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The Official Halo 3 Thread

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Shotty Snipers should not exist. Snipe games should be snipe primary, pistol secondary.

Narrows with shotguns in my back every 2 seconds or the terrible shotgun lunge is not very fun.


I disagree. Shotty Snipes is a lot of fun but possibly not suited for all maps. Either way it is my understaning that if you get that gametype in matchmaking, you have the motion sensor. Use it to watch your back.
I dislike Shotty Snipers because I primarily use those games to practise no scopes/fuck around and it's no fun trying to headshot someone at close range when they have a shotgun.


343i Lead Esports Producer
that scenery video was fuckin awful. I think it was the music that made it shitty. I got like a minute through and was like fuck this, I'll just the play the game and see how good it looks. There were some shitty shots too. I think those monster dishes in the background on Standoff are unreal looking. Like...unreal engine 3 unreal. :D


cjelly said:
Valhalla is the best territories map.

3 is always a bunch of fun.
I like Standoff because of how compact it is, and the line of sights are long to the territories. I did a game on Rat's Nest yesterday and a bad spawn can put you a good 30 seconds from getting in sight of a contested territory. Standoff is much more hectic. Capturing the ones on the side, by the bubble shields, is anarchy in BTB.
GhaleonEB said:
I like Standoff because of how compact it is, and the line of sights are long to the territories. I did a game on Rat's Nest yesterday and a bad spawn can put you a good 30 seconds from getting in sight of a contested territory. Standoff is much more hectic. Capturing the ones on the side, by the bubble shields, is anarchy in BTB.

Agreed, I was also shocked at how awesome KOTH was on Standoff.


Ok, I know my maps in the past have all been terrible, but I think this one is at least better than The Platform ;)




It needs more grenades, weapons, objective objects (Only works for Assault and CTF; even then I haven't tested them) but I think, pretty much, the geometry is set in place. It really needs playtested but I'm pleased with how it ended up looking.


sorry for page width rape
Shake Appeal said:
What it needs, judging by that last shot, is a hell of a lot more spawns.

Maybe, and make sure you set up an attackers and defenders situation and set the spawns like that so you don't have an Amplified situation when you play TS gametypes on it.

Set up the spawns similar to Onslaught.


There are spawns hidden behind the ramps and out of the picture view... Load up the map and look at it.

I don't know a lot about spawns, though.. :\ I just put some attacker spawns on one side, defender spawns on the other.

It does need more BR's actually, as I said I'm not done balancing it. BR starts would be the Gametype anyway, right? ;)

edit: If any Forgers out there are good with spawns, plz halp


Get back from the beach later today. One more glorious night of Halo before RB2 makes sweet love to my ears for the next few weeks.

Numbers, that actually looks like a legitimate map judging only from the screens. I will gladly download it and critique the shit out of it later.


Looks like a great map Numbers, I'll download it later on.

Oh and anyone up for a game in about an hour? My gamertag is Volcanux.


Nutter said:
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStatsHalo3.aspx?gameid=739428065&player=TJ Nutter

Pozer NovaK

Just ran into these tards, Doing the negative exp boosting. Worst part is that they lagged the hell out of the game (shooting entire clip of br and watch as nothing happens, then all of a sudden i die). sigh. I say Luke erases their accounts and their precious little rank that they are trying to achieve. :p
If it was so laggy then how did Dopey manage to get a headshot, huh?

Seems to me you guys just got rocked, donged, pooped on, and then raped. I'd expect better from you, Nutter. Sack up and learn to take it like a man.


So the first time it was a mistake... now its a tradition.
jambalaya for happy football's eve.


Done right, none of that from a box shit.
Should color up nicely by tomorrow.

Nola however is not impressed.



EazyB said:
If it was so laggy then how did Dopey manage to get a headshot, huh?

Seems to me you guys just got rocked, donged, pooped on, and then raped. I'd expect better from you, Nutter. Sack up and learn to take it like a man.
Nice one eazy, expected nothing more.

Take it as you will. However I played the game and I know what happened. But thanks for trying.


Dirtbag 504 said:
So the first time it was a mistake... now its a tradition.
Jambalya for happy football's eve.
These are not the images people want to see.

Rock Band 2 pics with ion drumset ASAP!
Or I suppose you could post them in the RB thread :p

Nutter said:
Take it as you will. However I played the game and I know what happened. But thanks for trying.
Well judging by K/D in that match, someone had to try.
Who at Bungie uses the gt d1rtydr3w? Because he just handed my ass to me at Shotty Snipers. I accused him of spawning with power drainer and he sang me a song.
It wasn't a familiar tune to me but it did seem jaunty.

He was with Ghintoch, Master, and Palinar, all of whom have recon, and two of whom had the Bungie icon by their tag.

Apart from playing with dmiller, these were the only Bungie employees I have ever spotted in the wild.
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