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'Too Human cover story in EGM - "I will never give gaf an exclusive" says Dyack'

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The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
Ark-AMN said:
Damn, I really do want to buy both Denis and David a drink at E3, if for nothing else than standing up to the usual GAF elitism, and defending their work and the words behind it.

you think a badass-homeboy like Jaffe is going to accept a drink from a brown-noser? but seriously, people aren't elitists for saying the don't like certain games. i don't think D&D did (or need to) "defend" their games by saying that people who didn't enjoy them are wrong. in case you hadn't noticed, a large portion of this thread is little to do with the games themselves.

John Harker said:
I personally love philosphy in games.

I prefer it in books. What kind of philosophy do you like in games? What games do you think have intentionally dealt with these philosophical issues? What games have accurately represented philosophical discussions, traditions, and insights?

OB1 said:
My point is that none of you people have even touched the game

I think the point is actually that most people are focusing on the typically over-the-top SK uber-hype surrounding their own projects.


MrSardonic said:
you think a badass-homeboy like Jaffe is going to accept a drink from a brown-noser?.
lol, from what I hear about industry people is that they'll accept anything if you're buying. :D
MrSardonic said:
I think the point is actually that most people are focusing on the typically over-the-top SK uber-hype surrounding their own projects.

People are putting down a game they haven't played or even seen in motion.


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
Ark-AMN said:
lol, from what I hear about industry people is that they'll accept anything if you're buying. :D

yeah, I think Rare proved that

OB1 said:
People are putting down a game they haven't played or even seen in motion.



Goreomedy said:
"Neo GAF" A one act play.

Goreomedy: "Either of you catch American Idol last night?"

Denis: "Yes! I love how the stage is set up like the Globe theater. Although the positioning of the judges cheapens them. They're where the Groundlings should be!"

David: "Oh man, McPhee! If I wasn't married... I'd hit that like I was churning butter!"

Denis: "Did you know the first butter was made from camel's milk?"

David: "Joe Cool brand, yeah, I've tried that."

Denis: "And instead of just being used for flavor, it was meant to ward off evil spirits. The word butter comes from the Greek bou-tyron which loosely translated means cowcheese. Though, some scholars believe the word was borrowed from the language of the northern and butterophagous Scythians, who herded cattle and --

Cliffy: "Will you PLEASE shut up!"

David: "Who the fuck invited you?"

Cliffy: "The B doesn't need an invite. He just shows. Besides, this dinner party was poorly lacking in quality game designer."

Denis slams a volume of Poe against Cliffy's head. Once he's on the ground, David launches from his chair and lands a brutal combo. He presses triangle instead of square and can't finish him. Cliffy scrambles to his feet and before double D can tag-team him into oblivion..... Cliffy smiles. No, no one can strike at such charm. But soon, the muscles in Clffy's face begin to twitch.

David: "Ha! You can't hold it forever!"

The smile slowly fades. As each corner of his mouth lowers, double D gets closer. Now, almost upon him, the smile nearly a horizontal slit, something remarkable happens. Frank enters stage left.

Frank: "Anyone want to play my new Scary Movie 4 cell phone game?"

All at once: "Fuck yeah!"

The tension completely diffused, everyone settles back around the table to play a masterpiece on their Slvrs.


edit- lmfaoooo


There will probably be some real crow-eating when the 9+ reviews starts popping in.

But I guess that ain't really the discussion here.
Man, just when you think this thread is dead...

I can't say much to Denis and David that hasn't already been said except agreeing on how much the weight loss-work-stress-weight gain thing sucks. At least you guys got a couple of fucking hot games out of it whereas all I have to show for it is...


...so yeah, Too Human, huh? Every time this thread grows a page, I get more excited for E3.


MrSardonic said:
I prefer it in books. What kind of philosophy do you like in games? What games do you think have intentionally dealt with these philosophical issues? What games have accurately represented philosophical discussions, traditions, and insights?

Deus Ex comes to mind as something that pulled off the feat of having great gameplay and a literate, philosophical storyline. It was a great game.

I'm not completely averse to it in games, but the self-hype is just kind of grating to me, especially when the games themselves fail to live up to their promises.


I ain't saying shit, because I don't want to be eating some crow. I do have to say just how damn entertaining this thread is. I'm at work and I've got a goofy grin on my face.


Wow, i can't believe I missed all this...pure awesome. GAF as usual playing the armchair games designers, then developers suddenly pop in to start some shit, then we got insults about personal appearance, Jaffe suggesting he has had his way with all of our darling mothers, Kobold getting banned for accusations of admins being jerks, a Mobile game developer throwing some shit at Dyack, GAF exploding in applause for how awesome this thread is. Oh and then Dyack goes and says that GAF may possibly be the worst gaming forum ever.

