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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
But you can make a false equivalency between the two shows.
I know nothing about RKB and have nothing to say about it.
it's still bullshit to say your opinion is invalid because you like the wrong show.
People are welcome to like whatever they want. I enjoy a diverse range of opinions but I prefer them to be well formed or educated in order to consider them valuable. Some praise comes across as empty and insubstantial. Other criticism as misinformed malarkey. I'm certainly guilty of throwing out some poorly formed opinions, but you shouldn't think that simply having an opinion makes it worthwhile.
Evidently I'm a troll because I don't like a show I'm supposed to love and I happen to really enjoy a show that has no merits according to him.
Please stop playing innocent. There really isn't anything you can even do to defend posts like this, but I would rather just move on and forget about it than feel like I have to play a hand where I dredge it back up.


Subete no aware
Oh, you. Little do you know that this will feature an original direction with a brand-new storyline.
Arata starts playing Starcraft and leaves for Korea, leaving Chihaya alone with Taichi.
I forgot that 26 more weeks of Chihayafuru means 26 more weeks of your evil romantic interloper schadenfreude. Maybe they'll just cut the entire subplot out in favor of more karuta and the joke will be on all of us!
I seriously don't understand you guys and your insistence on choosing the wrong husbando. It's like you guys are demanding to see Obama's Christian-American birth certificate or something.

But yes, I suppose we'll all be fucked if it's just 26 episodes of zzzzzzz.

I wish they chose a different img for the prelim version of the boxart.
Heh, sell the show on the one part that
ends up going nowhere!
Why not.

I wouldn't trust most anime fans. Particularly if they congregated in a place like that. On these boards I haven't seen Kokoro Connect pick up many fans, and I would be shocked to see it much when people vote for their favorite stuff at the end of the year.
Kokoro Connect is just so average. It doesn't look particularly interesting, the story is fine but nothing special, it's just something that "exists".



[URL="http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2012/09/12-1/madoka-magica-sells-its-soul-gems-this-november"]form a contract with aniplex by buying more dumb shit you dont need[/URL]

includes soul gem rings, bags, hoodies, kyubey plushie and homura dakimakura[/QUOTE]
The rings might be expensive as hell, but at least they look sort of cool without it being obvious they're from an anime.

They also have the characters' names on them in the rune language, which is kinda neat.



Maturity, bitches.
ProTip: You're proposal will be 100% successful if you use one of those rings. I guarantee it! So buy one for your loved one today!


You know, this reminds me. /XX/ and icarus-daedelus are the only posters I know that regularly use "Post Titles"!
("..." being /XX/'s usual.)

I find them to be neat, clever snippets of a post when I remember to check them out.
Yep, it helps me to find some of my previous posts, sometimes including "witty" remarks in the process to remember those better, and you can count PorcellainThrill as one who also does it...

edit:holy shit I forgot to number my post
... well, I see that not always.


Tomodachi wa Mahou

form a contract with aniplex by buying more dumb shit you dont need

includes soul gem rings, bags, hoodies, kyubey plushie and homura dakimakura

I would just love to have that bag with Kyubey on it without the text. Dunno why they felt like that was necessary.


No. Just replace me.

why would we do that? you're an adorable mascot! *pinches Kayos' cheeks.

It means she has a better chance at finding love with someone who's not a total loser like Kirito!

This is true. She's better off this way. Probably won't get killed needlessly.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


form a contract with aniplex by buying more dumb shit you dont need

includes soul gem rings, bags, hoodies, kyubey plushie and homura dakimakura

what does it mean that exactly when I came across this post, my big Kyubey figure fell off my shelf and landed on my head? Surely it was coincidence.


Is it weird that I am looking more forward to the reactions to EVA 3.0 then the actual movie (though I am looking forward to it as well). I am hoping for code geass level of shitstorms on /a/.


Tragic victim of fan death
Is it weird that I am looking more forward to the reactions to EVA 3.0 then the actual movie (though I am looking forward to it as well). I am hoping for code geass level of shitstorms on /a/.

LOL. I'm waiting for the day Versus gets cancelled. The shitstorm that will ensue after that! oh man....


Just watched the latest episode of Horizon, still have no idea what's going on, but don't really care... shit just continues to be awesome. I love the design so much - it's so insane, colorful and over the top. And the holy trinity of Kimi, Tomo and Nate never ceases to amaze. Just plain fun as usual. I hope there'll be a third season. And a fourth, fifth, sixth...


LOL. I'm waiting for the day Versus gets cancelled. The shitstorm that will ensue after that! oh man....

Part of my enjoyment of animu is partially due to the glorious shitstorms some shows get. Panty and Stocking (The day Gainax ruined Christmas), Code Geass, Endless Eight, Gurren Laggen are some of those shows. And some of these are pretty awesome by themselves but the shitstorms that resulted made them better.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Sword Art Online 10

What we have here is a PVE player running into someone as geared as him and having his PVE rotations exposed in a PVP setting. At least he wifed the right girl.

SAO Series Spoilers:
Heathcliff is cheating


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What we have here is a PVE player running into someone as geared as him and having his PVE rotations exposed in a PVP setting. At least he wifed the right girl.
The really sad part, the forever alone part of this, is that I understand what you said and I agree.


sealed with a kiss
Strawberry Yuri 03

Nagisa is shown around Strawberry Hall and learns about the workings of the three connected schools. She notices that
Etoile doesn't seem to show up for important meetings and events and confronts her about it.
This show is so damned CUTE.

Her name is Shizuma, not Etoile, just so you know. ^^


All the characters in SP are pretty bland, so it's okay. :p

They are mostly to be honest.
They are really cute, so there's that, but as I said with Asuna, just being cute doesn't cut it in a show where everybody is cute. Luckily the show is heavy with the suggested yuri so I will forgive the deficiencies for now.


sealed with a kiss
They are mostly to be honest.
They are really cute, so there's that, but as I said with Asuna, just being cute doesn't cut it in a show where everybody is cute. Luckily the show is heavy with the suggested yuri so I will forgive the deficiencies for now.

You're a goddamn liar, Cajun. :D

And don't worry, Strawberry panic will go far beyond just suggested yuri. :)
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