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Universal Windows applications running on the Xbox

So I buy an Xbox one and I can get a PC light/steambox but windows version?

Is this the future of Xbox one?

This will definitely be my second console if true...


So does that mean that I can play angry bird, while playing angry bird winrt snapped? Exciting times we live in my friends.


Y know I really hope this could eventually transfer over to Xbox all being one platform as well (if MS would have the sense to do that).

Buy a digital game on Xbox, play it on your PC, or stream it to your phone ala the Vita/PS4 kind of thing.
Y know I really hope this could eventually transfer over to Xbox all being one platform as well (if MS would have the sense to do that).

Buy a digital game on Xbox, play it on your PC, or stream it to your phone ala the Vita/PS4 kind of thing.

That certainly seems to be their long game. It's also likely why they were initially so intent on having all Xbox One games you buy be "digital" games, as opposed to having two separate ecosystems.


Off topic, but I'm sure this will please some people:


Yep we all knew it. Marginalize those fucking ugly tiles and bring back the real start menu and the desktop.

Yeah boy, Win9 is going to be fucking amazing. I don't like the tiles on the start menu there, but I can likely remove them, and even if I cant I can proooooobably live with them being tucked away out of sight there like that.

Perfect, they really did finally fix the UI. This is what it should have been all along. I'm day 1 for Win9.


I think that there is a big miscalculation about the demand for apps that aren't games on a TV. This would have made more sense before the rise of mobile computing. Any app that I can think of that would work on a TV would work better on a tablet or phone because they can be taken with you. So it makes far more sense to pay for a notification or social media app that will actually follow you around rather than being tied to your living room.

If you are going to be tied down to a location to do work then you'd be more productive sitting at your computer instead of your TV. On the other hand if you are going to add a keyboard and mouse to your XB1 setup in order to overcome its input limitations, then why not go with a full computer at that point? One of the main benefits of using a console is that you don't need a keyboard and mouse. Take that away and the computer becomes the more logical choice.

The best possible use for the TV is as an optional large screen display output for a mobile device, not for running the app directly. The TV will never be used for heavy editing work so why would someone want to buy another app just to display content created elsewhere.

Sure, but if you're coding for windows phone and Xbox at the same time, you can have the phone version be the control point for the Xbox version.metro examples - Netflix and plex. If you're running Netflix on PS4, you can use the Netflix iPad app to browse and find something,then watch it on the PS4. If you do that, the PS4 app exists mostly as a screen. But you also have the fallback of using the controller.

Plex on my mac is the same. I can either use my stupid apple remote to navigate around, or just use the iPad plex app and start playback of the TV. Then revert to the remote for pause/skip etc where physical buttons are useful.

So this doesn't need to be which is better, it can cover second screen integration too


Game over Playstation THE killer app is coming.... Minesweeper

LOL that's the first thing that came into my head....minesweeper...

All this generic talk of apps, could someone enlighten me what exactly could be useful to run from windows app store on a console.

Seen some one mention media players / power point and office - really ? I am missing something here ....


Good news for Windows people who own lots of Windows devices I suppose.

With the rise of tablets/mobile phones, having apps on your system becomes redundant. Will playing emulators on the big TV might seem cool? maybe back in the early 2000's. I mean now I have an HTPC, tablet,Vita,Smartphone,SmartTV etc etc some of these things are not really "megatons". I mean I can hook up my "old" smartphone which is a GS2 and output via HDMI and hook a Bluetooth controller to it and go to town on emulators....

Im sure there will be some cool apps but this is nothing amazing. I just hope this doesnt lead to the xbone getting hacked in any way. Too early in its life still.

PS: Win7forLyfe!


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Yep we all knew it. Marginalize those fucking ugly tiles and bring back the real start menu and the desktop.

Yeah boy, Win9 is going to be fucking amazing. I don't like the tiles on the start menu there, but I can likely remove them, and even if I cant I can proooooobably live with them being tucked away out of sight there like that.

Perfect, they really did finally fix the UI. This is what it should have been all along. I'm day 1 for Win9.

The Start screen will still be there since using the Start menu on a touch device is horrid but it looks people who prefer it will be able to use the Start menu on a desktop PC instead. The live tiles that you see were placed there, I believe you can remove them if you don't want them.

Personally I'll keep using the Start screen on my desktop because I find it more useful and easier to use.

LOL that's the first thing that came into my head....minesweeper...

All this generic talk of apps, could someone enlighten me what exactly could be useful to run from windows app store on a console.

Seen some one mention media players / power point and office - really ? I am missing something here ....

What about something like the Giant Bomb app?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
LOL that's the first thing that came into my head....minesweeper...

