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Universal Apps including Rise of the Tomb Raider have limitations on Windows Store


People buying new laptops and tablets in 2016 will be introduced to these AAA games in the Win 10 store and they will buy it. They will be new to "PC" gaming in a sense.

Read some of the comments in the Win 10 Store from users who have bought Rise of the Tomb Raider there. They are casually buying these games and enjoying them.

are there laptops and tablets that can play Rise of the Tomb Raider and it's actually a decent experience?
I'm going to double check about gsync, but I believe it works if you enable the option to have gsync work in windowed mode. People were saying it didn't work, but I thought it was. I will dig deeper.

Having vsync forced on doesn't break Gsync though. Toggle it on and off in a game that works with gsync and you'll notice performance and fluidity remains identical. Now if a game has a hard cap of 60 fps, you'll be missing out on higher framerates, but it'll still

The reason dx12 is going to help with multiple gpus is that it offers its own support for them at the API level. In other words, it doesn't have to happen via graphics drivers. Developers can either send different compute tasks to different cards or have different cards handle different parts of the scene (like gpu1 draws the left side gpu2 the right).

Previously multi card support was hacked in, essentially. DX12 fixes that, but I presume the developers need to purposefully leverage it.


I'm not defending MS here, just trying to guess MS motive.

Their "motive" if a company can have one, is that the store is a great way to make more money (see Apple app store).
I expect that there's a lot of momentum within Microsoft to get developers to use the UWP framework, so Microsoft can get a cut of every sale made.

Unfortunately in its current state, the framework is woefully inadequate for complex computer games from a feature perspective in comparison to Win32.
If my old brain isn't playing tricks on me, I seem to vaguely remember a thread where people were accusing Durante of spreading FUD for having a similar stance as howtogeek here.

Damn, I wonder where those folks are now. I guess it's all gonna work itself out in the end. We should give Microsoft massive benefits of the doubt. We owe them that much, at least. They're gonna get it right this time once they see just how enthusiastic we are about making this Windows Store initiative work.



These limitations seem to be due to the Universal App Platform, not specific to Rise of the Tomb Raider exactly, so all future Win Store games will be like this if the platform isn't changed (I'm not sure if that's possible without losing "universal").

Yeah, about the Vsync. It's an option in Gigantic, so it seems to be up to the dev. It may have been a gross oversight on Nixxes part, or intentional.

Additionally, Gigantic also had a checkbox for FPS counter. I didn't try it (because I don't care), but it's there.
Far as im concerned PC gamers should just treat these games as having a emulator on your PC that plays X1 games. Dont expect Microsoft to support the mulitude of features that you have come to expect with PC games and dont look at the Windows store as an alternative storefront.

These ports are not PC games. They are Xbox games on PC. If you want the PC version of ROTTR, its already on steam.
I'd love to see them try this with a multiplayer title.

I think it is fair to assume Window Store's refund policy is in line with Xbox's.


are there laptops and tablets that can play Rise of the Tomb Raider and it's actually a decent experience?

From what I gathered the answer is yes. Patches are a separate issue that's on all platforms though.

I will be buying all the Xbox AAA on Win 10 Store to have them on my PC.

I want an overlay though...one by Microsoft and not the dull Steam environment.
Far as im concerned PC gamers should just treat these games as having a emulator on your PC that plays X1 games. Dont expect Microsoft to support the mulitude of features that you have come to expect with PC games and dont look at the Windows store as an alternative storefront.

These ports are not PC games. They are Xbox games on PC. If you want the PC version of ROTTR, its already on steam.
But it's MS saying that they're putting a new focus on PC gaming and that they're going to really back the platform.

This is on them


Thread title made me think there were non renewable activation limits (see DRM like Solidshield and Tages).

I honestly don't care about Windows Store games missing some options.

Come back to me when it is the only way to get any new games on my pc.


Gold Member
Just a quick theoretical question here...

