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'Too Human cover story in EGM - "I will never give gaf an exclusive" says Dyack'

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DenogginizerOS said:
As far as Mr. Jaffe's comments, references to one's mother and her "twat" and other vile comments are surprising and unwise coming from someone who was so prominently featured at GDC by the industry's current market leader.

I think that was just some tongue-in-cheek humor there. Or maybe I'm just trying to defend the fact that I laughed, not just out of shock, but because it was a nice little salvo.


DenogginizerOS said:
This thread has reached a new level and it is not a good one. The developers who bother to read our criticisms or comments should be commended for at least taking an interest in what the gamers who post on this board are feeling. However, the personal insults lobbed in both directions are inappropriate and bring the quality of the discussion to a Jerry Springer level. As far as Mr. Jaffe's comments, references to one's mother and her "twat" and other vile comments are surprising and unwise coming from someone who was so prominently featured at GDC by the industry's current market leader. I personally am looking forward to to Too Human.

I didn't actually see that many personally targetted messages of hate considering the size of this thread. Lots of hate for product, but then I would hope both developers here would take those with a pinch of salt. I'm sure there are plenty of people that enjoyed their games, but they are less likely to post on a message board.

As for Mr Jaffe's comments. Well if he is being held up as the public face of games, then I would agree that his comments were a little....coarse. However he is not. I guess he was just trying to give a little back.


The Fucking MAN.

#1- To Cristian: Dude, you designed POPWW for cell? Man, I shit you not, that is my FAVORITE cell phone game. That was really, really good stuff. Amazing that a 2d straight up platformer can still hold my interest...and I played that thing all the way to the end!

#2- Re: Dennis and weight gain- Man, I feel for you Dennis (not that you are asking anyone to). But I had lost SO much weight between the end of TM:Black and the start of GOD OF WAR. I was like 150 pounds, was in great shape...it was so awsome. And then the stresses of game making kicked in and- as I've said before- when I get stressed, I eat. I'm trying to solve that, but no luck just yet. So I packed on 40lbs during GOW and it so sucks man...it SO sucks to lose that weight and then put it back on. Fuck, making games really makes it easy to slide back into bad habits. And you know what part sucks the most? The chicks baby. They look at you between 150-170. Once you get to that magic 171lbs category, they don't give you the time of day :lol ...and I'm fucking married, so I shouldn't care right? But I do!

#3- Me being unclassy.....AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA! Are you nuts man? Where is it in my job description to be classy?



Woah, guess I didn't need quotes from Drinky to be entertained by this thread.

Holy shit! Jaffe and Dyack in the same thread. We need to haul Stevey in here.

(Also, because I feel oblige to kiss your asses here, God of War is very far from overrated and Eternal Darkness was pretty much one of the most kickass things for the Gamecube before Resident Evil 4.)


davidjaffe said:

#1- To Cristian: Dude, you designed POPWW for cell? Man, I shit you not, that is my FAVORITE cell phone game. That was really, really good stuff. Amazing that a 2d straight up platformer can still hold my interest...and I played that thing all the way to the end!

#2- Re: Dennis and weight gain- Man, I feel for you Dennis (not that you are asking anyone to). But I had lost SO much weight between the end of TM:Black and the start of GOD OF WAR. I was like 150 pounds, was in great shape...it was so awsome. And then the stresses of game making kicked in and- as I've said before- when I get stressed, I eat. I'm trying to solve that, but no luck just yet. So I packed on 40lbs during GOW and it so sucks man...it SO sucks to lose that weight and then put it back on. Fuck, making games really makes it easy to slide back into bad habits. And you know what part sucks the most? The chicks baby. They look at you between 150-170. Once you get to that magic 171lbs category, they don't give you the time of day :lol ...and I'm fucking married, so I shouldn't care right? But I do!

#3- Me being unclassy.....AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA! Are you nuts man? Where is it in my job description to be classy?


Thank you!
(Now you made me blush like a little girl :( )


Could all the haters please let us know which respective McDonalds they work at, so we can all critique their delivery of "would you like fries with that?"...


All this hate makes me love the guys even more (Denis/David). Double D fo lyfe!!!

And as someone said before dont take GAF seriously, just play along and enjoy the show :)


ghostmind said:
Could all the haters please let us know which respective McDonalds they work at, so we can all critique their delivery of "would you like fries with that?"...
I just had this image in my head of Jaffe and Dyack pulling a jay and silent bob and going around to everyone's homes to "pay them a visit" because of there comments in this thread.

Don't mind me, it's just a boring day at work. :lol


Console Market Analyst
"Neo GAF" A one act play.

