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The God who Peter Molyneux forgot - Curiosity winner Bryan Henderson


Gold Member
The sad part of it is that a potential winner could think that this would be everything he/she needs for the rest of his/hers life and just sit and wait.

"They wouldn't lie to me, wouldn't they?"

I do hope that kid has some other perspective's and that he didn't just sit and wait to become god.


It sounds like he won the right to earn 1% of the money the game earns until someone challenges him in the game's multiplayer mode and wins, at which point that person will take his place and start earning the money instead.


This is despicable and truly seals Molyneux as a person in my eyes now, not just as a giddy designer with a big mouth.


Y'know, it's pretty telling that the most professional person in this entire situation is the kid who won the contest.


The sad part of it is that a potential winner could think that this would be everything he/she needs for the rest of his/hers life and just sit and wait.

"They wouldn't lie to me, wouldn't they?"

I do hope that kid has some other perspective's and that he didn't just sit and wait to become god.

Wow, that really is fucked when you think about it.

At such a young age this really could be a ... life changing event, but perhaps not for the better.

It seems like he is taking it all in his stride, though, so good on him for that.


Junior Member
Peter Molyneux should have stayed at Microsoft, it sounds like his company is losing staff and theve only released one free to play game that's gotten mediocre reviews. At least with Microsoft they were willing to fund his projects even if he over promised on every game. Indie companies generally don't have that luxury, one or two failed games in a row can close a studio.
The sad part of it is that a potential winner could think that this would be everything he/she needs for the rest of his/hers life and just sit and wait.

"They wouldn't lie to me, wouldn't they?"

I do hope that kid has some other perspective's and that he didn't just sit and wait to become god.

I bet Peter will be pissed with Eurogamer.

If you pair actually read the (very good!) piece in full, they get comment from Peter, who is mad apologetic over the whole thing but still won't commit to promising multiplayer will happen, and they have details on what the kid is doing - he's studying hard, he has ambitions, he's annoyed but at the same time doesn't really give a shit.
Im convinced this guy has some legal obligation to fill this somehow.

I cant just say "Respond to this ad and win 1 million dollars" and not give any money out. There are laws in place to prevent that.


Y'know, it's pretty telling that the most professional person in this entire situation is the kid who won the contest.

It's not surprising that you have huge people in the industry with big ego's. Molyneux isn't the only one. Inafune is another.
It's....just fascinating how literally everything Molyneux says turns out as a blatant lie.

Just incredible. Ever since Fable 1. Over a decade of bullshit.


Well, there's this, there's 22cans unable to deliver on all their Kickstarter promises (including a Linux version), and there was Curiosity selling DLC to get to the centre faster, when it later transpired there were infinite layers until the powers that be decided the experiment had gone on long enough and it was time to flip a switch and create an end point. I once had a conversation about this with someone from 22cans on Eurogamer - I think his name was Sam - and when I raised this point he didn't respond further.

They just strike me as slimy and dishonest, and Molyneux overpromises and underdelivers so much that he's a goddamn joke.

... People bought Curiosity DLC?


This kind of behavior is becoming somewhat pathological in nature, and it's kind of troubling, if you ask me.

Eh, I think that's going a bit too far, but I wonder if it's a reasonable question to ask if at this point, people should look around at ways to stop enabling the guy. He's produced great games, but they've been increasingly wrapped around layers on nonsense and hyperbole and great ideas that don't actually see the light of day. It doesn't seem like people are really willing to call him out on it—they had a good interview with him on Podcast Unlocked around the time of the new consoles, but they really fell flat when it came to this.

This is a sad story, because it reads like the kid really *was* hurt by how things with Godus went down, even as he says he isn't.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
How Peter Molyneux keeps convincing people to give him attention (and money) is beyond my understanding.

By this point, I'm not sure if I lost faith in him, or the audience. Or both.


I really don't get how Molyneux can move on to a new game when he hasn't made good on the promises made to people who gave him money. What the fuck. It's despicable.

Good article by Eurogamer though.


This man seriously needs a big hit game again now. It has to be critically acclaimed or he will be rediculed till he retires and further.


Im convinced this guy has some legal obligation to fill this somehow.

I cant just say "Respond to this ad and win 1 million dollars" and not give any money out. There are laws in place to prevent that.