All this generic talk of apps, could someone enlighten me what exactly could be useful to run from windows app store on a console.

Seen some one mention media players / power point and office - really ? I am missing something here ....

Indie games... This is basically the evolution of XBLIG. Not published through the ID@Xbox channel (which will likely be phased out/split so lower budget titles go through Windows store and higher budget goes through MS)

On top of that people can deploy entertainment and random shit to it.

So I totally expect some weird things...
Well as long as I don't have to get live to use the windows store, x1 confirmed as a purchase...

Indy games are really where a lot of innovative design ideas show up.

Makes you wonder why ms didn't just make a windows box...would have been really awesome and a huge differiator to Sony consoles.


Any word yet if their non-PC platforms are still restricted to content purchased and downloaded through the Microsoft Store? Because if so, then this probably isn't going to be as big as we'd like. Microsoft attempted to force Developers to develop for Windows 8 by restricting access, and Developers largely went ahead and ignored the Microsoft Store as a result, killing any chance Windows/Surface RT had in the process.

Having access to the same applications across multiple devices is a great idea, though, and opens up functionality on the Xbone that Playstation simply doesn't have, and likely won't have. Of course, the Xbone is floundering because Microsoft focused too heavily on the non-gaming applications, so it'll be interesting to see how much time is paid to this at Xbone events.
Indy games are really where a lot of innovative design ideas show up.

Makes you wonder why ms didn't just make a windows box...would have been really awesome and a huge differiator to Sony consoles.

If you really wanted to just play indy games you would have bought an ouya or a cheap pc.
Sony has PS Mobile that lets devs make apps for phones/Handhelds/consoles. That has been around for years. And still no good has come of it. Why? Because targeting that plaform makes your app a jack of all trades but good at none. It only allows for mediocrity.

Anything that has to run in a super strict VM with a restrictive API will always be mediocre .


So Xbox-PC is finally happening, at least in a sense.

Remember this CNN Money article from a decade ago?


Xbox 2 + PC = ?
Microsoft thinking about a machine that would play both console and PC games.
May 27, 2004:

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Two months ago, Microsoft spoke glowingly of bridging the gap between the PC and Xbox. Now the company is considering erasing that gap completely.

While Microsoft has publicly avoided discussing its next generation machine, it has been quietly conducting studies on the consumer appeal of a hybrid device that would play both PC and Xbox games.

"We would be remiss if we didn't look at consumer scenarios that take advantage of our strengths," said Peter Moore, corporate vice president of worldwide marketing and publishing for Microsoft's home and entertainment division. "[But] this is one amongst many, many other consumer scenarios that we're looking at."

The B/R/S Group, a California-based market research company that lists Microsoft and the Xbox division specifically as clients, has been gathering consumer feedback on a device it refers to as Xbox Next PC "a videogame console system with a hard drive and a built-in fully functional PC." Mention of the device came on one of several slides shown to focus groups.

One slide describes the unit, which would require a PC monitor or high definition television, as being backward compatible with current and next-generation Xbox titles. It would also play PC games and include a fully functional version of Windows, CD burner, DVD player (with remote control), built-in access to Xbox Live and a hard drive. Control-wise, the system would come with both a keyboard and mouse and a standard Xbox controller. The price point this particular study tested was $599.

B/R/S officials declined to comment for this column, citing a strict confidentiality agreement with Microsoft.

The point of the study that included the Xbox Next PC was to determine what consumers want to see in next generation machines and what they're willing to pay for those features.Gathering pricing sensitivity data for products is one of the most challenging market research projects for hardware developers.

It's important to note that any product looked at in these sorts of studies is conceptual and may undergo dramatic feature changes before hitting the market if, in fact, it manages to emerge from the doors of the R&D labs.

"If you put two and two together, there's no doubt there's a great opportunity to put the two platforms together," said Moore. "Obviously with a company like Microsoft this is something we have to look into and ask about. Is it actionable today? Probably not, but it's something we need to look at."

There is, of course, a greater question of whether consumers would have any interest in a console/PC hybrid.
Game machines, historically, have evolved rather slowly. Large leaps haven't been rewarded. Sony learned this lesson with the introduction of the PSX, a combination PlayStation 2/Digital Video Recorder, which sold poorly in Japan and has yet to receive a U.S. launch date.

Microsoft first showed interest in bringing the PC and Xbox closer together in March at the Game Developer's Conference, when it unveiled XNA, a software development platform meant to allow developers to skip writing boilerplate code that often bogs down the time it takes to create a game.

