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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Mod Discussion and News [Creation Kit released]

Legendary Edition was $15 at GameStop. Paper map and everything.

Though I just realized the disc is literally Skyrim by itself. You still download the DLC separately. Do all gold edition games do this? I thought the reason a lot of people bought them was so they didn't have to download the game piecemeal.

Anyway, GameStop actually has some surprising prices for physical PC games, at least the ones they can fit on that tiny-ass rack. They had Dishonored for $3. Pretty handy for if you aren't willing to wait for a Steam sale.
Physical pc games are in an odd spot. Physical prices are all over cause the market has become very niche
Legendary Edition was $15 at GameStop. Paper map and everything.

Though I just realized the disc is literally Skyrim by itself. You still download the DLC separately. Do all gold edition games do this? I thought the reason a lot of people bought them was so they didn't have to download the game piecemeal.

Anyway, GameStop actually has some surprising prices for physical PC games, at least the ones they can fit on that tiny-ass rack. They had Dishonored for $3. Pretty handy for if you aren't willing to wait for a Steam sale.

That's odd, I think my Legendary Edition came with everything on-disc. Could be wrong, though.
thank god for magic mods...the vanilla magic system is terrible

What's your favorite?

My issue with most of the magic mods is they aren't intelligently designed at all. They just throw a million different spells in there that are crazy overpowered and it's all just so ridiculous.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Is it bad to have mods from both the Nexus and the Workshop?

Using the workshop in general is just asking for trouble when modding Skyrim imo. Things will probably work but expect bugs and CTDs.


Using the workshop in general is just asking for trouble when modding Skyrim imo. Things will probably work but expect bugs and CTDs.

Damn. The only reason I want to is because I can only find the "Pit Fighter" mod on the workshop and not the nexus, and I really want an arena for Skyrim.
So since there isn't a dedicated thread for oblivion modding with any activity I'll post here again:

Been reinstalling my oblivion mods since I realized I had a bunch of fluff mods that I didn't actually care about. Keeping to gameplay mods rather than tons of texture mods. Thing is, I ran in to the strangest bug I've seen in the game. the Denock Arrows mod and the Shield on Back mod (with the automation addon) conflict in such a way that the game won't allow you to start a new game. As in you literally cannot select "yes" when asked if you want to create a new character. I can't figure out why the hell this would happen and I've never seen a bug like that in some 8 years or whatever of Oblivion.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Have any of you guys managed to finish a long (100+ hour) playthrough with mods? When I first started modding this wasn't an issue but lately now that I have 150+ mods I can only make it so far into a game before things start breaking and CTDs start popping up. Farthest I ever got was 80ish hours before CTDs started becoming annoying.

I've downloaded StableUGridstoLoad and Shenson's memory patch but I guess I must be using some poorly coded mods. I also have a terrible habit of adding new script heavy mods in the middle of playthroughs which I've stopped now. I feel like other people just play up until a certain point until the save becomes unstable and then just start over.

I might just start using "player.modAV skill" and continue from where I left off if it keeps up. For now though I've tossed out some of the more beta mods and and culled my modlist of what I don't really need. Hopefully, this save will remain stable as I do want to do that one complete playthrough of Skyrim with mods.


Have any of you guys managed to finish a long (100+ hour) playthrough with mods? When I first started modding this wasn't an issue but lately now that I have 150+ mods I can only make it so far into a game before things start breaking and CTDs start popping up. Farthest I ever got was 80ish hours before CTDs started becoming annoying.

I've downloaded StableUGridstoLoad and Shenson's memory patch but I guess I must be using some poorly coded mods. I also have a terrible habit of adding new script heavy mods in the middle of playthroughs which I've stopped now. I feel like other people just play up until a certain point until the save becomes unstable and then just start over.

I might just start using "player.modAV skill" and continue from where I left off if it keeps up. For now though I've tossed out some of the more beta mods and and culled my modlist of what I don't really need. Hopefully, this save will remain stable as I do want to do that one complete playthrough of Skyrim with mods.

I have. I found that after cleaning and sorting my mods, I stopped getting CTD's all together, or only once in a blue moon. I've come to find that mods that gave me a lot of crashing problems, like Falkreth Reborne, were never going to work well to begin with, so I just scrapped them.


For some reason I was getting a ton of crashes with Mod Organizer, so I switched back to NMM and I've been having a lot more luck. Not sure why. I really liked mod organizer, but it didn't like me.

