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Universal Windows applications running on the Xbox

It was mouse + keyboard, the issue seemed to be that PC players didn't like the inability to get headshots 100% of the time with an SMG while spinning round constantly. If you moved fast, your accuracy got worse, settling down when you stopped or crouched, much like an actual weapon. It also had recoil. I really never understood the complaints.
Ironically enough those same complaints came right back in Halo Reach, which borrowed that very same bloom (from the very same Shadowrun dev). Even strictly relegated to console players that balancing mechanic pissed people off. I'm like you though and never minded it.

But input methods and form factors matter, and they lead to different use cases and habits and expectations, and at least for my part I prefer designs that specifically cater to those different flavors of use rather than trying to make *the one* user experience and to have that experience flow and realign itself for different devices.

Its kindof like taking a touch centered UX and trying to force it on non-touch devices. Madness I tellsya.
Ironically enough those same complaints came right back in Halo Reach, which borrowed that very same bloom (from the very same Shadowrun dev). Even strictly relegated to console players that balancing mechanic pissed people off. I'm like you though and never minded it.

But input methods and form factors matter, and they lead to different use cases and habits and expectations, and at least for my part I prefer designs that specifically cater to those different flavors of use rather than trying to make *the one* user experience and to have that experience flow and realign itself for different devices.

Its kindof like taking a touch centered UX and trying to force it as on non-touch devices. Madness I tellsya.

Haha, very good point! Yeah, I guess my love for Shadowrun makes me biased on this but I don't see why we can't live in a world with both balanced competitive cross-platform games and those that play to the strengths of their own platform.

Basically I want another Shadowrun and i'm bitter about how it will never, ever happen.


Well I imagine the thinking is that if/when this stuff happens in the future, *every* Xbox owner can take advantage of it with their full library, not just Xbox owners who have downloaded games from Xbox Live, and then having to explain to people that they effectively have two separate types of game libraries to worry about. It's obviously their current thinking with Kinect as well.

Of course in retrospect, after all the complaints, it seems like a terrible idea, but I don't think it's an entirely flawed line of thinking. Yes, it's "forcing" things, but plenty of companies have done that before (similar concept to Apple not worrying about including Flash support). It obviously didn't happen to work in this particular case though, lol.

Yeah, that's what I think as well. Everybody thinks the DRM stuff was all evil and things, but it really wasn't. It was just MS trying to make things that only work on digital to work on physical.

I can see the dilemma there.
That's taking a supremely negative approach unsupported by historical evidence. Developers go where the money is. YoY Windows Phone has done better and better in terms of market share and I think the WP market makes almost as much as the Android one despite Android having a ton of users. The developers will come. Windows Phone already has much better support than a year ago. The Windows 8 store having easy ports from the Windows Phone store is great and will drive Universal apps. And if its easy to do why not get your app on all Windows devices.

I absolutely see this as a megaton. I'm swaying between XB1 and PS4. I have a myriad of devices including a Surface 2 and the Windows store already has a great many apps I'd like to use a on a home console. From emulators (Pokemon on Xbox) to apps like Video Players or podcast apps. That's a ton of extra functionality being brought to the table.

Also yes first post!

People...are buying windows products? The Surface 2 was far better received than the Surface 1. Windows Phone has consistently increased in marketshare. And the Xbox One is doing great. OneDrive and Outlook.com have a ton of users. Bing powers everything Google doesn't...

Where is the idea that MS products aren't selling? Because the facts show YoY that isn't true.


You would have a point if your evidence was correct but facts still show that Microsoft has little to no penetration in the market. So I'm not far fetch into believing that currently, they need to pick up the pace on positioning their relevance with their products that isn't a console right now.