Goreomedy: "Either of you catch American Idol last night?"

Denis: "Yes! I love how the stage is set up like the Globe theater. Although the positioning of the judges cheapens them. They're where the Groundlings should be!"

David: "Oh man, McPhee! If I wasn't married... I'd hit that like I was churning butter!"

Denis: "Did you know the first butter was made from camel's milk?"

David: "Joe Cool brand, yeah, I've tried that."

Denis: "And instead of just being used for flavor, it was meant to ward off evil spirits. The word butter comes from the Greek bou-tyron which loosely translated means cowcheese. Though, some scholars believe the word was borrowed from the language of the northern and butterophagous Scythians, who herded cattle and --

Cliffy: "Will you PLEASE shut up!"

David: "Who the fuck invited you?"

Cliffy: "The B doesn't need an invite. He just shows. Besides, this dinner party was poorly lacking in quality game designer."

Denis slams a volume of Poe against Cliffy's head. Once he's on the ground, David launches from his chair and lands a brutal combo. He presses triangle instead of square and can't finish him. Cliffy scrambles to his feet and before double D can tag-team him into oblivion..... Cliffy smiles. No, no one can strike at such charm. But soon, the muscles in Clffy's face begin to twitch.

David: "Ha! You can't hold it forever!"

The smile slowly fades. As each corner of his mouth lowers, double D gets closer. Now, almost upon him, the smile nearly a horizontal slit, something remarkable happens. Frank enters stage left.

Frank: "Anyone want to play my new Scary Movie 4 cell phone game?"

All at once: "Fuck yeah!"

The tension completely diffused, everyone settles back around the table to play a masterpiece on their Slvrs.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I don't understand. What is wrong with a developer or designer talking highly of his work?
It's his inspiration - his art - and his blood, sweat, and tears. It is his vision. If he wishes to praise it to the high heavens, then who are you to judge that? We all praise ourselves and our accomplishments, it is the nature as human beings to set lofty goals for ourselves and be proud of the work we've done and the steps we've taken toward those goals.

The people hating are probably just bitter they paid for games they didnt like. :lol
But just because Denis may use fancy words, doesn't mean you have to pay $50 for his games. Just rent it. Borrow it. Hell, either way - it seems he's doing his job if you bought the game, no? haha.

You work in the NY office? My buddy works in the marketing department over there, haha
Man, the hate is so strong in here. I picture in my mind some of you posters screaming at your monitors "MANNNNNN I HAAATTTTTTTE YOU DYAACCCCKKKKKKK GRRRNNNNGGHH!!!!!!". So much hate because you don't like the person's games? Yeesh.

So another criticism I've been noticing is that Denis is a pretentious bastard who shouldn't be talking about Shakespeare and philosophy with regards to Too Human, right? Now, I really don't get this. I have the EGM so I've read the article, and it seems to me that Dyack and his team simply want to raise the bar and bring some respect to the medium. They want to do something positive. It's a lofty goal and who knows if they'll achieve it, but why the hell are you people trying to bring them down instead of cheering them on? Aren't you the same people that complain about folks like Ebert calling games a waste of time?

Sometimes I feel a bit sorry for these game designers. It's bad enough that their industry gets so much flack from the press and general public, but then they have to deal with gamers themselves giving them crap.


hyperbolically metafictive
i'm all for literate games, but let's face it -- they're never going to come from someone who thinks a "codex" is a stone tablet. the aristotle-shakespeare-nietzche stuff is gratuitous wallowing in other people's glory, and if dyack's going to promote his game that way, he should be answerable for it. ideally game journos should take him to task, but if they can't or won't, gaf will do.



Not really, but looking over the ammount of crap that's been spewed in this thread it just seems surprising how anyone could be singled out.

*slowly backs out of here*
drohne said:
i'm all for literate games, but let's face it -- they're never going to come from someone who thinks a "codex" is a stone tablet. the aristotle-shakespeare-nietzche stuff is gratuitous wallowing in other people's glory, and if dyack's going to promote his game that way, he should be answerable for it. ideally game journos should take him to task, but if they can't or won't, gaf will do.


Well either he succeeds or fails, right? I don't see the point in making these rash judgements before anyone here has even touched the game.


OB1 said:
Well either he succeeds or fails, right? I don't see the point in making these rash judgements before anyone here has even touched the game.
Agreed, there's no point in criticizing a game that we know nothing about.


hyperbolically metafictive
i haven't said much of anything about too human. i think it has nice graphics. i'll rent it if gaf likes it.
Kobold's post was bullshit to begin with. So in order to criticize anything I have to make a better product than what I'm criticizing? What oscar-winning movies did Ebert do again?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Somethingblah Cock said:
Kobold's post was bullshit to begin with. So in order to criticize anything I have to make a better product than what I'm criticizing? What oscar-winning movies did Ebert do again?