Also I've learned that I can't stand Skyrim's original combat anymore. I switched to a mod (Skyrim Redone) that makes it way more deadly (two or three hit kills for both me and enemies) and I'm having a way better time. I have to be very strategic. That + the massive Warzone mod I have makes for some epic battles.

This should tide me over til Witcher 3.

Have any of you guys managed to finish a long (100+ hour) playthrough with mods? When I first started modding this wasn't an issue but lately now that I have 150+ mods I can only make it so far into a game before things start breaking and CTDs start popping up. Farthest I ever got was 80ish hours before CTDs started becoming annoying.

I've downloaded StableUGridstoLoad and Shenson's memory patch but I guess I must be using some poorly coded mods. I also have a terrible habit of adding new script heavy mods in the middle of playthroughs which I've stopped now. I feel like other people just play up until a certain point until the save becomes unstable and then just start over.

I might just start using "player.modAV skill" and continue from where I left off if it keeps up. For now though I've tossed out some of the more beta mods and and culled my modlist of what I don't really need. Hopefully, this save will remain stable as I do want to do that one complete playthrough of Skyrim with mods.

I've made it about 100 hours with no problems with about 50 mods. I try not to go over 50 mods though.


Combat rebalance mods only do so much to change the feel of Skyrim's combat. I've been meaning to try Action Combat for my next session. It makes the combat more... kinetic I guess?
Yeah I agree, which is why I like the one that hugely increases damage so that there is just less combat!

And that mod looks pretty cool, I migt check it out.


Sound also makes up for half of the combat experience IMO. And vanilla Skyrim really falls flat here in that it uses draconian memory-saving measures on the sound effects. Every time you hit a material type that was different from the last one, the game will play a pre-loaded generic impact sound regardless of weapon type, before it loads in the appropriate sounds for the next hit. It's the same weak nondescript sound no matter if it's a dagger or a warhammer being used. So this is what you'll end up hearing most of the time. I remove this constraint (in addition to overhauling the existing weapon sounds, and giving every weapon a unique soundset whereas some in vanilla are shared) in ISC.


Sound also makes up for half of the combat experience IMO. And vanilla Skyrim really falls flat here in that it uses draconian memory-saving measures on the sound effects. Every time you hit a material type that was different from the last one, the game will play a pre-loaded generic impact sound regardless of weapon type, before it loads in the appropriate sounds for the next hit. It's the same weak nondescript sound no matter if it's a dagger or a warhammer being used. So this is what you'll end up hearing most of the time. I remove this constraint (in addition to overhauling the existing weapon sounds, and giving every weapon a unique soundset whereas some in vanilla are shared) in ISC.

You made that? Awesome, downloading now. Any other good sound mods? I haven't really thought about it but that would help a lot.


Unlimited Capacity
Anyone do a full playthrough of Requiem here? Does it still get pretty easy at like mid game? I hit lvl 10 and everything is much more manageable after basicalky not being able to do anything until lvl 6 or so.


I wish I read this thread before starting my latest playthrough. I've spent 20+ hours on a modded game with NMM before realizing how useful Mod Organizer could be in the long run.
I tried to revisit Skyrim again after not touching it for like a year, I had already logged in 180 hours when I stopped.

After switching out my failing AMD 6950 to a Nvidia 580 recently and trying to play again, I get weird red triangle graphics glitches everywhere. :(

If I try to uninstall and reinstall again, do I lose everything?


Since combat in Skyrim was always trash, I felt that the reason is that combat is just too floaty, you don't feel impact when you strike an enemy.

I ususally use:

TK Hitstop (adds vibration and add a pause effect when you hit something)
Immersive Sounds (alters sounds to sound much more hard hitting)

These two alongside a combat overhaul like Deadly Combat or DUEL makes the combat much better imo.


I tried to revisit Skyrim again after not touching it for like a year, I had already logged in 180 hours when I stopped.

After switching out my failing AMD 6950 to a Nvidia 580 recently and trying to play again, I get weird red triangle graphics glitches everywhere. :(

If I try to uninstall and reinstall again, do I lose everything?

back up your saves?
So what are you impressions of Perkus Maximus? It's been about 10 months since I finished my last Skyrim playthrough, and I remember looking forward to PerMa coming out.


So what are you impressions of Perkus Maximus? It's been about 10 months since I finished my last Skyrim playthrough, and I remember looking forward to PerMa coming out.

It has the best designed perk trees out of any overhaul mod, that's for sure. You need a complementary mod to make some sense out of the perk descriptions though, unless you're that hardcore into roleplaying (it only alludes to what the perks do instead of using gameplay/mechanical terms, like Requiem does).