The same platform would open up cross-platform integration opportunities, letting PC and Xbox owners play in the same world, though each would have different experience. (PC gamers, for example, could act as virtual generals in a strategy game, coordinating troop movements, while Xbox players playing an action version of the same title would fight the battles.)

"There will come a day in the not too distant future that [PC] games will be interchangeable between Windows and the Xbox," Moore told me at the recently completed E3 trade show.

Should Microsoft move forward with a hybrid machine, it will likely come after a standalone Xbox 2 unit is released. As for when we'll see next generation Xboxes on store shelves - officially, Microsoft isn't commenting, but it has been giving publishers guidance to plan for a 2005 launch.
Once they open up the app store to developers I sure as shit better see a Plex app. No Plex app is the ONLY think I'm missing that's keeping my XB1 from being the "all-in-one" device they claim it can be. I still have to have my Roku box plugged in and have to switch inputs for it.

I can see Office on Xbox being big for businesses. I've seen on Reddit many companies buy XB1s for Skype and body tracking. If they could snap Skype and have a PowerPoint presentation running at the same time, that would be extremely useful for only $500 especially when good tracking cameras and software can run you into the thousands of dollars.
Once they open up the app store to developers I sure as shit better see a Plex app. No Plex app is the ONLY think I'm missing that's keeping my XB1 from being the "all-in-one" device they claim it can be. I still have to have my Roku box plugged in and have to switch inputs for it.

I can see Office on Xbox being big for businesses. ]I've seen on Reddit many companies buy XB1s for Skype and body tracking[/B. If they could snap Skype and have a PowerPoint presentation running at the same time, that would be extremely useful for only $500 especially when good tracking cameras and software can run you into the thousands of dollars.

I've seen 2, you're over exaggerating this alot. And, the 2 that I did see were very questionable that it was Astroturfing/Guerrilla marketing. Unless you can link me to the many companies buying X1 for business purposes, I'd really like to see it.


So the Xbox 180 will be a Windows 8 pc with some exclusive titles and no tradicional desktop. Oh, and paywalls. Hurray :/

The Flash

I've seen 2, you're over exaggerating this alot. And, the 2 that I did see were very questionable that it was Astroturfing/Guerrilla marketing. Unless you can link me to the many companies buying X1 for business purposes, I'd really like to see it.

That's a bold move Yekshemesh, let's see if it pays off
What's a bold move? I respectfully ask for link of many companies buying X1 for business purposes.

It probably isn't this, but I sure hope he was making a pun out of the fact you failed to correctly bold the piece of text you wanted to.

Edit: Also, pet hate: there's no such thing as "over exaggeration". That's what "exaggeration" means.


That certainly seems to be their long game. It's also likely why they were initially so intent on having all Xbox One games you buy be "digital" games, as opposed to having two separate ecosystems.

But see, they never needed to force that. Physical games, by their nature, really don't allow for that, so instead of trying to force physical games away, why not just play up the advantages of digital, since there are so many?

Just ignore physical and it will die out when the time comes.


Banstick Emeritus
People...are buying windows products? The Surface 2 was far better received than the Surface 1. Windows Phone has consistently increased in marketshare. And the Xbox One is doing great. OneDrive and Outlook.com have a ton of users. Bing powers everything Google doesn't...

Where is the idea that MS products aren't selling? Because the facts show YoY that isn't true.
Three bucks worth right here.


As someone who develops WinRT apps for Windows 8, I am of the very firm opinion that developing WinRT apps is a terrible idea.

While I suppose it's possible that expanding the ecosystem to include X1 owners might help matters, as it stands now, the Windows Store is fucking abysmal, there is a dearth of actual apps and what few apps there are... are a bit shit. In addition, the inherent limitations of WinRT are extremely frustrating to traditional coders and I imagine the situation will only be exacerbated by trying to wrangle your app onto a console that (I presume) will have neither a conventional file system nor any conventional input methods. KINECT!


This sounds much better on paper than in reality. Unless you're talking turn based games or the like.

Other than competitive FPS games which is only a problem because analog stick/mouse, no other game should have a problem.

And it must both be competitive AND FPS. If it's just competitive, something like a RTS or fighter would work just fine.

And if it's just FPS, say co-op, then stick/mouse isn't an issue.

So there is literally ONE thing where it doesn't work. Granted, that's pretty large (Halo, Call of Duty, etc.), but it is indeed one thing, and it would certainly worth it if only applied to all those others.

Plus, that poster really wasn't taking it far enough. We need cross platform gamesaves, cross buy, etc. until "Cross" gets cut out of the picture and it's all one great big thing.

Instead of now which is just "Windows vs. Xbox. Fight!"
If you really wanted to just play indy games you would have bought an ouya or a cheap pc.
who said I wanted to play only Indy games?

