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The Wonderful 101: Kamiya "focus on fun, not length..." [Update: Inaba comments]

No.. no no... no no no. no.

Fun fact Devil May cry games are longer than you think.

Another fun fact, so are kingdom hearts games.

And many other actions games, for better, or for worse.

He will be held by the same standard.

Are we seriously using Kingdom Hearts as an example for how long a game should be?

My point still stands.
I like to imagine Inaba's interactions with Kamiya to be very sitcom-esque, otherwise I don't see how he doesn't die from stress due to incidents like this.
It occurs to me that the reason you didn't see as many complaints about length over the DMC games, Ninja Gaiden, or Viewtiful Joe is because they were less generous with checkpoints and lives. If Platinum's games stopped giving you infinite lives and checkpoints after every single enemy encounter (and I guess if the in-game timers worked differently), I think people would feel differently about the length of their games, although that might scare a lot of people off.

How many people actually bought Devil May Cry or Bayonetta when they were released and only gave them one playthrough (assuming they enjoyed them)?

I understand your point, but I think this is a lot more common than you think. I have a friend who considers Bayonetta the best game ever released on the 360, but he only ever gave it a single playthrough. I'm sure there are actually a lot of people on GAF who did the same thing, including the people who popped into this thread just to say that they'll only pick this game up once it hits the bargain bin or whatever.

Inaba must be waking up in cold sweat regularly over Kamiya tweeting shit in his nightmares.

I've been laughing at this post for the last ten minutes.
Well, I certainly wish he had taken this approach with Okami. I get embarrassed when I hear gamers seriously equate length with value. You'd think in an era full of obnoxious filler and content bloat people would learn to appreciate something tightly knit and easy to replay, but instead we get brilliant analysis about how the game should cost half price because it has a different design philosophy.
I'm sure the game will end up being longer than people think (Bayonetta keeps getting mentioned, but that game was 10-12 hours for a lot of first playthroughs) and there will be a bunch of content + replayability. Kamiya's never let me down in terms of getting my money's worth.



Well, I certainly wish he had taken this approach with Okami. I get embarrassed when I hear gamers seriously equate length with value. You'd think in an era full of obnoxious filler and content bloat people would learn to appreciate something tightly knit and easy to replay, but instead we get brilliant analysis about how the game should cost half price because it has a different design philosophy.

So much this. But what's even worse is people that'll complain on an action game review saying "this game shouldn't have gotten 9/10, it's only 7 hours long! That's bullshit.". smh


A Good Citizen
So much this. But what's even worse is people that'll complain on an action game review saying "this game shouldn't have gotten 9/10, it's only 7 hours long! That's bullshit.". smh
You guys don't know the pain that Cave fans such as myself go through in threads about their games.

The next time I see "aren't these games like 30 minutes long they should be $5 on xbla" I am going to fucking flip out.


No.. no no... no no no. no.

Fun fact Devil May cry games are longer than you think.

Another fun fact, so are kingdom hearts games.

And many other actions games, for better, or for worse.

He will be held by the same standard.
DMC4 was only long-ish because you repeated the game with another character (which the game was not designed for...). I'd much rather have Capcom focus more on just having one character in the game.

Also, even though I absolutely LOVE Kingdom Hearts, it's not quite comparable to the kind of action games Kamiya/Platinum Games make.


Hotline Miami is my personal gold standard for "short but insanely awesome." Seriously, that game is like two hours long, but it's more fun and replayable and rewarding than most AAA games.


DMC4 was only long-ish because you repeated the game with another character (which the game was not designed for...). I'd much rather have Capcom focus more on just having one character in the game.

Also, even though I absolutely LOVE Kingdom Hearts, it's not quite comparable to the kind of action games Kamiya/Platinum Games make.

Yeah it was really long-ish: it still lasted less than 10 hours. Did that matter? Fuck no, I spend 150 hours on that game.


Are we seriously using Kingdom Hearts as an example for how long a game should be?

My point still stands.

Yes, because they are fun, and technically action games.

So yes, your criteria is pointless.

DMC4 was only long-ish because you repeated the game with another character (which the game was not designed for...). I'd much rather have Capcom focus more on just having one character in the game.

Also, even though I absolutely LOVE Kingdom Hearts, it's not quite comparable to the kind of action games Kamiya/Platinum Games make.

Its an action game, it will be held to the same standard.

I am not saying it has to be some 40+ hour epic.

But if I can GCN Wario Ware that thing, we are going to have a problem.
You guys don't know the pain that Cave fans such as myself go through in threads about their games.

The next time I see "aren't these games like 30 minutes long they should be $5 on xbla" I am going to fucking flip out.
Every single shmup thread, man. Every single one. Famous IGN review of Gigawing 2 comes to my mind.
Quality over quantity. I'll pay full price for any game that is worth my time and is actually fun. If I can tell the developer put effort into making a great game, then I'll award them with my $60+ in cash whether the game is 30 mins or 300 hours long.
I'd rather have a short but insanely focused game that offers tons of replayabilty and trims the fat at every corner than a needlessly bloated snorefest that blows it's creative load in the first few hours and then pads the content out over several hours to create the illusion of value.

