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The Order 1886 | Impressions Thread of not shooting the messenger.

What happened to the review thread?

This sums it up quite nicely

And I had just finished a GIF for the thread too, might as well post it here now. :p

I already posted my gameplay impressions a couple pages back.

I've only just passed the 5th chapter, I believe, and I'm taking my sweet ass time (in ways that would enrage spectators)...pretty sure I've put in 3-4 hours over the last two sittings.

Look, I'll put it another way, if you liked BioShock Infinite, you should like this. Infinite thrived on it's atmosphere and setting, which made up for the lack of gameplay mechanics and it's linear style.

Or Spec-Ops The Line might be another good comparison, albeit with much better gunplay (and more engaging characters and an insanely detailed world). If you liked Spec-Ops, you'll love this.

Thanks for the impressions, I love the atmosphere and setting of bioshock infinite so that's great news for me.


I already posted my gameplay impressions a couple pages back.

I've only just passed the 5th chapter, I believe, and I'm taking my sweet ass time (in ways that would enrage spectators)...pretty sure I've put in 3-4 hours over the last two sittings.

Look, I'll put it another way, if you liked BioShock Infinite, you should like this. Infinite thrived on it's atmosphere and setting, which made up for the lack of gameplay mechanics and it's linear style.

Or Spec-Ops The Line might be another good comparison, albeit with much better gunplay (and more engaging characters and an insanely detailed world). If you liked Spec-Ops, you'll love this.

Infinite is a good comparison, never thought of that. One of my favorite games last gen.
Does anyone know if RAD plans to add a photomode in the near future?

It would be an absolute travesty if they didn't.

I don't think they have said anything official but Shinobi hinted that it's coming after launch sometime, I haven't seen anyone dispute that so it seems all but guaranteed.

Will make for a perfect excuse to do a second or third playthrough :)
Because we didn`t get a review copy, we didn`t have an embargo. So here is our review!


I tried to translate the last bit for you :)

Actually, the conditions of "The Order 1886" are almost perfect. Gorgeous graphics, great soundtrack and a really good and interesting story with real good characters are things you won`t find in every game. Unfortunately, there are some things that do not fit in otherwise so perfectly planned gaming experience . Thus, the strong script takes one hand for little replay value, but sometimes also for comic situations where you have to wait for the script. The biggest criticism is that the great weapons that were promised during development, occupy a negligible part in the game itself. This fact would bring more variability in the gameplay that could motivate a second playthrough. But the idea of the cinematic game experience worked here and ensured a really tight feeling that is above many other games. Whether this is worth € 60 for you, everyone has to decide for themselves. In the long term no one should miss out on "The Order: 1886". Personally, I was well entertained and have not regretted the investment. But there is certainly still room for improvement.
Just got my copy.

My impressions: Boxart is nice and subdued, looks good but doesn't really grab your attention. No manual inside the box.

I can't play it yetttttt T___T
Because we didn`t get a review copy, we didn`t have an embargo. So here is our review!


I tried to translate the last bit for you :)

Thanks for this. Seems like if you like cinematic games you should like this. I like cinematic games. Seems like the base story is at least far less wonky to carry over to future games than the AC series. The over-narrative in that series actually degrades the individual narratives in my view.


My copy still hasn't even shipped yet... I better get it on Friday.

Anyone else buy it from SimplyGames on Rakuten gotten shipped yet?
Gameplay 7.5
Atmosphäre 9.5
Grafik 10.0
Sound 9.0

how it comes with a 7,5

Many sites give an overall score which is not necessarily an average. IGN has done the same for a while.

My guess is that he felt the top notch presentation did not make up for the gameplay flaws, and thus kept the score at a 7.5 to reflect that.
Gameplay 7.5
Atmosphäre 9.5
Grafik 10.0
Sound 9.0

how it comes with a 7,5

Because we don`t take the average of the four scores above. Spielspaß is something like "fun you have while playing". This is a own score. Because a Game with shit gameplay and great graphics and sound shouldn`t get a 7 or something :D It`s just an indicator for the fun you have. But as always...You can argue about
So you paid $70 for the game? Look who is is being wasteful with their money now!

The collectors edition is 89.99....and the soundtrack was $10.99....plus taxes....I probably spent over $100 on this game (._. )

But I would like to give credit to RAD who has already reached out to me and offered a certain form of compensation for my stupid mistakes =)

Those guys are just top notch.


