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Trends you dislike in modern game design?


THE Prey 2 fanatic
I think a lot of new games are driven more around addictive loops than around actual exciting gameplay. Look at Left 4 Dead 2--no addictive progression system, no microtransactions to riddle the game with. The only appeal of Left 4 Dead 2 is its strong gameplay, strong enough to outmatch any other co-op shooter. Compare that to every L4D clone, where content is excluded and the game is balanced to encourage the player to buy microtransactions, and where a part of the appeal is watching numbers go up as players gain experience points, level up, and acquire new toys. In L4D2, you can invite a friend to play for the first time, and they'll have access to all the same toys as an experienced player. In progression-based co-op games, the newbie's just gonna have a worse experience.

Lots of new games essentially feel to me like Cookie Clicker but with extra steps.

Floating health bars and damage counters are another trend I dislike. There are some games where they work well, but usually it feels intrusive and immersion-breaking, and just another way to get players to witness the addictive numbers go up, and usually their presence is a sign that enemies are gonna be absolute bullet sponges.

I'm also gonna say the easy freebie answer, microtransactions have ruined far too many modern games.


Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
- Tutorials.... Make this movement to be able to advance the story, Perform the combo, you failed??? do it again to advance.

- Do you want to play??? Download a 30 GB update patch.

- Forced diversity, Woke and all that crap.

- An enemy that later is the same but now is Blue and is more powerful. - Choices of dialogues without diversity of your choices.

- Tell the story of the characters through static audio.

- No manuals in physical video games.

In the case of PC. ...
A random example of poor optimization

- You can run this game with 4 GB of RAM


You want to run this game with shitty graphics???


.... You need 32 GB RAM

I HATE it in games with Character Creators and clothing options that will NEVER look as good as important NPC's in video games. Cyberpunk 2077 is SOO bad at this. I go to buy some blue jeans in a store, and they look like shit and are stained and dirty looking. I look at Alt Cunningham and I'm like "why are her clothes so pristine, and why can't we buy those?" T shirts and jackets all look used and dirty and not nice at all. Corpo clothes are clean, but the style is not to my liking either. Cyberpunk is not the only game that does this, but it is my newest example of it.
EXACTLY And that's what I hate about Tekken games... they offer horrible costumes most of the time and very few, they should make more costumes that look good on the protagonists and not ridiculous hats or strange costumes.


Characters who have names, but characters who keep referring to said character by their occupation title or by other things like "you" or my boy. or anything but your actual name. Also, games that do not give you a name, but some lame alias like V or something else. This is not Men in Black, let me name my character. That last part also goes back to Cyberpunk. I like that game, but some decisions are annoying to me.


The seeing through walls and marking enemies completely ruined assassins creed and Far Cry for me. It is too effective to not use, while taking away all the challenge and spontaneity of combat encounters.
kinda ruined sniper elite for me. but you can turn it off at least


Auto-pausing the game every few minutes for the first hour or two of gameplay so that every mechanic can be explained in horrid text boxes rather than letting you discover them organically. JRPGs, you be the absolute worst with this.

March Climber

Gold Member
Auto-pausing the game every few minutes for the first hour or two of gameplay so that every mechanic can be explained in horrid text boxes rather than letting you discover them organically. JRPGs, you be the absolute worst with this.
I’ll always remember the insane length of White Knight Chronicles’ tutorial and feeling like I just attended a university course in order to just be able to play the game efficiently.


I’ll always remember the insane length of White Knight Chronicles’ tutorial and feeling like I just attended a university course in order to just be able to play the game efficiently.
Yeah, I think the worst offender in recent memory was Trials of Cold Steel 2. Just walls and walls of text for three battles before you enter a half-hour, unskippable story section. I didn't make it beyond that.



Sprint button still being a thing.

Good AAA games being underrated and bad Indie games being overrated.
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- Forced tutorials. At least give me the option to completely skip it all of it especially when I replay game+ (Looking at you, River City Girls).
- Too much cinematics, some case unskipable.
- Context sensitive action.
- X-ray vision like TLoU, Batman Arkham series. Takes away the challenges.