Some of the cool design changes include special focus/mastery/whatever perks which you can only choose 1 from each broader category (the perk trees are divided into warrior/thief/mage categories, so you can have max 1 for each). You can also alternatively spec into "prodigy" perks for some utlity trees like alchemy which gives you high level perks very early on, in exchange for stunting your progression in that tree. Then there's nice little things in all the trees, like a heavy armor perk that lets you knock down opponents by sprinting into them.
Good to see this thread get a bit more activity.

I got the DLCs pretty recently, coming from a vanilla game. What mods were previously locked behind the DLCs that I should try out?


Good to see this thread get a bit more activity.

I got the DLCs pretty recently, coming from a vanilla game. What mods were previously locked behind the DLCs that I should try out?

PerMa requires the DLCs for one. And my sound mods of course. In fact most of the more intricate overhauls probably do. I think the most common factor is simply that supporting and updating separate versions depending on DLC just becomes too much work. And if you make changes to one, then copying over those changes to the others is far from easy, because editing the plugin's master list is going to mess up references/formIDs and such so you have to do tons of manual work to fix it up again.



Playing right now with a sort of recreation of my WoW enhancement shaman. PerMa + Apocalypse spell package lets me mimick a lot of aspects of that class. Dual wielding axes, lightning-specced destruction magic, lots of utility from alteration, and a trusty summoned spectral wolf. Apocalypse Magic gives me these cool macro alteration spells that lets me auto-trigger specified spells when certain conditions are met. For example whenever I enter combat I get lightning cloak auto-casted along with a short movement speed buff. If I have a spell and 1-handed weapon equipped I can also trigger the spell from weapon swings. Nice perk from the PerMa alteration tree.
It has the best designed perk trees out of any overhaul mod, that's for sure. You need a complementary mod to make some sense out of the perk descriptions though, unless you're that hardcore into roleplaying (it only alludes to what the perks do instead of using gameplay/mechanical terms, like Requiem does).

Some of the cool design changes include special focus/mastery/whatever perks which you can only choose 1 from each broader category (the perk trees are divided into warrior/thief/mage categories, so you can have max 1 for each). You can also alternatively spec into "prodigy" perks for some utlity trees like alchemy which gives you high level perks very early on, in exchange for stunting your progression in that tree. Then there's nice little things in all the trees, like a heavy armor perk that lets you knock down opponents by sprinting into them.

Thank you for the info. I look forward to using it. This will be my third playthrough and hopefully my most stable modlist yet. I learned a lot from my first two experiences.

Good to see this thread get a bit more activity.

I got the DLCs pretty recently, coming from a vanilla game. What mods were previously locked behind the DLCs that I should try out?

Here's some good ones that require one or both of the DLCs:

Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul
Werewolf Mastery
Royal Bloodline - Vampire Lord perk tree - abilities - and more
Better Vampires - Make sure you install the Royal Bloodline compatibility patch.
Daedra of Coldharbour


Opened up one of my old abandoned projects which was a recreation of WoW's Scarlet Monastery.

Mostly just relied on retexturing existing Skyrim architecture models. Some rooms were extra challenging to get right like the oval room in the armory. Constantly hitting obstacles like that is what made me stop. Not to mention that I'd have to do things like script boss encounters which I have zero experience with.

Here's a direct comparison of the cathedral, in an earlier version with different textures.

Looking for an ENB that adds rain droplet effects on the screen, it was posted in here a while back, but I'm having trouble finding it.

Edit: Found it.

I really like the way T.A.Z Visual Overhaul looks.

But I really want to see how Dahaka ENB looks when its finished. Here is a YouTube vid which demonstrates the rain effect that intrigues me.
Want to get back to this at some point but I think it will require a GPU upgrade to get what I want...which in my case pretty much means a new computer altogether.

Starting over I'd nuke the install from orbit anyway and re-learn everything. Too hard to sift through what I did.
So I started watching Game of Thrones...which has me interested in Skyrim (also The Witcher - might restart TW2, after watching a bit of a TW3 let's play) again, even if I can't push all the mods I'd want. But I might spend the weekend fiddling around with things, 6+ months (according to my post dates in this thread) after I first started playing with Skyrim mods.



The Forgotten City mod, featured on Brodual today.

Time-travel/loop murder mystery. Fitting it gets brought up now since BttF day was yesterday. Looks really cool. Has me thinking about trying my hand at modding myself (again), albeit with a much smaller scope (certainly to start).
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