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"The Last Night" (Milkshake Duck incarnate) E3 Trailer [XBO/Win10/Steam 2018]

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People keep saying this. Those themes he talked about in tweets are from 3 years ago. The current Steam page paints a different story. Still boycott-worthy on the basis of the creator's views alone, and it's possible that some of those themes are still present, but I doubt MS would've made such a big show about a GamerGate/anti-feminist game. Reading a summary of the game on Steam it doesn't sound like it went down that path at all.

The writer was in the fucking thread when this all broke and could have easily said the story had changed. Guess what he ghosted and made a tweet about haters. Does that sound like it has changed?

So is that literally the plot or is he just being a jackass?

According to him literally the plot.


People keep saying this. Those themes he talked about in tweets are from 3 years ago. The current Steam page paints a different story. Still boycott-worthy on the basis of the creator's views alone, and it's possible that some of those themes are still present, but I doubt MS would've made such a big show about a GamerGate/anti-feminist game. Reading a summary of the game on Steam it doesn't sound like it went down that path at all.

Given that a rep. from Microsoft literally responded to his tweet recently where he claims "he supports equality" asking for more clarification, it's looking more likely that they had no clue what they signed on. Willing to bet damage control will arise and that his contract with Microsoft might come to an end.
The writer was in the fucking thread when this all broke and could have easily said the story had changed. Guess what he ghosted and made a tweet about haters. Does that sound like it has changed?

Changed from what? The story on the public-facing Steam page that makes no mention of feminism?

This guy is a billionaire, he could do anything he wanted but instead he sits at his computer and flings shit at women that have been harassed, how fucking sad.

Jfc, this guy is just a sack of crap. Once he cashed out he must've felt he could just reveal how much of an idiot he could be without repercussions. I wouldn't put it past him to have invested money in things that have/will actually hurt people in this world.

Just sad.
I've played these ones so I can co-sign on them, recommended 2064 a couple times in this thread too. I'd argue that it's extremely progressive. I'm also in that game as well as VA-11 HALL-A!
as an alcoholic ingredient, it's a total coincidence that I had nothing to do with but will absolutely claim as my idea now
OMG really? What's your role in 2064? I'm a character in only one videogame.
Suppose he could get that Colin Moriarty money.

Get the dregs of humanity to defend your horrible bullshit and give you money to spite "teh sjws"

This would work incredibly well.

I mean, as neat as the game looks, it doesnt stick out from a sea of other indie games. Its not cuphead or ori

So this controversy helps this game immensely.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Yes, Tim Soret is a gamergater.

And, no, outing him as a gg scumbag isn't a thread derail as it will be important information for people who may be otherwise interested in the game.

I, for one, think the game looks interesting but knowing Tim is a cunt means I cannot buy it with a clear conscience.

So I won't be buying it.

Ahh bummer, it's a top 3 for me so far but hearing this, I am out. Plenty of other games to support and enjoy
People keep saying this. Those themes he talked about in tweets are from 3 years ago. The current Steam page paints a different story. Still boycott-worthy on the basis of the creator's views alone, and it's possible that some of those themes are still present, but I doubt MS would've made such a big show about a GamerGate/anti-feminist game. Reading a summary of the game on Steam it doesn't sound like it went down that path at all.

None of us actually have a full story synopsis.

Isn't that pic of replies from that one lady a Microsoft employee or am I misunderstanding? That makes me think that maybe they didn't know.


The writer was in the fucking thread when this all broke and could have easily said the story had changed. Guess what he ghosted and made a tweet about haters. Does that sound like it has changed?

"Oh shit, they found the tweets!"



*login to alt*

"What did he say that's so bad?"
No. Why should you be?

So far the critique is not about the game but about the dev's view point not incompetence.

I'm genuinely excited to see if this is any good.

Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong suit. There are multiple posts critical of how the creator's garbage views are present in the game itself. Try reading harder instead of being a whiny concern troll.
Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong suit. There are multiple posts critical of how the creator's garbage views are present in the game itself. Try reading harder instead of being a whiny concern troll.

The devs fucking shitty viewpoint is literally the plot of the game.

I'm actually only interested in whether the gameplay will be good.

I know it's hard to believe about people caring about gameplay. But yea.


Am I considered a bad person for wanting to play this game? Looks phenomenal.

Eh, not really. The art style is phenomenal. I'm also morbidly curious just how fucking dumb he makes the story in this thing.

But yeah you can appreciate art that doesn't agree with you, even made by monsters or worse. It does get questionable if the money you're giving them to experience said art is going to harm others. In such a case, you might want to consider cross donating to like Planned Parenthood or something a similar amount.
Given that a rep. from Microsoft literally responded to his tweet recently where he claims "he supports equality" asking for more clarification, it's looking more likely that they had no clue what they signed on. Willing to bet damage control will arise and that his contract with Microsoft might come to an end.

Isn't that pic of replies from that one lady a Microsoft employee or am I misunderstanding? That makes me think that maybe they didn't know.

The context of the tweets with the Microsoft rep was concerning the creator's own screwed up beliefs/politics, not the ones contained within the game. They could've easily known what the game was about, but not the sort of guy behind it, until he showed his true colors.


I played the demo version when it came out years ago and I was pretty excited when it got announce on stage. Like, an audible "HOLY SHIT THE LAST NIGHT". But finding out what the game is supposed to be about was a massive letdown. I'd be shocked if anyone on this forum was more excited and/or disappointed in this turn of events than me.

Also, take better care of your alt accounts people.


Scroll up.

Anyways are there no fans of the game here?

I really couldn't care less about what a dev thinks as long as the game is good. I'm not going to stop going to Starbucks because someone is a Scientologist and works there if they serve good coffee.

You are not but you are in a thread discussing about it so I would assume at least a little interested?
Personally, I wouldn't go to a Starbucks where the barista says shit about me and my friends, but you do you. Video games are a bit further removed than that scenario and it's easier to accept that your favorite game has some people who are awful in life, but the premise of the game as I understand from the developer's words sounds like someone's trash novella.
People keep saying this. Those themes he talked about in tweets are from 3 years ago. The current Steam page paints a different story. Still boycott-worthy on the basis of the creator's views alone, and it's possible that some of those themes are still present, but I doubt MS would've made such a big show about a GamerGate/anti-feminist game. Reading a summary of the game on Steam it doesn't sound like it went down that path at all.
It's irrelevant whether the premise of the game has changed or not when the dev hasn't changed.
I'm actually only interested in whether the gameplay will be good.

I know it's hard to believe about people caring about gameplay. But yea.

But you wanted to talk about the game, right? Story and narrative aren't parts of the game? Should we clear with you what isn't and is okay discussing now?

Keep moving those goal posts. Maybe hit up alt right Reddit for some bullet points.


I don't get what that has to do with the quality of a videogame.

It has everything to do with it. Story is integral to the game. You seem to purposefully ignore points/revert back to "just asking questions" so I have to say I really don't want to bother. You already got your answers. You can either take part genuinely in the discussion or not.


Did he harm anyone physically or psychologically?

There are plenty of people who believe or support crazy things.

Does it have anything to do with the quality of the product they produce?

In this case, does it have anything to do with the gameplay?
Lol the fuck is this? This isn't some low-level programmer on a massive team. This is his game. And thus comes from his perspective, and his politics. He literally describes his story as "what if feminism won as opposed to egalitarianism," which says a lot about his social views.

If the story didn't matter, then he wouldn't have considered it worth mentioning. And yet he did.

But I see I'm replying to someone who seems to think gameplay is the only thing worth commenting on unless convenient...
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