"Linear" climbing like in Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon.

Compared to Assassin's Creed or Zelda BotW....

It Just Sucks Episode 8 GIF by The Bachelorette

Also, bloat.

AC Odyssey would be a master piece if the main story lasted 20 hours or less.


Gold Member
The character speaking to themself is such a lazy dumb shit way of doing things. All you have to do is have the model orient their head towards the relevant area, or maybe just orient the camera towards it, but knock off the talking to themselves shit.


Gold Member
In the case of PC. ...
A random example of poor optimization

- You can run this game with 4 GB of RAM


You want to run this game with shitty graphics???


.... You need 32 GB RAM
Excuse me, what? You need like 256 mb RAM to run cave story.

Or is it an hypothetical example of sorts? "There are games with shitty graphics that needs tons of RAM" something like that?
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Excuse me, what? You need like 256 mb RAM to run cave story.

Or is it an hypothetical example of sorts? "There are games with shitty graphics that needs tons of RAM" something like that?

It's a random example. It's like in the case of Returnal... It's stupid that this game needs 32 GB of RAM to run it at Ultra Graphics.
Or is it an hypothetical example of sorts? "There are games with shitty graphics that needs tons of RAM" something like that?

Exactly. Thats what I mean.
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"Storydriven" games with terrible stories. If you can't write for shit, don't keep adding lenghty cutscenes and conversations and just lemme kill things
Persona 5 comes to mind.
Jesus fucking Christ, I played it to completion recently and there were parts of the game where I was skipping the most mundane dialogues forever and it STILL took ages to be done with these conversations.
What's worse, most of them were redundant as hell. Eight characters taking turns saying the same shit and then a phone chat , two phone calls and a pop-up window where they recapped the stuff you were just talking about minutes before.
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Just a sidenote, since I'm not particularly in the mood of writing down a long and detailed argument:

- On-screen minimaps are the bane of a multitude of open world/exploration games.
- This recent delusion that everything that is "convenient" to the players (i.e. said minimaps, omniscient GPS that tell you everything about your surroundings, unlimited and unrestricted fast travel from the get go, health regen no matter what, NPCs giving you unsolicited hints and "hint books" included in the game itself, etc) makes a game better is misguided game design at its worst.


Invisible walls and collision meshes everywhere. Environments which look insanely rich and full of props, but everything is fake and non-interactive. I'd rather have sparse environments where everything has a purpose.


Games that won't give you the option to turn off enemies hp bars, same goes for not allowing to hide quest marks etc.
I have to many to count but
- Crafting is a big turn off for me as well as Experience points and pointless achievements "yeah you survived the tutorial" ohh you shot the first enemy with your pistol like game design was intended here have a reward for that.
- Hand holding if your game needs hand holding , then there is something wrong fundamental to your game design.
- Lack of interactivity in a graphic intensive dense world. full of dead things which can't be interacted with in a Interactive medium is so weird.
- Invisible walls - if you wanna block me from exploring then do it in a meaningful way. Thank you.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Operators/avatars in FPS multiplayer games with backstory and pronouns and shit.
In those games my P-90 is the character, the rest I don't give a shit about and not important.
Long contextual and non-contextual animations that takes away your control of the character. There's NO SUCH THING that I HATE THE MOST.


Gold Member
No dynamic hud that disappear when you are not in combat.

No auto-pick option if your game has a lot of picking stuff with an animation longer than my average orgasm

No way to disable film grain, blur, CA and all the shitty graphical noise that blind devs think looks good

Hardest mode beyind a paywall or bullshit requirements

Unreal engine shader compile stuff, let me do that before starting the game you doofus.

Precanned death animations and no ragdoll in 2022.

Remakes that cutted content at full price, even worse when they put the cutted stuff behind a paywall (looking at you capcom)

Third party titles releasing on pc one year (or more) after the console version to prey on double dippers (still looking at you greedycom).