Gold Member
Many sites give an overall score which is not necessarily an average. IGN has done the same for a while.

My guess is that he felt the top notch presentation did not make up for the gameplay flaws, and thus kept the score at a 7.5 to reflect that.

As edited, if a web thinks that duration and replay value are that important, they should add them always to the scores to all games.
As edited, if a web thinks that duration and replay value are that important, they should add them always to the scores to all games.

Well, no...The replay value or duration wasn`t a problem for me. But the problems with the script and the boring weapons you use 90% of the time, when you could also use the thermit gun or thunder weapon (i don`t know it`s english names :D ). These were things that were disappointing. Especially the problems with the script, because it always destroyed the immersion.


Well, no...The replay value or duration wasn`t a problem for me. But the problems with the script and the boring weapons you use 90% of the time, when you could also use the thermit gun or thunder weapon (i don`t know it`s english names :D ). These were things that were disappointing. Especially the problems with the script, because it always destroyed the immersion.

Just a short: I'm thinking about getting the German version. Is the version dubbed? If yes, am I able to change between German and English? Also a word on the quality of the localization would be greatly appreciated.


Now I'm afraid Bloodborne is going to bomb because I keep seeing posts saying they will trade this in after they beat it so they can only pay $20 for Bloodborne.
Just a short: I'm thinking about getting the German version. Is the version dubbed? If yes, am I able to change between German and English? Also a word on the quality of the localization would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, it`s dubbed. The dubbing is maybe not top-notch, but it was ok! I think they have chosen the right persons for dubbing. You can`t change the language ingame. I didn`t try but I think you will have to change the system language to english, to get english dubbing.


Yes, it`s dubbed. The dubbing is maybe not top-notch, but it was ok! I think they have chosen the right persons for dubbing. You can`t change the language ingame. I didn`t try but I think you will have to change the system language to english, to get english dubbing.

Wonderful, thank you very much :)



If all of you getting the game early could just give me the names and addresses of the individual businesses that you've been getti...

Ah, who am I kidding. Enjoy the game, just please don't stream / upload footage before the 20th in your respective timezone.

Cudder, I'm looking at you...


Now I'm afraid Bloodborne is going to bomb because I keep seeing posts saying they will trade this in after they beat it so they can only pay $20 for Bloodborne.

Where can I get those $20 Bloodbornes?

People who sold their 1886 will still buy Bloodborne @ $60.


Hmm cutscenes and QTE don't typically bother me so it will depend how it flows together.

I loved MGS4 and there was cutscenes there that lasted over an hour without any gameplay.

My only concern about the cutscenes is if they break up the flow of the gameplay. I.e. if you never get a decent run of shooting or exploring because a new cutscene kicks in all the time.
My only concern about the cutscenes is if they break up the flow of the gameplay. I.e. if you never get a decent run of shooting or exploring because a new cutscene kicks in all the time.

That`s definetly not the case. I think they flow greatly and at some point I didn`t bother anymore, because it felt "natural".

If all of you getting the game early could just give me the names and addresses of the individual businesses that you've been getti...

Ah, who am I kidding. Enjoy the game, just please don't stream / upload footage before the 20th in your respective timezone.

Cudder, I'm looking at you...


Hope the bridge nearby opens back up (Ice) so I don't have to drive an hour longer than I would normally in order to get my copy Friday. Problem is that day's supposed to be colder and maybe have rain the evening prior as well to freeze over...


I wonder how can a game in 2015 be so utterly unambitious gameplay wise with presumably such a big budget. I think if it as bad review wise as Ryse then they should can the IP and either get RAD to do another new IP but this time with focus on gameplay or use that money for some other studio. I dont care how beautiful a game is but it cannot and should not be unambitious gameplay wise. It is not excusable. The worst part is it appears even the story which is probably the only thing they concentrated on is also apparently bad.

Or they could do what IMO they should have done with Ryse too. Recognised it was an eye candy game with so much effort being put into it looking good, that they didn't have time to flesh out the gameplay. Plus both are effectively launch games for their respective teams so there would have been pressures there too. Yet both set up interesting stories that could do really well with a sequel, now that the tech hurdle has been overcome and they can put more focus on gameplay
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