What "Beyond The valley of the Girls" isnt good enough for you? ;)


Damn, I really do want to buy both Denis and David a drink at E3, if for nothing else than standing up to the usual GAF elitism, and defending their work and the words behind it.


Ark-AMN said:
Damn, I really do want to buy both Denis and David a drink at E3, if for nothing else than standing up to the usual GAF elitism, and defending their work and the words behind it.
Seriously, lots of respect to both those guys. I mean, people on here even hate on the most undeniably great games lol. GoW ftw.
PhatSaqs said:
Kobold owned half of GAF and then got banned for it? :lol

It's funny, cause teh Mods dish out all sort of verbal garbage and insults, but they can't take a signle dose of their own medicine. Pussies


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Hell, I'll buy Jaffe just for knowing/admitting that his game isn't as deep as DMC(3).

Cracks me up that the fans will try and argue it, when he won't try.

Amen to knowing what you have and don't have, are and aren't, and have aimed to achieve.


Goddammit, when will Dennis Dyack stop comparing himself to Shakespeare? He's been making that same analogy of how Shakespeare told jokes for the cheap seats and wrote cerebral plots for the people in the balconies verbatim for seemingly ten years. It's as if he thinks that by simply making that comparison that his games will automatically be elevated to Shakespearian status. It's too bad that they're only above average as far as games go anyway.
OB1 said:
So another criticism I've been noticing is that Denis is a pretentious bastard who shouldn't be talking about Shakespeare and philosophy with regards to Too Human, right? Now, I really don't get this. I have the EGM so I've read the article, and it seems to me that Dyack and his team simply want to raise the bar and bring some respect to the medium. They want to do something positive. It's a lofty goal and who knows if they'll achieve it, but why the hell are you people trying to bring them down instead of cheering them on? Aren't you the same people that complain about folks like Ebert calling games a waste of time?

They may want to raise the bar and bring some respect to the medium, but IMO a violent sci-fi 'epic' is not going to do it. To the nongamer, Too Human is going to be completely indistinguishable from any other action game. Maybe even to gamers too, we don't know.

Plus, whenever anyone says the kind of shit Dyack's saying, with the Shakespeare comparisons and the 'respect to the medium' and the 'epic trilogy' (see also: Advent Rising), my bullshit meter goes off. I mean, yes, it is entirely possible that Silicon Knights will pull it off and deliver a meaningful, cinematic, beautiful, and also enjoyable experience, but it's also quite possible that we'll end up with another Advent Rising, or even a Daikatana. Both of which probably would have been better received had it not been for the hype.

Just because the dude says it's going to be the best game ever doesn't mean it will. That's not 'hate'.

edit: to be honest, I really hope they pull it off! TH has been in the works for a long time (looks like it's been paying off, at least in terms of graphical polish) and there's probably a lot to it that I would be surprised about. Really, if SK makes an action game that is fun to play and has a story that isn't awful, I will be super happy! I just worry that some of the quotes and hype are building up unrealistic expectations that even the greatest game ever couldn't live up to.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I personally love philosphy in games. I'd like to see more of it. I enjoy storytelling - and to me, that's what games do.

They tell interactive stories. It's another medium to express ideas, whether it be philosophy, religion, politics - an engaging, interactive medium. Who said gaming can't be thought provoking and engaging? It's just taking the art in a deeper direction, more meaningful and questioning. Too bad most games fail miserable into cliche and redundancy in the attempt - but I can't fault anyone for trying. (As long as its done from the heart, and not the wallet)

The only problem is - to your average game this is all lost on, as it uhhh... tends to go way over their head :)

Denis, can I ask some of your favorite authors?


Honorary Canadian.
Hahaha, this thread rules.

I mean, how many other places could you get people in their respective artistic medium to come on and talk shit to the people slamming them?

Cut these guys some slack, for fucks sake. If you want to hate games, that's one thing... but at least wait til it's actually out :lol

Although, if I were Denis Dyack I would probably keep the comparisons to Xenosaga on the DL, haha. Xenogears is fine, but Xenosaga? ehhh... not so much.

The control scheme that he was talking about... I don't think he was trying to say it's "OMG TEH ORIGINAL". He was talking about it directly after talking about how Miyamoto believed in a simple control scheme, so I believe that's what he was saying. Maybe revolutionary wasn't the right term to use, but it'll definitely be a breath of fresh air to have a game like this that you can just pick up and go with no learning curve on the control scheme.

