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Uncharted 3 - E3 2011 Gameplay and Trailer


CriterionDog said:
I wish they showed off some desert gameplay at e3. The boat was awesome and all, but the desert looks so awesome.
Yea. I mean it looked amazing, but this game's desert stuff is to UC2's snow, right? I wanna see how they do sand.


I have three extra beta codes for anyone who wants them. Although, I don't know why you would since you get the beta free from your free 30-day PS plus subscription.

Edit: Two of the codes have been taken. Will private message them to you guys.

Edit 2: All of them are taken.


MuseManMike said:
Alright, I'll throw something very simple together. If someone would like to help for some reason just PM me.

Sounds good. Let's make this a good thread for ND to take criticism from.


Holy shit, just released the Beta is just around the corner, does anyone know what the Beta will include, will it be co-op or deathmatch, free for all or team deathmatch.


Nice sounds like a lot of content for a Beta, I was just expecting it to be barebones like Killzone 3 beta. I really liked Uncharted 2 multiplayer, hopefully they didn't ruin it in Uncharted 3
Just saw that there are nine modes: Team Deathmatch, 3-Team Deathmatch , Team Objective, Free For All, Plunder, High Stakes, and three co-op modes.


According to IGN, Beta will have:

These Maps:

  1. Airfield
  2. Chateau

These Modes:

  1. Team Deathmatch
  2. 2v2v2
  3. Team Objective
  4. FFA
  5. Plunder
  6. High Stakes
  7. Hunters Mode
  8. and two other co-op modes

These Power Plays:

  • Marked Man - A person on the winning team is marked, and the losing team gets 3 points if they kill him. Meanwhile, the winning team gets double cash for each kill and a special medal if the Marked Man doesn't die.
  • Cursed - The winning team sees all characters as skeletons and friendly fire is turned on. Each time the losing team gets a kill or the winning team kills one of its own, the losing team gets two points. Meanwhile, the winning team gets double cash for each member of the losing team killed.
  • Exposed - The winning team's location is revealed to the losing team. The winning team gets double cash for each losing team member killed.
  • Double Damage - Losing team inflicts double damage. Winning team earns double cash for each kill.

These Boosters:

Booster Slot 1 Options

  • Come Here - See the opponent that killed you on your radar until he or she dies.
  • Retaliation - Spawn with the Power Weapon you were killed by.
  • Cloaked - Opponents won't see you on the radar and you can't be heard.
  • Weapon Expert - Gives you the ability to add additional mods to you weapons.

Booster Slot 2 Options

  • Back in the Saddle - Reduces your respawn time.
  • Bargain - Decreases the cost of Medal Kickbacks. (Special powers you set before the game and have to earn in a match.)
  • Power Hunter - See the location of Power Weapons.
  • Daredevil - When you taunt over a defeated opponent, you get extra ammo.

These Kickbacks:

  • Smoke Bomb - You vanish in a puff of smoke.
  • Speedy G - You get a speed boost.
  • RPG!!! - You instantly spawn an RPG.
  • Cluster Bomb - One grenade explodes into multiple grenades.


Not as deep as he thinks
Omfg. I cannot wait for the beta. Seriously. After playing two matches at E3, I'm just super pumped and ready to critique/praise the shit out of it. It's so close too!

And it looks like it's offering a lot of modes to boot.


I can't wait for this. I am curious how Free for All will feel as well as 2v2v2 and some of the other new modes. Also, just want to see how some of the new additions will work out.


pseudocaesar said:
Water, snow, sand.. Whats left for Uncharted 4? Grassy fields?

Just to go back over lo-cals again in RECHARTED for PS4.

So I'm back to my old self again in UC2, now I'm ready for some UC3. But damn do I hate me those people that jump around like a chicken with its head cut off. What I hate most about it - is that it works. Even if my reticule is on them the entire time, its like they're shrugging off my bullets. Wish Drake tripped on the third chicken jump just to kill that stupid looking tactic in its tracks.


