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The Elder Scrolls Lore Thread


It's basically france but with the race aspect (bretons are part mer and men), more intrigue, and a heavy commerce/trade bit. its not visually really striking I guess, but the goings on inside the province are pretty interesting. unfortunately in a game that means that it lives or dies on the writing, which Bethesda can be somewhat inconsistent at. But hey, Skyrim was a generic nordic fantasy province and it was still awesome.


i'd be down for a hammerfell/high rock game. i think that's what daggerfall was

there's lots of provinces you could group together in one game, like valenwood and elsweyr, ect. i think that's another strong possibility for ESVI but my money is still on summerset

Sotha Sil

I think High Rock might be the least interesting province. It's basically just standard medieval fantasy? It would feel just like Westeros.

Nah, it's very different actually. But you have to take into account that I value the social (factions, in gameplay terms) and magical aspect of the lore much more than its geographical aspect.

High Rock = windswept moors, foreboding cliffs and cloak and dagger intrigue with a lot of magic added to the mix. Much more romantic and baroque (in a word, much more elderscrolliesque) than Westeros. (And I did say High Rock/Summerset Isles; variety is the spice of life)


I seriously want VI to be set in the Summerset Isles. Just by looking at the concept art from the Online game you can tell that its the heart of high fantasy. Colorful, beautiful, spiritual and mystifying. Of course, there is the ugliness of the hearts of the Thalmor to be rooted out yet ( though I wouldn't mind being able to pick their side too ) and what better place to strike but the very streets of Alinor? I don't think a Thalmor conclusion can be made anywhere else. At least not satisfyingly.


Haha, well the Khajiit in "Where Were You When the Dragon Broke?" did say that the humans did not 'have the sugar to see' the Dragon Break so I guess there is a factual correlation established in lore between experiencing stuff ( like Dragon Breaks ) and being a dope head. ;)

I think it's a bit of a toss up for me between Hammerfell and the Summerset Isles. I'm uncertain of how played out a sand-swept kingdom is by now, let alone the color brown and tan. But if we could get anything like Journey meets Elder Scrolls? I don't think people would mind.

I think it's a bit of a toss up for me between Hammerfell and the Summerset Isles. I'm uncertain of how played out a sand-swept kingdom is by now, let alone the color brown and tan. But if we could get anything like Journey meets Elder Scrolls? I don't think people would mind.


I'm from the desert and would prefer a place with a little more greenery. That said, if this map is any indication, Hammerfell would be made with interesting and different environments with some trees and green.

I'd prefer them focusing on a smaller province, and actually making it bigger. Skyrim and Cyrodiil were these huge nations that got condensed into a 'best of' of 16 square miles.


I'm intrigued by Redguard/Stros M'Kai. Anyone given that a whirl? Feels like its never mentioned.

They should release it on Steam.

edit: also Battlespire.


I'm intrigued by Redguard/Stros M'Kai. Anyone given that a whirl? Feels like its never mentioned.

They should release it on Steam.

I thought it was excellent. The world was fairly well-developed (their first attempt at a game beyond Daggerfall's procedurally generated world) and it actually had a pretty good story with a great lineup of characters (really, some of TES' best). As is tradition, the combat was pretty crap.
I'm not sure how accurate that map is. Hammerfell is supposed to be mostly barren desert with nomadic tribes wandering around where most of civilization is located at the coast. That would make for an awesome setting; dunes as far as the eye can see, caravans travelling around and a real economy, a stronger emphasis on pack animals with desert survival elements... but realistically we'd just get a typical miniscule world with a "great desert" the size of Skyrim's tundra.


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I'd prefer them focusing on a smaller province, and actually making it bigger. Skyrim and Cyrodiil were these huge nations that got condensed into a 'best of' of 16 square miles.

