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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS & Wii U Thread 7: How Can My Smash Brother Be This Cut

He might not be very popular in the Fire Emblem community, but he was a fan favorite in Brawl.

By Fire Emblem community I'm guessing you are talking about the fans who've only played Awakening. :/ Ike's well liked by people who have some history with the series. If they use the Guts-like muscular Ike from Radiant Dawn, they can even further differentiate him from Marth.

Chrom has a pretty nice character design, but apart from that he's as vanilla as you can get. Considering that he has the same build, same sword and even the same bloodline, it makes more sense to make him an alternate skin for Marth,

Now Anna, that's a FE character I could get behind. She'll be at least somewhat relevant as long as they keep making Fire Emblem games.
I really don’t think Ike is going to be cut seeing as how he now represents Radiant Dawn (he was based on Path of Radiance in Brawl). He’s still relevant in the sense that he can be considered a Wii character.

In the (hopefully unlikely) event that there is a fourth cut, I don’t see how it could be anyone but Lucas.

  • He’s the only Brawl character who didn’t leave Japan
  • Ike, Falco, and Wolf (the other potential cuts) have all appeared in a Wii/3DS game
  • For whatever reason, Japanese Mother fans have grown to dislike/feel indifferent towards Mother 3 (for example, look here)
  • Mother is the smallest/lowest-selling series in Smash Bros. by a significant margin, so the argument could be made that it doesn’t really need a second character
  • He’s not a Ness “clone,” but he’s not terribly unique either — some of his attacks could be given to Ness

While I don't doubt that Lucas is in danger, I believe that it is less likely for Sakurai to make the Mother series go back down to just one representative than for Sakurai to replace Ike. It's not like there isn't a precedent for that.

Thinking about it now, has there been any series that had fewer representatives going from one game to another? If Lucas is cut, then I think that would be the first time something like that has happened.
Waitaminute ...MK64 Rainbow Road is remade for MK8.

MK8 has anti-gravity tracks.


Captain Falcon gets revealed as a veteran on May 29.

Thinking about it now, has there been any series that had fewer representatives going from one game to another? If Lucas is cut, then I think that would be the first time something like that has happened.

If you consider the Yoshi, Wario, and DK universes separate from Mario, the Mario series only dropped a character between Melee and Brawl.
I'm sure someone already brought this up closer to the Direct, but does anyone think it's possible that not every character on Smash 4's final roster will initially be playable/unlockable in the 3DS version? Like, they might keep two or three characters held back until the Wii U version releases to help keep the Wii U version fresh, since it's otherwise (probably) the same game but in HD (and with a different set of stages, of course)?

They're gonna keep the Wii U version fresh by offering new modes. 3DS has Smash Run, but the Wii U version will also have exclusive modes. I'd wager that one of those modes are gonna be an Adventure mode.

The roster will be the same on both versions. I don't see DLC - paid or free - happening when it comes to the characters.

Thinking about it now, has there been any series that had fewer representatives going from one game to another? If Lucas is cut, then I think that would be the first time something like that has happened.

Technically Mario - Doc was cut in the progress from Melee to Brawl. While Wario and Diddy had been added, those were not actually representing the Mario series, but their own. So, technically speaking, yes. It has happened.


Thinking about it now, has there been any series that had fewer representatives going from one game to another? If Lucas is cut, then I think that would be the first time something like that has happened.
Mario, a much more important franchise than Mother, went from 5 characters to 4 in the jump from Melee to Brawl.


Yeah the pads are gone, but I had it in my head that these was at least one ring that circumferenced the interior... Guess it's been a while since I've played it -.-

Nah you're right. There is one giant "ring" at the very end made up of boost pasds and flying pads.


Thinking about it now, has there been any series that had fewer representatives going from one game to another? If Lucas is cut, then I think that would be the first time something like that has happened.

There has not. Unless you count Mario, where I always included the spinoffs with that count.



My roster. Rhythm Girl holding Choir Boy's spot.

More likely to see a legit retro (no mac doesn't count) than Ridley. As we were at least told straight out He would attempt to add some. The more I see boss characters in stages (Dark Lord, AC Shark, Yellow Devil, Twinrova) the more clear Ridley's fate becomes as he is the most popular and probably most interactive boss character. Otherwise a nice roster.

Also if you watch the dev direct, there is great detail inside the holes in the pyrosphere stage and its not simply a texture, you can see the depth in it as the camera moves.


As in "Heathcliff"
I'd like to suggest an alternative: unless your favorite character from past games was CUT, there's no reason to be "upset" about anything that happens to the roster, particularly regarding fantasy characters that you wish would be added. SSB has ZERO obligation to include anything any individual wants, especially when it comes to the roster. The sooner all expectations are completely and totally shut down, the better off everyone will be. Let's not wait to be upset, "upset" should not be a conceivable emotion unless someone you loved has been cut.

Good points, and I agreed with you about cuts. The characters that you love most got cut; actually sting big time.

Edited: I know that I already went ahed with very low expectation with the newcomers and so far I'm pleased.


While I don't doubt that Lucas is in danger, I believe that it is less likely for Sakurai to make the Mother series go back down to just one representative than for Sakurai to replace Ike. It's not like there isn't a precedent for that.

Thinking about it now, has there been any series that had fewer representatives going from one game to another? If Lucas is cut, then I think that would be the first time something like that has happened.
If you count cutting Dr. Mario as losing a Mario character, I guess there's that.

edit: beaten


You could argue that Wario is part of the Mario series, though.

I'd rather not get into a semantics argument, though.

It should be fair to count DK/Yoshi/Wario as parts of the greater Marioverse anyway, since they all hang out together on their days off.