Right now, the market isn't checking for the Surface despite how good and more "productive" you can be on it. It selling a little bit more versus its other sibling YoY isn't saying anything. Only selling 2.1 Million is almost a year for a product that's been out for a while? Come on. Microsoft hasn't sold the public on why the Surface is better versus the competitors. I like the Surface Pro 2 and I seriously want one (mostly because I love the Metro interface on touch enable hardware), however I'm not that blind to see that there is still an issue elsewhere that needs to be fix. There are still barriers that customer need to be on board for, that helps developers make the decision.

IMO, this will turn the Xbox into a more complete computing platform and turn your TV into a more versatile device. The platform will of course be multimedia focus. I can see myself using a weather app, Viber, and Instagram on the Xbox One right away. Not all apps will be suitable for TV use but Microsoft is putting the infrastructure there for developers. It will be now be up to the developers' creativity to push the platform further.

I understand this. My post was a little time crunched so I didn't get to elaborate a little more on what I was trying to say. I completely understand what this can do for the Xbox. What Microsoft has a achieved here is complete unification. This completely dodges the fragmentation situation that plague Google's vision as we speak. I applaud them for doing it quicker and much more efficient than their competitors. I don't disagree with you, because I can see myself doing the same thing. However I'm looking at this in a top down approach. The Xbox is not the main platform that this entire system needs to succeed on. I get that whatever the developers make for the Xbox, will translate into all other devices and that's a big deal.

I guess what I'm trying to say is all of Microsoft's products have to sell the ecosystem. It can't just be one without the other. But since what i'm talking about doesn't even relate to the topic at hand, I'll stop with this and reserve it for a different topic.

In general, its good all around for Microsoft fans, Xbox fans, and Tech fan in general who finally can see Microsoft coming back from being the underdog to making serious decisions that can shape the way the platform build upon for the next couple of years. Under new leadership so far, some great announcements has come that really makes for a hopeful future. The vision they want to achieve is still far away but a lot more organized with this new announcement. I'm hopeful to see what comes of it, and hope that I am proven wrong about my opinion.

It's only his/her 3rd post in this thread saying this doesn't matter/it's nothing good for Xbox.

Is there a saying the same thing post limit? Lol

(I'm guessing 3rd...could have missed some)

Shame, because that isn't what I said but of course, anything that pinches the side of anything MS must be negative. Can't have a different perspective I guess.



You would have a point if your evidence was correct but facts still show that Microsoft has little to no penetration in the market. So I'm not far fetch into believing that currently, they need to pick up the pace on positioning their relevance with their products that isn't a console right now.

I think he was referring to this Statistic Brain research, which claims that the amount of revenue generated by Windows Phone apps almost equals that of Android despite the huge gulf in userbase.

If these figures are even remotely true, then it would make sense to assume that a unified Windows storefront (which also serves to the Xbox) is quite likely to have more potential revenue than Android does. This could then go a long way towards causing apps to arrive on the Windows platform in a more timely manner.

You would have a point if your evidence was correct but facts still show that Microsoft has little to no penetration in the market. So I'm not far fetch into believing that currently, they need to pick up the pace on positioning their relevance with their products that isn't a console right now.

Right now, the market isn't checking for the Surface despite how good and more "productive" you can be on it. It selling a little bit more versus its other sibling YoY isn't saying anything. Only selling 2.1 Million is almost a year for a product that's been out for a while? Come on. Microsoft hasn't sold the public on why the Surface is better versus the competitors. I like the Surface Pro 2 and I seriously want one (mostly because I love the Metro interface on touch enable hardware), however I'm not that blind to see that there is still an issue elsewhere that needs to be fix. There are still barriers that customer need to be on board for, that helps developers make the decision.

I understand this. My post was a little time crunched so I didn't get to elaborate a little more on what I was trying to say. I completely understand what this can do for the Xbox. What Microsoft has a achieved here is complete unification. This completely dodges the fragmentation situation that plague Google's vision as we speak. I applaud them for doing it quicker and much more efficient than their competitors. I don't disagree with you, because I can see myself doing the same thing. However I'm looking at this in a top down approach. The Xbox is not the main platform that this entire system needs to succeed on. I get that whatever the developers make for the Xbox, will translate into all other devices and that's a big deal.

