy to STFU and fuse even though she didn't want to and was trying to get Garnet to understand how they feel. Then she stonewalls ... which is an EASY way to destroy a relationship (which is even worse for a leader because it's very logical to think that someone like Pearl may fuck something ELSE up trying to fix things if you wall her out.)

She then dumps this shit on Steven by inviting herself on a trip he was taking with Greg when she coulda warped anywhere else to have her outbust (the man doesn't even get to take a trip alone with the son he doesn't live with ...). Ultimately she seems to just want to "be civil/ put up with it" after enough time has pasted than to actually talk about or empathize with/ understand WHY Pearl would do that. I feel that way of thinking just leads to resentment later on ... it's like if you and a room mate have a problem. If you don't talk about it and choose to just put up with it then it's just gonna get tense over time.

If she weren't the leader then sure, w/e. But she is the leader.
Filler episode, but it was cute.
Seems like it might have been produced before the fusion arc because Pearl was not sad at all.

You serious? Aside from Pearl moping like hell at the start as has been pointed out, did you miss when Steven says "he's perfect and makes no mistakes" and Pearl replies "*sigh* I wish I could say the same for myself"?

Seriously, sometimes I feel like I'm watching a different series or something.

Edit: So happy!

Sure, she has the right to be upset and if the power dynamics were different her silent treatment would be accepted ... but that's not the case. For better or worse she's the leader and no one really addresses just how much power she has in this group.

First off, she tells Amy to STFU and fuse even though she didn't want to and was trying to get Garnet to understand how they feel. Then she stonewalls ... which is an EASY way to destroy a relationship (which is even worse for a leader because it's very logical to think that someone like Pearl may fuck something ELSE up trying to fix things if you wall her out.)

She then dumps this shit on Steven by inviting herself on a trip he was taking with Greg when she coulda warped anywhere else to have her outbust (the man doesn't even get to take a trip alone with the son he doesn't live with ...). Ultimately she seems to just want to "be civil/ put up with it" after enough time has pasted than to actually talk about or empathize with/ understand WHY Pearl would do that. I feel that way of thinking just leads to resentment later on ... it's like if you and a room mate have a problem. If you don't talk about it and choose to just put up with it then it's just gonna get tense over time.

If she weren't the leader then sure, w/e. But she is the leader.

I understand that, but saying that her being the leader means she can't ever act hurt or angry no matter what the others do is completely unfair. Hell, Ruby points it out herself: "We're aaaaalways the bigger gem! Well, not this time! Not about this!". Keep in mind that literally half of her is trying to let it blow over, but Ruby is just... Ruby. Things can go south fast if Garnet loses her temper, so she's not taking any risks. Again, it's what I often do; discussing things when they're still hot can make things much worse. Of course, that's better than not discussing them at all, but I'm giving Garnet the benefit of the doubt here, much like I never use that as an excuse not to revisit the problem in the future.

Also, being held to higher standards than other people is bound to drive one insane. My comment a few days ago regarding people hating Pearl because they're subjecting her to standards that they wouldn't to anyone in the real life applies to Garnet too. I'd much rather have an occasionally angry and cold Garnet than a perfect Mary Sue Garnet, for the same reasons I love to have a neurotic Pearl. We got more character development out of Garnet during Keystone Motel than during the entire rest of the series, Jailbreak included.
I understand that, but saying that her being the leader means she can't ever act hurt or angry no matter what the others do is completely unfair. Hell, she points it out herself: "We're aaaaalways the bigger gem! Well, not this time! Not about this!".

Being held to higher standards than other people is bound to drive one insane. My comment a few days ago regarding people hating Pearl because they're subjecting her to standards that they wouldn't to anyone in the real life applies to Garnet too. I'd much rather have an occasionally angry and cold Garnet than a perfect Mary Sue Garnet, for the same reasons I love to have a neurotic Pearl. We got more character development out of Garnet during Keystone Motel than during the entire rest of the series, Jailbreak included.

Sure, she's allowed to be upset and angry. But dumping her drama on a child, ruining a trip he has with his dad who doesn't live with him? Telling Amy to stfu and fuse (she already treats her like some kinda dog, be it a running joke or hints to something)? I don't think that's an acceptable way of handling things for a leader OR a non-leader.

I always took her as someone who was less of a Mary Sue and more of just a direct straight shooter in a world of drama. But it seems like she just holds things in instead of actually dealing with her problems in a constructive manner.

I agree that she's gotten more development in the first 2 episodes of this week than most any other time so far. I just think this development is showing her to be more of an ass. Also shows why Rose was the leader before IMO. Garnet's inability to relate to the feelings and needs of her team is proving to be a problem for her.