So, you have an Xbox One, and a PC that I would assume clobbers your Xbox One. So in the case of something like Rise of the Tomb Raider, I can see you going Steam.. and this is probably already the case for basically anything that's not exclusive to the console, right?

So assuming that pretty much every time a game comes out as a console exclusive on Xbox, it also debuts as a Windows 10 exclusive on PC. Do you in this case still opt to buy the game for the Xbox One instead instead? Wouldn't this not make any sense, as you'd still be playing the best quality available version on the PC, and in some cases would have obtained the PC simply as a result of owning the Xbox One version?

Or do you simply not play anything on either platform going forward?

I plan to sell my Xbox One after I'm done with the Forza 6 Porsche pack because of everything also coming to the PC so the option to play on the Xbox one will soon no longer exist for me.

I will then wait for them to see sense and sort out the issues on the Windows store. If they don't then I'll just skip their exclusive games that come out. No biggie as I have more than enough games to play elsewhere.

And yes, I have Rise of Tomb Raider on steam.


Thread title made me think there were non renewable activation limits (see DRM like Solidshield and Tages).

I honestly don't care about Windows Store games missing some options.

Come back to me when it is the only way to get any new games on my pc.

It's the only way to get Quantum Break on your PC. Now if you're not interested, it's the only way to get Quantum Break on PC for people who are, so it's still a problem.


But it's MS saying that they're putting a new focus on PC gaming and that they're going to really back the platform.

This is on them

Are they not? You're getting the games on PC by MS rules though.

These games have PC graphical options and such. Gears Ultimate will show you this.

Win10/Xbox is essentially just ONE platform across all devices. I'll be supporting.

Also for now....there aren't any refunds too.
Read about it on the Quantum Break thread, but I think it's good for it to have a thread of its own. It's a pretty big thing after all and needs a lot more publicity.

It really sucks. It's fucking stupid. It doesn't bring any advantage but it literally brings an inferior experience to PC (lacking the openness of PC).

If I will ever buy anything from there (possibly Scalebound if it'll come exclusively on Windows Store), I will buy it only when it's really, really cheap.

Speak with your wallet if these things are unacceptable. Also, if the idea of running a game on this platform is acceptable to you but you would like to remove these limitations, it wouldn't hurt to create a post on the uservoice site (or vote for an already existing one). All these complaint threads on gaf won't do anything, getting the message to those that make decisions will though.
Simply voting with your wallet doesn't really help, because you don't get your specific message heard. You are only telling "I'm not buying this for whatever reason", but you don't tell why. The publisher might think it's anything and might completely misunderstand the reasons.

Complaining is essential. It also serves another important role: educating other consumers of the problem.

How do you play your PC games then? If not through Steam or MS store?
There are most likely dozens of millions of PC gamers who don't use Steam at all. Steam isn't nearly all of PC gaming. There are other platforms and there are major games that don't use it (ones that a lot of people play exclusively, such as LoL and WoW).


Come back to me when it is the only way to get any new games on my pc.

It's the only way to get Quantum Break on PC, and seems like going forward the only way to get any MS/Xbox exclusives on PC.

I guess I am just not going to get to play Quantum Break which bums me out a little. I really like Remedy's work, but I just cannot support this practice. I actually let myself get a little hopeful this time around the MS Cycle Of Saying We Care About PC™ that they wouldn't keep making the same mistakes. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me nine times...


No SLI, forced Vsync and no overlays are each deal breakers by themselves, and all together it's just ridiculous.

Trying to do full fledged PC games with an architecture built around mobile software is a terrible idea.

Microsoft support PC gaming fully!
Fucking one step forward and ten back, why would you fucking do this? Who thought this was anything that PC gamers wanted? I guess we should just feel grateful that they're releasing games on the PC?
... MS Cycle Of Saying We Care About PC™ ...

Nadella really doesn't give a damned about much other than the enterprise / business / azure / cloud at the moment. He's bastardizing Windows Mobile, and at the same time bastardizing parts of Windows 10.