I guess what I'm trying to say is all of Microsoft's products have to sell the ecosystem. It can't just be one without the other. But since what i'm talking about doesn't even relate to the topic at hand, I'll stop with this and reserve it for a different topic.

In general, its good all around for Microsoft fans, Xbox fans, and Tech fan in general who finally can see Microsoft coming back from being the underdog to making serious decisions that can shape the way the platform build upon for the next couple of years. Under new leadership so far, some great announcements has come that really makes for a hopeful future. The vision they want to achieve is still far away but a lot more organized with this new announcement. I'm hopeful to see what comes of it, and hope that I am proven wrong about my opinion.

Shame, because that isn't what I said but of course, anything that pinches the side of anything MS must be negative. Can't have a different perspective I guess.

Did you read what you posted?

Comscore tracks the US not the world. If you look at Europe and other markets Windows Phone is taking off. Not only that but October 13 to Jan 14 is not YoY. Nothing you said invalidated my claim that devs will go where the money is and that Windows Phone is making almost as much as Android despite the dramatically smaller user base. And the other links you provided say Surface sales doubled. They aren't GOOD but they doubled. So yes YoY MS sales are getting better. In 5 years if the trend continues (I don't think we can expect double the sales per year) then MS would be golden.


what? I wasn't even considering to ever own a Xbox One but if emulators / plex are (possibly) working, I'll buy one asap.

(does the X1 supports external HD?)


Can I get a cliff's notes on this?

Does this mean that any app that's approved for the Win8 metro store will automatically be approved for Xbone? Or is there a separate certification process?

Because emulators, MKV players, etc... I just don't see that happening.


Entrecôte;106739273 said:
We don't know if store will be nearly as open as the windows store though. Their heavy kinect guidelines seem to suggest it may have closer inspection.

They only said to consider Kinect. With the apps rolling in from touch enabled devices, the UI will already work with Kinect. We don't know how other things will work and I bet Kinect won't be required for all apps but just offered as an input method.
Emulators on an Xbox one?



Emulators on an Xbox one?


There's just no way.

I'd bet my shoe that any app that's a game (or can play games) won't be allowed on Xbone unless it's sold through the traditional XBL channel. MS is stupid, but not that stupid.

Still, this will be cool for podcasts. My current set up of using a 3.5mm splitter to pipe my phone into my headphones while I game will finally be able to be retired. If I can background Spotify and shit... man. That would be amazing.

Games and emulators though? Absolutely no chance in hell.


Can I get a cliff's notes on this?

Does this mean that any app that's approved for the Win8 metro store will automatically be approved for Xbone? Or is there a separate certification process?

Because emulators, MKV players, etc... I just don't see that happening.

Apps have to be specifically approved for the Xbox. It is unfortunately not a completely open thing.
There's just no way.

I'd bet my shoe that any app that's a game (or can play games) won't be allowed on Xbone unless it's sold through the traditional XBL channel. MS is stupid, but not that stupid.

I agree with you 100%...but I'm still gonna come back to claim your shoe if you're wrong :p

Either way this is a big deal...potentially. I've got all my appendages crossed.


Can I get a cliff's notes on this?

Does this mean that any app that's approved for the Win8 metro store will automatically be approved for Xbone? Or is there a separate certification process?

Because emulators, MKV players, etc... I just don't see that happening.

Certification will be made on a per-device basis. So, I agree.


What's the point youre making?

You are stated why doesn't someone just buy an Ouya instead of Xbox One. They are so different it isn't even a question. Having some Windows Apps on the X1 would just be a bonus in addition to the AAA games on the platform. I have no idea how it compares to Ouya.
I am happy to see this, it most likely means that the Windows app ecosystem will receive a much needed boost. I want to buy a Windows tablet and the only thing stopping me is the lacklustre app ecosystem.