Yeah, I agree. It would be amazing to get a game world at least the size of Just Cause 2's. I'd love huge, huge areas of land to be able to cover on foot, horse, or camel. Skyrim felt too crowded. There was usually always one or two locations (Stormcloak camp, village, cave, or ruin) within view, no matter where you are. It would be amazing to find some kind of Yokudan ruin truly in the middle of the desert.
I wanna see the Sea Elves or Akavir. Cat men who turned into dragons? Snake men who eat men? Evil frost demons from hell? Hell yes.
You know there is so much interesting lore in the Elder Scrolls series but how much of it do we actually get to see? We need to visit Valenwood complete with Walking Trees or Summerset Isles with their crystal spires and maybe even a brief excursion into the Akaviri continent


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I'm from the desert and would prefer a place with a little more greenery. That said, if this map is any indication, Hammerfell would be made with interesting and different environments with some trees and green.


That would be fun to play in.

I also think that a nautical game with basically the western coastline, including Iliac Bay, and on down to Summerset would be interesting. I do find it interesting that the various provinces seem to be in different "places" when it comes to "historical" advancement. Going from the high middle ages in Cyrodiil to the fall of the Roman Empire in Skyrim is rather odd. I don't know if that means the nautical game I envison would end up being Yarg! Pirates of the Carribean or to Greek/Trojan city-states. Actually, a sword-and-sandal sandbox would be amazing now that I think about it.

Yeah, I agree. It would be amazing to get a game world at least the size of Just Cause 2's. I'd love huge, huge areas of land to be able to cover on foot, horse, or camel. Skyrim felt too crowded. There was usually always one or two locations (Stormcloak camp, village, cave, or ruin) within view, no matter where you are. It would be amazing to find some kind of Yokudan ruin truly in the middle of the desert.
I don't know... having played through mods like Wyrmtooth and Falskaar where there was so much negative space, iI'm actually kind of liking going back to Skyrim where there's always something around the bend.
Does GAF prefer the smooth features of the Arena, Daggerfall, and Oblivion Dunmer or the rugged features of the Morrowind and Skyrim Dunmer? Does anyone think there's a lore-based reason for the different complexions and facial structure?


Does GAF prefer the smooth features of the Arena, Daggerfall, and Oblivion Dunmer or the rugged features of the Morrowind and Skyrim Dunmer? Does anyone think there's a lore-based reason for the different complexions and facial structure?

The rugged/jagged Skyrim and MW Dunmer are best Dunmer. They look a little unsubtly evil, but it kinda makes sense, with the daedric curse and all.

Oblivion anything looks awful pretty much in retrospect. The only thing I thought that looked cool in that game was Umaril. Camoran's Paradise was interesting too, but only because the rest of the game was so generic looking.

At the time I thought it was the tits though.
Does GAF prefer the smooth features of the Arena, Daggerfall, and Oblivion Dunmer or the rugged features of the Morrowind and Skyrim Dunmer? Does anyone think there's a lore-based reason for the different complexions and facial structure?

I prefer the Morrowind version of everything. :D


Don't know if this fits in here. Oh well.

So, im really curious about the Dragon Language in Skyrim, then I saw this site http://www.thuum.org/

Man, some work put into that.

I would be really cool to know my real name in dragon tongue.
I also think that a nautical game with basically the western coastline, including Iliac Bay, and on down to Summerset would be interesting. I do find it interesting that the various provinces seem to be in different "places" when it comes to "historical" advancement. Going from the high middle ages in Cyrodiil to the fall of the Roman Empire in Skyrim is rather odd. I don't know if that means the nautical game I envison would end up being Yarg! Pirates of the Carribean or to Greek/Trojan city-states. Actually, a sword-and-sandal sandbox would be amazing now that I think about it.


That was Daggerfall's map and you could own a ship.

Honestly they need to get back to awesome quests. Skyrim was full of shit quests.


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Not quite sure what TESO is going for. Seems like the rugged Dunmer are sort of an outlier in the overall history of the series.

Most of the Skyrim Dunmer are peasants or refugees, so it makes sense that they would look a bit haggard. I like this younger/smoother look, though.
Most of the Skyrim Dunmer are peasants or refugees, so it makes sense that they would look a bit haggard. I like this younger/smoother look, though.

