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The Unpopular Opinions Thread: GAMING EDITION

Witcher 3 which was called "game of generation" is now "overrated", let see how long it will take RDR2 change status from "game of generation" to "overrated".

My Unpopular Opinions is this entire gaming forms is getting filled with exhausting amount of "controversy" or "agendas" and everything and anything is "overrated".

RDR2 was overrated from the start. Technical masterpiece with a cool story and mediocre gameplay.


Mario Odyssey is the worst 3D Mario game other than maybe Sunshine. The platforming challenge is minimal, the collecting of moons is boring, the art style is inconsistent and the forced motion controls for certain actions are cumbersome.
Here's a few unpopular opinions of mine:

1. A good chunk of bad PC ports are only really bad by PC standards, and they usually still run better than their console counterparts (unless if they are 30FPS capped and have bad crashing issues, like launch Arkham Knight). It's still frustrating that they don't meet PC standards (Like GTA IV, which is easily the worst port that I've ever seen, it runs like crap or is inconsistent on anything), but it's kinda silly how people blame these issues on the platform instead of the developers.

2. The Last of Us, Skyrim, Zelda BOTW, and Red Dead Redemption are the most overrated games (in my opinion). I've played all of them, and I don't get the hype behind them. The Last of Us only innovates on story-telling, and will probably age like dairy, Skyrim somehow is tiring to play (The funnest part of the game is modding it until it crashes if that says anything), Zelda BOTW didn't innovate (aside from adding open world survival elements, which is something that has been done to death already), and Red Dead Redemption is just GTA with cowboys in areas that are more barren than the typical GTA setting.

3. The storytelling in a lot of Western/American games are just straight up bad.

4. Aside from Gundam Warriors (The later entries at least), Armored Core, and Zone of the Enders, there aren't that many good mecha action games.

5. The PSVR only has bitesized experiences, and a lack of decent controllers and full roomscale VR, which really hinders the experience and makes it hard to justify paying $300 for one. Even Japanese VR games like GalGun VR and GalGun 2's VR mode are completely missing on PSVR. Games like GORN and VRChat are nowhere to be seen either.


RDR2 was overrated from the start. Technical masterpiece with a cool story and mediocre gameplay.

I feel like most Rockstar games are incredibly overrated. GTA V was fine and I had a good time with it, but 10/10 and one of the best games ever made? No fucking way.
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The ability to download game patches, and the subsequent laziness by publishers willing to put out broken games, has harmed console games irrevocably.

Especially with current-gen physical copies. Good luck playing anything once online services shut down, because you need to download 60GB day one patches. Your physical copy is just a paperweight at that point, which can only be used on a newer console with backwards compatibility, locking the user into endless upgrades if they want to play their games. Either that, or relying on piracy and/or a modded console to get a working back-up (Japan made selling console modding services illegal, so anyone without the know-how is screwed).

At least with my PS3 and Xbox 360, I can pop a game in, and play. No installs or any bullcrap.
Another unpopular opinion that I forgot about:

Strobe/flicker effects in games are really redundant nowadays, considering that they were only used in the 80's and 90's because of technical limitations, and it makes going back to retro games much more painful (from splitting headaches). That's setting aside the health concerns from them. You can still make a game that is flashy and intense without them.

Case in point: games like Sonic the Fighters that use them VERY liberally, to the point where it gives the Porygon episode of Pokemon a run for it's money.


The HD remasters were the best games the PS3 had to offer.

Nier: Automata is really boring until is suddenly becomes incredible.

Halo 5 had better multiplayer than the MC Collection.
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The proliferation of hype culture and aggressive marketing has lead us to where we are today in this hobby (arguably other hobbies as well but that's a whole other can).

Manufactured enthusiasm and marketing produced unhealthy expectations and fostered a tribal affinity towards game series, platforms, and publishers that sparked two kinds of mentalities. One with an unhealthy defensive posture towards specifics properties and then those who are quick to be suspicious and cynical of the industry (be it monetization, anticonsumerism, or social issues).