There are certainly people on the team who understand gamers want & needs (consider, Microsoft made DX12 and have some pretty good games studios who have been in the business for a while), but Nadella and his management teams call the final shots.

Dev community has had a ton of asks for WinRT / UWP that basically have been glossed over for a few years whilst Microsoft get their own internal priorities right. There's a very slow, buggy plan in action.


That reminds me, isn't that big W10 announcement and Xbox One gaming presst event happening tomorrow

Let's see what happens
And this by far the best support they have given Windows in years. It just comes with caveats. Its is what it is.

If this is them at their best then that's unfortunate because apparently this huge corporation cannot even add simple features that much MUCH smaller companies have implemented with zero issues.

Are they not? You're getting the games on PC by MS rules though.

These games have PC graphical options and such. Gears Ultimate will show you this.

Win10/Xbox is essentially just ONE platform across all devices. I'll be supporting.

Also for now....there aren't any refunds too.

They're also missing a lot of simple options, too, like those posted in the OP.

You can support it but that doesn't make it immune to criticism. There are problems with how they're handling PC games on win10 and they deserved to be called out for them.
Oh wow that's shitty. Fix your store ASAP, Microsoft, or I doubt it will have more success than GFWL.

It will probably have a little more success, but if they want it to take off they need to fix it. I mean, this is a dumb decision on their behalf. Best thing to do is for everyone to complain and to vote with their wallets.

Once that starts and they see outcome, they will change this crap.

I'm not getting rid of my X1, so I'll gladly keep playing the games on the console till this has been resolved.


Gold Member
That reminds me, isn't that big W10 announcement and Xbox One gaming presst event happening tomorrow

Let's see what happens

There's an embargo on anything that gets shown and announced there until March AKAIK.

Goodness knows why.
Stupid cunts. How can they have such a poor understanding of pc gaming. I can't believe no one who works there that is saying maybe not letting people turn off v-sync is a bad idea.

Their console is a complete failure because they tried to impose ridiculous restrictions on their games.


I guess I am just not going to get to play Quantum Break which bums me out a little. I really like Remedy's work, but I just cannot support this practice.

Best case scenario is that when the Xbox One is entering its twilight phase and the senior people at MS who think the best way to prop up the Xbox division is by sabotaging the PC gaming division are distracted by working on Xbox Two, Remedy get publishing rights and put it on Steam, GOG, etc.

Fucking one step forward and ten back, why would you fucking do this? Who thought this was anything that PC gamers wanted? I guess we should just feel grateful that they're releasing games on the PC?

I said it in the other thread, but at this stage I just feel like MS are the Monkeys Paw - every wish you make has to come with some horrific unintended side effect


Use this link: Xbox Uservoice

I suggest that ones that have issue with this to:

- Create an post for each individual issue
- If you haven't made a MS account, you need to in order to vote
- After it is created, you can PM me the link (i'm currently at work and don't have time) and I can make a thread about it so we can create awareness about trying to fix it the issue.
- Link your friends, tweet, facebook, etc...

If you want change, you need action.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Not being able to disable V-Sync is a major issue for me. I won't be buying anything from this store as long as that restriction remains.


Stupid cunts. How can they have such a poor understanding of pc gaming. I can't believe no one who works there that is saying maybe not letting people turn off v-sync is a bad idea.

Vsync seems up to the devs. Motiga enabled the option to turn it off in Gigantic. They also had an option for an FPS counter.

There's an embargo on anything that gets shown and announced there until March AKAIK.

Goodness knows why.

That's typically how press-only events go. /shrugs
Glad I'm getting Quantum Break on XB1. These are some pretty huge drawbacks. The V-sync one is the one that get's to me the most since I just purchased a G-sync monitor.
Glad to see a dedicated topic for this. It was discussed a ton in the QB PC thread but the actual problem wasn't immediately obvious for new people coming into it, it was easy to misunderstand as "we don't want a different storefront" whining (though I'm sure there was some of that going on as well).

