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Universal Apps including Rise of the Tomb Raider have limitations on Windows Store


Gold Member
Pretty much. Just curious...Do all the people who don't like this have a console or just strictly Steam users aren't happy?

I have both an Xbox One and a PS4 and spread my PC purchases across all the available DD platforms on a best price basis.

I have a problem with this and won't touch the Microsoft store until it changes.

I don't game on my PC to have a "console like" experience. I game there to play at the best quality possible and if I want/need to customise something in order to make that happen then I'd like the option to do so.


hello quantum break and killer instinct, I will not be playing you

Actually I will probably give KI a spin, since it is free. There isn't anything to lose in that sense and since I already had a live account that will work with the service anyway. Apart from that and the obvious trust issues for another MS PC game initiative, I can't invest myself to a system that limits the basic functionality of the program and the way I expect to play and use what I buy
Yep, garbage, I thought this was old news. Sorry Forza, unfortunately I'll be skipping you (if you ever come to W10).

AFAIK, no.

Has anyone actually tried it with NVidia's Gsync option for windowed content? That switch is in there, genuinely no idea how it works but a naive assumption would be it's to convincing the DWM to render when it tells it too, and as UWP VSync is tied to DWM, maybe? (Ready to be proved very wrong on this one though =P)

EDIT: Maybe it does work:

By working some magic with the DWM (Desktop Window Manager), NVIDIA was able to allow for VRR to operate without requiring a game to be in full screen mode. For gamers that like to play windowed or borderless windowed while using secondary or large displays for other side activities, this is a going to a great addition to the G-Sync portfolio.

no full-screen?

There is Fullscreen, just not exclusive. I.E, it's still running through DWM


borderless full screen forces triple buffer no? I always like triple buffer, but yeah, someone need to tweet Phil and ask him wtf is this shit. And Remedy before Quantum Break hit.


This is MS bringing "console experience" to PC, some people do prefer simplicity.

Most/all of these are things console gamers could ignore if they didn't want to deal with them.

The apologizing for MS' anti-gamer decisions is real though. It must be hard to acknowledge that taking away options from PC gamers is a bad thing.


  • No Modding
  • No EXE file, so no overlay, no Steam Controller profiles, no mouse macros
Vsync and borderless fullscreen is how I prefer to play my PC games so that doesn't bother me but these two items are a killer. The best thing about PC gaming is being able to install all kinds of things to improve the experience (or fix broken ones), take that away and you might as well not bother playing on PC in the first place. This'll be what kills the W10 store for gaming. I can't believe they still don't get it.
no full-screen?

from the article :!
The Store version will always run in “borderless fullscreen” mode, also known as “fullscreen (windowed)” mode. This ensures Alt+Tab will work properly and the game won’t take over your entire display. However, it means the game can’t have exclusive access to your graphics card, so you can’t get the best possible performance. The Steam version gives you the option of using exclusive fullscreen mode.


Because their games publishing/development business exists completely to push stuff. To push Xbox hardware, to push live subs, to push the new windows app store. If they didn't have anything to push, MS would completely get out of games development/publishing because the profit from that is a pittance compared to other things they could possibly spend that money on.

True, but in an age where light to moderate computer users (email, facebook, web browsing) are buying iPads and not windows laptops, and where companies like Nvidia are seeing higher than expected growth thanks to primarily PC gamers, MS should probably remember that PC gamers buy Windows, and selling Windows is a pretty core component of their corporate strategy.

MS published titles drive Windows purchases. Always has done.
Vertically integrating the OS, the storefront selling software, and the software itself might sound great for MS on paper, but it is at the very real expense of the goodwill of competitor storefronts, customers, and unaligned software providers.


Durante once had a thread about how an open platform was good for gamers, and I completely agree with him. I don't see Microsoft's moves with UWPs as being conducive to the ideas of an open platform, and will not support them. It's a shame because Quantum Break looks great.


The lack of overlays is what kills it for me.

Actually, since it's not exclusive full screen you could technically place transparent window on top of game window and draw to it, instead of game screen. So there might be workarounds, if developers deem it worthy to support.


Pretty much. Just curious...Do all the people who don't like this have a console or just strictly Steam users aren't happy?

I do have a console. For console games. If i would want to play console games with console game restrictions i would play my multiplats on said console. But i don't. Because i want the PC experience. Hence why i bought and build a PC.