Anyways, to the original post-- I applaud Dyack for having the balls to make something close to his heart instead of whoring out and making something that everyone will love. Nothing great ever came from pandering to the lowest common denominator, be it in video games, music, movies, etc.

Except Armageddon. :runs:
the year 20XX said:
They may want to raise the bar and bring some respect to the medium, but IMO a violent sci-fi 'epic' is not going to do it. To the nongamer, Too Human is going to be completely indistinguishable from any other action game. Maybe even to gamers too, we don't know.

Plus, whenever anyone says the kind of shit Dyack's saying, with the Shakespeare comparisons and the 'respect to the medium' and the 'epic trilogy' (see also: Advent Rising), my bullshit meter goes off. I mean, yes, it is entirely possible that Silicon Knights will pull it off and deliver a meaningful, cinematic, beautiful, and also enjoyable experience, but it seems so much more likely that we'll end up with another Advent Rising, or even a Daikatana. Both of which probably would have been better received had it not been for the hype.

Just because the dude says it's going to be the best game ever doesn't mean it will. That's not 'hate'.

My point is that none of you people have even touched the game, yet you're already putting it and its developer down. If it turns out to suck, then complain. Complain until your fingers bleed from posting for hours on end about how much you hate the game.
OB1 said:
My point is that none of you people have even touched the game, yet you're already putting it and its developer down. If it turns out to suck, then complain. Complain until your fingers bleed from posting for hours on end about how much you hate the game.

That's fair, although I was mostly 'putting down' the hype, which has already been released.
scooby_dooby said:
It's funny, cause teh Mods dish out all sort of verbal garbage and insults, but they can't take a signle dose of their own medicine. Pussies

Vennt: You read the Bible, Scooby?

Scooby: No, not particularly

Vennt: There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin': it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. .45 here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or is could by you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin, Scooby. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd.

Scooby: So you gonna let me go?

Vennt: No, I'm gonna own yo ass. Bish, on my count. 1...2...


Goreomedy said:
"Neo GAF" A one act play.

Goreomedy: "Either of you catch American Idol last night?"

Denis: "Yes! I love how the stage is set up like the Globe theater. Although the positioning of the judges cheapens them. They're where the Groundlings should be!"

David: "Oh man, McPhee! If I wasn't married... I'd hit that like I was churning butter!"

Denis: "Did you know the first butter was made from camel's milk?"

David: "Joe Cool brand, yeah, I've tried that."

Denis: "And instead of just being used for flavor, it was meant to ward off evil spirits. The word butter comes from the Greek bou-tyron which loosely translated means cowcheese. Though, some scholars believe the word was borrowed from the language of the northern and butterophagous Scythians, who herded cattle and --

Cliffy: "Will you PLEASE shut up!"

David: "Who the fuck invited you?"

Cliffy: "The B doesn't need an invite. He just shows. Besides, this dinner party was poorly lacking in quality game designer."

Denis slams a volume of Poe against Cliffy's head. Once he's on the ground, David launches from his chair and lands a brutal combo. He presses triangle instead of square and can't finish him. Cliffy scrambles to his feet and before double D can tag-team him into oblivion..... Cliffy smiles. No, no one can strike at such charm. But soon, the muscles in Clffy's face begin to twitch.

David: "Ha! You can't hold it forever!"

The smile slowly fades. As each corner of his mouth lowers, double D gets closer. Now, almost upon him, the smile nearly a horizontal slit, something remarkable happens. Frank enters stage left.

Frank: "Anyone want to play my new Scary Movie 4 cell phone game?"

All at once: "Fuck yeah!"

The tension completely diffused, everyone settles back around the table to play a masterpiece on their Slvrs.

Hahahaha. "The B doesn't need an invite" ahahahaha.

Holy shit *wipes tears* this is the best...thread...ever
the year 20XX said:
That's fair, although I was mostly 'putting down' the hype, which has already been released.

At least Dyack is trying. As long as they don't remove 80% of the content that made people want the game from the beginning without telling anyone about it(*cough*Fable*cough*), I don't care if Denis compares himself to Moses.
the year 20XX said:
MINOR THREADJACK: Flarkminator, did your company pick a name? Did a gaffer win?

Oh man, I'm so bitter about that. I printed out that thread. SO many great names in there (some I kept for myself =)). And they didn't end up using ANY of them. *pounds fist on the table.* Don't worry, I plan on making another thread soon about a decision coming up...
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