My dearest 'The Hot One',

The Steven bomb seems to be ending. At last I can rejoin you back at home. It was emotionally rough seeing people I once loved have flaws they have to work through but I trust it will only make the payoff of this conflict all the sweeter. I also got your romantic gift you sent me. Friend Ship. Oh! ...oh... message received.

Yours truly,
William Buckley

The week of Sardoynx ends tonight at 6 with Friend Ship!
But it seems like she just holds things in instead of actually dealing with her problems in a constructive manner.

It actually makes sense. Everyone needs to talk about their problems with someone else, but Garnet is two people, she is "a conversation"; Ruby and Sapphire support each other. It's only when they disagree strongly that they need others, and perhaps they are not used to it, and that's why they ignored and hurt Steven.

I agree that she's gotten more development in the first 2 episodes of this week than most any other time so far. I just think this development is showing her to be more of an ass.

Hahah, that is often the case. Characters are presented as perfect people until we start knowing them and seeing their flaws... much like real people. :D Hell, Pearl was a textbook example.

Also shows why Rose was the leader before IMO. Garnet's inability to relate to the feelings and needs of her team is proving to be a problem for her.

Rose is shown to be even more of a Mary Sue than Garnet, but it's OK in her case because she's not here anymore. In fact, the more they present her as a bastion of virtue, the bleaker the present seems because of her absence, so it's good. It was still refreshing to see her mess up in We Need to Talk, though. This series spares no one!


I think humans have just spread out less. Pearl's comments on "this land is dangerous for you" has me thinking, I wouldn't be surprised if much of north america is pretty empty aside from a few states along the coasts

Of course all of this is a bit screwy as a theory because of how in sync technology is with our own.

Going by the "gamecube" and smartphones, if Steven Universe is more of an alternate timeline, then Beach City was founded 1809-1815. Now I don't know much of how towns or anything like that were established in that time period in America, but a single ship traveling there (from England???) to establish a living place seems unlikely, since that area was already a state and populated.


I assume native americans were already dead, killed by remnants of the Gem Civil War: weapons and broken gems. The Crystal Gems still go out daily to fight old weapons, just imagine how that looked 300 years ago. Northamerica was probably infested with broken gems.


I think humans have just spread out less. Pearl's comments on "this land is dangerous for you" has me thinking, I wouldn't be surprised if much of north america is pretty empty aside from a few states along the coasts

Of course all of this is a bit screwy as a theory because of how in sync technology is with our own.
There was a freight train in the episode where Steven and Amethyst run away. Also Marty and Greg were going on a tour of cities trying to get famous.

Right? So far we have two named states (Delmarva and Keystone) that were part of the original 13 colonies and one state that would be added much later (Kansas). And we have a painting of the Gems in what looked like the Revolutionary days. It's possible the gems were involved during an early point of American History and greatly altered certain events before retreating back to their temple and allowing humanity in that region to grow further without their influence.

I hope we hear more about the gems' activities during that era.
That painting is a reference to an event that actually happened off the coast of Cuba in 1749. It's based on a real painting of the event called Watson and the Shark that was commisioned by Brook Watson, a cabin boy who lost his leg in the attack.



Maybe, but I want it to be Pearl :<

Eh, they of course took a bit of freedom in the play. Plus: I doubt the fought Centibeetle for 300 years. It was probably some other Gem monster.

The centipeetle important. All of the monsters are corrupted gems, meaning they were originally more like the other gems. Centpeetle could have been a former ally or foe and 300 years ago is when she fist became corrupted. The war was 5,000 years ago. It became noteworthy when it seemed to be regaining some of its... gemanity? hanging around Steven.
Nope! today's spoiler free for me sooooo I'm gone!

But before I go Imma say to Weltall Zero that I think Rose being Mary Sue is a bait and switch that's becoming more clear with things like We Need to Talk! (but over all I think she play the role Steven is growing into as the groups emotional support system!)


Huh. I wonder if that means the Crystal Gems were cleaning up gem remnants even as far as Cuba, or Rose just wanted a vacation


Huh. I wonder if that means the Crystal Gems were cleaning up gem remnants even as far as Cuba, or Rose just wanted a vacation
I mean, they got teleporters. They could theoretically did work in the entire world. Maybe they even started everywhere else and are now still in Northamerica because they didn't completetly cleaned it out yet.
The SU Facebook revealed some big spoiler about tonight's episode.

Sardonyx returns!

EDIT: Oh... the spoiler above is WAY more drastic... Can't wait to see how it plays out...


This week has given glimpses at everyone's perspective except Pearl. I'm guessing we'll finally hear her thoughts on everything tonight.
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