Here's the funny - those two mentalities aren't mutually exclusive. A person could be generally cynical to many practices but then develop a blind spot for a publisher/platform/game series. Did you ever find it funny that some people who will skewer a game without proper representation doesn't bat an eye nor care about psychologically manipulative monetization practices? Or vice versa. Or why some hold the games of one platform to a hyper critical eye to present it as average at best and just hand waives/defend the faults of others to proclaim it GOAT? Also, the response of, "Don't take it seriously. It's just games" flies counter to cult of personality that marketing has developed within the last 20 or so years.

What's the point of this unpopular opinion? None aside from the state of affairs we have today is a fallout of the artificial hype that was the prime focus of marketing/advertising/pr with the sole intention to gold rush this hobby for the past decades. The difference is now there is too much money wrapped up in this hobby for the industry to reel it in. If anything it will get amped up and entrenched and the counter feelings will also escalate.
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I feel like most Rockstar games are incredibly overrated. GTA V was fine and I had a good time with it, but 10/10 and one of the best games ever made? No fucking way.

I see the craft in it but I'm incapable of finishing any of them. I made it to Mexico in Red Dead Redemption 1. That said my unpopular opinion is that good games don't need to have good gameplay. I love some of the dialogue e.g. between Bonnie and John, thought the world was pleasant to take in, and did enjoy some of the activities despite not particularly liking the gunplay and open world repetition - contributing to boredom halfway through the story. And yet I think it's a good game and expect to think the same of RDR2.

Some of my favorite games have mediocre gameplay. The Legacy of Kain series was never particularly fun to play to me aside from the puzzles in some of the Soul Reaver games and yet I loved it as an experience that could only work as a game.
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ICO and Shadow of the Colossus are head and shoulders above The Last Guardian.
Yoko Taro (the NiER guy) can write great characters but the actual stories in the games are really meh.
Killzone series is shit apart from the PSP game and the first one when it launched (looking back the 1st one isn't even that good to begin with)
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Here's a few unpopular opinions of mine

2. The Last of Us, Skyrim, Zelda BOTW, and Red Dead Redemption are the most overrated games (in my opinion). I've played all of them, and I don't get the hype behind them. The Last of Us only innovates on story-telling, and will probably age like dairy, Skyrim somehow is tiring to play (The funnest part of the game is modding it until it crashes if that says anything), Zelda BOTW didn't innovate (aside from adding open world survival elements, which is something that has been done to death already), and Red Dead Redemption is just GTA with cowboys in areas that are more barren than the typical GTA setting.

3. The storytelling in a lot of Western/American games are just straight up bad.

Publishers and developers fear promoting older games because they know they'll outshadow their newer titles by a margin. They just add and advertise them as a sideoption. While on PC older games get much more spotlight. Eg GOG advertised the availability of old Lucasarts games as if they were the new Witcher.
Even Nintendo would not go that far promoting SNES Zelda and Mario over BOTW and Odyssey.

That said my unpopular opinion is that good games don't need to have good gameplay. .

Good games do not even need hype and advertising


The nicest person on this forum
Yoko Taro (the NiER guy) can write great characters but the actual stories in the games are really meh.
I highly disagree. I personally love how he writes characters and stories, honestly his my all time favourite writer in video games.
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The Snake

What's the point of this unpopular opinion? None aside from the state of affairs we have today is a fallout of the artificial hype that was the prime focus of marketing/advertising/pr with the sole intention to gold rush this hobby for the past decades. The difference is now there is too much money wrapped up in this hobby for the industry to reel it in. If anything it will get amped up and entrenched and the counter feelings will also escalate.

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I highly disagree. I personally love how he writes characters and stories, honestly his my all time favourite writer in video games.
Which story do you consider good? All of them are painfully predictable and tripe as all hell. Besides, he also likes to do post-release non-video game content that make the stories even worse, stuff like Grimoire NiER is especially terrible. NiER has a decent story which can be fixed with a bit of head-cannon but NiER:Automata is just a dumb mess that constantly trips all over itself, at least the music is fine. Drakengard 3 is pretty fun but the story again is really meh, although I really enjoyed Zero's and Octa's character.