I think I remember reading once that the big change in voice between Morrowind Dunmer and Oblivion Dunmer was because the latter were born in Cyrodiil and didn't grow up near Red Mountain. Maybe proximity to Red Mountain can account for physiological changes as well.

Probably not, though. I think Bethesda just does what they want, consistency be damned. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.


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Do the Redguards worship the divines or another pantheon?

I think they worship a mix of the Yokudan gods and Imperial gods... but the two pantheons are already so muddled that I bet most Redguards would only pray to the Divines.

Tall Papa, for example, represents Anu and Padomay. Sep is exactly the same as Lorkhan.
Do the Redguards worship the divines or another pantheon?

Their own version of the divines.

Since the Gods in TES lore are actually real, most of the gods worshipped are just different aspects of the same entities. Think of Akatosh/Auri-El/Auriel. So in a way, everyone kinda worships the same gods.


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I was really disappointed there was no Jyggalag in Skyrim. Seems like an odd oversight.

Jyggalag is implied to not exist, or at least have been temporarily created by Sheogorath to challenge the Hero of Kvatch. There are no references to Jyggalag at all outside of the Shivering Isles expansion. I don't think he's mentioned in any books at all. While all other Daedra strive to create chaos, Jyggalag wants to bring order.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Jeez, I didn't side with the Stormcloaks for nothing!

I always sided with the Empire under the personal assumption that I would become the next Emperor and have the power to obliterate the Thalmor.

I wonder how far ahead they have things planned out..

My guess is that they have things laid out lore wise for at least two more games. I think it will be interesting to see what happens once TESO is released for awhile.

TESO is set in the distant past though during the time of the first Aldmeri Dominion right?


My guess is that they have things laid out lore wise for at least two more games. I think it will be interesting to see what happens once TESO is released for awhile.

TESO is set in the distant past though during the time of the first Aldmeri Dominion right?

I think TESO won't be canon iirc
I'm worried that won't happen in TES VI based on Michael K's response that the
Thalmor are going to win in the end.
I don't think he was talking about defeating the Empire. He was probably talking about the Thalmor's long term goal of reverting the world back to what it was before humans came when elves were immortal. That's not something we're going to see for a very long time.


Except that is exactly what the Thalmor wanted. A divided/independent Skyrim weakens the Empire.

yep. fuck the stormcloaks. plus i generally didnt identify with their nationalism. I understand Ulfric's quarrel, but lol at him shouting Torygg to death in a sword fight.
He says it in one of his responses.

Kirkbride did an AMA? Why was I not informed sooner. Thank god this thread exists.

Also, Dunmer ninja's? Yes.

I'm worried that won't happen in TES VI based on Michael K's response that the
Thalmor are going to win in the end.

Kirkbride likes to be very meta, though. The future isn't set in stone, even in the Scrolls themselves, so he might just be messing with us. Just look at this:

The Thalmor is easily the most dangerous organization in the Aurbis. Moreso than Talos.

They cannot be understood. They are the Other and they hate everything that even smells like mortality.

And they're going to win in the end.

There could be a multitude of ways that they could 'win'. The kalpa could end, as it almost did in Skyrim. Or immortality could be achieved for all races. Or, something else.


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I wanna see the Sea Elves or Akavir. Cat men who turned into dragons? Snake men who eat men? Evil frost demons from hell? Hell yes.

I really hope the Maormer are like terrifying Zoras. I want to sea underwater coralstone cities, crazy sea magic, and weapons carved from whalebone and shells.

I don't think he was talking about defeating the Empire. He was probably talking about the Thalmor's long term goal of reverting the world back to what it was before humans came when elves were immortal. That's not something we're going to see for a very long time.

Elves were never immortal, but yeah, the Thalmor essentially wish to destroy Mundus and become gods. Their goal is interestingly similar to that of the Dwemer, and I could imagine their fate being the same.
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