No modding, no Steam/social overlay, no adjusting VSync or certain graphical options...

Do they even understand the point of gaming on a PC?


This is MS bringing "console experience" to PC, some people do prefer simplicity.

Those people are already served by simply launching their games from Steam, GOG Galaxy, etc.

This is anything but "simplicity", they have essentially divided any PC release into 2 SKUs if it supports their platform. Imagine the confusion if they had Fallout 4 on their store at the same time as Steam, you would have 1 SKU supporting the full suite of mods and another SKU that only supports a subset of cosmetic plugins at best. Never mind the already delayed patches on the Windows SKU of ROTTR.

Microsoft have, once again, barged into the PC market with another attempt to lock down and control as much of it as possible, with a worse product than their competitors.
True, but in an age where light to moderate computer users (email, facebook, web browsing) are buying iPads and not windows laptops, and where companies like Nvidia are seeing higher than expected growth thanks to primarily PC gamers, MS should probably remember that PC gamers buy Windows, and selling Windows is a pretty core component of their corporate strategy.

MS published titles drive Windows purchases. Always has done.
Vertically integrating the OS, the storefront selling software, and the software itself might sound great for MS on paper, but it is at the very real expense of the goodwill of competitor storefronts, customers, and unaligned software providers.

Who's really paying for Windows 10 though? It's a free upgrade unless you've been on XP this entire time. If you weren't on Windows to begin with I doubt a few video games are going to bring you back from OSX or Linux.
Am I correct in thinking that if this had been the only way the original Dark Souls port had been released on PC, it would have forever remained the sad nugget of dogshit that From squeezed out?
Am I correct in thinking that if this had been the only way the original Dark Souls port had been released on PC, it would have forever remained the sad nugget of dogshit that From squeezed out?

It certainly would have been much, much more difficult to anyone outside the developer to try and fix.


Most/all of these are things console gamers could ignore if they didn't want to deal with them.

The apologizing for MS' anti-gamer decisions is real though. It must be hard to acknowledge that taking away options from PC gamers is a bad thing.

I'm not defending MS here, just trying to guess MS motive.


They are treating it like a mobile App Store. You know like metro on Win 8. A mobile desktop *facepalm*.

On the other hand, it's an app and that's what all apps conform too.


Pretty much. Just curious...Do all the people who don't like this have a console or just strictly Steam users aren't happy?

As a PC only gamer and non-steam user, I would never buy anything from the Windows store or use it in any capacity.


Who's really paying for Windows 10 though? It's a free upgrade unless you've been on XP this entire time. If you weren't on Windows to begin with I doubt a few video games are going to bring you back from OSX or Linux.

Its a free upgrade *now*, and thats presumably due to how despised Windows 8 was that they would like to end of life Windows 7, but unless they radically change their business plan, it is not going to be free forever.
There is a cut off date for free upgrade redemption.

Over a hundred million PCs are sold every year, when Windows goes back to being paid software thats billions of dollars per year.

Oh, no. How are you going to read shitty steam news while gaming ? :)

Or get friends notifications or game invites?


I have both an Xbox One and a PS4 and spread my PC purchases across all the available DD platforms on a best price basis.

I have a problem with this and won't touch the Microsoft store until it changes.

I don't game on my PC to have a "console like" experience. I game there to play at the best quality possible and if I want/need to customise something in order to make that happen then I'd like the option to do so.

So at least you can still play the game on a console.


This, plus alot of casuals will by these games from the Store, only the hardcore PC enthusiast cares about all of the detailed options.

what's the break down of casuals to enthusiasts in the PC gamer install base? I'd wager there are more hardcore enthusiasts playing games on PC than what'd you define as "casuals" on PC


If my old brain isn't playing tricks on me, I seem to vaguely remember a thread where people were accusing Durante of spreading FUD for having a similar stance as howtogeek here.

Damn, I wonder where those folks are now. I guess it's all gonna work itself out in the end. We should give Microsoft massive benefits of the doubt. We owe them that much, at least. They're gonna get it right this time once they see just how enthusiastic we are about making this Windows Store initiative work.
GFWL 2: Electric Bugaloo

This is MS bringing "console experience" to PC, some people do prefer simplicity.

Which is dumb as weve been getting many of its good parts for this platform these last 15 years but now we got this "bad parts of consoles minus good things about PC" like its a selling point or something.