Senior Analyst, Fanboy Drivel Research Partners LLC
So far I have seen media players and emulators mentioned here, and while I understand the yearning for the former, there's no way there is ever going to be a SNES (or other) emulator in Xbox. The whole business model of Xbox is based on selling games, they don't want you to run free games on the console.

Also, Spotify, Netflix and HBO apps would hurt Xbox Live Gold business, unless they are all behind paywall. Having a podcast app without paywall would also be a tricky precedent, as it would allow you to access online content without Gold.

Apart from those, what apps would people like to see brought from their smart phones and tablets to consoles, and why would they rather use those apps on Xbox than on their phone/tablet? I have my phone within reach basically all the time when I'm gaming, and when I'm watching TV, I'm sure my wife would prefer me not to hog a third of the screen to check my Facebook feed or read emails.

So I don't see the point. Maybe there is one, and I'm just incapable of seeing it, but this thread has done a pretty poor job at convincing me that, as a consumer, this is anything to be excited about.


The Start screen will still be there since using the Start menu on a touch device is horrid but it looks people who prefer it will be able to use the Start menu on a desktop PC instead. The live tiles that you see were placed there, I believe you can remove them if you don't want them.

Personally I'll keep using the Start screen on my desktop because I find it more useful and easier to use.

What about something like the Giant Bomb app?

I'd like the live tiles as a desktop wallpaper. So they update and everything, and I can see them if I'm not doing anything, but any apps open in windows over them. I think that would be perfect


Hard to Kill
What might be problematic for the one is people not thinking it's a game console and it start to feel more like a computer but I don't think that's a good marketing move windows isn't very popular in general opinion and people who wants a computer will just buy a real computer cheaper but probably more powerful .
Making your console do exactly hat a PC can do is not a good idea I think because people might think for that price i'd better get a real computer
So far I have seen media players and emulators mentioned here, and while I understand the yearning for the former, there's no way there is ever going to be a SNES (or other) emulator in Xbox. The whole business model of Xbox is based on selling games, they don't want you to run free games on the console.

Possibly. Then again, I remember Major Nelson tweeting about that website that collects links to HTML5 games that can be played on Xbox One. It's not a huge stretch.


Also, Spotify, Netflix and HBO apps would hurt Xbox Live Gold business, unless they are all behind paywall. Having a podcast app without paywall would also be a tricky precedent, as it would allow you to access online content without Gold.

Aren't apps that are currently availalbe for X360 and Xbox One already behind a paywall? You can't even use IE11 or Skype without Gold.


Unconfirmed Member
I could have dreamt this but was there word of someone creating an X360 emulator for PC, if so could we see a round about way for backward compatibility?

1. Emulator for X360 games comes to Windows app store.
2. App becomes available on XB1.
3. Stick X360 disk into XB1.
4. Everyone cries with joy?

What might be problematic for the one is people not thinking it's a game console and it start to feel more like a computer but I don't think that's a good marketing move windows isn't very popular in general opinion and people who wants a computer will just buy a real computer cheaper but probably more powerful .
Making your console do exactly hat a PC can do is not a good idea I think because people might think for that price i'd better get a real computer
Would the real computer be able to play Xbox One games though?


I could have dreamt this but was there word of someone creating an X360 emulator for PC, if so could we see a round about way for backward compatibility?

1. Emulator for X360 games comes to Windows app store.
2. App becomes available on XB1.
3. Stick X360 disk into XB1.
4. Everyone cries with joy?

Would the real computer be able to play Xbox One games?

There's this: removed
But it works as a normal Windows/Mac application, not WinRT application.

EDIT: Apparently, it's fake. And virus. So I removed the link.
Would the real computer be able to play Xbox One games though?

For most 'Microsoft exclusives' the answer is yes. For multiplatform games, also yes.