Yes, awesome is GAF.

I think i'd be pretty pissed as a developer if people were chatting shit about a game thats not been fully shown yet, and then accusations of fatty mcfattinson are made.

Can we pay Kojima a sum of money to post at GAF now as well? This place needs to become a warground for titans!

Oh and keep on eating shit Jaffe, if it means GOW2 has even more awesome work put into it (really enjoyed the Making Of extra's, they were a great insight) then I don't mind if the Prince has to roll you on stage into E3, picking up Kutaragi, x360 power supplies and screaming ninthings before rolling onto the horizon.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
MrSardonic said:
I prefer it in books. What kind of philosophy do you like in games? What games do you think have intentionally dealt with these philosophical issues? What games have accurately represented philosophical discussions, traditions, and insights?


Off the top of my head? Xenogears. I actually enjoyed that game - though I know its hit or miss with many.
fartblast said:
miyamato's genius so so over-rated

Take that back! The man has one or two peers in this industry.

Also, since the devs are apparantly reading this, I just want to say that I absolutely loved Eternal Darkness. One of my personal favorites. Can't comment on God of War (haven't played it). Twin Snakes reminded me of the "Psycho" remake: competent, but why bother?

Love that ED, though.


the year 20XX said:
They may want to raise the bar and bring some respect to the medium, but IMO a violent sci-fi 'epic' is not going to do it. To the nongamer, Too Human is going to be completely indistinguishable from any other action game. Maybe even to gamers too, we don't know.

Hmmmmm BULLSHIT!!! Worked fine for the number one casual to hardcore xbot game HALO!
This game is looking Lean and mean.
GAF should trash game developers' works more often. Who knows you might we lure in to defend their games.

Miyamoto, you ruined the Mario franchise with SM Sunshine. Completely destroyed your Zelda fanbase with the abortion that was WW. Pikmin was so flamingly homosexual even by my own standards I didn't want to play it for fear of waking up with a dick in my ass and the DS is the most sorry piece of technologically outdated turd excuse for a gaming console that ever existed even worse that your own virtual boy.

So what have you to say!!!??? Plus you're ugly.

i <3 u, make me yours
OB1 said:
People are putting down a game they haven't played or even seen in motion.

I think the point is actually that most people are focusing on the typically over-the-top SK uber-hype surrounding their own projects.

mmlemay said:
Do you honestly have to be like that?

(Today, 02:55 PM)
Reply | Quote

:lol :lol :lol


Just to join in the hate.
I still think Warren Spector is a talentless hack.
At GDC, during one presentation my friends sat in front of him. They didn't notice until they kept hearing him talk to his friend saying stuff like "I'd never hire that guy."
I guess he came off as a total pretentious douche. That made me feel good to know my instincts were right.
AdmiralViscen said:
I think the point is actually that most people are focusing on the typically over-the-top SK uber-hype surrounding their own projects.

I think this thread will have served its dark purpose if we can somehow get Peter Molyneux in here as well.
OB1 said:
I think this thread will have served its dark purpose if we can somehow get Peter Molyneux in here as well.


Your response to Sardonic's post did nothing but repeat something he had already shot down. It was not a substantive response. When he replied only with Exasperated Guy, you demanded a real response. As you have failed to provide a counterpoint to his original statement, he doesn't really have anything to respond to. Your post at the top of the page was as repetitive as my response. That's the point I was trying to make. Observe:


OB1 said:
MrSardonic said:
OB1 said:
My point is that none of you people have even touched the game

I think the point is actually that most people are focusing on the typically over-the-top SK uber-hype surrounding their own projects.

People are putting down a game they haven't played or even seen in motion.

A merry-go-round.
AdmiralViscen said:
Your response to Sardonic's post did nothing but repeat something he had already shot down. It was not a substantive response. When he replied only with Exasperated Guy, you demanded a real response. As you have failed to provide a counterpoint to his original statement, he doesn't really have anything to respond to. Your post was as repetitive as mine.

Yeah he sure shot down my post! I said that people are judging the game too soon, and MrSardonic said that people are only judging the hype. That's not true, just go look through the thread again. So he shot down nothing, and I repeated my point.


in most case this thread's just laughing at Dyack's previous stupid comments and discussions on SK's history of over hyped game.
OB1 said:
Yeah he sure shot down my post! I said that people are judging the game too soon, and MrSardonic said that people are only judging the hype. That's not true, just go look through the thread again. So he shot down nothing, and I repeated my point.

-You presented a theory about what people are doing.
-He presented a theory about what people are doing.
-You repeated your theory.
-He did Mr FaceHands.
-You acted like he owed you more than that.
-I repeated his theory.

Somehow, you don't see how your actions are exactly like ours.