I wonder if there's any chance of this being addressed at all at the event tomorrow.
Yeah, about the Vsync. It's an option in Gigantic, so it seems to be up to the dev. It may have been a gross oversight on Nixxes part, or intentional.

Additionally, Gigantic also had a checkbox for FPS counter. I didn't try it (because I don't care), but it's there.

Vsync seems up to the devs. Motiga enabled the option to turn it off in Gigantic. They also had an option for an FPS counter.

Posts could probably use a little more attention.
Just preorder it digitally on Xbox and you'll get the PC version for free. Then you can try the store yourself.

I considered that, though I do prefer physical copies over digital ones. It's a shame Quantum Break isn't getting a cool special edition (save for the console bundle) like Alan Wake did.


I will get it cheap enough and it will outperform my xb1 by so much that it still out weighs the cons. I would of course like all those things as options (not that I even have a gsync monitor) and hope that they work on what they offer for everyone else but at the end of the day it isn't a lot of games that I buy that would be affected. So will I buy a code off someone for 20 bucks and then play it and forget about it. Yup.


None of those things are really deal breakers for me but then again I'm also not interested in anything announced thus far at full price.


If you want change, you need action.

These aren't UX quality of life tweaks though, UWA works exactly as intended - as a 'secured' application unavailable from any source except MS themselves.

They absolutely know what peoples problems with it are. Major software vendors have spoken to them about it both publically and privately.
They just don't care because they perceive the short term gains to be worth more than the longterm loss.


Glad there's a thread highlighting this.

None of those things are really deal breakers for me but then again I'm also not interested in anything announced thus far at full price.
Yeah, none of these would put me off from buying a Windows Store exclusive I wanted, but it still does little to incentivize me to buy non-exclusives from them (dont' have an X1, so cross-buy isn't applicable).
It took time for the development community to figure out how to inject stuff into Win32 Apps, properly do Overlays, etc. Today of course there are standard practices on how to do it. I'm pretty certain that it's mainly a matter of time until they figure out how to do it with UWP Apps. In the end those are a packages of files that resides on the disk, albeit in a different format than previously.

The oddest of the bunch in my opinion are the limitations on VSync and SLI support, given that that should mainly concern the graphics card drivers but I guess we'd have to ask someone at Nvidia for the reasons of those limitations. In the end UWP Apps use DX11/DX12 APIs so the driver portion that gets run should be the same.

I can only imagine that the UWP Apps not running as Win32-Applications means that Nvidias Tools aren't able to identify what is running right now and that causes issues to them. Has anyone found a more detailed explanation?

As for buying or not buying. Right now I'm not interested (also due to me owning an Xbox One). This might change with Halo Wars 2. But if it's running fine on my machine I don't see a big issue in buying it on that Store.


Depends if their exclusives are worth the buy I may completly avoid them, or like I did with Games For Windows Live buy the game then download a torrent for it because well sadly a pirated version often fixes these shitty issues.

In any case this is Microsoft being Microsoft and until these issues are fixed people should raise a stink about it.


So... serious question... is there actually a single benefit to buying any given game on the Windows Store rather than Steam at this point? All I seem to hear about is downsides in all honesty.

I cringe a little every time I see one of these.

It's the Microsoft TM way at this point. Like the XB1, it's a generally worse version of it's competitor. It will cost more and they want you to support it just because.


And some people believed Microsoft was taking PC seriously this time. I get it's a business and is designed to make a profit, but it's hard not to see a bit of truth in the jokes that we now have Clippy 2.0 and GFWL 2.0.

What does this mean?

Borderless window only. Works same as a fullscreen window 99% of the time. Alt-tabbing is faster is the main benefit, but it can hit performance a bit more and overlays get messy. Nothing major (for me personally), but more options are never a bad thing.
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