And since MS was hinting at an easy programming conversion of games between MS-PC and the XBO, e.g. Forza, the question arises why one should buy an XBO, if s/he has a decent computer. I think that it is not a smart move to make the XBO exchangeable with a PC in the first place by making it 'yet another computer device' in the household.


There's this: http://xbox360emulator.net/
But it works as a normal Windows/Mac virus/trojan, not WinRT application.



fakes fakes fakes

edit On topic, I really like the new Windows redesign. This + DX12 and Windows 9 will be awesome ;)
Talking about emulators on Xbox one - there is a huge difference between developing an app and publishing it. Windows store is different from Xboxone store and requirements will be different. No way MS will allow apps like that.


There's just no way.

I'd bet my shoe that any app that's a game (or can play games) won't be allowed on Xbone unless it's sold through the traditional XBL channel. MS is stupid, but not that stupid.

Still, this will be cool for podcasts. My current set up of using a 3.5mm splitter to pipe my phone into my headphones while I game will finally be able to be retired. If I can background Spotify and shit... man. That would be amazing.

Games and emulators though? Absolutely no chance in hell.
Emulators won't be an issue, download all the emulators yoy want. Good luck finding games and getting them into the system though.


Emulators won't be an issue, download all the emulators yoy want. Good luck finding games and getting them into the system though.

Many emulators just sync with OneDrive though.

The fact of the matter is that MS is specifically approving which apps can be released on which platform. Just because it can run on an Xbone doesn't mean that it will be approved to be released there. Emulators just aren't going to happen. They would cannibalize the Xbone's core business. There's zero chance of that happening.

Media streamers, maybe. But I have my doubts there as well.

It also wouldn't surprise me if the entire app market was locked behind XBL Gold.


Guy on the Plex forum is at BUILD and had this to say:

Update on Universal Apps.

Making an app Universal from an existing Windows 8.1 Modern UI App, maybe 5 minutes to a very passable app.

Making an app Universal from an existing Windows Phone App... Don't even bother trying. Just start over. Don't refactor, it's not worth the effort... not a single line of code will be worth salvaging.

Further, Microsoft has officially confirmed that Xbox One Universal Apps are *very curated*, with the Xbox Team getting the ultimate say in whether an App will be allowed to run *prior* to a developer being allowed to apply their first test build to their own personal console.

Speculation, but I would assume that they are particularly paranoid about piracy and what can happen should someone be allowed to run arbitrary code on their game console.


Further, Microsoft has officially confirmed that Xbox One Universal Apps are *very curated*, with the Xbox Team getting the ultimate say in whether an App will be allowed to run *prior* to a developer being allowed to apply their first test build to their own personal console.

So even more curated than expected, then. Devs can't even run their first test build without explicit MS approval.

Emulators and piracy-enabling media players are never going to see the light of day.


Shame, because that isn't what I said but of course, anything that pinches the side of anything MS must be negative. Can't have a different perspective I guess.

In your first few posts the general tone was, "This doesn't really benefit the Xbox".

However, in the rest of the post above (that I just quoted from)...those points of conversation are fine...and don't come across with the same direction as the first few :).

Guy on the Plex forum is at BUILD and had this to say:

Expected. I don't blame them though. With a closed system with a definite purpose (gaming/media), one wouldn't want to let everyone just run wild. Doing something that could ruin your business and bring lawsuits (legitimate or not) is not something worth trying.

**I'd love to see them leave it open though..lol. I'm sure it would get crazy.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Guy on the Plex forum is at BUILD and had this to say:

Further, Microsoft has officially confirmed that Xbox One Universal Apps are *very curated*, with the Xbox Team getting the ultimate say in whether an App will be allowed to run *prior* to a developer being allowed to apply their first test build to their own personal console.

There go the emulators then.

This will be a fairly walled garden, I guess. It's a bit restrictive that a dev has to get approval before they can even really test it on a console too, but I suppose that might prevent a dev wasting their time if their app is rejected.
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