Now that Rhythm Heaven's been inducted into the Marioverse with Game & Wario, Chorus Kids would be too. too many mario reps plz cut
so many arguments, smash gaf

why not peace

[*]For whatever reason, Japanese Mother fans have grown to dislike/feel indifferent towards Mother 3 (for example, look here)

The game's reception in Japan still mystifies me to this day. You think they'd get how perfectly Mother 3 complements its predecessor more than anyone else, but nope.
I have a request for photoshoppers; I want to see how Ness or Lucas would look like if they had eyes instead of black dots, so if anyone here is skilled with photoshop and have the time could you photoshop normal cartoonish eyes for them?

The game's reception in Japan still mystifies me to this day. You think they'd get how perfectly Mother 3 complements its predecessor more than anyone else, but nope.

Mother 3 is my favorite RPG of all time, it's also one of the few games that made me shed a tear.
Earthbound is also a great game.


as long as G&W and C. Falcon aren't cut I'm happy with the roster

Captain Falcon being cut would be the biggest surprise roster change IMO, he was part of the original 12 and to have his moveset be limited to only Ganondorf would be ludicrous


I'm sure someone already brought this up closer to the Direct, but does anyone think it's possible that not every character on Smash 4's final roster will initially be playable/unlockable in the 3DS version? Like, they might keep two or three characters held back until the Wii U version releases to help keep the Wii U version fresh, since it's otherwise (probably) the same game but in HD (and with a different set of stages, of course)?

I don't mean paid DLC, I just mean an update for the 3DS version that would be released day and date with the Wii U version and unlock two or three remaining characters.

It was mentioned before. Some people wondered if Nintendo would do something like that, but Fire Emblem Awakening's free spotpass content was mostly time locked too, and that included characters and extra story chapters.

Namco has recently basically done that with fighting games characters for TTT2 too. So, there's precedent on both sides for doing something like that.

Also, I only skimmed the last few pages, but did someone actually try to seriously argue that Birdo is more important overall to the Mario franchise than Rosalina? That's just... huh?!

Some people seem to act like "older = automatically more important". At least for classic platformer franchises. On the other hand, Rosalina does also have the oddity of barely appearing in Mario spin offs and having no presence in the NSMB series. So, if someone didn't play 3d Marios, she might seem random. The only games ever featuring Rosalina, that are already out at this point, are:

Galaxy 1 (important story character)
Galaxy 2
Super Mario 3d World (playable)
Mario Kart Wii (playable)
Mario Kart 7 (playable)
Mario Party Island Tour

All Mario spin offs aside from Kart have completely ignored her for a long time, and she isn't even a playable character in Island Tour. It's kind of odd to see a character pushed so strongly by some of Nintendo's main teams (EAD Tokyo, Kart) while being completely ignored by others.


It should be fair to count DK/Yoshi/Wario as parts of the greater Marioverse anyway, since they all hang out together on their days off.

Now that Rhythm Heaven's been inducted into the Marioverse with Game & Wario, Chorus Kids would be too. too many mario reps plz cut

Don't forget that Punch-Out is loosely tied to both Mario and DK as well.


Captain Falcon being cut would be the biggest surprise roster change IMO, he was part of the original 12 and to have his moveset be limited to only Ganondorf would be ludicrous

A smash game without somebody yelling FALCON PAWNCH is not a real smash game
this is what I hate about the smash bros community they blindly worship the almighty lord sakurai who can do not wrong and if anyone dares go against in they are ripped to shred and labeled melodrama whiners. I have the same right to voice my complaints on the likely roster as you do to praise it so I think I will.

the roster clearly is japan centric and hitting a lot of japan request when the west get little mac which was not even the most requested. I have no reasion to doubt that characters like shulk, pal(+ personal bias), chrom, and chros men( has to be japan since hardly anyone knows them here and sales of there game is big down there.) and the rest is character very few even asked for before there announcement. Fan's are the one's that have to be persuaded to buy the game so yes the best fan request need to be hit before the out there characters. It's almost like they realize will buy it anyway and don't care what we want. Being unique and interesting is cool and all but that's not why I play the game, I play it to fight with characters that are characters I connect with which is the reasion most play the game in the first place.

I normally agree with you on the leak thing but there really no disputing this one it is 100 % accurate so far with one of the characters being wii fit trainer. I geuss you can argue that the leaker could have seen the e3 trailer and the direct trailer in advance and added characters but chances of that is slim since if he did see the trailer he would know the pokemon was grenninja and not a x &Y pokemon iin general. It also fits the mk8 48 total roster with 4 cuts perfectly if you add the likely mewtwo which would not been on his list because he a vet. Do you think that's a coincidence? I hope I am wrong I really do but really the odds of being the final roster is more then it not being it

Ah...it's been a while since I've added someone to my ignore list. Feels refreshing.
That does look like an f-zero track.

I'll try to see if it matches existing ones or if it's just from rainbow road or smash run.

I don't think it is rainbow road because it's in space and there is blue sky in the pic. It isn't F-Zero according to Red Arremer and I haven't found anything that matches it. Doubt it is smash run because as big as that mode's map is, you'd rarely rub shoulders w/ other players till the match at the end.

Good find guys. That was a fun albeit short mystery.


I don't think it is rainbow road because it's in space and there is blue sky in the pic. It isn't F-Zero according to Red Arremer and I haven't found anything that matches it. Doubt it is smash run because as big as that mode's map is, you'd rarely rub shoulders w/ other players till the match at the end.


From the direct.

Yeah, the pattern does match, it's just the way sheik is positioned maked them look like lines and not squares.

It's rainbow road.
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