There's simply a lot of unique ideas coming from smaller teams, it doesn't take anything away from my adoration of larger budget titles though.
This sounds much better on paper than in reality. Unless you're talking turn based games or the like.

I wish people would appreciate that making a balanced cross-platform shooter between PC and 360 was already done - seven whole years ago - and it worked perfectly. Whether you liked the game itself or not, the balance was near-perfect.
I've seen 2, you're over exaggerating this alot. And, the 2 that I did see were very questionable that it was Astroturfing/Guerrilla marketing. Unless you can link me to the many companies buying X1 for business purposes, I'd really like to see it.

Searched for 30 seconds and found these three pages with a bunch of people talking about and it and one even posted pictures of their office set-up. So yeah, it's a real thing that people are doing and are talking about doing. You can just explain everything away as astroturfing.



So there is literally ONE thing where it doesn't work. Granted, that's pretty large (Halo, Call of Duty, etc.), but it is indeed one thing, and it would certainly worth it if only applied to all those others.
Yeah, that one thing is rather huge :) And even co-op games are not immune to those issues - Warframe needed to change up one of its ranking tests because it was nearly impossible to do with a controller. Luckily it also made significant UI changes as well.

And take a look at Diablo 3, which changed skills and enemy behavior to compensate for controller based gameplay.

PC & console cross-play really needs to be thought all the way through on a case by case basis, because I don't think it'd be nearly as seamless or positive an experience as people think.

I wish people would appreciate that making a balanced cross-platform shooter between PC and 360 was already done - seven whole years ago - and it worked perfectly. Whether you liked the game itself or not, the balance was near-perfect.
Shadowrun? Or another? I remember PC players complaining at the time that they were shoehorned into using a controller based scheme in Shadowrun - that reticle bloom.


Yeah, that one thing is rather huge :) And even co-op games are not immune to those issues - Warframe needed to change up one of its ranking tests because it was nearly impossible to do with a controller. Luckily it also made significant UI changes as well.

And take a look at Diablo 3, which changed skills and enemy behavior to compensate for controller based gameplay.

PC & console cross-play really needs to be thought all the way through on a case by case basis, because I don't think it'd be nearly as seamless or positive an experience as people think.

Shadowrun? Or another? I remember PC players complaining at the time that they were shoehorned into using a controller based scheme - that reticle bloom.

I agree, it should be on a case by case basis, but it really needs to happen. Right now there are dozens of missed opportunities that we see. It needs to happen much more often.
Searched for 30 seconds and found these three pages with a bunch of people talking about and it and one even posted pictures of their office set-up. So yeah, it's a real thing that people are doing and are talking about doing.




Appreciate the links CaptainSlow. I'll stll stand by remarks of questionable astroturfing/guerilla marketing, IMO of course.


As someone who develops WinRT apps for Windows 8, I am of the very firm opinion that developing WinRT apps is a terrible idea.

While I suppose it's possible that expanding the ecosystem to include X1 owners might help matters, as it stands now, the Windows Store is fucking abysmal, there is a dearth of actual apps and what few apps there are... are a bit shit. In addition, the inherent limitations of WinRT are extremely frustrating to traditional coders and I imagine the situation will only be exacerbated by trying to wrangle your app onto a console that (I presume) will have neither a conventional file system nor any conventional input methods. KINECT!

What apps have you developed? As for the bolded, are you forgetting about the controller?
Shadowrun? Or another? I remember PC players complaining at the time that they were shoehorned into using a controller based scheme in Shadowrun - that reticle bloom.

It was mouse + keyboard, the issue seemed to be that PC players didn't like the inability to get headshots 100% of the time with an SMG while spinning round constantly. If you moved fast, your accuracy got worse, settling down when you stopped or crouched, much like an actual weapon. It also had recoil. I really never understood the complaints.
But see, they never needed to force that. Physical games, by their nature, really don't allow for that, so instead of trying to force physical games away, why not just play up the advantages of digital, since there are so many?

Just ignore physical and it will die out when the time comes.

Well I imagine the thinking is that if/when this stuff happens in the future, *every* Xbox owner can take advantage of it with their full library, not just Xbox owners who have downloaded games from Xbox Live, and then having to explain to people that they effectively have two separate types of game libraries to worry about. It's obviously their current thinking with Kinect as well.

Of course in retrospect, after all the complaints, it seems like a terrible idea, but I don't think it's an entirely flawed line of thinking. Yes, it's "forcing" things, but plenty of companies have done that before (similar concept to Apple not worrying about including Flash support). It obviously didn't happen to work in this particular case though, lol.
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