No modding...yall crack me up sometimes.
Currently own a PC and a WiiU. Looking forward to what the NX will be. Might get a PS4 in a couple of years.

I was kinda depating myself, if i should get a Xbone, when Scalebound comes out. Now that, that and maybe most of the other Xbone exlusives will come to PC, i wanted to get them there. Even if it meant on the W10 store and not steam.

Now, it being another store in itself isn´t the problem. Not preferably, but eh, whatever. BUT, this right here. Is some bullshit. I didn´t get a PC to deal with, what is essentially a fucking tablet environment. Fuck that noise. It´s a PC. End of discussion.

And now i´m neither going to get an xbox, because i´m not going to buy games, that i could play at better resolutions and framerates on PC, AND i´m not going to get them on the fucking W10 store, because i don´t deal with goddamn apps on a win32 system.

Might as well not start releasing them at all as far as i´m concerned. MS gaming has been a cancer to PC gaming since GFWL and it doesn´t look like the disease has been cured. Always trying some bullshit.

Taking PC gaming serious my ass.


What are chats and an easy to use screenshotfunction with steamcloud upload for all friends to see.

I don't know how they are going to do xbox chats (there is an xbox app for that)...but there is screenshotting and recording (game dvr) on all apps from the Windows Store. I'm going to see if the uservoice already has this detailed so people can vote and actually do something than only talking here about it (which is good but talking and doing something are two different things).


what's the break down of casuals to enthusiasts in the PC gamer install base? I'd wager there are more hardcore enthusiasts playing games on PC than what'd you define as "casuals" on PC

Well there are plenty of people playing things like League Of Legends, WoW and TF2.
They're not playing them through the Windows Store, and probably never will though.
I'm just gonna wait a few years until MS scraps the Win 10 store and slowly fixes their games and moves them to Steam then, no biggie.


what's the break down of casuals to enthusiasts in the PC gamer install base? I'd wager there are more hardcore enthusiasts playing games on PC than what'd you define as "casuals" on PC

People buying new laptops and tablets in 2016 will be introduced to these AAA games in the Win 10 store and they will buy it. They will be new to "PC" gaming in a sense.

Read some of the comments in the Win 10 Store from users who have bought Rise of the Tomb Raider there. They are casually buying these games and enjoying them.

Win 10 Store also tells you if you can even run the game, some can run ROTTR on their tablet.


Nice, this needs more coverage on gaming sites!
This. I am not against another try from MS but they really need to fix the way store works for "big" games right now. Unfortunately its really hard to believe that they will change anything about this.....since some of the issues require to alter their framework which they are trying to push atm and that will be a bad pr for next build conference. Well and they proved enough times how out of touch they are with pc gaming.
There is hope that some of it will be fixed in DX12 only games, like there will be proper framepacing without additional magic software for once ( seriously what RTSS does under the hood that other devs not able integrate to their tools or game engines? ) and MultiGPU support in windowed mode.


Well there are plenty of people playing things like League Of Legends, WoW and TF2.
They're not playing them through the Windows Store, and probably never will though.

to be honest I don't think a "casual" PC gamer that has invested enough into a machine that could play something like Quantum Break exists. it's all hardcore enthusiasts

unless, like you said, its a wow, league, or TF2 person, in which case they're never going to use the Windows Store


I have both an Xbox One and a PS4 and spread my PC purchases across all the available DD platforms on a best price basis.

I have a problem with this and won't touch the Microsoft store until it changes.

I don't game on my PC to have a "console like" experience. I game there to play at the best quality possible and if I want/need to customise something in order to make that happen then I'd like the option to do so.

Just a quick theoretical question here...

So, you have an Xbox One, and a PC that I would assume clobbers your Xbox One. So in the case of something like Rise of the Tomb Raider, I can see you going Steam.. and this is probably already the case for basically anything that's not exclusive to the console, right?

So assuming that pretty much every time a game comes out as a console exclusive on Xbox, it also debuts as a Windows 10 exclusive on PC. Do you in this case still opt to buy the game for the Xbox One instead instead? Wouldn't this not make any sense, as you'd still be playing the best quality available version on the PC, and in some cases would have obtained the PC simply as a result of owning the Xbox One version?

Or do you simply not play anything on either platform going forward?
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