1% of nothing is nothing. Molyneaux is in the clear!
After that thread yesterday about his new game, that he will probably abandon as well, I am tapped out of corny jokes.

The house of Molybux knows no bounds. Hoping his kid isn't like him.
But can you really blame Molyneux? He's already working on another mind-blowing never-before-seen experience! Those take time. Who has time to fulfill promises when you're exploring new emotions?
His new game, The Trial, will be an “experience never seen before"...will 'build on feelings and emotions untapped so far.”
Btw, it's going to be another mobile game


Gold Member
If you pair actually read the (very good!) piece in full, they get comment from Peter, who is mad apologetic over the whole thing but still won't commit to promising multiplayer will happen, and they have details on what the kid is doing - he's studying hard, he has ambitions, he's annoyed but at the same time doesn't really give a shit.

Can't do it at work, so i base my opinion on the quotes, common sense about Peter and other comments here.
No, I don't think so. Unless he signed a paper contract, I am not sure they legally owe him anything.

Contracts don't have to be written to be valid. Verbal, and recorded verbal, would entirely suffice. However, if what was promised was grandiose, unclear, or difficult to put any real dollar amount to, litigating it would be pretty challenging.
... People bought Curiosity DLC?

A means of digging faster on the idea of getting to the 'centre' faster was available to buy, yeah. And considering there was no 'centre' until 22cans decided to end the project just seems like a con. Selling something on the idea it has an effect, when in fact it has none.


If Peter Molyneux was a GAF account, he would have been banned long ago.

If Peter Molyneux was a website, it would come up as *****.com on GAF.

This guy deserves zero attention or money. He has disappointed many, clearly lied a countless amount of times, and now we have direct evidence of him straight up fucking over someone directly.

The dude is human garbage and we should just boycott anything he does.


If you pair actually read the (very good!) piece in full, they get comment from Peter, who is mad apologetic over the whole thing but still won't commit to promising multiplayer will happen, and they have details on what the kid is doing - he's studying hard, he has ambitions, he's annoyed but at the same time doesn't really give a shit.

I did read it, before I posted it and my point stands. Yes, they reached out to him for comment but this is a very damning article and will severely damage his reputation. Why do you think he won't be pissed off that they went to print with it?
So... what was inside the cube?

A message from Molyneux stating that the winner would become the God in Godus. With that they'd be able to control everything that happened in the game. They were also supposed to get a cut from each copy sold.


A means of digging faster on the idea of getting to the 'centre' faster was available to buy, yeah. And considering there was no 'centre' until 22cans decided to end the project just seems like a con. Selling something on the idea it has an effect, when in fact it has none.

I didn't know that they bluffed that. That's despicable. It's basically theft.
But can you really blame Molyneux? He's already working on another mind-blowing never-before-seen experience! Those take time. Who has time to fulfill promises when you're exploring new emotions?

Sounds like something a cenobite would say... and it seems Molyneux produces the same results to a degree!


The article makes it seem like he signed a contract, but it also makes it sound like he signed a contract to be the first God of Gods, which is a ranked multiplayer mode where whoever beats the God of Gods starts earning 1% of the money the game earns until they are defeated and someone else turns into the God of Gods. This could earn you less money than the F2P stuff you need to buy to be competitive in the game's multiplayer costs. They don't seem to have properly explained to the guy that he can lose his place as "God of Gods", and the article explicitly says this would mean he stops getting money. Maybe the new "Gods of Gods" don't even earn the 1%.
I did read it, before I posted it and my point stands. Yes, they reached out to him for comment but this is a very damning article and will severely damage his reputation. Why do you think he won't be pissed off that they went to print with it?

He might be pissed off, but it's not anyone else who's to blame. He lied about Curiosity, he lied about Godus, and now he's getting called out on it.


Peter Molyneux is the worst type of manager/CEO to have: one that is so removed from the legwork of running a business that his vision has no grounding in reality.

I don't understand how this guy continues to get investors to give him money. While I understand you need someone in a company to "tell the story" of where a company should go, that story can't be something that's completely undeliverable.

I really hope this story gets picked up by more then the enthusiast video game press.


I was actually angry when the Kickstarter originally eked by for Godus. I knew giving him money would be a mistake and produce a shoddy product, seems like my predictions came true.


When are outlets going to stop treating Molyneux as "eccentric" and start treating him with the same contempt as scam artists like in their WarZ articles?

That's weak, even for him.
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