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The Official iPhone/iPod Touch Gaming Thread

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"GAF's biggest wanker"
winnarps said:
Wish this had released last night...

Now I gotta sit through a whole day of work before I can jump in.
Same :\ Can't wait to play around with some of the new apps.

Does the AppStore allow user ratings, like the music side of iTunes does?
Been browsing through the App Store... the guys who made Pinball FX from XBLA have made a pinball table for the iPhone. Sweet! It's called Zen Pinball: Rollercoaster. It's $4.99 and I bought it already, of course I can't play it until 2.0 ships.


Flashlight... the app... for $0.99

Couldn't you just use a white jpeg and view--
Nevermind, it must be intelligence test or something.


Great, now I'm gonna need an iPod Touch...some of these games look pretty good. Too bad Song Summoner isn't compatible though...

Yes Boss!

So, does anybody know how Bomberman is controlled? I got Monkeyball ready for tomorrow and thinking about pulling the trigger on Bomberman.


"industry expert"
sykoex said:
With this instant flood, I'm starting to wonder if iPhone will cause another video game crash.


It doesn't sound any different from all of the games out there for palm pilots and Pocket PCs.

It's probably a lot of the same software ported to new control schemes, even.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Updated to 7.7. Will keep an eye on this thread as I'll have to rely on GAF, as usual when there's no demos to try out.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
sykoex said:
With this instant flood, I'm starting to wonder if iPhone will cause another video game crash.
Seriously? How is this any different from buying a console that's been out on the market for a couple of years? To the buyer, it has an "instant flood" of games. That's supposed to be selling point, fer crissake!


Lost all credibility.
kaching said:
Seriously? How is this any different from buying a console that's been out on the market for a couple of years? To the buyer, it has an "instant flood" of games. That's supposed to be selling point, fer crissake!
I'm just hoping for quality control. If there wasn't, any one of these games could brick your iPhone for all we know.


"industry expert"
sykoex said:
I'm just hoping for quality control. If there wasn't, any one of these games could brick your iPhone for all we know.

Well, I assume that they do some technical QA before they would allow anything up on their store, but the fact that they are willing to sell you a flashlight app for a buck kind of makes it clear that for ACTUALLY quality, you're going to have to actually think about what you're buying.
dallow_bg said:
Waiting for jailbreak 2.0. :(

Should take less than a day for that.

Is there a way to update my launch ipod touch to jailbroken 2.0 (or any later firmware) without the use of itunes or a lot of effort?


sykoex said:
I'm just hoping for quality control. If there wasn't, any one of these games could brick your iPhone for all we know.

Apple made it sound like the quality control is in the SDK itself... I doubt anything will be bricking iphones


"GAF's biggest wanker"
sykoex said:
I'm just hoping for quality control. If there wasn't, any one of these games could brick your iPhone for all we know.
It's not like they started building apps yesterday. The SDK went through 8 betas over the last 5 months and, yes, there is a QA process involved in the app submission.

So if there are no background processes allowed, how are apps like AIM supposed to work?
For now, they just won't have any kind of background activity. But Apple is saying they will be deploying a centralized alerts service for apps, to route appropriate alerts to each via one background service on the iphone. Supposed to be deployed by September.


That's cool. I watched the apple keynote talking about the push services, but wasn't sure how long it would take for them to be implemented.

Does that mean it requires a mobileme subscription for the push functionality?


nods at old men
Linkzg said:
Is there a way to update my launch ipod touch to jailbroken 2.0 (or any later firmware) without the use of itunes or a lot of effort?
You need to get the latest official FW installed via iTunes then jailbreak it.
The jailbreak process doesn't require iTunes.
So if you already have the newest FW, there's no need for it.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
xabre said:
So how powerful is it? Up to PSP standards?
From what I've gathered, the CPU is clocked higher (and it should be faster in general as it's ARM based CPU, vs. the MIPS in PSP) but the GPU is much weaker (but more battery friendly... the battery in PSP is a monster in comparison to what you have in Iphone). Iphone also has quite a bit more RAM, but the app size probably has to be something small (all of them so far are pretty small)

All in all, from the 3D games I've seen, graphics are somewhere half way between DS and PSP.
dallow_bg said:
You need to get the latest official FW installed via iTunes then jailbreak it.
The jailbreak process doesn't require iTunes.
So if you already have the newest FW, there's no need for it.

Ok, thanks. I'll wait for 2.0 or whatever the latest app one is and then go through all this business.


Junior Member
sykoex said:
I'm just hoping for quality control. If there wasn't, any one of these games could brick your iPhone for all we know.

Looking at the various apps that are out, I think that's the only criteria that apple are looking for.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
kaching said:
Based on that video, seems like a good thing it's not out. Take the time to properly implement tilt awareness for the UI.
I think that's the old video though. There's a similar game on the store now, called Marble Mash, but it seems somehow crappier. There's no video to see of it, but whenever I see gradients used in the level design so prominently I get worried about the overall quality.

PhlivoSong said:
Been browsing through the App Store... the guys who made Pinball FX from XBLA have made a pinball table for the iPhone. Sweet! It's called Zen Pinball: Rollercoaster. It's $4.99 and I bought it already, of course I can't play it until 2.0 ships.

I installed that firmware, because I got antsy to try this pinball game at work. It's definitely legit.

All I have to say is... there is a button that unlocks the camera, then you tilt the phone to set your own camera angle for viewing as if you were standing over the table, then you can click the button back in to lock the camera into the place you like. You don't have to lock the camera angle, but I can't imagine why you would want it free rotating while you play. To control the flippers you tap the bottom left corner for the left flipper and the bottom right corner for the right flipper.


This app store is going to threaten my PSP is a big big way it would seem. I'm probably going to pickup Super Monkey Ball tonight. Pinball is highly recommended, it's fun... it's $5... and it's only 10mb.


Well i installed 2.0 its great. I game I bought so far was monkeyball. Works well graphics are great, kinda lame that the monkey in the ball is 2D sprite. Controls better than I thought but it takes some getting used to. Its sort like finding your center of balance. I will probably grab one more game, maybe a racing game or a puzzle.

The apps are cool, lots of them. I only installed free ones at this point. Downloaded AIM, its what you would expect but since the push thing isnt ready yet i dont see myself using it. My favorite app? Pandora radio, holy shit that one surprised me. If you have an account already it logs in and gives you access to all you radio stations. Amazing. Shazam is a cool app too. You hold it up to whatever song is playing on tv, radio etc and it tells you what it is... even gives you a link to itunes if you can buy it.

By the way, the leaked firmware on the net right now is safe thats what I used to upgrade. Just backup you shit cause it needs to erase everything when you update.



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