Gold Member
I don’t get the hate for X-ray vision. It’s essentially a necessary patch to the increasing realism of graphics and the free 360 3D camera. Games used to highlight interactive stuff and enemies very clearly before technology brought us closer and closer to realism. Now there’s some instances in games where if you don’t have perfect vision, the highest resolution, and a huge screen, it’s almost impossible to tell stuff from the background and see enemies before they see you. It’s no wonder that stealth-heavy games with lots of dark areas and highly reactive enemies all around feature X-ray vision.
- QTEs
- QoL improvements that made players oversensitive for any slightest gameplay demand a game has (basically press A to win or a game is bad)
- too many DLCs, too little actual unlockables


Boring Story narrative driven "action" games
Forced walking
A tutorial that makes me want to uninstalll
Boring by the numbers set pieces.
Artificial difficulty
Overused /repeating phrases ingame
Boring "open worlds" that are just confined spaces.
Repeating NPC dialogue that doesn't match the context.
Slow unituive controls.
Having your character stand a a certain pixel to trigger a response (talk, pick up item etc)

That's it for now in bored
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
It's a random example. It's like in the case of Returnal... It's stupid that this game needs 32 GB of RAM to run it at Ultra Graphics.
It doesnt NEED 32GB of RAM.

In fact of all the games that have had a 32GB rec/max-spec that ive tested:

Flight Simulator New York - ~14GB
Cyberpunk 2077 - ~11GB
Dying Light 2 - ~12GB
WarZone 2 - ~12GB

So clearly you can see that the rec-spec as the name suggests is a recommendation but not a requirement.

In the event your PC has a bunch of other background tasks going on and the game goes to lets say 14GB.
Once you go over 16GB assuming you want to keep dual channel memory, the next logical RAM spec would be 32.

Yes I know you could go to 24GB but i guarantee a dev listing 24GB as ideal spec would cause more confusion than them saying 32GB.


Most game directors are still film directors who ended up in gaming. I think directors like Miyazaki or Todd Howard are good examples of game directors who don’t have an itch to be film makers and we see how gamey their games are. I would love to see more. The separation of game and film is needed, the most successful games by far are as gamey as it gets. Nintendo’s games, fortknife, gta online…these experiences can’t be recreated in film. You can take the ip and make a film but you can’t make a movie out of the experiences themselves.
I've yet to be as impressed with a narrative in console gaming as I was with Majoras Mask 20+ years ago, aside from things like Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium.

Those are games that tell stories in a way unique to the medium.

The cinematic high points of today don't compare imo.
I've yet to be as impressed with a narrative in console gaming as I was with Majoras Mask 20+ years ago, aside from things like Outer Wilds and Disco Elysium.

Those are games that tell stories in a way unique to the medium.

The cinematic high points of today don't compare imo.
Because games think cinematic high points means going the Micheal bay route with impressive set pieces instead of the Kubrick route and focusing more on characters and story. The best "cinematic" games had moments their best moments when the characters were struggle internally not just externally.
I don’t get the hate for X-ray vision. It’s essentially a necessary patch to the increasing realism of graphics and the free 360 3D camera. Games used to highlight interactive stuff and enemies very clearly before technology brought us closer and closer to realism. Now there’s some instances in games where if you don’t have perfect vision, the highest resolution, and a huge screen, it’s almost impossible to tell stuff from the background and see enemies before they see you. It’s no wonder that stealth-heavy games with lots of dark areas and highly reactive enemies all around feature X-ray vision.
Change your art style/color palette to be more visually leading...don't just throw in a mechanic to excuse poor decisions.


Woke stuff

Bigger open worlds instead of detail

Prioritizing graphics instead of physics or interactivity

Releasing game with broken HDR

Uglifying female characters


Gold Member
Change your art style/color palette to be more visually leading...don't just throw in a mechanic to excuse poor decisions.
Well to be honest, the enemies being hard to spot and evade in a gloomy environment is kinda the point of most stealth sections.
It’s a prime example of prioritizing setting over gameplay.
The first MGS games solved this with illuminated environments, birdview camera, and small separated areas.
Modern games want to eat their cake and have it too.
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