There hasn't been a good JRPG since FFX.

Have you tried Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana?
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I think halo, gears, lost odyssey, and Magna Carta 2 is better than any Sony exclusive, besides bloodborne and I don’t even own any Xbox.


The nicest person on this forum
Which story do you consider good? All of them are painfully predictable and tripe as all hell. Besides, he also likes to do post-release non-video game content that make the stories even worse, stuff like Grimoire NiER is especially terrible. NiER has a decent story which can be fixed with a bit of head-cannon but NiER:Automata is just a dumb mess that constantly trips all over itself, at least the music is fine. Drakengard 3 is pretty fun but the story again is really meh, although I really enjoyed Zero's and Octa's character.
Agree to disagree. I personally didn’t think Automata ‘s story was “messy”, in fact I enjoy the story as much as original NieR. I don't enjoy stories for their "twist", I enjoy it it can very memorable.
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Agree to disagree. I personally didn’t think Automata ‘s story was “messy”, in fact I enjoy the story as much as original NieR. I don't enjoy stories for their "twist", I enjoy it it can very memorable.
Oh they are memorable all right :D I can agree with that.
"It's fun with friends" is a poor/weak descriptor of a game's quality.

On the other hand,

A game's apparent quality is not always representative of the experience playing it.
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VR is not just a generational leap but maybe 3-4 generations ahead of traditional gaming when it comes to RPGs, racing, flight sims, horror, and anything swinging a melee weapon.


I think I am starting to dislike PC gaming... that's brewing for years now.
I am an ancient pc gamer. Had my first PC in 1997 (nes knock off before that, so I knew mario, contra etc).
For years I was an enthusiast. I loved the hardware, the games, duke nukem3d, quake, tomb raidet, heretic2... many many many games. Of course doom3, Half-Life2 and so on were the golden days.
Then I got 360 around gears1 release and I started noticing a trend that console games ports were usually better and plug and play. Of course pc was faster if you had the money.
With ps4 it was similar. Hassle free, 1080p gaming. Amazing exclusives... never any problems.

Now I've finished FF7 on ps5. Not a single fps problem, not a single crash. No loading.
Then ff XV on pc of course because I have beast of a 3080 pc. Very unstable performance, drops, glitches, required tweaking of settings and crashed few times when I beat some bosses...
And it's usually like that with pc. Great hardware helps a lot but still - RE village stuttering and few crashes, different stores, launchers and generally always tweaking.

I still love pc gaming and I have hundreds of games on steam. It's not going anywhere.
But I noticed that PC gaming in recent years became more like a retail therapy for me more than anything. I just build it, make it flashy, spend ton of money on it and then still end up playing more and enjoying games on console more.
Of course I can play Dark Souls 3 and many other games 4k60 and/or with amazing dlss and so on. That is all undeniable. But I bet when Uncharted 4 will come out on pc, it will have some troublesome settings, crashes... or maybe at least require the simplest tweak while on ps4/ps5, I've finished the game multiple times and never worried about anything. just played.

I think I am just aging :p But even on 360, I never cared that a game ran 25-30fps because I had no way of changing that. There was no settings on 360 so I was left with just playing the game while on PC I always strive to have best graphics an best framerate... and I will not start playing until I research an test all settings until I am satisfied.
Now on ps5, hdr just works, games look amazing, 3d audio with pulse 3d just works and the screenshot feature is the best thing ever. I always loved screenshots on PC. I was running fraps since early 2000s and I have hundreds of screenshots. But ps5 makes it easier to do, names the catalogues with screenshots, most games have photo mode. It's all just nice. I understand it's VERY unpopular opinion to kinda grow to a bit "hate" pc gaming but I remember a senior IT guy in my job. I once told him in the hallway "Oh I hate these fucking cmoputers" and he responded "you will fit right in our team" :p
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