Actually, you could compare Kamijas games there: W101-Okami.
"We decided to make this game as fun as possible, instead of as long as possible" and naturally people freak out and assume it'll be over in two hours or less. Such a shame.

<3 this game


If only more people thought this way.

That is assuming it actually turns out to be a quality product for as long as it lasts. A bad 5 hour game is still bad.

Long games made sense when people had limited access to games. Now people have hundreds or thousands of games available to them for free and or dirt cheap. The quantity tank is all filled up, it's the quality tank that's getting low.


A Good Citizen
Yes, because they are fun, and technically action games.

So yes, your criteria is pointless.

Its an action game, it will be held to the same standard.

I am not saying it has to be some 40+ hour epic.

But if I can GCN Wario Ware that thing, we are going to have a problem.
There is no problem here except your warped sense of value.


Revengeance was reported as being really short and I still thought it was paced just right. I think this will be similar content wise.


Considering most games are 8-10 hours nowadays, you can beat most games this gen by Day 2. (Yes , I play 2-4 hour sessions) This game is in equal game length, but will actually have replay value aside from trophies.


May I have a cookie?
I would love if more games focused on delivering fun before a set amount of playtime.

indeed. Even more than that, I'd love it if games emphasized discovering hidden layers with each replay as the norm. Would go a long way to sustaining their value.


I understand your point, but I think this is a lot more common than you think. I have a friend who considers Bayonetta the best game ever released on the 360, but he only ever gave it a single playthrough. I'm sure there are actually a lot of people on GAF who did the same thing, including the people who popped into this thread just to say that they'll only pick this game up once it hits the bargain bin or whatever.

I'm one of those people. Bayonneta was good but not good enough to play twice. I've got way to many games to play to spend my time on a game I've already beaten. Especially if it's to get a better score that I care zero about.
Considering that Sin and Punishment 2 was one of the top games this gen and was also a full priced short game with tons and tons of awesome action, I very much welcome Kamiya's approach with games.


Atsushi Inaba has just responded to this over twitter. Over the length of some 19 (!) tweets, he explains his position. He also promises news soon.


Assuming he's not lying and is in just damage control mode and trying to be as honest as possible to fix this situation I feel better about the game now. Its also a good example of why Kamiya's twitter privileges should be revoked as it's not a good means of communicating full thoughts. Situations like this one result.

My gaming funds are limited. I just don't want to end up regretting my purchase because of a game's length in the end.


Unconfirmed Member
Despite the comment we don't know how long tw101 actually is.

Right now we don't even know if 101 has more than one level at this point lol

This whole thing is just Kamiya's personal views on twitter being taken out of context I think.(again)

I don't think they're ready to tell us anything more about the game. Just the way Kamiya phrased his tweet caused some people to jump to conclusions


I would say more then "some" people jumped to conclusions if Inaba felt forced to address the situation to fix it.


Membero Americo
Platinum games are always on the short side to begin with.

But they do have crazy replay value.


The next time I see "aren't these games like 30 minutes long they should be $5 on xbla" I am going to fucking flip out.

I think there's a double standard. I'd love to see the reaction if Namco released Pac-Man Championship for $50 or Sony released Super Stardust for $50.

I'd bet that some of those defending Wonderful 101's price tag would balk.


Unconfirmed Member
I understand your point, but I think this is a lot more common than you think. I have a friend who considers Bayonetta the best game ever released on the 360, but he only ever gave it a single playthrough. I'm sure there are actually a lot of people on GAF who did the same thing, including the people who popped into this thread just to say that they'll only pick this game up once it hits the bargain bin or whatever.

Yeah I think that's probably the most common case in gaf.

Not even just towards action games. I think gaf as a whole tends to prefer single player, story driven games that put most of their focus on their initial playthrough or crafting an experience for the player.(If you look at the types of games that win GOTY, the concept of clearing backlogs by completing games and moving onto the next etc)

So I'm not surprised to see the "dollar per hour" value mentality be so commonplace on the site because it makes sense for the type of games that are most popular or neogaf. but that doesn't make it any less stupid and I think it should be challenged. Especially when it's applied to games with a design philosophy that kind of scale doesn't work for. (Arcade games. Action games. Multiplayer games.)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The hilarious outbursts followed by Inaba cleaning up the mess is just one of many reasons I love Platinum.


A Good Citizen
I think there's a double standard. I'd love to see the reaction if Namco released Pac-Man Championship for $50 or Sony released Super Stardust for $50.

I'd bet that some of those defending Wonderful 101's price tag would balk.
I wouldn't. CE is one of the best games this gen and easily worth full price.


And I'm sorry I can't explain to you in exact terms why I think you will have so much fun with TW101. I promise there will be plenty of news about the game in the days and weeks to come.

Inaba's version of "next week in magazines".
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