Anyway, I don't see many people calling the game shit. I see MOST people talking about other shit games (in their opinion) that recieved similar hype, leading to doubt about how good TH will be. I don't see why that isn't valid. And I don't see how his original statement is incorrect:

I think the point is actually that most people are focusing on the typically over-the-top SK uber-hype surrounding their own projects.

I don't see how this statement is wrong. You haven't shown anyone why it's wrong, so there's nothing for Sardonic to respond to.
kablooey said:
Goddammit, when will Dennis Dyack stop comparing himself to Shakespeare? He's been making that same analogy of how Shakespeare told jokes for the cheap seats and wrote cerebral plots for the people in the balconies verbatim for seemingly ten years. It's as if he thinks that by simply making that comparison that his games will automatically be elevated to Shakespearian status. It's too bad that they're only above average as far as games go anyway.
To be fair, I've never liked Shakespeare's game design either.

Wollan said:
There will probably be some real crow-eating when the 9+ reviews starts popping in.
Eternal Darkness has a GameRankings average of 90%. Doesn't stop many.
AdmiralViscen said:
-You presented a theory about what people are doing.
-He presented a theory about what people are doing.
-You repeated your theory.
-He did Mr FaceHands.
-You acted like he owed you more than that.
-I repeated his theory.

Somehow, you don't see how your actions are exactly like ours.

Actually it went something like this:

-I posted about people judging the game too soon
-Sardonic posts part of what I said and denied it, saying that people are only mad about the hype
-I disagree, and rephrase what I said earlier, that people are judging the game itself
-He posted Mr FaceHands as you call it
-I sarcastically call that a great response
-You oh-so-cleverly repeat what MrSardonic said, because I posted something similar to the portion of my post that Sardonic quoted
-I re-post some random post from someone else
-You think I didn't "get" your clever post

Anyway, I don't see many people calling the game shit. I see people talking about other shit games (in their opinion) that recieved similar hype, leading to doubt about how good TH will be. I don't see why that isn't valid.

Of course that's valid. What isn't valid is: 1) people saying that the controls will suck because Rise To Honor and GbtG sucked, when no one here has played TH yet, 2) people saying that the camera is going to suck, when no one here has played it yet or even seen it in action, 3) people saying that the story will suck when we only know a few details about the plot.

I can understand people being skeptical of the hype(though still, why so much seething hatred?), but dismissing the game already doesn't make any sense. I have no idea if it'll be good or not, but the screens look nice and the bits of info that I've read on the gameplay and story sound interesting. That's all.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
JoshuaJSlone said:
Eternal Darkness has a GameRankings average of 90%. Doesn't stop many.

It's pretty easy to play the "overrated overhyped trash" card, especially when the 9+ reviews are rolling in daily.


I'd just like to take this opportunity to let Denis Dyack know that Eternal Darkness has ruined my gaming relationship with my girlfriend.

she loved the game so much that not a single bloody week goes past now without her asking me when Eternal Darkness 2 is coming out... Every new game i buy comes with the words "I'll have a go, but i wish it was eternal darkness 2", every time i wanna buy a new console i have to go through the usual "can we afford it?" stuff and the "do you really need another games console?" stuff but now i also have to put up with "will eternal darkness 2 come out for it? why not? when is it going to come out?" as well...

For the love of god make a sequal and save my relationship already!

that is all :)

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I won't claim to know much about philosophy, I'll let White Man dish out that ownage, but what I do know is fantasy literature. I can remember back before Eternal Darkness came out, Dyack was always posting on the IGN boards. One person asked about the books he read, and if he liked The Wheel of Time and (I think, it's been a while) Death Gate Cycle. I don't remember his exact response, whether he said that was the sort of thing he was going for or just that he thought they were great books, but it was definitely positive.

This was highly amusing for those of us into both games and fantasy. WoT and DGC are two of the most ridiculed series around amongst the fantasy lit equivalents of GAF! Of all the series that have become at least semi-big, there are only a few lower on the list than those two.

Hey though, if you like those books so much then all power to you. They've had their moments, they're not completely terrible. Just don't be one of the main guys behind an attempt to bring storytelling in gaming up to standard. I guess it's inevitable we've got to go through cliched, unspectacular, pretentious crap which pretty much lacks any characterization before we get to the good stuff. I hope Too Human does it, I really do, hopefully the lessons have been learnt from ED (though there are enough lessons for a lifetime in that), but I suspect it's too soon.

I just thought, DD might actually help storytelling evolve in gaming whether he makes it or not. Perhaps 30 years from now, lectures will cover the early years of storytelling in games, covering the mistakes that were made. Chapter 1: Silicon Knights?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Great Rumbler said:
The only way this thread could possibly be more insane is if the ghost of Richard Nixon started posting random images of pandas in it.

Would you settle for Zombie JFK?
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