Will Gaf be overpowered? I've heard some stupid fucking questions in my time, mate :p

You could just have Killthee vs 5 and he'd win all the time. /fondly remembers 2v5 plunder game with killthee


Aeonin said:
Just to go back over lo-cals again in RECHARTED for PS4.

So I'm back to my old self again in UC2, now I'm ready for some UC3. But damn do I hate me those people that jump around like a chicken with its head cut off. What I hate most about it - is that it works. Even if my reticule is on them the entire time, its like they're shrugging off my bullets. Wish Drake tripped on the third chicken jump just to kill that stupid looking tactic in its tracks.
That jumping around stuff is pretty annoying.
Aeonin said:
Just to go back over lo-cals again in RECHARTED for PS4.

So I'm back to my old self again in UC2, now I'm ready for some UC3. But damn do I hate me those people that jump around like a chicken with its head cut off. What I hate most about it - is that it works. Even if my reticule is on them the entire time, its like they're shrugging off my bullets. Wish Drake tripped on the third chicken jump just to kill that stupid looking tactic in its tracks.

Yea, this is by far the biggest load of shit. Hopefully that's fixed in U3.

Guess I'd better get in a few matches before next week. Although the first thing I'm in doing is testing the Ninja Vanish shit to see how well it works.

Until we run into mexicans.

Their lag >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your aim


Not as deep as he thinks
The people from Mexico don't lag that bad for me. Me and Somnium were playing the other day against a team that was laggiest I've ever played. I've got no idea what region they were in, but holy shit they would not die until like two minutes later. Invisible bullets everywhere too. Despite that, we still held up pretty well.

Bunny hopping is the stupidest thing ever by the way and if you do it, you should be banned from playing the MP.

rdrr gnr

Hey guys, I have all that above information and a lot more. I'm getting a bit carried away TBH. Once I finally get these last few pieces of information in, I'll post up the thread. It'll either be tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
PedroLumpy said:
Well you guys won't be experiencing the Powerplays from the broken side, just the shitty side. Unless you guys start sandbagging I guess.

1. Intentionally stay one point behind

2. Double damage power play activates

3. ?????

4. Profit
The Xtortionist said:
1. Intentionally stay one point behind

2. Double damage power play activates

3. ?????

4. Profit

Or completely destroy and humiliate the other team so they all quit before power play can even start.

Mikey Jr.

The fuck.

I was just watching a youtube interview with some dev, and he said they were giving away the multiplayer portion of U3 away for free through Subway.


This is the first I have ever heard of this.


Decided to get back UC2 MP in preparation. Man, I'm rusty.
MalboroRed said:
Bunny hop + DTI + fleet foot. Sure we kill them, but it's a fucking pain in the ass.
I'm dealing with this right now. So annoying. Also: UC2 GAF > Other Clans >>> Randoms
MalboroRed said:
Or completely destroy and humiliate the other team so they all quit before power play can even start.

By far the most appealing option. So much new meat to BBQ...it will be delicious.

Dr. Malik

Mikey Jr. said:
The fuck.

I was just watching a youtube interview with some dev, and he said they were giving away the multiplayer portion of U3 away for free through Subway.


This is the first I have ever heard of this.

They mentioned it during the E3 conference


bish gets all the credit :)
Boombloxer said:
By far the most appealing option. So much new meat to BBQ...it will be delicious.

i hope the BBQs go back to how they were before they nerfed the grenades.


Darknessbear said:
Crap - wish I waited for the beta to activate PS+, not sure when it's going to end. D:

It's only two weeks, and after week 1 it's open to everyone anyway, so as long as you activated after the 5th, you'll be able to play the whole time.


Got back on the MP earlier today.. played a match or two.
I'm pretty rusty >_>
But I still came out in the top two in both matches with a pretty good k/d :D
Can't wait for the U3 beta!!!

I'll definitely be hopping on U2 again.. miss playing with GAF. Some of my best online moments came from playing with you guys ;_;
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